And of course Rob is there (Although they call him Patterson half of the time they know he is a big deal!) :) Thanks to Kate for the link.
Meanwhile, theatres were packed with squealing teenage girls, eager to get a glimpse of Robert Pattinson, who stars as vampire Edward Cullen.
Pattinson is even influencing young boys.
"With the explosion of 'Twilight' it's becoming almost attractive and desired for boys not to wash their hair a la Robert Patterson," Lainey said.
She said Patterson has managed to dethrone "High School Musical's" Zac Efron as a teen heartthrob.
Efron, so perfectly coiffed Lainey calls him "lip-gloss," has been "blown out of the water" by Patterson.
"It's very interesting to see how someone gets dethroned, it's fascinating," said Lainey.
Patterson will likely reign well into next year with the "Twilight" sequel already scheduled for release in late-2009
Pattinson is even influencing young boys.
"With the explosion of 'Twilight' it's becoming almost attractive and desired for boys not to wash their hair a la Robert Patterson," Lainey said.
She said Patterson has managed to dethrone "High School Musical's" Zac Efron as a teen heartthrob.
Efron, so perfectly coiffed Lainey calls him "lip-gloss," has been "blown out of the water" by Patterson.
"It's very interesting to see how someone gets dethroned, it's fascinating," said Lainey.
Patterson will likely reign well into next year with the "Twilight" sequel already scheduled for release in late-2009
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 358 Newer› Newest»Patterson??? Gimmie a break people! It is nice that they know Rob rocks 08 big time. Kate Im sorry I hadn't checked my e-mail all day I just got your link but Goz is quick on the draw and posted it before me.
Goz I loves ya!
Thanks for keeping the love alive over the holidays. You ladies rock!
Thanks moviegirl...we do try. It helps when we have the best freaking site fans in the free world. Honestly we lucked out or something, but we certainly aren't complaining about our good fortune. You people rock as well!
OK folks Efron has moved up. We can't let him beat our boy!
go vote
Dani Don't be worrying. I thought it was so funny the way they kept calling him Patterson LOL
Just spent the last hour lying down as sick as a dog again. it's so weird it comes in waves one minute I'm grand and then I@m as bad as ever again. Better be ok for tomorrow, have to drive to Cork!
Voted Mona Rob is winning now!!
Is this some kind of cruel joke that he is sandwiched inbetween Joe 'my balls haven't dropped yet just check out my falsetto for proof' Jonas, and Zach "Im a big fat douche bag McLady' Efron?
Not cool Z100 NOT COOL AT ALL!!!
Can they not leave him alone to relax??!!
Honestly they'd get on your nerves sometimes, like enough is enough!!!
Ya I saw that too Dani!!
I voted for Zac as the most overexposed down further and he's winning LOL
Hi everyone!
Kate, I hope you get well soon!!!!
Just read the mibba.com thing.
First thought:Couldn´t you just leave the boy alone? Second thought: As if ;-)
If he's that influential, you think people could get his name right!
I sent CTV this email:
OME! OME! OME! Itz not Patterson peeple, itz totally Pattinson. Watz wrong with u guyz? Cant u like right properlee? Havn'et you like seen Twylight?
Kidding! I very politely told them that they had spelled his name incorrectly. Let it be known that Rob's fans are literate and not all squealing fangirls. Muahahahahah!
Thank you, Kate and Goz for keeping us updated on Rob!
I will never understand the fascination with Zac Efron, what a wanker! Rob has this shadow that just engulfs both Zac Efron and Joe Jonas...his star will continue to shine long after Zac and Joe grow out of their Mouse Ears!
I SO love you girl.
Ladies, I have to run errands now to replenish the frig, etc. after getting home after Christmas. I've caught up on mail, etc. reading the blog,ran the dogs, all that jazz.
I'll be on tonight, let's have a party tonight and I'll buy the booze, okay?
Hi girls!!! I have missed youu very very much.. but apparently the internet is behaving better now.
