"I don't feel like I am an actor. I want to create something, a character for a movie. And while I'm doing it, there are different experiences that slip into that character, because I change with every movie that I make. I care about the outcome of my work, the creative process, not so much about myself, because there are tons of people who pat you on the back and then they proceed to drop you. You have to be careful not to lose sight of who you are. That's why I love the British understatement. I'd rather understate my own effort (laughs)"
Go HERE for the rest of the scans and the interview translation, there are no new images in the scans.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 404 Newer› Newest»EXCELLENT, and he's very true to his words. He creates his character like it's him. He's an inspiration I tell ya! And so damn fine!
Hmm, he reminds me of Shane West in those pictures.. and that is so not a good thing, lmao.
He looks like he has a hair lip reconstruction or something in that picture.
But I do love that quote from Rob. He is such a smart guy, really way beyond his years. I don't worry for him in the industry when he says things like that.
He knows that Hollywood is full of bullshit and he isn't buying into it. I love that.
I liked this quote:
Robert: I'd read it before the whole frenzy began and I had the feeling that Stephenie was trying to live her sexual fantasies through the character of Bella Swan and that bothered me. But now, after occupying myself with it deeply, I've started to like that in particular.
Dani~ Great quote, it does make you feel like Rob won't get sucked into the Hollywood Hype.
Sherri~Your Rob quote was interesting. How he thought so much about the characters and the story, and came to understand them.
ewww...they made him look like "post-cosmetic-surgery" michael jackson". this is so wrong, in so many ways.
but i loved his intelligent quote. he won't allow himself to be phased by hollywood and i love that he'll stay his humble self forever.
This is one intelligent man! He knows what he's talking about and won't compromise for anyone.that makes him so sexy!
I agree, Ellie (HI!) Intelligence is so attractive!
Hi, Rose!
How is everyone tonight?
Good evening all!
I've said it before, but it is repsonses like these from Rob that just make it hard for me to think of him as being only 22. Seriously, I was not this much of a thinker at 22, let me tell you!
ET I know what you mean...If it isn't broke why fix it? They photoshopped the shit out of so much of the Twipromo images I am so disappointed in that. Even the official movie poster which was pretty good, still had way to much "correction" done to it.
Dammit people let K Stew and Rob be gorgeous on their own and put down your paint brush!
Dani -- the only paintbrush i like is the one Robert is wielding. Lolz...why is my mind always in the gutter when it comes to that man.
Trixie -- i'm not that much of a thinker now and i'm 27. lolz
ET-- Duh on me, I first thought you meant Rob's using the paintbrush as Dali! hahaha
Ellie -- that's because your mind is clean! unlike mine. lolz. i can attest, it's only like this when i think of robert.
Hey Trixie!:)
Yeah, I don't understand why anyone would feel the need to photoshop Rob...I mean...WHY?
Clean like a sewer! lol
I just had a moment of disorientation!
Trixie, hello, darling!
Evening Ladies...I just sent some of you a very special e-mail! Whew! That one was fun!
Trixie, CO Rob now looks like "Dangerous Rob" or "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Cool Rob"
oooooo. brb!!! :) :) :) :)
Ellie -- you're hilarious! i'm thao, by the way, from california. i'm getting my rob fix from work, thank goodness for downtime.
how are all my ladies liking the new banner? robert looks a bit tired in it, sorry. this was the only image that had good enough quality with his new haircut. i lurve this lumberjack look!
Hi Jules:)
I love the banner...but any banner with a pic of Rob...is divine.
Thao! Rocking job on the banner! I smiled at the yummy holiday goodness!
love the banner!
Hmmm....where did everyone go?
thanks ladies, i can't wait for some HQ images of his new hairdo.
rose -- he is divine, isn't he? no matter how tired he looks in that banner, i can't help but think he's staring at me and requesting that i give him a backrub.
Yes, Thao! I can imagine having my hands on Rob...it boggles my mind.
Wow. I'm back... :)
So Ells...whaddaya think?
hey, where did everyone go?
Well...welcome back!
WB ellie!
In the words of Angela:
"Oh. My. God." :)
One of your best, Jules!!!
Hellooooooooo all you beautiful gorgeous Robkats!!
Hi Mona! Here we go Ells...lets stir things up!
hi everyone :-)
Hey Dana...it's the witching/bitching hour!
Whatcha stirring Jewels? um maybe.... body paint?
Hello Dana and Mona!
