E! Online has created a Celeb Addictionary this is what they have to say about Rob and some of the new words he has inspired.
Since the launch of Celebrity Addictionary, no other celeb has spawned so many new words to describe the effect of his or her ungroomed fabulousness upon the public.
There's something about Rob—that glorious (now tragically shorn!) hair, those furry furrowed brows—that makes him catnip for the lexicographically inclined. Perhaps it's the bookish pallor or the fact that he plays a character who appears in a best-seller, but there's something there that's attracting wordsmiths.
Here are some fan submitted Rob inspired words and their deffinitions:
Pattinsonic Boom-noun, The hastily assembled cottage industry related to the rise of Rob Pattinson, also the sound of his fame exploding. See also, Pattinsonic bust
Pattzon-noun, a strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor towards Robert Pattinson
Pattinzane-noun, An unhealthy obsession with Robert Pattinson characterized by the inability to distinguish the actor from the character he plays in Twilight.
Robaliciousness-noun, The hastily assembled cottage industry related to the rise of Rob Pattinson, also the sound of his fame exploding. See also, Pattinsonic bust
Pattronize-verb, To humor one's Twilight-obsessed friends
Pattinsomnia-noun, A condition of wild-haired sleeplessness suffered by certain fans of Rob Pattinson due to a) an inability to stop wondering where he is and what he's doing and why he won't call; b) a passionate desire for him to appear in the window sill at night with a rose in his hand and your name on his lips
Pattinsloth-noun, A person who avoids work, school, or other responsibilities in order keep up with Robert Pattinson-related content on the internet.
Pattinsonitis-noun, a sickness experienced by avid fans of Robert Pattinson; a sickness of which they don't want to be cured. Symptoms: excessive obsession and adoration for Rob
Pattinized-verb, As to be dazzled by Robert Pattinson. Caught in his awesome presence, and only to be used for the one and only...hottest man alive and to ever live Robert Pattinson
Robtastic-adjective, So completely incredible that it is almost as FANTASTIC as Robert Pattinson or depicts a good characteristic of Robert!
Pattistrofic-noun, The effect Robert Pattinson has had on women.
Robinator-noun, THE Robinator (and only to be used as such) is an alternate name for the libido-increasing machine that is Rob Pattinson.
And for the Crème de la Crème!!!
ROBSESSED-adjective, Victim of Rob Pattinson's awesomeness
You can go HERE to the source and suggest your own Rob words. My favorite is the last one, but I could be just a little biased. Just a teeny bit.
ROBSESSED is the best!! It's even my "emotion" on myspace...sick! LOL At lease we all have a safe place to be Robsessed...away from all those whom do not understand...ok, way to deep on that one...is my obsession showing yet???
Ha...this Robdictionary is ridiculous. Its awesome times though, there are so many...its just hilarious. But yes I am partial to Robsessed. Its just the best one by far.
1) some of those are quite dumb, lol.
2) I suffer from Pattinsomnia, but not because of those reasons. I suffer it because I stay up talking to this lovely ladies.
Loooveed Robsessed! hehe
But I'm def suffering from pattinsomnia :)
This was hilarious! Made my day reading it!
Oh some of them are ridiculous, they are all fan submitted though so you know some crazy tween fangirls send in some of them. But it is good for a laugh either way.
I haven't even heard of most of these and I'm not going to start incorporating them into my vocabulary because most of them are dumb. "Robsessed" on the other hand, is a perfect description of Rob's effect on all of us. And it's the name of the best damn blog around, so it's obviously the winning term!
Jules, Ellie and Sabrina- If you girls find your way to this post, it's been a pleasure chatting with you tonight, as always.
Goodnight and Merry Christmas.
"ROBSESSED RULES!" This is too funny! Thanks Dani for posting this! How many times do some of us use these words....SO LAUGHING right now!
Goodnight and Merry Christmas to you as well Dana! I hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow and steamy Rob dreams tonight! xoxoxoxo
Nite Dana...I'm dragging my vodka soaked butt right after you....
Olive Juice to All! But to my special "twin" sister...OMG I so love ya gal! What a special wonderful friend you turned out to be! Thanks Santa....this one is a GGGGRRRRREAAAATTT! gift! I think I'll keep her....."
Goodnight Jules! I hope you have some hot Rob dreams tonight that inspire more fanfic! Love ya babe!
