Bet you wish it was you in these pics w/ Rob!

Don't have a clue where these come from but they are new to me so hopefully new to you. Just please ignore the attractive women with Rob in either pic.


Sabrizzle said...

A BLUE knit beanie, what's that?! Wait a sec, I'm wearing a blue knit beanie as I type. Let's dress as twins Rob!

La Stella said...


Sabrizzle said...

His eyes look super blue and yummy in the first pic.

Tess said...

The girl in the first pic sort of looks like Dana! (except Dana's eyes rock a lot harder than hers)

anyone still here?

La Stella said...

I'm here Tess :)
and what I liked the most, is his jaw on the first pic .. yummy.

Gozde said...

Oooh, our boy is drunk :)) Look at those eyes. And the beanie, blue? Seriously? LMAO

Gozde said...

And Tess!!! Welcome back! I was just thinking of you yesterday, wondering where you were!

Kate said...

Aah the eyes are such a giveaway and impossible to hide, believe me i know.
I really like the bottom pic, he looks really relaxed and comfortable with her and she's gorgeous!!!
And ya I wish I was her LOL

Kate said...

Ooh the girl in the top pic is gorgeous too, no offence to her (oops)

And Sabrina I can just imagine you typing there with your blue beany on, I bet you look so cute!!

Ellie said...

The blue beanie reminds me of Mike Nesmith's from the Monkees...okay, I can't be the only one who remembers him... lol

Melissa said...

Love the blue beanie...he should rock that more often-change it up a little bit...hahaha...The bottom pic is good-a really good shot of the Sex Hair...R.I.P.....hahahha, ok I am on coffee overload today...too much vacation....

Oh, and Ellie...I do remember Mike from the Monkeys...LOL...the reruns of course not the original broadcast...a little young for the original over here....hehehehe

Kate said...

OMG I'm ashamed to admit I remember the Monkeys although I was very very young, not sure if they were re-runs. Actually we were probably a good few years behind you in the States with it, there that sounds better!!LOL

Kim said...

I once read a statement that there are two things that a man can not hide:

1) When he is drunk

2) When he is in love

In my observance of men I completely agree with tis.

I think Rob's eyes look blodshot and I agree with ya Goz.
I so want to see Rob drunk,not wasted drunk, just feeling it drunk, ever since I saw him out of Apple that one time.
Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" is a song I always think about with Rob.
The in love part he couldn't hide when he was gooney over Kristen during Twilight filming. When he turned his head trying not to care so much about what she thought about kissing him, he was so obvious.:);)

Good morning, ladies!

DirtyD said...

Some girls have all the luck! I'm loving the grizzly look in the second pic and dreaming of stubble burn.

Is that a new beanie I see? Maybe his mum knit it for him.

Tess- are you talking about moi? If so you're a doll, and I wish it was me!

Kim said...

Ladies, I think it just the lightinging on the beanie color,
sometimes that happens in photographs. Remember when his beanie looked blue during the NY Apple store photos?;)

Kim said...

sorry, it's just

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