Do you have a favourite scene or moment that you were looking forward to seeing bought to life?
There was one scene which I guess as a writer I'm most proud of between Dalí and Lorca. - which turns into the sex scene with Magdalena and its the scene where, well so much of when you're writing is about subtext, and in this scene they actually say what they really think and as a writer I'm most proud of how that scene turned out. I think the actors put in the most extraordinary performance, really.
The other scene I was enormously interested to see how it would turn out is the last scene in the film. Where Rob basically had the challenge of trying to convey a huge number of very different emotions to go from being completely broken down as a character to reconstructing himself as the Dalí we know. And because of time constraints we had just one shot at it and we did it all straight through. The cameraman had the camera strapped to his body and he was following Rob around, and Rob had maybe ten minutes to pull it off and he did the most extraordinary job. So I'm amazed by that!
Read the rest of the interview HERE.
Hello everybody,
Thanks for posting, Dani!I´m so looking forward for that film! I hope I´ll have a chance to watch it here. I´m sure that Robs preformance will be extraordinary!
Last night I saw Elegy, really made me think about a few things...
This food reviewer was at il sole last night sitting next to Rob:
Here's her restaurant review & what she had to say about our man:
Here's a review about il sole from last night. She sat next to our man & had a little comment about him:
scroll down about 1/2 way.
"that guy from twilight..." makes him sound so generic.
She's obviously not a fan she didn't even know his name!
Trixie--LOVE THE BRA!!!!!!!!!!!
You are my idol!!!
Trixie--Is it from his last conquest?(when did you two hook up?)...LOL
I'd love to be seated near Rob in a restaurant (preferably at the same table) though i doubt I'd be able to go over and speak to him like the reviewers BF did, I'd feel too rude at interrupting his meal.
Oh the Edith Bowman Radio 1 interviews up if you didn't already know. It starts at about the 2:40 mark
Katie xxx
Trixie--Ha Ha, i'm tearing up! That bra is too funny.
Ha ha Trixie love the Bra!!!
Hi Katie,I just put
up about the interview on the other thread, great minds LOL
I think I'd be the same I don't think I'd have the courage to go over and say Hi, I'd be thinking about what he said on GMTV, ignore me! but then I'd kicking myself for being that close and not saying anything!I'm a pure Gemini always in two minds about everything!
I can't believe I actually had to do some work while at work, sheesh! :-)
Dana - WOW to your reply to my last post. My two little pictures are nothing, lol! How very cool to have all of those connections and all of the Wings goodies! Very nice for your hubby, too! Our season tickets were the then cheap seats by the organ, lol.
Trixie - LMAO at the bra!!!!
Kate- Hello my fellow Gemini. Good twin/Bad twin. I vote for bad twin with Rob!
Yes Dana I'm with you there ;-)
I'm not really that into star signs but I have found that to be so true about Geminis (or should I say about me anyway) I seriouly always am in two minds about things! It's so bloody annoying!
Before I really head out, love the Little Ashes post--I will so be showing this movie some love when it comes to Atlanta! Have a great day everyone!
I'm Gemini too so i feel the same.
I've seen some minor British celebrities (like Graham Norton and Patsy Palmer) in restaurants before and spent the entire evening wondering whether to ask for autographs or not. I've always been too chicken and ended up leaving disappointed that i didn't
Maybe if i saw Rob i wouldn't be able to stop myself. I'd probably end up doing something really embarrassing and throw myself at him or something :-D
Katie xxx
Fantastic Little Ashes post! Seriously, hearing all of these compliments from Rob's peers is so exciting! You can tell that the people who have worked with him have the utmost respect for him as an actor, and also seem to genuinely really like him as a person. Ahhhh I can't WAIT to see this film!
Hey guys - had jump off for a bit to get ready for my son's holiday party at school. Glad you all liked the bra :) Must credit Jovie with the idea, of course.
Ellie - okay your comment about hooking up also sent the pathetic thrill though me - LMAO!
And, if Rob ended up sitting next to me at a restaurant I seriously do not know what I would do. I would try so hard to be normal, but I KNOW I wouldn't be able to keep a huge, crazy-looking smile off my face.
Also, wanted to give Goz and Dani a BIG THANK YOU for all of the awesome posts today! You guys are rockin the hell out of this place!
And even though I'm a bit ashamed to admit it (since I detest paparazzi and I feel bad for Rob that he has to put up with that crap), but I loved seeing the Rob pics at Il Sole. He is looking mighty fine :) But I thought it was funny that the caption said he was looking "dapper"... I wouldn't describe his look as "dapper"... more like "hobochic" :)
Oh Dana and Kate - you are Gemini's, too?!
Trixie - I LOVE your picture! That is so hilarious!
lmao Trixie you SO need one of his Team Robert thongs then you can jsut tell everyone he dropped by for a visit when he left Tyra's show.. lmao
The entire article is so good. Rob appears to really deliver what is expected of him by his peers, and a whole lot more. I'm eager to see the last scene having read how teh filming went down. Rob has said that he took these roles to teach himself to act; it seems more a matter of him fine-tuning a natural gift/talent. I've read some reviews of people who have been lucky enough to see LA and the entire film sounds remarkable.
I said goodbye on the other thread and I'm back on here for a few minutes, just got off the phone with my friend who's coming with me to see "Twilight" on Saturday. She ran into another friend that we used to work with and was gonna asl her to come with us but wanted to check with me first. I had siad to her the other day about her coming but said she may not enjoy the film but she's gonna ask her anyways.Mmmm she's the type to say atraight out if she doesn't like something but we already made plans so if she wants to come she's gonna have to go along with them! Right I'm off this time, talk later!
Kari - I so agree. Rob does seem to have a natural acting talent... most actors have to go through training to be any good, but Rob just sort of figured it out on his own. Everything I've seen on LA has been rave reviews also, so I am really really excited to see our boy in this role.
Ahhhh - I'm so glad you all like my picture :)
Mona - again with the thrill inducing images (rob dropping by after tyra)...
lmao hey what can I say.. Rob just brings it out in us.. hahaha
if he only knew...
Okay, I'm off to my son's holiday party :)
Hopefull bbl - have a great afternoon everyone!
Hi Lyla - the entire production is very exciting, isn't it? I'm just hoping like crazy it is released somewhere close enough for me to get to see it!
Have fun Trixie!
I soooo want this movie to win as many awards as it possibly can.
I've said it before, but can't it be March already????
Hi Ladies :)
Me too Stella-D, stuff like this just makes me more jazzed to see the film.
I am eagerly anticipating this film....
I read a an online review of LA several months back, where the reviewer devoted a lot of space to her review of the screenwriters favorite scene mentioned, where Rob's face goes through the series of emotions. She said it was fantastic.
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