I was going to make the title: Rob Pattinson tells off an a-hole that called himself a comedian but decided not to. The story doesn't sound real, I don't believe anyone would think THAT would be funny. And this is from US Weekly so there is always a doubt on the story but here you go:

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt
That is awesome. Go Rob...and shame on people for bringing that crap up. Have some damn respect for the departed. Comics can be crass and not the proper crass that we are so used to around here.
What a fucktard that comic was!
Wow is this true. Good for him if it is!
And good for him being at a No to Prop8 gig
It makes me love him even more <3
Katie xxx
Well, thank goodness that Rob has the balls to stand up for what is right! Who ever this comedian is, is a heartless motherfucker!
It is US Weekly Katie take it as you will with a grain of salt. But I see Rob being a stand up guy so I am more inclined to believe that he might have had a few choice words for a insensitive asshole who would do such a thing.
I don't know that I believe he would all out yell at someone, but if I were wittness to such a terrible lack of respect as that comedian showed I would have done the same thing, no matter celebrity death or regular guy off the street you just don't do crap like that. It is really not okay.
I am going to bed ladies :))
Kisses all around! See you tomorrow!
Dani---I left you a voice mail!
Oh gosh I have no idea where my phone is Lynn...the baby is asleep so I will give you a call in like an hour or so is that okay?
Let me find that damn phone first!
Lol---you sound like me....dh dropped wateron the keyboard last night. I have to use my on screen kb....ahhhhhgggggg!
Oh babe im sorry. You know I have no idea how I survived so long without my own computer it is so nice to be in the know.
I will indeed call you in an hour when I find that blasted phone. Unfortunatly it is probably on silent. So dammit I cannot just call it with the home phone.
Oh sweet God I just read what the "wittness" said they heard Rob say. "Fuck you, you suck!" I would hope Rob is a bit more clever than that on his toes.
Still made me giggle. Love it when Rob says the F word. Supa sexy!
All right Rob! Loving you for having a true heart!
Good for Rob & friend! What a douchebag. Not only is he using someone else's name to try to make himself relevant, but he chose someone who isn't even alive to defend himself, or respond.
Hmmm, to believe or not to believe....
Hi, ladies!
I'm so proud of our boy...
He's got a concience.
Hello Ellie...
Hi, Kat!
Love your effing staus on FB!! :)
Hello loves!
Hi, Sabrina!
You ladies were burning up the blog last night! I couldn't believe how much I missed last night!
Hola Ladies! Y'all are putting lots of pressure on me....
Hi, honey pie!
We're still in PA, staying another night and going home tomorrow.
Are you having a nice visit in PA, Ellie?
Oh, I'll show you pressure Jules...
Ye, but we actually weren't here much today...we went to NYC to see the Rocketes and Radio City...man, they were unbelieveable!! What those girls cn do with those leg....would make Rob proud! hahaha
Kat, you'll turn me on if you keep talking to me that way...how very dominatrix of you!
pres-sure! pres-sure! pres-sure!
That's the whole point Jules... ;-)
LOL Ellie! The Rockettes are always my favorite part of the Thanksgiving parade. I'm jealous of their kicking skills.
Get you turned on and see what your wicked mind comes up with...
Yep I have been writing... just haven't gotten to the good stuff yet....
Jules, you're a dirty, naughty girl for not writing ...but, then again, you're a dirty, naughty girl when you do write...
And that's why we love her, Ellie!
Man, I was feeling the naughty today...Intense daydream about Rob...whew!
Ellie... there we go with the fucks again...
BOB got a workout!
Speaking of workouts... I'm off like a pair of dirty socks. Night ladies... sweet dirty dreams to you all.
Kat, the fucks were flying, I see, last night!
Jules, who's Bob?
Battery Operated Buddy....
Goodnight and fucking hot dreams Kathryn!
Good night, Jules...miss talking with you..olive juice, always.
Oh, duh on me.
oops! It's Kat the signed off...night, Kat and olive juice to you, too!
Jules, "welcome back"! LOL
Ellie, i was wondering!
just flaky me, again...
You got me all confused there for a second Ellie!
Man, I either got to quit writing and stay here, or quit here and start writing....
I'm usingKatie's laptop again and I'm concentrating on the typing, so I guess I'm missing stuff...this hotel wirless internet connections so slow! I'm sorry if it takes me so long...
Oh tough choice! I want you to keep writing, but I don't want you to leave Jules!
stay.....just a little bit longer....please, please stay,...just a little bit more.