I'm interested in where this will be going tonight!
Jules- you sent out an e-mail? Where's mine?
Mona, baby, how was your visit with your dad? Was he surprised?
Oh, and Jules left an early Christmas present for you on your email... *wink...
Edward body glitter....
Dana you didn't get yours?
Yeah...I don't see any email, either... :(
does anyone know of a download for the twilight movie? i only have the link for streaming and was hoping i can still see rob without interruption when my internet goes out.
He grinned from ear to ear when we walked in! It was great thanks!!
And Jewels darlin, I sent you a reply. And I didn't even write it in drool.. lol
Rose, Dana...I'll send it now!
email me eternaltwilight...
mine is...
you own my heart, Jules!
Thanks Jules.
So who here that is Ashley's FB friend really thinks it's her?
Apparently "she" is talking to peeps on there and she just called Rob. Not sure if it's true.
Dana, I think it's a load of crockery!
ET email me for the info you asked for
hello all... off to catch up... brb.
please ignore the lack of grammar, my shift keys are caput.
Dana, I'm Ashley's personal friend, you know... lol
Hey Kathryn!!!!!!
I don't believe its Ashley either...but its more than amusing to read all the comments.
Ok...need to go read. BRB.
Ashley and I are like this: 1 (that's the middle finger...it's a bunch of crap...)
Ellie- call her up for me will ya. Ask her what went down on that 3am phone call to Rob!
I just don't want to read it. It's probably some poor little 13 year old girl with bad skin, a retainer and glasses with a very vivid imagination....
Hi everyone!
Oh wait...I was that girl at 13. Crap...look what happened to me!
Hey, Jules, maybe you need to write a "story" about Alice and Jasper and send it top her and you can be her friend, too!
actually, she'd probably track you down and thank you in person!!
Hey Talent! Good to see ya!
I thought about doing an Alice and Jasper story...that's so funny!
Hi Jules! Good to see you too :)
"Oh wait...I was that girl at 13. Crap...look what happened to me!"
Jules, we think alike, baby!!
Hi Ellie :)
Okay, did EVERYONE disappear to read????
I was looking through the comments and noticed something about an Ashley...is this a person that comments on the blog or the actress who played Alice?
Ellie, I was just closing out my FB page when I noticed the "friends in common" box...There is pretty Miss Ashley Michelle Green...OMIGOD!!!!!
I hear crickets!!!
Or that bird chirping, like we heard from Edward's bedroom...
yeah, i don't think it's ashley, but she does have some candid photo's on there. it's all strange. i def don't think it's rob... seems way out of character.
thanks mona :)
after ellie's comment i think i'm going to have to go read jules e-mail. i was going to save it until right before slumber time...
Yeah, Jules I'm tight with her, doncha know...LMFAO! I was just curious; I think we all were. To get a good laugh.
People really believe it, though...
Where does everyone keep going? I'm just waiting for the rapid fire, snappy patter to begin... BRB gotta hop my boys up on some sugar!
Jules- Bravo! Another masterpiece.
I'm still here!!!!!
Come back, everybody!!!!
I'll tell you about my giant sugar Daddy!!!!
I'm still here, but confused...I miss alot when I log on hours later!
Jules. I'm speechless. Brilliant.
Ellie, I think the comments that people make to Ashley are hilarious...
Ladies, I'll be right back...my daughter wants to check her email...geesh, the sacrifices I have to make... :)
Hey Lindsey Loo Who! How are ya?
Hi bella's mom :) How are ya?
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, LAAAAA TIME FOR SOME HOLIDAY CHEER!
I'm gonna go make a strawberry margarita.
I'm just oozin in Robsession right now! Been reading some salicious fanfic.
Great Banner Thao! Rob looks good in green - brings out the red around his eyes. WHAT? He was probably suffering from nicotine withdrawal after 8 hrs on a plane.
Is it possible to suffer from a sugar overdose? If so, just how many shortbread cookies would that take, theoretically speaking? 6? Why yes, I did just eat 6 shortbread cookies thank you very much.
Who said that? Who just called me 'fat a$$"?
What's going on with Ashley Greene and the insanity on FB? Can anyone fill me in?
jules... wow.....
Seriously...I can't concentrate...I'm discombobulated.
Good God.
I haven't been on there since Sat Lindsey, but apparently the FB Ashley has been talking to peeps on there and is supposed to be calling Rob to talk etc... That's all I know.
