This is from my park magazine. So take it with a grain of salt and the only reason I'm posting it is because of the last line :)
Robert Pattinson to replace Russell Brand
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Robert Pattinson fans are hoping that Disney will allow their favourite actor to replace Russell Brand in the next Pirates of the Caribbean film.
It is alleged that Brand is set to play Jack Sparrow's brother but this could all change before filming starts.
Brand has offended lots of people in the last few months so many people think he should be given the boot.
Rob is so popular that he could demand a lot of money for appearing in any film.
Things have certainly changed for Robert. Shortly after Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was released he told the Daily Telegraph: "There's no reason why a film should cost 100 million.
"It's crazy. People will say, `We'll fly you out there to some country, pay for all your living expense, and then we'll pay you.' You're like: Why?
"I'm not really sure what my point is. I don't want to be paid ever again. I hate money. I want to do everything for free."
Gozde: First I was trying to be funny and posted: most of the time we don't know what your point it either but it was very unfair. He is always so articulate, I deleted my idiotic comment :))
I know exactly what your point is ;-)
Kee_ who is still trying to leave the computer;-)
As sad as it is, it's 10PM here and I'm tired. I'm going to miss chatting with you guys SO much...
Don't have too much fun without me :((
Good night, Goz and sweet dreams!
Sleep well, Goz...Olive juice, honey bunch!
Goz, I agree with your first comment. I don't know what his point is in so many interviews.. and that is what keeps me watching more :)
Aah Goz I didn't realise you had been posting most of the day :-( I had a lot to catch up on. Sweet Dreams. You're only 2 hours ahead of me!!
I was laughing at the last line of the interview.LOL
Oh and a quick note on the Empire interview below "Start" is not available anymore and even when they were they were horrible YUCK!!! and I don't like Golden Grahams either, actually I'm not sure if they're around either I don't think they were very popular and that ends the ceral debate!!LOL
Off to put a colour in my hair and cover up these greys !!LOL Back later!
I know this sounds silly, but in regards to Rob's last line, he can do me for free... :)
Hope to talk to you later, Kate!!!!
Ellie! How's your day shaping up?
Okay, that Empire interview was adorable! I besotted...
Hi Ladies! Just popped in to see the new stuff! My battery on my phone pooped out on me today....GAAHHH! No sneaking away to check out Robsessed, no pix of Rob till I got home...
Oh, no wait thats a lie. I was walking past our electronics section and lo and behold, they're showing the Twilight Trailer!
LMAO@ Ellie. Yep he can do me for free too :))
And Kate, yep we are almost in the same time zone now!
I love "cinnamon toast crunch". yumm...
Nite nite loves! "see" ya'll tomorrow!
Nite Goz! See on the blog later!
The first time Rob said "Grahams" he said it with an American accent...too cute!
Hey Jules - i couldn't get into the site for over an hour and I was seriously hyperventilating - LOL!
How pathetic am I?
As bad as I cruising the greeting card aisles to find a "Thank You" card to send to Rob...I'm losing my mind.
Oops...I meant as bad as I "am". Forgot that little word. Hormones kill brain cells and causes typing malfunctions...
Jules - I posted in another thread that I paid $9 for the Italian mag "Ciak" just because that picture of Rob biting his thumb is in it!
Hey - do we have a new game? "I'm so pathetic that I..."
yeah..that'd be a good one. But I won't get to play until later. I gotta go get my kids from school!
Will you be on later? If so, lets give it a go!
Bye Trixie!
Bye Jules! Let's try to play that game tonight - I know you'll be much better at it than me :)
I love this picture. That jawline and those cheekbones could cut diamonds!
Thanks for posting that Empire interview. So great! I think my favorite part was when he was trying to think of an answer when they asked him what book he would take to a desert island. He makes so many delicious sounds with his mouth. The tongue clicking, the soft ummm... If only he could be doing that right next to my ear...
So busy at work but wanted to drop by and say thanks to Goz for rocking the blog today, I love you sweetness!