Ah...my other Rob lovelies as well...Without your waves of adoration, our lovely Rob boat of salaciousness, perverted, incredibly romantic, undenialbley hot, unwashed hair pantheon list of comments would make anyone else's head spin. So send our boy some PG loving! He so deserves it....
Ellie, where are you, love?
Jules and Dana, goodnight, babies!
My internet connection crapped out on me and took this long to get connected agoain... Iam so %^(^&*^
Sabrina..I'm out too! Have to be at work in less than 6 hours!
Holy Crap Cheese Batman! I'm sick and I'm tired!
Jules, if you're still here, right back at ya' babe! mmmuuuaaahhh!
Sabrina, I'm so hating this computer right now! aaaggghhh!
Even with DSL, it's slow and I missed out .
Goodnight Jules and Ellie! Merry Christmas and steamy Rob dreams to you both! I love you ladies mucho! xoxoxoxo
I hate when the internet craps out Ellie! It's so effing annoying. Maybe Rob's hotness caused it to short out.
sabrina, you signing off as well?
Could be, could be... LOL
No, I think I misread your comment Ellie. You're not leaving, are you?
Not quite yet..You know, I forgot that I still have the oven going from before, I never finished the cookies! I'll be back in 1 minute, I'm going to put a dozen on the oven...brb, i promise!
Haha, okay I'm glad you're not signing off yet.
Okay, back!!
I can't believe you're still baking cookies at this hour!
Did you ever get your grade for your final art project?
Yeah, I forgot...so now tomorrow I have only 1 or 2 more kind to do...I use them as an extra when giving presents.
I don't know what I got on that project specifically but I got an A- in the class. I don't think she gave an A to anybody in the class. I got an A in my other 4 classes.
That's so great! so you're a brainiac like my daughter, huh?! super!
That's sweet of you. We've only made a batch of magic bar cookies and peanut butter fudge. Hopefully I can make some pecan bars tomorrow. I think having birthday cake in the house takes away motivation to bake.
Okay, where did you disappear to...are you baking cookies?? LOL
:D I was surprised I got an A in my PR class, I thought I was going to get a B+ at best in that one.
What are magic bar cookies?
They have a graham cracker crust and with condensed milk, coconut, chocolate chips, and walnuts on top. They are delicious!
Okay, I think I know what they are.I'm not big on cocoanut, but I like the graham crackers, chocolate chips, and walnuts
I was looking over the rob words while waiting for this damn computer to switch to the comments, and I don't use any of them except Rosessed and Robilicious. The rest are Robdiculous (haha)...
I don't know how good they would be without the coconut because it helps create the chewey texture. My mom and I have kind of given up making regular Christmas cookies, it takes too much time.
Disd you have fun on here tonight? some nights are a little slower, but with nights like tonight, the comments are flying like bullets. so hard to keep up .
Those are the only ones I use, too. Sometimes I throw in Robtastic. I don't even think I've heard of the rest of them, and I don't want to start using them.
I 'm getting better at it, I think.
Poor Lindsey, she felt behind on it. She'll catch up, though.We all do, I think. Rob would approve. lol
Yeah, tonight was awesome. I love it when we get on a roll!
With this slow DSL ( I thoughtit was supposed to be fast...), I write something and by the time it posts, I'm 7 spots down!
Yeah, I felt bad because she felt like she couldn't keep up. I think the longer you hang out here, the easier it is to add to the discussion. If you don't keep up on the comments it's easy to feel lost.
Oh, time to get cooling cookies off the pan and new ones on and in the oven...brb again...
Oh that has to be annoying! I get my internet through our fiberoptic cable and it's pretty fast. We have vonage for our phone and sometimes that messes up the internet and we have to turn off like five things and slowly turn them all back on.
Do you have the Twilight Movie Score?
I've been listening to it so much, it's kind of temporarily replacing the soundtrack.
I keep remembering thscenes where the orchestration plays...My favorites are numbers 1, 2, 7, and well, I guess I like a lot of them.
I forgot that Lizzie Pattinson sang vocals on the cafeteria scene music
No, I don't have the score or the soundtrack. I put the soundtrack on my birthday/Christmas list so I might have it soon. I don't use itunes because I don't have an ipod. I have a 20GB mp3 player that has a radio built in that cost the same amount as an ipod when I bought it. It still works so I don't want to replace it.
wow, are all you ladies still on here? i got busy at work so i missed out on most of the convo.
sabrina -- i have the score on zip file if you want it.
