
We posted the link for this interview with the DVD release info.
But here it is again embedded so you can all see it.


Lynn said...

I love that interview...I saw it a while back. Rob's super soft voice makes me shiver...just slightly.

The piano outtakes are just breathtaking...I had to avert my eye again! OMG, I cannot wait to see more Cullen outtakes...the Jasper wink is priceless!

BTW, Johnny Flynn is super talented and music is different and fun to listen to!

Lynn said...

*his music

Laura said...

I love this interview, too. It was good to see it again!

I just read somewhere that Ashley Greene said that Rob got in trouble for cutting his hair! The bigwigs probably were upset about it. That's so sad when he can't even cut his hair if he wants to :(

Ellie said...

Good morning, Laurs!

That IS sad...
But Rob's hair should grow in enough for filming, I would think. It'll be 3 months from when he first cut it, by that time.

Kate said...

Hi Ladies
Pity about them being upset !!!LOL
He did exactly what I would have done, if someone said "you can't do that" that would be more motivation for me to do something LOL

Go Rob!!!

And ya Ellie it'll be well grown back by then ;-)

Ellie said...

Hello, Kate!!

So, you're a rebel, huh? lol

Ellie said...

I'll be on to get going in the classroom. Hope to see you on here tonight, Kate!
Olive juice...xoxo

Lynn said...

I read the article about Rob getting in trouble for cutting and I say good for him....for oodsakes he's not under contract for indentured servitude and hair grows back.

I did like the new vid of Bay-Bay Lautner with his new eight pack and for the love of all that is holy.....I had to turn my head for all the cradle robbing naughtiness that went through my mind.

Shaking head!

Good morning, lovelies!

Lynn said...


DirtyD said...

Afternoon girls!

Lynn- LOL at the cradle robbing comment. Don't worry I think after seeing those abs a naugty or two went through all of our minds. You could wash your clothes on those things.

As for Rob's hair, it should definately be grown out by new moon. Guys hair usually grows fast. Give the poor guy a break, it's just hair!

Anonymous said...

Hey - I don't have a profile but I've posted a couple comments before. Just stopping by on my lunch hour. Interesting thread. I saw posts at Twilighters Anonymous on Ashley and Taylor. You'd think Ashley would have more inside scoop than just gossip about Rob's hair. I have mixed feelings if they asked him not to. I can understand wanting to stick up for himself but he has a committment to the film and not altering his appearance too drastically is part of that committment. Like me getting back to work now : ) before my co-workers catch me and raz me too hard for my twilight/rob crack addiction. I just hope getting abs like Taylor's is part of Rob's committment - and that is one he follows through on! Fingers crossed for some shirtless Rob in New Moon!

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