These are HQ pictures, click on them for larger view :-)

Thanks to http://robertpattinsononline.com/ for sharing the pictures :)
HERE is the video (embed is diabled). He is wearing the infamous leather jacket that looks at last a size too small :-)
And here he is signing autographs. (I hope you never lose the giggle Rob)
Serious Scream alert for the next one:
Thanks to Monica for the tip :-))
*Wipes tear from eye* Oh he's already left the Uk? But we only just got him back :(
Katie xxx
I love the second pic of Rob and Kristen--the side view. Look at that man's profile, it's stunning.
Side note: I like Kristen's dress. It would have been nicer if it was a different color, but she looked good in it.
Dunno if you guys have already seen this, but Rob's really funny. =)
Rob: "Cats die. You know you have a few years left. Cats don't even live for very long"
... maybe rob wants to be the one thing kristen can't live without. lol
See, he listens to me :D
He looks great. Of course. But he seriously seems more relaxed. Maybe the screaming isn't as intense, or maybe he is just numb to it all now. I do think it helps Rob to have someone to share the madness with. It definitely helps Kristen.
And Hello to everyone!!
Rob, glorious Rob! (sung to the tune of Food, glorious food from Oliver)
Stella - left you a love letter on the last thread my little Mexican Twinkle Star.
The stubble is seriously killing me! These HQ pictures are not good for my health...
Love these pics But if Kristen can wear a strapless dress then I'm sure Rob could loosen up a button or two. Can't be that cold. Just sayin : ) <3
Guten Morgan my lovelies!Rob mein Liebchen, ich liebe dich.
Goz the boy is crack in human form. Our own personal brand of heroin.
Anon hon - previously enjoyed giggle. Love how he can get a rise of out Kristen.
Lip Biting, Cheek Sucking, Jawline Stubble, Brown Leather, Edible yumminess, all in one photoshoot!!!
Are they trying to make us all croak before the holidays???
HQ pics are my friend, my very best, heart palpatatations inducing friend.
The color of his eyes is so breathtakingly blue. It reminds me of the water I had the pleasure of swimming in in the Bahamas and Hawaii.
Yep. Nothing like HQ Rob to get my day started right. The scruff is delicious, as always. I should probably stop rubbing my cheek again the screen though.
Hiiiiii girls! Hellooooooo bubble jacket! Love love love the bubble jacket.. DONT! BAHAHAHA.. sorry Stella :PP but you know I love you, don't?
Well ladies, just popping in to say good morning, I'm going to check the videos, cya later!
Sweet goodness he is lovely as usual. That leather jacket he is wearing should be burned as we dance around it naked. But other than that he is blessedly gorgeous as is the usual.
What is K Stew wearing? Its like white pleather....I don't know how I feel about it yet.
At first I felt bad for Kristen and how cold she must be. Then I thought, if I was standing that close to Rob, my own body temperature would be in no danger of dropping. I get overheated just looking at pictures of him. In fact, I might feel like I had too many clothes on....
I do believe that is the shirt and pants from the LA premier, he just lost the tie and dressed it down with the casual jacket.
Good Morning ladies,
HQ pics in the morning = LOVE
Thanks girls. You are the best :)
They both look great!
I think he will be back in London once they finishing promoting around the other cities on the schedule.
I'm betting he will be with his family for Christmas and everything.
Alright I really don't like K Stew's dress. The shape is nice but I don't like the material or perhaps its the color. Its a little severe on her.
I must say she and Rob look so comfortable together this time around its just weird. K Stew genuinely smiles and really appears to actually be having a good time. Rob looks cozy too.
I still feel there is some hidden tension between them. An attraction. Its there bubbling under the surface.
And Dani, my daughter has a dress very very similar to that one only it is made of a satin blend and has that sheen to it. Not sure if it's the same but it's a gorgeous dress up close.
And daughter's dress is royal blue which makes a huge difference in the way it reflects light.
Good Morning, Girls!
Another wonderful day of gazing in that sexy man's eyes, and at that jawline, those luscious lips, and, and, oh, you know the rest...
Bubble jacket!! (Rob's bringing the 80's back...) :)
Morning Ellie!
Dani--Totally agree about the sexual tension just bubbling under there.
Hey, Mona!! xoxoxo
I like the quotes game! But not too great at remembering them to make up a question...
Hi Ellie- I saw your question from last night about time zones.
I am in Michigan and am EST and yes we follow day light savings. So it's 12:26pm right now here.
Rob's channeling his inner Zoolander again, in pic #2...
Suck in those cheeks, baby, and undress us with those eyes! :o
Dana--Does part of Michigan not follow the times changes? Either that or it's Indiana...
I did wonder about Kristen always rocking the little dresses, it is winter afterall, but now i agree with Emly's reasoning - it's obviously the close contact with Rob getting her hot!
I think she looks a bit washed-out in white. He looks gorgeous as always.
Katie xxx
Ellie- I think it must be Indiana because we've always followed it for the 7.5 years i've lived here.
You're right about the white, Katie. KStew could have used a little color, as she's so pale and this just made her even mnore so.
A nice blue, perhaps--Edward would approve! LOL
Where is Jules today? I need to see that Mad-Lib!
Dana--My stepmom's sister used to live in White Pidgeon. Don't know where in Michigan that is, though. Only been there once, when I was in junior high.
Dana-- so looking forward to Juls' creation. She's amazing. She says what everyone else is thinking, and then some! :)
Hey, Mich, how are you, girl?
Hi Ellie! I'm fine, and you? :))
Did you finish your evaluations?
No, I'm 'working on them now", can't you tell??? LOL
(moving to next thread...)
Ellie- Ha ha, I had to check mapquest to see where White Pigeon is :P It's about 3.5 hours from where I am at.
I agree Dani and Ellie. It's THERE ;) haha ...underlying.
K this is off topic kinda, but did you girls read all the FB shenanigans that were happening over on the IMDB boards?? Good lord was that an episode. It all freaks me out cause Rob is going to be put through the ringer with constant stuff being made up online to make him look bad. Or I guess people will constantly be trying to hack into his in order to make him look bad to...either way it sucks! Yeah sorry to bring it up. All of it just really irks me, and I've been reading about it *shakes head*. Things get way to out of control sometimes.
God this is crazy, coming in so late on these pics, but my first thought was 'hey, kstew looks much more comfortable' the more time she spends with him the better? like they get to be friends again or something? also, that jacket he is wearing is perfect for Germany. Perfect. This guy can do no wrong, and even if he does, it's right. DAMN.
all of this pic just got me insane...i really really love the first pic of rob! with those blue eyes...im melting right now...
Hi Dayu and welcome to the melting zone.. lol
Wow those pics are........breathtaking.
WB Kate..
And new pics #2 is Intimidating Rob!! Yummiliscious!!
ok you are changing the order.. lol now it's number 1
He looks like wolverine in the first picture now that the thread is updated. Either wolverine or a little constipated...perhaps both.
Dana- I love the 2nd picture as well. It looks like he's whispering something fun into her ear..
"I've have Oregano duck taped in my closet... let's go"
Rob looked smoldering hot as usual, but, Clare should have made the Michelin Man jacket "accidently" disappear out of one of the duffle bags.
"I still feel there is some hidden tension between them. An attraction. Its there bubbling under the surface."
- You are now officially my favorite person miss Dani. =)
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