Hey Thao! It's just me and Ellie chatting right now.
Will I be able to open it with windows media player?
Katie has an ipod, my husband has a nano, and I just recently got a shuffle as a gift from a former student. she graduated in June and her family gave it to me. It was such a surprise...I hadn't had her in my class for 3 years!
I t was very sweet of them and quite unexpected.
Hi, Thao!!!
What time is it by you? It's 2 here...am I'm still baking cookies... :)
That's very sweet of them! I admit that I'm a weirdo, but I still don't download music. I just buy cds and rip them to my computer and put them on my mp3 player. I'm a sucker for album art, plus I can easily listen to the cds in my truck.
I do actually prefer CD's, too. I listen to the shuffle when I'm working in the garden or doing stuff around the house.
brb again...
I usually just listen to my music while I'm on the computer and listen to the radio while I'm in the car and in the shower.
Music is a MUST in the car! :)
One more pan full aftet this one...thank you for keeping me company and awake!!xoxo
to put up with me and katie while we sing loudly in harmony, in the car...usually the Beatles, and lately, the Twilight soundtrack.
No problemo! I absolutely love singing at the top of my lungs by myself when I'm driving. That's one of the things I've missed while I've been down in California because I left my truck at home. And with all of this snow I haven't had a chance to drive anywhere since I've been home.
Oops, missed the first part of my last comment ; it should say : My poor husband, he has to put up with me and Katie singing...
sabrina -- i don't see why you can't play it on windows, i actually have realplayer as my default so i don't use windows media.
ellie -- it's past 11pm here for me in california. you're still baking cookies? wow...you've been on that for hours!
Well, get chains on those tires (or have charlie swan do it for you) and get that cute little ass of yours out on the highway!!! lol
i like ROBSESSED the best too! don't know if i'll ever use the other ones.
have you ladies read the opera from jules? i just did and i am so hot and bothered!
Thao, I kind of got sidetracked here...and forgot that I had the oven on. No cookis in there, though, so now I'm finishing up. One maore pan. Whew! and they'd better taste good, after all this! :)
I don't want to waste money on chains, it rarely snows around here so I'll just wait until it turns back into rain. I just hope that happens soon.
i've read it sabrina -- delete away
Yes, I did. She's the best there is!!! yowza!
Yeah, I read Jules' opera fanfic a few hours ago. She definitely has a way of making all of us feel hot and bothered.
I really feel Jules should publish. there's a real market for her writing.
Maybe toned down a bit for mass market, but we like it the way it is, right here... :)
Okay, comment deleted.
Yes, Jules should publish. She really knows how to write in a way that appeals to women.
I've never read that "genre" before, but wow, now I know what I've been missing!!
I'm so glad I'm on vacation and can sleep in tomorrow!
I really needed this. The class was getting very "classic" all their stimming and compulsions this week. they get just as hyped about the holidays as anybody.
Before reading Jules' fanfic, I had only read two other fanfics by the same author and they were both of that nature. I found the link on here awhile ago, but they weren't as good as Jules' stuff. I've since read some other fanfic of that "genre," but most of it isn't that great.
sabrina -- i'm having issues with my internet connection, it won't let me email it.
You deserve a break, Ellie! Sleeping in is the best, I've been sleeping until about 11 each morning for the past few days. Unfortunately I have to wake up early tomorrow to go to the chiropractor.
Don't worry about it Thao, you can send it to me later if you get the chance. Thank you for trying!
does jules have a link to her previous work? i've read erotica from from easilyaroused.blogspot.com before and i've loved erotica since.
yay sabrina, it went through! you've got mail.
Well, I guess it is time for me to finally hit the sack...cookies are done. Long time-a comin'.
I hope you both have very sweet dreams of our schmexy man...I know I will. Is there any other kind of dream, lately? lol
Olive juice, girls!
Merry Christmas! xoxo
Goodnight, Merry Christmas, and steamy Rob dreams to you too, Ellie! I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow! xoxoxoxoxoxo
sweet rob dreams to you too ellie!
merry christmas and olive juice.
Thanks Thao! I think Jules posts on fanfiction.net, but I don't know what her username is. Next time she is online you should ask her to send it to you.
i'm turning in also sabrina, sweet raunchy rob dreams to you darling! chat with you tomorrow hon!
Oh, Thao, it didn't have the score attached.
Goodnight and schmexy dreams to you too Thao, I'm going to bed also.
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