Yeah....I didn't think so.

This year Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson solidified themselves as Hollywood players. Starring as Bella and Edward in the amazingly popular "Twilight," they won the hearts of teenage girls everywhere, whose fanaticism and support of the movie made it a surefire hit. They are already lined up to work on its sequel, "New Moon," so you know these two are ready to rule the 2009 box office as well.
Read the rest of the article HERE.
I don't seem to have very good timing when I comment but if anyone is out there, I just wanted to wish you all the happiest of holidays! I love coming here and chatting with all you lovely, witty women.
To Dani and Goz - Thank you for all you do, it is very much appreciated. Happy two months!
Thanks to everyone who makes this place the awesome Rob love fest it is. I wish I could send Rob to your homes Christmas morning to surprise each of you with some "holiday cheer." But, let's be honest...if I could swing that he'd be at my home and probably not be seeing the light of day again until at least 2009.
Happy Holidays to all of you! And thank you Rob for being you! Don't ever change. We love you just the way you are!
Everything Emily said. I don't have the energy to typr. It's twenty past twelve here so it's offically Christmas and I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone here. Love you all xx
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone!!! <3
Dani and Goz I heart you both for all the hard work you put into this blog. It's such a fab place and you girls rock for making it so special!! Xoxoxoxo <3 ;)
Okay Ladies...we know you are out there! Don't feel embarrassed because it is Christmas Eve and you are here peeking on the blog to see if anyone else is here!
Dammit and hell yeah we are! It's freaking Christmas....Time for our best Rob dreams ever!
Oh...and Merry Christmas! :)
Couldn't have said it better Jules...
This is "Mommy is gonna get her groove on time!" I can't miss a day with you gals...c'mon!
Hello, lovely ladies!!!
It's Christmas!!!!!
Where did Ellie go?
Now, all that baking paid off...I'm eating them right now! Yum!
Oh, there you are...
Kathryn, my DSL isn't as fast as I like...
Yippee is right! Hey Kathryn, Ellie, did you see the e-mail we got from Goz about the hits from London? What do you think...Who do you think...or maybe it was just you Kathryn!
I've not done any baking yet this Christmas... I don't feel Christmassy at all...
Hi girls!
I send you big big hugs :)
I have just finished putting the mashed potatoes in the oven with the ham, lol. Sadly we won't be eating until midnigth.. like we always do.
I hope you have a great time.
Last night, we switched threads, at it took 2o minutes to get straightened out. Jules, you had already punched out.
See, I told you...if you post...they will come!
Merry Christmas, Stella...I'll be right over, for dinner...
I only logged into the actual blog a couple of times over there. Although I'm sure Mamma P has checked the blog out - he's mentioned in a couple of interviews how his Mum sends him stuff she finds about him... funny...
No punching out tonight...I'm here till I can't see straight or type.
Well, I think we need to compose a group letter tonight, for her, to let her know what we REALLY think of her son... :)
See Kathryn, I thought the same thing. You know she is googling him!
HI Stella... how are you my dear?
oh, maybe not *wicked grin
I haven't done it lately...where does Robsessed come up when googling Rob's name?
I dunno...I know how protective I am of my boys... RAWRRR! (sorry that was a little too Twilight Mom!)
Ellie... what a great idea... we should have Dani and Goz post it.. hehehehe!
Seriously...who is gonna start the letter?
off to google and see...
Well, Jules, you have a great way with the words... :)
Jules... you're the writer among us... can you keep it clean?
Dear Mrs. Pattinson,
May we call you Claire...or how about "my future Mother in Law"....
*waves frantically back at Jules*
I wanted to come a long time ago, but I had to make dinner, lmao.
Kathryn, I have been quite good. Enjoying the perks of living back home, lol.
Great start...
No...I can't keep it clean...cuz one of you will break rank and throw a dirty punch...okay that would be me first I admit....
...and Rob's many mistresses and various dominatrixes
Stella,...I am so needing a TomStu fix! You have no idea how much their bromance can spark my imagination for fanfic...sounds creepy I know...but there's just something there!
