An actor is a person not a movie character It is obvious that Robert Pattinson’s role as Salvador Dalí would be a major factor for the film’s box office results. Let’s face it, the success of Twilight is due to the young British actor’s charisma and tremendous on-screen presence. But can he play gay and get away with it? When Leonardo DiCaprio did Total Eclipse which required the actor to do difficult sex scenes - it was two years before Titanic. You probably have not heard of this film before except from news that there are nude scenes of DiCaprio and that it is being exploited on the internet. I’ll give you an example of how critics reacted to the movie:
Kissing and sodomy scenes between the two men are photographed in frankly embarrassing close-up, while a sex bout between the married couple and its aftermath are shot in such a way as to call attention to the physical attributes of the participants rather than to the scene's dramatic content. Effect of this approach, with an increasingly pathetic Verlaine (Richard Thewlis) seeking repeated debasement at the hands of a haughty Rimbaud (Leonardo DiCaprio), is an attribution of utter sordidness and sickness to a gay relationship, an unusual stance in this day and age of liberation and advocacy.
Fortunately, the comparison between Little Ashes and Total Eclipse is limited to the story – both depicted a gay relationship involving famous artists. I would not be surprised if DiCaprio would not list Total Eclipse as one of his top favorites. But I would bet Rob, Javier and Matthew would find every opportunity to praise Little Ashes and promote it to their fans. Friends and those who have seen the advance screenings have commented on the artistic quality of the film and the lead actors’ high caliber performances. The common consensus is that Little Ashes is not only a “good movie”, but it has the potential to be considered a “great movie”.
Robert Pattinson is Salvador Dalí
"I just researched tons and tons of stuff because everyone spoke Spanish on the set and so I just read all day. It was the first time that I ever really got into characterization, trying to work on movements. There was a photo of him pointing and I kept trying to figure out how he pointed for like three days. I've never done that for any job. I was doing tons of stuff on his walk and such. By the end, I have no idea [how it turned out]. Someone said to me the other day, 'I had no idea it was about Dali until you had the mustache at the end.' I was just like, 'Oh, great.' I think it's a kind of homage to him, I guess, in that performance. I've never related to a character more than him, which is really weird because everyone thinks that he's some nut job.
When he was younger, if you read his autobiographical stuff – he wrote three autobiographies which completely contradict each other. Literally in one of them he said that his mother sucked his d-ck and all this stuff. And then in another one he says that his mother was the greatest mother in the whole world and gave him the best childhood he'd ever had. There are chapters called 'Truth' and other ones are called 'Lies' and then lies and the truths and stuff, it's just really funny. There was so much about him that I found fascinating. It's depressing how he did it himself and yet everyone sees him as this mask. He wanted that, but it's so funny how he was so much more than just this bizarre clown that he was at the end of his life who only cared about money. He was an incredibly complex person. I'm not saying that I am. I'm not at all."
Robert Pattinson may not be a complex individual but he has all the makings of a complex actor. Someone once said that in every generation, there will be a few who will form part of a special breed of actors – capable of attracting a wide range of movie audiences and at the same time, impress film critics and award giving bodies. Pattinson is definitely one of them, together with Jim Sturgess and Gaspard Ulliel; they belong to the cream of the crop. Apart from playing such an iconic character as Edward Cullen, Pattinson is now tasked to deliver another performance that would test his mettle as an actor. This time, he is playing a historical figure and quite a notorious one at that! While it might have been quite a challenge to play an age-old vampire, not to mention the constant pressure and invasion from Twilight fans, it would be an altogether different experience to play someone who has been controversial in life and in death.
Says Pattinson:
"…I guess that Edward is an iconic character too. But I just did the same thing, breakdown what you know about him. Also, there's a ton of literature which he wrote and about him and then you just kind of build that back up again. Also, when I was playing him it was when he was very young, 18 to 26 and the story is about his descent or assent into this caricature of which everyone knows. He was this chronically shy kid when he was younger. So it's really not playing Dali, per se, apart from towards the end of it - and I'm still not really playing him. It's more the mood of Dali I think."