(if anyone cares or remember my drama with the freaking kung fu picture, I have already downloaded it.. after three days of trying!:D)
Ok, I'm off to vote for our beloved Rob.
Kisses :)
PS. Dani, could you send me the name of the new chat room we are using.. I forgot what is was, lol.
Stella-D I emailed you with the other chat room name, or at least what I remember it to be. Hope to see you there later my love.
Hey girlies! I'm loving that picture of Rob! I vote yes to chest exposing!
So I made it back up to the Great White North and it's pretty cold. Thinking of our man makes me warmer though.
Gotta go visit with the family. I'll try to hop back on here later tonight when everyone goes to bed.
Dani...you are priceless! The Joe Jonas comment...ROTFLMAO! That's so freaking funny.....
I love Richard Patterson... oh, sorry I mean, Robert Pattinson. Easy mistake... sorry.
Good evening, ladies!I made it on here, for a little while, at least.
Dani, I loved your "cruel joke" comment--it rocked!
Hello Ellie... how are you?
Hi, Kat! I'm well, thanks...
Jut checking briefly, until I can get on here longer...(Katie's waiting to use this). I'll be back on later.
Oh, I love your FB status this morning about Havi beng so happy; it brought a big smile to my face!
See you in a bit...xoxo
OK... "see" you later...
Hi Jovie...
Missed you too - I had wondered where you were this last week! We had a great trip, thanks for asking. Nice to be home and back into a "routine" but sad to leave my family. Luckily they're all planning on visits pretty soon.
Finally we get to put a beautiful face to the name :-) Maybe next we'll get to see you on FB????
Hello jovie,foreverEB.
How do you do?
Jovie--Your photo is nice,and you're beautiful woman.
Ros xxx
Hi Kat!
Glad you are back also. I was thinking of you when you were in the UK with your family hoping you were having a good time.
I was in Colorado for six days, got back late yesterday afternoon.
Hi Ros. Thank you, I've already changed my photo back to Rob.
Hi Ros... how are you? Please, call me Kat... ForeverEB is so looong :-)
Jovie... well, that was short and sweet :-) How was Colorado? Family?
Kat, chaotic, crazy and wonderful. It was a blast. It was such a wonderful Christmas.
Sorry for the delay, i got a phone call, I'll be right back, I better finish this phone call so they don't hear me type.
Please don't go.
I'm multi-tasking here... so I'll be in and out too...
Okay Kat, I'm back if you're still here. It was my niece. She tried to call me today between her going to church and me doing errands and stuff.
I so want to hear more about your trip!
Kat, on your FB question. I don't think I will do facebook, I think it's above me.
I'm here...
You could do a quiet FB... just us girls. Maybe?
How was your Christmas?
I heard you were Robless for a whole week. I didn't think that was possible!
LOL, a quiet FB. That sounds intriguing.
My Christmas was with family, about 12 of us and four were kids under 4, so I was busy helping give the mothers a break by changing diapers, two were in diapers, a two month old and an eighteen month old and then a two year old nephew and a four year old niece. They were a lot of fun, but I came back honoring mothers like crazy. It's a 24/7 self sacrificing job.
Yes, Kat!
Can you believe it. I reminded me of my American Lung days when I'd have a group in front of me and say week 4 is quit week and I'm here for you, you can do this.
He was my nicotin,for six days, I felt like I was giving up cigarettes or something....
I didn't look at a photo of him, I did have my iPOD and I listen to "Never Think" but that was only once.
It was pretty funny, how I would be talking with someone and see his face or my mind would drift. I need a 12 step program or something.
Once, I did a online chat for a few weeks with this guy and he said I was addictive to him and that we both have addictive personalities and I said.
"NO! I don't. Speak for yourself."
I retorted so quickly. LMAO now.
I found an addiction, Rob.
Are you on FB now?
Kat, I'm going to go take a bath, I was up until 3 a.m.; writing. My shoulders are killing me.
I feel so weird today, you know when you travel thatfelling, that you are in one place but still in another?