Oh Jules, I weirdly understand. I have been praying to the Mighty Gods for a RobStu sighting. Maybe now that they are both (I assume) in London.
Claire, can we be honest? Your son is just the epitome of supreme hotness. He inspires so many of us to just chuck it all and become a groupie....
I wonder if TomStu calls Claire "Mum".
Can I thank you enough for ever meeting your husband, falling in love, procreating the most incredible face EVER!....
But we are so much more than groupies...
...but just short of stalkers...
I bet he does....
so much more than groupies... so much more... let us explain why.
Claire, may we say that he's got your eyes???
brown-nosing never hurts.
We are "enthusiatically inclined" supporters of your son and his career!
brb, ladies, got to see what Bill's wrapping for Katie...
Damn Ellie, i read your last comment so fast, I thought Bill Clinton was wrapping a present for Katie Holmes....
Bill clinton is wrapping gifts for Katie Holmes...
You never know...
Anyway, Claire, you need to convince Rob that he needs to take a meeting with us....
My two Robs are singing in my head... I keep getting distracted!
What two Robs?
In French... I'm not to inclined to the language but sounds nice out of RW's mouth...
I just joined the group "RPattz secrets" on Facebook! Along with "Supernatural secrets"!
Our Rob and Robbie Williams... I have them on random on my iPod, I likey.
Well...I thought when we saw Stella pop on that was the start of something...
OMG! I love Robbie Williams!
rpattz secrets... what's that?
"Millenium" I can listen to over and over and over....
Number two on my hump list... met him too :-)
Apparently the home address is "Forks, Washington". I joined just to check it out...probably the same stuff that Goz and Dani find lickety split for us on here....
He is yummy! Dammit, the only famous person I met was Farrah Fawcett...
Jules, I had to go back to the kitchen. Damn ham, it wasn't done..
I must say, my wit goes away when I start drinking, lmao. So basically I'm just reading what you guys are saying, thinking about what would Mama P would think about a fan letter.
Kathryn, I'm envious that you got to meet Robbie Williams. He was my first british crush. Although I'm more glad I got to meet our Rob, lol. He is my biggest british crush.
Jules, check out Rude Box, great album, very different. I was a true groupie as a teen and hung out in Take That's hotel... met them all in the bar. Sad little teen I was...
Hey, I partied with Depeche Mode once!
Very thankful for the lax drinking age in the UK as I was 16... but we had a blast with them. He is adorkable too... but not as adorkable!!!
He is definately hot and sports some major attitude...very intriguing. Can't say schmexy...that word only applies to Rob P.
You are legal to drink when you are 16 in England? Our legal age is 18, but everybody drinks when they are younger, lol.
Okay..."Interesting" yeah, yeah, that's a better word cuz, my brain just can't spell the other one right now...
there's my first sign....
No... he's very shaggable, but you're right, schmexy is reserved for Rob P.
No, it is 18, but not strictly enforced. I was pubbing and clubbing freely at 14.
Stella, built like I have been since I was 15...I never had a problem buying drinks in a bar...
Now I'm just a hag who never gets carded anymore....
The same happens here, lol.
Hello, again...had to wrap a BIG box... a cushy chair for kKtie's room (Pottery Barn). What did I miss?
Oh, yeah, I saw that Bill Clinton and Katie Holmes are coming here for a visit...
My summer in Australia when I was 17 was off the hook!
I almost kissed the guy who carded me while buying some vodka today...
I bought Vodka today...I'm drinking it right now! With lots of yummy olives!
Drinking at 14 made for a boring 18th and really boring 21st... I was so over getting silly drunk by then.
Shit...I'm still not over it...
Have you ever read half the stuff I've posted while being blasted?
I wasn't going to have a drink tonight, but I'm seriously considering going to pour myself a vodka and coke...
By silly drunk I mean, unable to stand, never mind type :-)
Blasted... wasted... I'm all for that!!!
I hate being carded. I know I will miss it one day, but since I don't carry a purse I usually don't have my ID with me, so I hate when they ask it.
I remember being carded at my bachelorette party...
Holy Shit...Ellie! I forgot to tell you what happened to me today...CRAP!