Have no fear Sabrina...my new flash drive is coming in pretty handy at work. I get chances to update all the time.
crap, my whole song that I wrote you, Jles, never showed up...It was Jackson Browne's Stay.
Hehehe, thank you flash drive!
nevermind...it came up...:)
Hey, are you flashing while you drive, Jules???
LOL Ellie!
Anyone still here??
Only if Rob's in the car...wait for it!
Speaking of... did y'all get that email I just sent?
Damn, I ca't wait to be back on my own computer at home, again...this is so damn s-l-o-w!
not yet, babe...brb (soon, I hope...)
I think I got it, I have one message that is taking forever to download.
Well, while y'all do that, Im gonna bounce between here and my story....
Jules, the computer says I have 15 minutes to download your song...so I'm back on here...
Very nice vid Jules! He is so gorgeous!
Only up to 30 percent downloaded...this is gonna take a awhile
I just love that song...gets me all gooey inside...Plus, it got me writing some good stuff just now!
Gooey inside is good, Jules! :)
I can't wait to read it Jules!
Jules, how are the boys today??They must be so happy to be home again...
Yep, happy and getting yelled at as usual for fighting with one another!
Okay, I know that was totally OT...sorry.
brb...download is done...Yipee!
Omigod, Jules...this was wonderful.Who needs batteries...I'm already there!
That's just what I did earlier to get inspired...it worked cuz, I'm writing! I just found a good place to stop though.
Just wait until she finishes the story she's working on, Ellie.
Gotta go get my flash drive and save what I've written...BRB!
Another good one? Wait, scratch that...I already know it is.
Your writing is incredible, Jules.
Sabrina, did I miss a lot last night?
Hi Robkats!
Hi Jules, Ellie & Sabrina!
I see you mentioned Jackson Browne's "Stay" song Ellie!
You love Jackson Browne also?!
How is everyone tonight?
I just back from watching "Marley & Me"
We were talking about Wide Awake for awhile and we talked about The Haunted Airman some, too.
Hi Jov!
Hi, Jov!
I love Jackson Browne; mostly his old stuff.
How was the movie??
Cheese! Hey baby girl! How was the movie?
Ellie, my favorite Jackson Browne song is "These Days" he wrote it when he was sixteen.
I used it in my book. Jules you're writing again.
"Just stay a little bit longer" JB
I haven't had the chance to read too much of it...will get the chance once I get home.
The movie made me cry.
But Macaroni you know that is not difficult to do!
I came home and hugged my labs.
I also went to lunch with sufer dude and we had a serious talk, it was by the water, at a restaurant outside because it was a gorgeous day.
Ellie! How were the Rockettes?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Jovie, I'm planning on putting my fan fic out there. I finally got my fan fic account set up and working so...I'm currently trying to update and write something new!
I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I spent a lot of time reading it on Saturday and Sunday.
What's up with surfer dude....Good, bad, indifferent?
Jov, he Rockettes were awesome...some very talented ladies, there.
Jules, will the stories be part of whizkid??
I read the book Marley & Me.
I've been thinking of you all day Elle.
No Ellie, that's my pop culture blog... I actually will publish my stories on FanFic.net!
Sounds good Jules. I think you are so talented.
It would be great to have some of your writing out there. Just keep some to yourself of course.
Absolutely...my journal is for that. I'm sure it's just as dark and creaky in my head just like Rob's!
Surfer dude is wonderful, but he our relationship is not balanced and it makes me a bit sad.
I don't feel the same way and that is always a difficult position to be in.
He gave me diamond earring for Christmas and it just made me uncomfortable.
How do you accept a gift like that when you don't feel the same way?
I game him a shirt and a book for Christmas...geez.
Girls, I need advice.
Very cool, Jules, I am so excited for you. Now everyone else will see wht we've know all along. You write compelling, hot stories. And you leave us wanting more...signs of a great wrier.
Jovie I made a little Rob video today...want me to send it your way?
I'm listening to "These Days" right now.
When I was out to lunch with him I told him how I felt today and it's just difficult to hurt someone, how do you tell someone that you care about very much that it's not leading into that direction?
You've been honest. That's all you can do. When it comes to relationships the person who controls it is the one who cares the least. You're in the driver seat on this one....
HELL YES JULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jules I made a vid also, tell me/teach me how to get the damn thing published so you all can see it.
Can I publish it on my blog?
I just sent you some Rob luv to cheer you up!
What movie app are you using?
Windows Movie Maker, love.
Thank you Macaroni!
I luv ya.
Ellie, I think I'll listen to Jackson Browne all night in honor of you, it's a JB nite.