I'll be back tomorrow and I'll look for you.
Hey sorry Jov, skipped out on you there. Wow, four kids under 4, I can just handle the one and she's an easy kid. I have all the amazement for mothers of more than one. Don't know how they do it.
Enjoy your bath, imagine someone is sharing it with you (I wonder who) and I'll try catch up with you tomorrow.
I'll keep pestering you on the whole FB thing too...
Oh yeah, and I know how you feel about after travel. We got home at 2.30am on Tuesday morning and the jet lag didn't hit be until Friday. All of a sudden I was wiped. Crazy.
Shhh...I'm sneaking on real quick...my boys aren't quite asleep yet...they're asking for a quick snuggle...I'm here though....
Hi Jovie! And bye if you left...Kat's right...we NEED you to do a quiet FB with the girls...
Hey Jules... *bone crushing hug*
Hi, girls!
Greetins from Allentown, PA!!xoxoxo
Hello Ellie...
What's happening with you?
Hi, again, Kat...we're in town to takemy in-laws into NYC to see the Rockette at Radio City in the morning. We decided to come here andsty the night, rather that drive 2 hors in the AM to get them, drive two hours to the city, and then bring them back, etc., etc., ...
Too much driving. I see you're trying to convince Jov to get a FB account. Mine is only "for the girls", too. I should tell her that.
Fun... the Rockettes... how cool.
Yes, I know she'd be just fine with a "Robkats Only" account. So much flair to share :-)
Yes on the flair...I've only had the account about a month r so, and I'm on my second board! lol
Did Havi have a super Christmas and did Santa bring her all she wanted?? :)
Hi GALS! E.J. is quiety sniffling...but I deputized his favorite snuggly to take my place to hold him, love him, kiss him... It' Deputy Mommy Bear!....
So every time I see his short haired Hotness in the banner... I mean, every expletive under the sun pours out my mouth. I think his short hair highlights his jawline even more. Hmmmmhmmmmmm.
For Chrissakes Kathryn! The short hair and the stubble...double duty hotness!
Hi, lovely Jules!!!!
E.J.'s not feeling well??
(Please bear with me...this wireless connection in the hotel is SO slow between posts)
She did have a great Christmas, and Santa must've thought she'd been a very good girl this year :-)
She got a little piano/keyboard thing, she's a concert pianist already. She loves it. I see piano lessons in our future.
Jules.. honestly. I can not look at that picture without changing my knickers.
Rob's lovely eyes really shine more, with the hair cut. I totally agree on the jawline. And stubble is cuddle-worthy.
E.J. is fine...just having the weepies from missing Mom!
I want said stubble to leave burns on my thighs...face...neck...yum!
Aw, Jules...he's so sweet!
Kathryn, I can't look at any pic of Rob without having to change my knickers!
Well, that too... but this picture even more so!
No, Jules, he starts at the face, then neck, THEN thighs!!LOL
Ells my dear..how has your trip been....?
Oh and by the way...Kathryn and i agreed earlier that you NEED to join us late March here in Texas for our wild Robkat weekend when we all go see "Little Ashes" together? Can you swing it?
We can celebrate my birthday late together....
*jumps up and down*
Can you Ellie... can you?
And my birthday early... ok, so five months early, but what the heck.
Seriously...what the heck! Two...two...two birthdays in one! What fun...what craziness! What a Rob Rush!.....
So I am loving my new flash drive that I got for Christmas....can't wait to take it to work tomorrow, plug it in to my 'puter and stare at Rob all damn day...
I hope no one makes me stop it...I will go ballistic!
Trip's been okay, so far...just sitting here typing, now...hahaha.The real "trip" starts tomorrow AM, with the ride to NYC with he in-laws...
Timeoff from work is VERY hard (tough on the kids, with subs and transitions, I try not to takeoff unless it' a family thing. So hard to get the boys back ontrack.)...but I'd like full video reports with "circles and arows and a paragraph on the back of each one". And yu know I'd LOVE to be with my girls. And our Rob.