Silly thought of the evening.. if Madamme Tussards made a wax of Rob, I wonder how much they could sell it for?
what, what, WHAT!!!
Is the bidding open now? How about now...mmmm maybe now...or how about now?
Do they sell them? I honestly thought they melt them after they don't want them anymore, lol.
If they do a Rob one, I want it to have the tush they have on the Brad Pitt one.
Danger Boy and Jonathan were in the store today at the same time!
Talk about an Eclipse/Bella moment!
I thought I was gonna freaking know each other from the sales routes they run....
Holy Mary mother of God...
No, they don't sell them... but I'd bid anyway.
Jules... fill me in, who on earth is Danger Boy?
What happened??? Do tell!
Kathryn...several days ago I lost all function in my censorship button.
There is a driver for Pepsi who i have had this harmless, flirtatious, double entendre filled infatuation with. Well, the other day I let it slip out, "OUT LOUD", that I have a dangerous crush on him.
He is dangerously married.
His reaction to what I said?
"Good thing my shirt is untucked right now." Lynn calls him Danger Boy! He is so cute, but so married....
sounds like trouble in River City... LOL
oooohhhhhh.... Bella/Eclipse moment indeed!
be back in a few, again, helping to ut boxex in the attic...xoxo
Anyway, they are both standing back by my desk, Jonathon totally invading my personal space (yummy). "SEX ON FIRE"...yeah baby!
I'm having my usual silly flirty convo with Joey (aka Danger boy) when Jonathon walks in. He's all scoping out the laughter, the private jokes.... crap.
Anyway, Jonathon gets all touchy feely all of a sudden.
Joey snaps to and realizes this IS the 22 year old I'm doing the dance with no pants with!
Girls, I'm going to go and get ready. After dinner I have a Xmas party... wujuu! :)
I'll come back later to see if you are still here, kisses.
Joey starts teasing me, making flippant comments and all, knowing that I'm just squirming.... BASTARD!
Hey all...just popping by to say Merry Christmas to all of you, I hope you have a fabulous holiday tomorrow. Drink lots, eat lots, and open lots of presents and tell me all about them later.
I love you guys and now I am off to put the babe down.
Stella-D have a fun time at your party...
Boy, talk about Murphy's Law! lol
Merry Christmas Dani! I'm sure some of us will be here tomorrow! Love YOU!
Dani, have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy watching Hay's face when he opens all those goodies from Santa!
Jules, then what happened...small talk?
Jules? You here?
hi everyone! just wanted to spread my holiday love to all you robsessors. thank you ladies for making this fansite the best chatroom ever and for understanding my robsession.
dani & goz -- thanks for being the foundation of our crazy chats and for feeding our robsession. without your site, i would be in rob-withdrawal.
jules -- my panties disappeared last night after i read 'the opera'. it was fantastic writing! lolz, i was hot and bothered all night long. i was informed that you are on, may i please have the link to it? i'm craving for more.
Ellie, Thao, I'm here...sorry watching his holy freaking hotness on YOU TUBE!
No posting on fan fic. I decided the ladies here got first shot at my fanfic. Plus, I'm always such a moron at trying to figure out how to post at
Thao...I have tons of stuff I've written...I'll send them your way.
At this point and time, I may as well just post it on my blog since so many people know about it makes it "exclusive"! I like that idea!
Ells, you have to see the YOU TUBE vid I just posted on FB...too freaking funny...
Combines my two passions...Twilight and Gossip Girl!
I like being one of the priveleged few! :)
I'll check it in a bit...hate leaving here because it takes a while to get back... Oh, hell, brb, I want to see it! lol
Hello? Hello? What are you crazy people doing here on Christmas Eve. *blushes* Oh. I'm here too.
Jules, that is so freakin' funny!!!
AJ, hello and Merry Christmas!!! We ARE crazy people, aren't we? :)
Is that just not hilarious as all get out? You know how I feel about Chuck Bass... Stella is gonna freak!
AJ! Hello you crazy robsessed christmas kat you! Yeah...we're here!
I like the way it ended, too...Grown-ups, cause, you know, they're vampah!! LMFAO!