Good evening lovelies!
Jules, you rock!
Kathryn, that's what I said, too: wow.
Lindsey, there's a person on FB claiming to be Ashley Greene. Most of us think it's fake.
Ohhh, okay...and people actually believe that's she's really doing that and that it's her?? Mmmm, kay...
lol Rose.. All Jewels fanfic should come with a warning label. lol
Hi Sabrina!
oK I'm back, and damn this margarita is good!
well yeah Lindsey and I'm next in line to be the Queen of England too.
If it really was Ashley Greene she wouldn't be telling everyone she was talking to Rob. They are friends and both have to deal with Hollywood crap, so she wouldn't try to add any more fuel to the fire if it was really her.
Jules, you fanfic is so good that I burned another two pans of those damn cookies! lol
Sabrinasizzle, how the hell are ya?
Haha Mona, I think the fact that the fanfic is coming from Jules should be a warning label in itself. She writes hot stuff!
yeah...I doubt the real ashley would whore out her friendships with Rob, Jackson and the other cast members.
I'm guessing I'm 2nd in the line for Queen of England too ;)
Eliie- quit burning the damn cookies!
I'm good Ellie! I worked out last night and today and my abs are a little sore, but it feels good in a way. How are you, love?
I burned something too, but it wasn't cookies...
Yeah, and I'm engaged to Rob. Sorry I forgot to tell you guys.
Man ladies...I'll tell ya...visions of Edward filled my head all damn day with that one!
I've moved on to oatmeal chocolate chip...they're harder to burn...wait gotta check THEM now...
between Rob's new look and Jewels fanfic, there isn't one pair of panties still intact on this blog!!!
mona... come on now, we all know i'm next in line for the whole queen of england crap, you're second in line.
i hate opera but for some reason i really want to take my husband to the opera now... can't imagine why.
That's okay Sabrina...I'm still his mistress...
mmmm.... i made those kind of cookies a couple of weeks ago...so good
I adore opera...it's so arousing!
I wouldn't mind letting you be the other woman Jules. I love ya!
Awwww...that's so sweet! Okay...you can marry him!
i'm back ladies!
bella's mom - i'll email you soon, it would mean that i have to log out of Robsessed for awhile and i feel like i missed out.
aj -- thanks! he does look good in green. actually, i think he's suffering from thao-withdrawal. lolz.
:D I'll invite all of you to the wedding!
Hey Jewels, you need to do him dressing as Santa in a department store
jules - if you claim mistress, i'll claim f**k buddy...
OK I'm going to start using the shift key on the right hand side, akward but better than feeling like I have no sense of grammar at all.
I'm good, Sabrina.
Wait, I'm not.
I'm naughty.
Santa and the naughty Elf...hmmmm....
LOL Ellie!
Sabrina... do we all get a sample of the groom?
In the immortal words of Mae West... "When I'm good, I'm very good...but when I'm bad...I'm EVEN better!"
Yeah, that's gonna be one long reception line....
Kathryn- f*ck buddy . I like it. I was gonna say friends with benifits but I like your title better!
I always called it "tumble" buddies....
I think I could afford to let you all have one sample each. He'll be coming home to me so I'm not worried about him leaving me.
"Rob, honey, is that a Hot Pocket in your pocket, or you jsut happy to see me?..."
Oh shit...drunk blogging coming on.
chug it, Dana!
I'll wait in that line all day if that's what it takes. Bt we've already established I have the f**k buddy title, so I'll let everyone else go first :-)
Dana - I actually felt naughty typing that, how much of a mother am I???
You girls are crazy, but in a very good way ;)
Thao! I'll send what I just wrote your way!
Kathryn, you get first dibs since you and rob are old buddies from way back summer...
Kathryn...just the best mother "effer" around!
And you're from the motherland...
Ellie... sweet... I like your thinking.
Ellie- I already chugged half of it. And there is still a lot left but i'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking.
Jules- All i keep thinking about now is the damn opera.
oops, had to edit this comment regarding the F word.
i'm DFWB -- Designated Friend With Benefits! Lolz, Kathryn, f**k buddy!
silly me, I'm now getting a vision of the Marx brothers in a night at the opera!!hahahah
ahhh, cookies...brb!
Dana...I have never wanted to be in a private box so badly in my life... Cheers Gal! I'm drinking with ya. Mommy's got a martini....
Olive Juice! Damn Dirty Olive Juice!