I have over 100 pix of Rob on that damn thing...HELLO SLIDESHOW!!!!
Erm... better take extra knickers to work Jules...
AWWW....ELLS! Damn! But I understand...It's hard enough for me to get time off...but I already submitted my request! Gotta have my Rob filled weekend with those who understand me best....
I'm gonna wear a skirt and go commando...just kidding!!!!
You're making me feel bad...I'd so love to go but it's hard...and to be tgether to watch rob on the big screen...(wait, Rob, hard, big...all those go together!!!)hahaha
Yeah...and even if i got you buddy passes on Southwest from my brother...you still couldn't do it?
but I so understand you,too...
And we will see Rob big and hard... ooops, did I say that OUT LOUD...
If anything we have seen from the trailer...HELL YEAH!
He's nekkid in this film...that alone.....
Ladies, I've missed you! I feel so Rob deprived. I haven't gotten much chance to check in over the last few days. I hope you all had a good Christmas.
So fess up... who's house did Rob really show up at on Christmas morning? He has to have discovered us by now and wanted to personally thank us for all the love he gets here.
Oh and Jules, remember Rob tends to cause anything electronic to malfunction so be careful with your new flash drive. That thing chock full of his hotness could cause an explosion.
It's a tough situation... You know I'd love to go.
Hi Emily... I confess, my house. He wants to thank us all, but I can't seem to let him go...
I get my naked paranoid ass out of the bathtub to erase my photo and see all of you here. Geez.
Hi everyone.
I'm dripping wet and getting back into the tub.
Jules and Ellie, did you see I finally posted my photo?
Emily! Thanks for the warning Girlfriend! You're right!
He could short out our whole intranet!....Must be careful and on the down low....
NAKED... I know, Jules. Our panties are going to explode.
Ells and I will probably do this at the same time in our best Rob imitation ever...
Jov...where is it?
ucs, ut I've got to get to sleep...Getting up at 5:30 to get goingon the trip. And only one bathroom in this hotel room with three people getting ready...aaaggghhh!!!
Jules, we'll talk when I get hom... and I rally do with I could go.
Olive juice to my good, no, great friends. xooxo
Wish us luck in the "big city"! lol
C'mon...I'm dying over here...
I replaced it Jules. It's gone I only had the nerve to have it up two minutes.
Ellie, I wish I were with you to see the ROCKETTES!!!!!
I hope you have a blast! I'll be thinking of you.
Ells...I just had a quote from Bull Durham go through my head after reading that typographically challenged response.... WOW...
Instead of pitching like you f**k, you type all over the place....LOL!
This laptop sucks!!! I can't write on it!!!
Did anyone get anything that I said??
Jov, I saw the avatar, but not up-clos..Looks cute fom that distance, though! :)
Jovie...send it to me in e-mail... I pinkie swear...no triple dog swear that no one will ever see it!
Good night Ellie... welcome back Jov.
Jov, we have decided... you NEED, NEED to bite us... erm, sorry, I mean... you need to open a Robkats only FB account...
Hey ladies! I haven't been able to spend much time staring at Rob this week =(
Glad to see him again!
Um...Jovie...I'm standing behind Kathryn right now going..."Right?"
The peer pressure is on... we're ganging up on you...C'mon all the cool kids are doing it....
Jules - picture 52 in your Rob pics on FB. I mean seriously, as he ever injured himself with the sharpness of his jaw?
I noticed it after staring at his lips for 50 minutes.
Good evening, lovelies!
Melissa! Happy Holidays Girl! Where have you been? We missed you....
bite you?
Kat...that one kills me....
HI LYNN! *Waves frantically*
Shit, I wondered who had sneaked up behind me while everyone in the house was asleep!
Hello, Kathryn and Jules!
LMAO Jules,
Speaking of ass...mine is getting cold. I'm heading back to the warm water.
I LUV you girls!!!
See ya tomorrow.
Ellie, when the legs are kicking, think of how much I want to be there.