There are roles described as ‘definitive’ – Heath Ledger’s Ennis del Mar in Brokeback Mountain is one. Dan Dune, the young Professor who is also a drug addict, played by Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson is another. While Pattinson has a long way to go as an actor, perhaps in ten years time, he’ll look back and remember how he once played a controversial artist who remains an enigma even to his peers…
Go HERE to read the rest of the article to explore the other actors and the roles they play in the film.
Wow, that is a tremendous article, both critical and praising at the the same time! I love how the authour described Rob's Dali role as a possible definitive role and to be compared to Dan Dune and Ennis Del Mar is the ultimate compliment. Both of those roles by Ledger and Gosling were beyond incredible.
Amazing article. Amazing man.
The people at the blitz sites are really great, I believe we posted the first part of this 4 part series a while back so be on the look out for more good stuff from TMF.
Hey, Dani! LOL I made the mistake of watching Half Nelson and Candy over a two day period (right before I discovered Twilight)...man, talk about downers!
These articles are fantastic! Keep up the good detective work, mija!
Oh I know, I watched Candy like a year ago and WOWZA sad times, although Heath did an amazing job in it. I have yet to watch Half Nelson but I heard it is good but yes downer big time
Yeah, I wish they both had the "take one Xanax before watching" label...I was bummerville for a few days...damn DVR!
lynn--"Candy" is one of my favorite movies. I heart RG, but "Half Nelson," in my humble opinion, isn't one of his better movies. I prefer his acting in "The Believer."
No mention of "Little Rob" in Little Ashes. I hear he has a starring role.
Lindsey---I haven't seen The Believer...I will have to look in to it. I found Half-Nelson to be just so gritty and real...RG had me convinced as a true addict. It was rather frightening.
Candy was fantastic! I also love the talents of Geoffrey Rush and Abbie Cornish. Heath Ledger just seemed much younger in that role...almost innocent. It really moved me but not as much as Ennis Del Mar.
Whoops, sorry so OT!
Anon---sorry, my bad...totally off topic! Talking out loud tends to happen a lot here!
Anon you are killing me. I heard that there is no actual money shot unfortunatly. However "little Rob" might sneak a peek at us while he is covered in the film by Rob's glorious hands. I am looking forward to the story being told but I cannot hide my enthusiasm at how Mr. Pattinson looks without his clothing. I am hoping for a nice butt shot.
Oh, that Little Rob...my mind needs to be in the gutter!
Dani---do you think it's going to be a nudey shot a la Jame Gumb in The Silence of The Lambs? I vote for a butt shot, too! Hells, you gotta have something for the ladies.
Good thing that Europeans are so comfortable with their sexuality, I don't think Rob or Javier will have any problem portraying the lust or passion between the characters. I am looking forward to seeing how that relationship unfolds how they portray that.
I hope we get a shot of that tush, he's been teasing us with those new jeans.
Yes I think it probably will be similar but not so "put the lotion in the basket" creeper style. I have heard it is his hands that cover the bits, I don't think they are tucked in this film. But what do I know.
I also heard that Dali wasn't very well hung so to speak and it was a large source of embarrassment for him. That when it wasn't hard, it was HARD to find. And it was rarely ever hard.
Hey girls! Yes a tush shot would be divine.
Hey Dana!
Dani---I am with you on the characterization of the relationship between Dali and Lorca. And, I agree that that Europeans tend to be more open and uninhibited about sexuality...so sky's the limit on the passion factor. I have a feeling that the love will be more soft and effeminate versus the hard love of BBM.
Dani---what is it with the word, HARD?
I just wrote hard love...WTH?
Hard is a hard word not to use these days when Robalicious and Danilicious are all over the page with goodness.
Damn, i'm officially FB flaired to the max.