I'm sorry if I'm not keeping up...but seriously...I'm still having problems catching my breath.
I'm behind on the times...What's the story behind "Olive Juice?"
jules -- thanks, do you write fanfictions a lot? i just barely stepped into reading those and i love them just as much.
Rob can be in my private box anytime he wants...
Hey, did I just say that?
You bet your ass I did!!! :)
talent -- doesn't that mean 'i love you'?
Jules - for my PR class we had to work in groups to form campaign initiatives to revive the opera. I think your idea is the only one that would actually work.
Ellie, how many damn cookies are you making?
Dana, I'm on my 3rd Blue Moon and feel another coming on. Drunk-ish blogging is fun!
Jules - so what did happen after the opera?????????
Stay tuned Kathryn....There is more to "come"! *Winks*
ellie -- he's in my private box, wielding a paint brush! he can color me orgasmic for all i care.
Thanks for filling me in, eternaltwilight...I never heard it before, in all honesty.
Sabrina...LMAO! It would only work if Edward Cullen took you though...(in her best Groucho Marx imitation: "In more ways than one!")
Kathryn, I'm just dragging my feet on those cookies.
I'm up to my third kind.
3-Oatmeal chocolate chip
want some??
Ellie... you naughty, naughty girl!!!
Talent - Olive Juice meand I love you. If you "mouth" oliver juice it looks like you said I love you. It started with the debate on if Edward mouths I love you as Bella leaves with Jasper and Alice...
Ahhhhh - Cookies and Boxes, The kittens are in fine form as usual!!!
Yummy, Ellie! You are ambitious!
LMAO Jules! It might work with Rob too. That's the only reason I would ever want to go to the opera.
Thao, I've always written erotica as a hobby, (okay ladies, keep your comments to yourselves!) but something about Edward & Bella and SM's lack of taking us there, just made me wanna do it....
Naughty for the "private box" comment, not the cookies. But yes, I'd love some...
Kathryn---"OLIVER juice"???
Cheers Jules. My hubby just came over, tasted my margarita, said "man that's strong, make me one"! We are getting toasty tonight!
Thanks Forever...I haven't caught that one yet from the movie...I'll have to look for it next time.
Ok ladies I have to go for a bit, daughter wants to read her email. I'll be back if I can.
EternalTwilight, I emailed you the info.
Lindsey, hang in there, you will catch on!
Olive Juice to all you lovely ladies!!
Hi Brooke! *Waves*
HELLO Brooke....
Bye for now Mona!
Hi all!!! How's it hangin (or whatever it is we all do!)
Lindsey, scroll back and get my email and yell at me and I will catch you up on some things to watch for.. lol
Brooke, hiya!
Mona,see you later!
Ellie - send me some of your cookies. My sugar levels haven't quite reached life-threatening capacity yet.
I'm thinking about attaching an IV straight from the cookie jar to my arm.
Bye Mona, and thanks for the email!
Hi Brooke.
Bye Mona.
Bye Mona...big hugs to ya doll!
Bye Mona! I will definitely e-mail you :) Thanks!
Hey AJ! How are ya? I know what you mean about the cookies...I baked over 11 dozen cookies in two days...I was having baking withdrawl today....
Lindsey--suspenders and the naughty room are big here...in fact, Rob's calling you right now...bring the damn suspenders in with you and don't forget to warm up his Hot Pockets for him...
Bye Mona... come back soon...
Ellie... hmmm, oliver! Wonder where that 'r' came from.
AJ! Hi, honey bunch!
Lindsey...don't go! It's a trap! Ellie just wants him all for herself...she's a sly minx that one!
Kathryn...typical Dickens!
Oliver: "Please sir, may I have some more?"....
That's me shamefully begging Rob....
Kathryn, I thought you were working on those typos!!!
Naughty girl , you need to take a number and get in that room when Lindsey's done~~~~
Ellie... the naughty room must be something I missed while on my jolly holidays. I like the sound of it though!!!!!
Holy Crap, Jules, I was thinking the same thing!
Love the musical, too!
LOL Ellie!
Now girls, there's enough of Rob to go around.
I have my number... hurry up Lindsey!
Hell, Kathryn, Rob's so busy in there, we need TomStu to keep things in order!
Haha, I think we all practically live in the naughty room.
Ellie...we are too freaking scary...Are you sure we're not twins separated at birth?
Hell Ellie, even three of your hump list candidates were the same as mine!
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