Hi Lynn, Hi Melissa...
Please let me aplogie for my potty mouth tonight, I keep deleting before I hit "publish" but some might sneak through. I think it's Dark Edward doing it to me...
Dark Edward is haunting me....
"aplogie" - WTF... I mean apologize!
Holy F*ck. This place is buzzing like a motherf*cker.
Ok. can you tell I just finished reading "Wide Awake"?
Hello Ladies:)
Real quick...
Jules: WHAT!! (I did think that, like you said,...)
Kat, you imitated Rob beautifully with the NEED quote...lol
and yes my typing sucks, and the quote fit me perfectly.
And Jov, get that FB Robkat only account. I have one and it's fun.
Okay, nite-nite my sweethearts.xoxo
Jules, expect a call either tomorrow night or Tuesday night!! we'll chat or laugh or both ...
ooooh Dark Edward.
I want Dark Edward to do more than haunt me...
Hi and Bye Ellie:)
Kathryn---I know that you have been Wide Awake! I am so in love with Dark Edward, too!
Night Jov, night Ellie...
Bye Ells! Love you my sister from another mother......!!!
Good night, Jovie and Ellie!
The bad boy is just killing me... especially as it's Rob in my mind. I've been swearing like a sailor all day...
I also didn't realize that WIDE AWAKE wasn't a complete story....
Kathryn...Fuckin "A' right.....
And Dark Edward looks like pic #52 in Jules' FB album...
I am a total potty mouth...but Dark Eddie does bring out the inner bad girl in all of us! And, with Rob's face is a bonus!
Rose... I know, I wish I would've known. Only Jules can help with some Rob fanfic...
Oh shit! He does!!!
God Dammit...I'm too lazy to go look.
Rose---it's on going...I think!
Good evening loves!
I'm sorry-to all of the "Wide Awake" lovers, but I read it and I did NOT like it.
Okay, off to the water water.
Shit. Now I have to go look.
OK...I get it! TICK FUCKING TOCK... the pressure is on!....
I hope she updates regularly.
I loved that motherfucking story.
Yes... tick fucking tock.... come on Jules....
Fuck yeah, Rose!
Hello, Sabrina!
Ladies...My fan fic account is now active. I will be posting the stories i have written, plus the new ones brewing in my deviant brain...
Makes me hornier than a hormonal teenage motherfucker...
Looks like she updates every few days...
Are you lovelies talking about Wide Awake? I just finished reading chapter 37. I love it!
Kat...just read your comment on FB...hahahahahahaha
Hi Sabrina...
Damn! Who knew when i logged on tonight that it would be "f" bomb dodgeball?
Yes Sabrina... we all seem to love it. The Dark Edward (ROB) is divine...
Kathyrn---the shower images are spanktravision worthy....terrible, terrible, terrible! It's like a hidden cam in the Pattinson loo...ay, dios mio!
My "f" bombs are in an English accent, so they're less naughty I've been told!
And I don't know if I am looking at the right photo of Rob...but fuck yeah..he's dark Edward.
Lynn, I know... the images in my mind when I was reading that... oooerrrrr....
Lynn, I was telling Kathryn earlier that i had a lurvely nasty Rob dream today...but he was wearing a "Twilight" t-shirt! WTF?
Rose... the picture is #52 and he has the pouty lips and uber sharp jawline... so divine.
Sorry, that should've been...
... so fucking divine...
Kathryn---yes, it had Rosey Palmer and her five sisters panting! Sorry, Rose for using your name!
I'm dying to read more of it! As dark Edward would say "I fucking love that shit." I didn't log on here last night because I was reading furiously.
well crap I wander over to youtube looking for blog materal for my myspace and I miss all kinds of stuff!
Jules... that is still cracking me up. Twilight tee... LOL.
Oh honey...I clicked and saved so many sponge worthy photos it wasn't funny.....
LOL@Jules! The one that Rob lifted from Hot Slopic...LOL.