Merry Christmas (in two hours for me)! Is London 8 hours ahead or behind? Has Rob opened the AJ doll I made for him yet do ya think?
I was just cruising through you tube when I found it...too damn funny! I was so laughing...
AJ...Rob prolly went to Midnight Mass with the family..he's Catholic remember...anyway, I'm sure he squealed with delight when he opened your prezzie!
Oh, I just looked at the clock! It's Christmas here!! WooHoo!
A blessed one to you ladies!
Jules - what is the url of the youtube vid you're talking about?
Merry Christmas Ellie! I hear bells ringing. Wait ... maybe that's my ears ringing.
AJ...log onto you tube and search "The Soup: Twilight". Too damn funny! It's the one that is 1:16 with the pic of Ed Westwick! You gotta see it!
I'm 35 minutes away from Santa Baby time! If Rob isn't in his sack of goodies...I'm kicking his ass...
Thanks, AJ...I hope Rob noticed that your doll had golden zipper pants, on...oh, yeah, he did notice, when he checked and saw your doll had no panties on...
Oooh, I'm glad I checked the blog again, lmao. I loveeeeee Chuck Bass.
Thanks for reminding me of its existence Jules :D
Ellie - well it had panties when I sent it but as soon as Rob lifted it out of the box - VOILA! la panties melted (pardon la 3 yr old francais).
Hi Stellllaaaaa! How's the ham coming along. I'm off to search youtube. BRB.
Hi Mama P. *waves politely* love your boy!
"Oui"! That's all the french I ever want to speak around Rob!
Stella, we're having ham today, too (it's "today", now). My husband want to a new butcher today, who was trying to talk my husband into buying a pig's head.
He declined...
Or "merci" afterwards...
Was the butcher trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?....
Sorry...don't know where that came from....
The ham is done, so is the turkey, menudo, tamales and everything else we made for dinner. Buuuut, my family is still wrapping presents. So it looks like we have a few more hours before eating.
A pig head? :|
Yeah, a pig head...while he was there, another customer came in and bought it. He asked if the brain was in it and the butcher said yes, it was, and told my husband it was the best part, very tasty...uh, no.
Ewww! That is just flat out nasty....
Besides, I already have a pighead...I married it... hahahahaha
Just kidding, honey
Stella...did ya check out the video? Too effing funny....
Ellie..we know you already like getting....dare I say it....
"getting porked!" I can't believe I just typed that..... yeah...I SO CAN! :)
I liked your answer better...
bahahahaa, at the pork comment!
Jules, I did enjoyed it. I remember seeing it a while back, but I had forgotten about it, lol.
If there was anyone hip to "Gossip Girl" and "Twilight", Stella, it would be you baby!
Keep me in the G.G. loop will ya? Loving my Westwick!
Well, after the Bart dies and Chuch goes ballistic, there hasn't been anything new. They are on Xmas Break. I'm honestly dying, I want to know what happens next.
Jules, how far did we get on that letter to Claire?
It's 12:00 in Texas? Merry christmas, Jules!!!xoxoxo
Okay, I've been looking up handy French phrases we can throw at Rob to impress him when we meet him:
Permettez-moi de lécher vos pieds?
Translation: Can I lick your feet?
Maybe we could use that one on Claire???? (suck up much?)
Fireworks are a flyin! Merry Christmas! I'm stalking Santa now...I want my Rob....
Stella..I'm right there beside ya on the latest on G.G. Hating the "rocker" look they are pushing on She deserves better! She needs to take a page from Serena's book and be Glamazon!
Lurves you Ladies! Serious Olive Juice to all!
hahaha, AJ!
I'd probably screw it up and it would translate as something like, "Can I lick you elbow?"
F**K! AJ! Is that where you have been?
I used to do my makeup like Jenny does, lmao. I looked like a raccoon.
Hey girls. I'm finally home from the festivities.
Dana, Merry Christmas, darlin'!
Dana! I knew you would show up if i stayed on long enough! Merry Christmas gorgeous!
Ellie- I saw your pic on FB. It's so nice to finally see your face :)
I couldn't go a night without hopping on the blog.