BRB, I'm going to take a lookie loo, girls.
And go to the loo also.
thanks, sweets.
That's the one i use. I'm still a novice. Just figured out how to add the effects! (Slaps forehead loudly.) Going to publish my vid on Google then post it on the blog using the settings button. You can post vids from google and youtube.
I've never even attempted to make a vid for google or youtube.
Me neither, Sabrina...I'm clueless when it come to that stuff.
I could probably figure it out, but I've never really felt the urge to try making a vid.
I have so much fun watching everyone else's ! lol
I'm uploading the second one i made today...lot of same photos, but with effects and to "Sex on Fire". I'll post it on my blog....
That's just one of the best damn things I have EVER seen!
Great song selection!!!
I LUV the jazz at the end!
I was skipping on the way over there and now I am dancing suggestively on the way back.
To hell with Jackson Browne tonight you have totally changed my mood Jules.
Thank you love.
I'm so smiling right now.
He has an intoxicating grin and it has so cheered me up!
It's still uploading...crap!
You are so welcome...why do you remind me of a big goofy lab right now?...hmmmmm...
Oh dear God Jules, "Sex on Fire" is the perfect song for Rob.
I want to show you my vid so bad before I blab what it is and ruin it for you.
I think you'll luv the song!
The upload is complete...It's just processing right now. I'll post it on the blog as soon as it becomes available!
"I" remind you of a lab? :) Me?
Sabrina, hell yes, Rob is so Sex on Fire, isn't he?
It soooo describes him.
He has the three "S's"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jules, you have the best library of Rob pics that I've seen. And the choices were perfect for the last video!
Spill! 3 S's?
Pattinsononline's gallery...I get lost in there for hours on end....
Yes, he truly is sex on fire Jov! I also can't listen to "Sex Type Thing" by Stone Temple Pilots or "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails now without thinking of him.
Well, excellent, sexy choices...
and robertpattinsonsource.org
Okay luvs each guy I date has to have these three:
Rob has those three without a problem.
"Closer" turned me into puddle knickers the other day thinking about Rob!
Hands down and "SEALED"!
I think Rob is the definition of the 3S's!
and "single"?
I've had "Closer" stuck in my head for the past few days, and it has not been good for my sanity.
The video is ready...brb!
Sabrina, It's been awhile since I've listened to those songs, I will listen right away when I finish chatting with you and go listen and think of you and Rob.
I bet they are sexxxxy songs.
Can't wait.
Ellie, LOL, def Single.
Bastard, one tried that with me and didn't let me know he was single.
Grrrhhh. Men.
lol, Jov
Single is def a requirement. But not for some men.
Good thing I was listening to him or I wouldn't of caught some things,
Especially good~ the not rush into sex rule also. By the second date I knew he was lying.
I'm sorry Ellie, I said single instead of married. Sorry I was remembering some things and got a bit shook up. lol
I figured that was what you meant, Jov. :)
Thank you Ellie, you're so forgiving of me luv.
Jules, is the vid ready?
How do I get mine up tonight so you three can see it?
Jules, where did you disappear to?
I'm bouncing in my seat wanting to share it so badly.
Hey, I just sent you the link...blogger is having a hard time, but you can see it on your e-mail! It's yummy!
LOL, if I were a guy that would of been pretty suggestive.
Jovie, have you published it in movie maker?
Thank you, love! I'm going to wait until I get home to watch it.
I won't have to wait so long for it to download. I just KNOW it will be yummy! xoxo
Jules, are we okay about me and Texas??
Yes, I have published it on Movie Maker.
I just want to show it so badly.
I have a listen of about 10 songs I want to do vids to after I finished this one, It's a lot of fun isn't it Jules?
Publish it. Send it to Google or just attach the file and send through email! I had so much fun farting around with that...
Well gals....it's late...I'm up way past my bedtime, but since I seem to suffer from Pattinsomnia all the time now.... It's to be expected.
Hugs to all! Ells, we'll chat longer tomorrow when we can get a chance!
Hugs and Olive juice to all and to all a good night!
sorry, meant list.
You start Jules, stay on okay?
Jovie, it's almost midnight here and i have to be up at 5 a.m.... otherwise...I'd be talking to ya into the wee hours...
Hugs, Jules!! You KNOW I lurve you!
Olive juice, babes...xox
What the hell is wrong with me wishing you to stay away?
I luv ya schemexy lady.
Hope you have sexy dreams tonight.
{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS FROM ME }}}}}}}}}}
Jov, i saw your avatar pic last night, but after you took down that larger one on your profile...
I'm proud of you!