Kat~ I think I am looking at the right pic...but he looks divine in all of them.
Lynn~ Hahaha...too funny! I have heard that before!
Lynn....that dream was "HOT"! Me, Rob, him naked....hotel...sounds like my Rob fanfic!
I want Edward to refer to me as "my girl"....
Sabrina - me too, I stopped on for like three minutes, but had to go back as Edward was erm, pleasuring himself in the shower... I couldn't stop reading! That shit is good!
Yeah but Rose...he has to kind of growl it when he says it.....
WIDE AWAKE??? I'm thinking I should know about this but somehow I don't??
Jules---you have it bad, m'dear!
Rose---I think that we all want to be Dark E's "my girl".
I want ROB to refer to me as "my girl" or tell me he "fucking loves me"...
Oh Jules...I can almost hear it!
The idea of "Rob" doing the Edward in the shower in "Wide Awake" caused me to change my batteries.....
Melissa, get ready for more addiction...
You asked for it!
Start with Chapter 1...human E&B in different story line...great fan fic!
Shit. Now I'm addicted to Dark Edward. Is there no hope for me? No hope for me at all?
I most definitely want Rob/ dark Edward to refer to me as his girl. I just finished reading the latest chapter and I'm swooning and completely pissed at the same time. Gah!
I think they should make Wide Awake the movie, with the same cast and include the shower scenes...
Jules---I bet that there were mysterious holes in your sheets!
**Shaking head**
I want to have unicorns with Rob...
You are now a permanant "NO HOPER" Rose!
Rose... LOL.... multiple unicorns...
Damn, Wide Awake is spreading like wild fire.
SERIOUSLY, someone should convince the author to make a tv series out of this.
Lynn..that boy makes me hotter than Georgia asphalt....
I fuse with the mattress when I think of him.....
Oh Sabrina...I'm so with you on that. So frustrating.
Kathyrn---Rob might have something to say about that and E&B would be channeling their inner Last Tango In Paris.
Wasn't there an article about unicorns living in Robs hair???
Stellaluna! Yes, yes, yes, it would a cross between Silk Stalkings and Buffy!
Yeah...Rob and Marlon Brando mentioned together...Let's hope Rob stays uber hot like Paul Newman! Not "spreading" like Brando!
Or was that Robs hair caused unicorns....
Rose... yes, there was an article about unicorns in his hair... :-)
man I'm such a newbie! Well at least I have new reading materal.
Is this from the "Haunted Airman"? Why is everyone so fascinated with this?
He grows horns in a certain scene...is that where this talk comes from...
but then again...If his unicorn horn is below the waist...that's a different story....
Yeah, Rob's hair was a magical unicorn forest. I have a piece of flair about his unicorn hair, but now it has a completely different (and better) meaning.
Jules---I have done my side by side with young Brando and Rob and my oh my...the boy comes close! He is a contender!
No "spreads" or butter!
Unicorns lived in Rob's magical hair.
MichaelK at Dlisted talked about it, and I live by that religion.
Unicorns is Bellas word for orgasms....in Wide Awake.
Rob just kills me Lynn! I would love to see him challenge himself and do Broadway...I personally think he has the chops to do so....
Yanno, I can see Rob aging as gracefully as Paul Newman...but that is 60 years away....
Hi girls:) What did i miss tonight?
Rob could so do Broadway...I just don't think that he would like the hustle and bustle of it. He's so method that he would be beating himself up after each performance.
Unicorns...yeah..I have a mental block on that....
Tom Cruise..."Legend". Hated him, still don't care for him...Unicorns...silly glitter falling...Tim Curry...what a major fuckup on that...he deserves better! That movie spoiled fairy/evil fantasy for me.....
Hi Dana:)
There are unicorns in Harry Potter, too....
Helloooo Dana...
Hello, Dana! We are all Wide Awake over Dark E!
Yeah...but Dan Radcliffe did well...Rob started on stage don't forget....
Music or live theatre...that is where Rob will conquer next after the movies!
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