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas Eve.
Here's a handy phrase:
Je respire l'odeur de ton corps
Translation: I breathe the smell of your body
Not sure if he'd take that as a compliment or insult. Depends on how many days he's worn the same outfit I guess.
One more:
Est-ce qu'on t'as deja dit que tu ressembles vachement Edward Cullen?
Tranlation: Has anyone ever told you you look like Edward Cullen?
Thank, just took me one I kind of like...
Jeez Ellie...are we gluttons for punishment or what...I am so calling your ass and waking you up in the morning to go see what Santa left for 4 a.m...
Never mind...we might still be here... LMAO!
Hi Dana! Merry Christmas!
.:::. .:::.
Damn...I just want some guy to tell me in french that my dress is tucked into the back of my pantyhose....
Anything you say in french sounds hot!
Love 'em, AJ!
Rob would definitely take that as a compliment...he knows his hard-core fans don't go for the flavor of the month stuff. We're here for the long haul and take him as he is.
How much time have you spent practising that stuff AJ? Are you a computer geek? If so, that's so hot!
"Damn...I just want some guy to tell me in french that my dress is tucked into the back of my pantyhose...."
Ha, Jules, I am so calling you right now!
LOL @ Ellie. What is your FB? I want to see your pic?
Jules - I'm just a geek. Period.
Well...jeez...better that than trying to order something to eat...
"Omelette du fromage, sil vous plais..."
This sucks. I just got here and I have to leave already. It's so damn late and my kids are both still up since their schedules got all messed up today. So I have to help my son get cookies and milk for Santa and then put both the munchkins to bed.
I'll pop on here tomorrow morning before round #2 of the festivites begin.
Olive Juice, sweet Rob dreams, and Merry Christmas!
I'm off to watch a movie. Good night my dears! Olive juice to all!
AJ, it's under my given name, not my nickname.Look for it in Jules' FB...
olive juice, babe...
Dana, Olive juice to you, honey!
Jules, what happened to your phone>>>
Good evening loves! I haven't read all the comments yet, what's going on?
hi sabrina -- check your mail! sorry i had to send each file individually.
Thanks Thao! It's downloading right now.
I'm exhausted and I have to wake up fairly early tomorrow so I'm going to call it a night. Goodnight and Merry Christmas Thao and all of you other lovely ladies! You are all true gems!
good night sabrina, sweet raunchy rob dreams to you and merry xmas!
Hey,lady, you there/
My hands are frozen and i can't type......
I'm hands have frostbite...even Edward can't get them that cold!!!
Ells...not much happened since we bugged out to talk over the phone!
Love You! Love Rob's Hair...Hope we all win!
(p.s. that is a play on an old bitchy pageant saying here in these parts..."love you, love the hair...hope you win!")
Merriest of Merry Christmas's ever! Loved talking to you tonight over the phone! So much laughter....!!!!
You are a blessing to me!
Love you too, Jules. In the words of someone I just lurve, "You're a saucy wench!" LOL
Merriest of Christmases to you and all things beautiful to you!
Olive juice forever...
Oh, and I got your text..cute one :)
Don;'t expect too many of those from me... remember that I'm illiterate in that department, pretty much! hahaha
Crap, I still have some wrapping to do!!!
Merry Christmas everyone :)
I just thought I'd pop on in between Christmas parties. I just go back from one and am off to another in an hour. I hope everyone is enjoying their day with family and/or friends.
Olive Juice!!!
Hey's almost 5 p.m. here in Houston....
Been thinking of all of you...but Rob mostly....LOL! But I can't seem to think of one without the other... If I ever had sex with him that would be one crowded room!.....LMAO!
Holiday Cheer to all!
LOL Jules! Merry Christmas lovelies, I hope you are all having an excellent day!
Ladies...later tonight...? Who is with me? C'mon...we've done "our" family thing...let's celebrate with the Robsessor family tonight!
Must dash, dinner is almost ready...the champagne, the wine, the tiramasu I made...I will be one fat happy momma when I log on....
Till tonight....
Hi Ladies, Just popping on to say hi and I hope everyone had a great day :-)
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