Dani - word has it Mr. Pattinson's crown jewels are spectacular. And I'm not talking about 'sparkle' here.
Deleted scenes are a MUST on the Little Ashes DVD.
Yes, but you need to add mmm to hard and then Rob...oy vey!
MMMHARD...wow that sounds cool!
LOL Lynn!
Anon, thanks for the heads up, so to speak! lol
"MMMHARD"...I like that, Lymmm!
Anon---the jewels are so magnificent that they put the Queen's to shame!
LOL, I hope the Queen doesn't have THAT kind of jewels.
Dani and Sabrina---sweet Jesus, you guys are getting some major snow...we got some rain!
Sabrina---just a play on words...if I wanted some royal jewels---I would want to see William's or Harry's.
We have 8 inches of snow Lynn! We never get that much snow. And I think we're supposed to get some more Tuesday night.
I know Lynn, I was just being silly. Prince Harry is yummy!
Not sure If i should admit this but I saw Prince Willie's willie.
Perez hilton had it up and I peeked. Ok now I need to go to church...
Sabrina---wow, that's probably more excited since you've been out of the area. We are actually going to have some rain for Christmas...but ppl flying out are stuck with the inclement weather around the country.
Thankfully, I have my own "Prince" Harry, but, the Windsor Harry is quite the looker!
Dana---spill, was the royal wang worthy? I know where this thread is going!
Anon how do you know about the caliber of Mr. Pattinsons bits? I am sure every part of the man is lovely I am just curious if you have an insider force that needs to be shared with yours truely.
I am looking forward to the scenes from the "cutting room floor" as well. Like I have said before If I were Rob I would have been filming that scene and let go exclaiming a "NO HANDS" and a run around the set and giggle moment. Just cause...I don't think anyone would have minded that moment
Yeah Lynn, the snow is nice, but it makes visiting my friends difficult. Thankfully the snow didn't hit until I was already home, I feel bad for the people stuck in airports, bus stations, etc. I think this is going to be the first white Christmas I've had, I'm used to rainy Christmases.
Prince Harry of Windsor is pretty hot, I love redheads. I'd pick Rob over him, though.
Lynn- It was peep worthy, but I felt a little like a creeper!
Dani---we can only wish for a "NO HANDS" cutting room scene! I want the 411 on Rob's nether region...do tell, Anon!
Yes Anon, please share with the group.
Dana---if Wills was willing to unveil, then, it was there to show...don't feel creeperish. Think of it as arstistic knowledge!
This is coming from the woman that watched the bathtub scene in The Talented Mr, Ripley frame by frame to see Jude Law's bits.
Artistic knowledge...not arstistic knowledge..edit!
Shaking head!
Lynn- it was bad.....I didn't read the description until after I peeked at the pic. It was of him relieving himself if ya know what I mean. And an intrusive pap snapped a pic. Ok, I'm officially going to hell. Serves me right for looking at the damn pic without seeing where it was from!
Dana---oh no, well then there you go....Wills is a royal, why would he stoop to public urination? Is wasn't your fault that he was being stupid!
Lynn- thanks for your kind words. I never thought of it that way. I'm sure it wouldn't have been that hard (there's that word again) to find the loo!
Was Wills in London when said public urination occured?
Dana---Perez is known for the good lead in, I would have done the same things and would have done the "obligatory" whoops (and zoom in!).
Sabrina- I think he was playing soccer. Not sure if he was in London though.
Well, you can bet that Rob won't be peeing in public any time soon!
I gotta go. Laundry and dinner calls!
Well there should have been at least a honeybucket in the vicinity. He was kinda asking for it I guess, but at the same time I find it disgusting that the papz would take such pictures.
Bye Lynn!
I gotta go for a bit too. I have to get my little ones baithed and off to bed.
Bye for now Dana! I need to log off for a bit too for dinner. Talk to you lovelies later!
OMG, I'm really praying he's showing his dick here. Bristish actors aren't squamish. Please, I wanna see it
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