And yes, you needto get theFB account just for us Robkats, like I did! :)
Wish we were all in the same time zone. Tomorrow nite I might not be on because I'm going out with friends to drink and dance and sing.
I wish all of us could be doing all that together, we would have a blast.
Thank you Ellie!
So you didn't see the large one?
The photo I showed was when I was 17 and I've changed of course since then.
I thought I look different enough now that I wouldn't be recognized.
You know how paranoid I am.
Ellie, I am tempted to do a FB account but you know the guilt I already feel.
I would think so! It's been ten years, right? LOL
And no, I just saw the small avatar...long legs! :)
Thank you for being proud of me, but I look like one of his sisters and he would never be interested.
I had dorky white pants on that weren't long enough.
I was in Mexico, in that pic. It was a high school graduation trip.
I basically look the same but my hair has gotten darker so now I lighten it or it's just a towheaded gone bad color now.
Jov, I have to apologize for the slow computer, here...hang on with me...the connection sucks.
You would have so much fun with the FB...I only hav it for us...I won't even let my daughter be a "friend"! LOL
long legs, remind me of the Rockettes, I so wish I could of seen that show with you.
Hey, if you go onto FB, you can see what I look like!!hahaha...
no big prize, but I broke down and found a few okay pics to put up.
the flair are fun.
LOL Ellie. Okay I will do it you have convinced me, but I'm a FB virgin so it's another thing I'll have a learning curve about.
I saw the previews on Marley & Me about "He's just not into YOu" and Drew Barrymore's character was saying now there are seven technology things I have to check!
That is what I am trying to avoid.
But I luv ya I could give it a try at least.
Jules and Kat were telling me last night it's worth it.
Also, I do dress better now Ells since I was seventeen.
Don't worry about your slow connection, I understand.
I feel like I'm backing off again Ells, I just was thinking I already get chewed out how I don't answer my cell phone.
Does FB take a lot of time?
Jov, it was so much fun today. Wewent with my in-laws.The show was about 1 and a half hours lon and the Rockettes dnced abot 7 numbers..My daughter is a tapper (11 years, now) and she LOVED it, seeing the combinatns ofsteps that sheknows. Santa wasgreat, too, along with the Live Nativity scene.
NYC was okay...I hate going into the city.Too many people and no one says excuse me, much, when tey bump into you, which is often, since it's the holiday seson. I wan't thatimpressed with the tree at Rockafeller Center...
It's not too bad...I just got it last month or six weeks ago, can't exactly remember. I'm just learning by trial and error. We can help you with that. You know about how we look out for each other... xox
Oh, Ellie I could just imagine how much your daughter loved the show. I bet she never forgets it.
I am always so ultra polite, I'm like a Canadian with manners.
I am always too nice and cities always wear me out after awhile.
Where I live it's very coastal and relaxed.
Man, my typing sucks on this laptop (more than usual, at least! ) hahaha
Yes, I luv how we look out for each other here...Ahhh...
The Live Nativity. I would LUV that also.
My n iece when I got to her it's one of the first things she told me she got to do at church was be Mary in the church play.
She was so excited she got to be Mary. I was so sorry to miss seeing her. Distance is so sad sometimes.
Ells, your typing is great.
Remember who you're talking to the queen of typos.
Sounds like a nice place to live...I live on a lake on the NY/NJ border, north, center of the state.
Where you live sounds good also, Ells.
If you're interested of photos of Carmel their website is
I so love your avatar, Ells.
Am I keeping you awake?
haha aout you typos!! Just kidding, lovey...
Oh, she got to be Mary! How awesome is that!!!
And yes, Katie loved the tapping...I'm sure she'll talk about it in her tap class next week.
I think I will get tobed, very, vey soon...my eye actually closed a few times during the show today! We got up at 5:30 and drove 2 hours from PA to NYC and thn 2 and a half hours back and then decided to stay on more nigh in this hotel before going back home tomorrow...
So, love, olive juice ...I really enjoyed our chat tonight. I don't often get that chance, we're always on with so many girls. xoxo
Enjoy your day tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing your video when it's done!
Thanks Ells. You also.
Sweet hopefully Rob dreams.
I'll got try to post it to my blog now and listen to Sabrina's songs she suggested.
Nite, Ells.
got try, LOL
I feel punchy drunk.
Okay, I'm off.
Muaahhh! Yes I am happy I got to chat with you also more than usual.
I will crash after the song listening and not think about the vid maybe, if I can think that hard.
Sorry I suddenly left awhile ago, my friend who I haven't talked to in a long time called. What's happening?
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