Emily, no kidding! What I wouldn't give to hear Rob utter just about ANYTHING in my ear... fully formed sentences and words would be nice, but even unintelligible noises would be just fine with me! I absolutely adore how he really thinks about each question and tries to come up with an interesting or clever response... he's a thinker, this one. And he's funny. And talented. And complex. And, oh yeah, he's even gorgeous to boot. Geeeez, how did he end up with ALL good qualities?
I know, Lyla. We may be a bit biased (with our Rob goggles on and all) but I don't think anyone can deny that he's incredibly talented. Actor, musician, writer, he's got it all.
Rob could whisper the periodic table of elements in my ear for all I care. I also like your idea of unintelligible noises coming out his mouth too. That made my mind go places it really shouldn't.
LOL I know, I was thinking naughty things as I was typing that bit as well. Glad I'm not the only one whose mind wandered off in that direction :) He honestly could be saying anything and it's swoonworthy (did I mention it's effing hot when he curses?!)... maybe we should say that we wear "Rob earmuffs" as well as "Rob goggles" since everything that comes out of his mouth makes us melt... It's like my ears have some sort of filter that when Rob's voice passes through, my ear drums do a little happy dance or something.
Okay, I apologize if that comment is a bit bizarre, but I just a had a big ol cup of coffee, and I'm hyper!
Rob earmuffs - LOL! I'd have to agree with you there. Maybe we should include something for the way he probably smells, too. Anyone else who rarely washes their hair, wears the same clothes day after day, and smokes is probably going to be smelling a little funky but not Rob. Well, even if he really does, do we care? I'd sniff him in a heartbeat if I got the chance. :)
Hello and good afternoon, lovelies!
Emily---Rob, earmuffs! I am with you, I would take a whiff o' Rob anyday. That's it, we need Rob scratch and sniff stickers.
Alrighty, that kinda sounds gross...the numerous carbs I just consumed are taking over my brain!
Scratch and sniff stickers would be perfect. They could have "beanie", "bubble boy jacket", "zip zip pants", and "old plaid shirt." That one could have a bonus scent of TomStu included. I wouldn't say no to "unlaced Doc Martens" either.
Well, maybe the shoes would be a bit much.
Emily---LOL The scratch and sniff sticker idea reminds me of the HP special edition Jelly Bellys which were actually tasty. This is too funny!
Haha, yes you're right! Something for the way he smells and for some of his fashion choices (read: his chinese slippers with his toes sticking out)... although I guess that last one would be taken care of by the "Rob goggles". Hmmm, but as far as his smell, I would just have to guess that Rob's natural pheromones would mask any and all funky smells that his dirty hair and/or clothes would produce :) Hell, I have a feeling that if I actually saw him in person and was able to take a sniff, I bet I would be so overwhelmed by his drop-dead gorgeous looks and charm that my other senses would completely stop working ;)
Lynn and Emily - cracking me up with the Rob scratch and sniff stickers!! Too funny! Did you guys see the Most Beautiful Man People magazine where they actually did have scratch and sniff stickers for some of the guys?
Oh yeah Lynn, I forgot about those. Eww, didn't they make ear wax and dirt and vomit ones?
Lyla, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking of when Lynn mentioned Rob scratch and sniff stickers. You could have a picture of him dressed in whatever and then depending on what part of his body you scratched, you could take a nice whiff. Wow, that doesn't sound creepy at all, does it?
LOL! Creepy in an oh-so-right way! :) Believe me, I think everyone who frequents this blog would totally want that kind of scratch and sniff Rob photo. Sign me up for one! (I wish)
It also made me think of that interview when Rob said he was afraid of coming off as a franchise person who is going to release a fragrance and then a clothing line. Eau de Hobo, perhaps? And a clothing line from Rob? I'd love to see that. I bet it would be affordable. However, I would definitely not say no to the naked calendar. In that case there should be at least 16 or 17 months in the year.
Hi I'm back, the hair colour took a bit longer than expect and nearly ended up a disaster!:-0
A friend who I haven't spoken to in a while rang and I said I can only for 10 mins coz I have a colour in (if only she rang 20mins earlier I could have stayed talking for 30mins) but anyway I got off the phone 40mins later. I thought I would have to borrow "The beanie" to cover up but thankfully it's fine!!
Just having a quick cup of tea before I head to bed but just had to stop by and say hello to you crazy robkats!
Hi Kate! Glad the color worked out okay. Although, you're right, that would have been the perfect excuse for a nice beanie. We're just chatting about scratch and sniff Rob. You know, the usual.
"Eau de hobo" LMFAO!! That made me snort - how embarrassing. God, I would love to see him put together a clothing line... I have a feeling every outfit would have too-short sleeves and too-snug pants, and would be accessorized with suspenders and shoelaces (for a bracelet OR a belt).
And a naked calendar?? Yes, please! Maybe he would do 2 photos per month just to make us happy :)
That's exactly what a Rob Pattinson clothing line would consist of. There would be the staples - beanies, black pants (sorry, no belts), black t-shirts, grey underpants, and too-small jackets. Throw in a couple mix and match plaid shirts, threadbare white t-shirts, and the occasional button up dress shirt and you're set for weeks.
Oh, the suspenders are a MUST. Gah, he looks sexy in those.
"We're just chatting about scratch and sniff Rob. You know, the usual."
So I see LOL
Yep - that is what Rob's clothing line would look like to the T... Okay, is it weird that whenever I see the word "underpants" now, I hear Rob's voice saying it in my head? I SEE "underpants" but I HEAR "undahpahnts" in his soft throaty accent. I'm helpless.
And in other news, I just saw this from the NY Daily News site:
"Robert Pattinson doesn’t have an excuse for bad hair anymore. Axe Hair is offering the “Twilight” actor a lifetime supply of products after he admitted in a recent interview that he hadn’t washed his mane in six weeks. Dirty or not, Pattinson still made People’s Sexiest Men issue. If he actually washes, perhaps next year he’ll have a shot at the cover!"
Axe obviously realizes Rob's popularity and knows that attaching their name to his name is going to sell!
Oh, and Hi Kate!! *waves*
LOL Kate---just another normal day!I guiltily take responsibility for the scratch and sniff stickers. Aside from pheromone stickers, I would go for Rob product placement scratch and shiff stickers like "Diet Vanilla Pepsi", "Hot Pockets" and "Cinnamon Toast Crunch". I have no idea what a ripe beanie or the bubble boy jacket should smell like.
I guess like Rachelle mentioned it...musty but not smelly!
LOL Lyla! I bet that Rob's dream would be Axe no rinse shampoo and now said British boy has no excuse!
I didn't even say underpants until that MTV interview. Just underwear. Now I can't help it either. Again, back to the Rob earmuff theory. Really, since when is underpants such a sexy sounding word? Oh yeah, since it was uttered by Rob.
That's funny about Axe. Don't they understand he doesn't wash it by choice? It's not like he doesn't have access to shampoo. I think Bed Head should be offering Rob the lifetime supply in exchange for being their spokesperson. Not that he even needs the product.
Emily---the word underpants always reminds me of the children's books, "Captain Underpants", which is the most asinine book series ever!
Axe would do anything for perfect product placement...I would think that Rob wouldn't even really like Axe...that stuff kinda reeks!
I like those scent ideas, Lynn! Hot Pocket - lol! Make sure it's the pepperoni and sausage one. We could also include Peach Snapple and Cheeseburger.
Hi, ladies!
I'm about to eat dinner, but had to tell you I'm SO loving the scratch and sniff Rob stickers!
See you all leter....Olive juice!xoxoxo
Lynn - I bet all of these companies are thanking their lucky stars that Rob has mentioned their name - I'm sure their sales have gone up! But you're right, I think scratch and sniff stickers, in addition to Rob's endorsement, would really make them reach their full potential. Axe is clearly jumping on the bandwagon now, too.
Emily - I never said underpants before Rob mentioned it either, and frankly, I probably couldn't think of a more un-sexy word for underwear -- but again, once HE said it, it was instantly hot! Thank you, Rob earmuffs! Good thinking with the Bed Head... I feel like Rob would be their perfect spokesman
I agree about Axe, Lynn and Lyla. Trying to cash in a bit, are we?
Now if they need a voluteer to try the product out on Rob to see how it agrees with him, I'm so there. Lather, rinse, REPEAT! They make a body wash too, right?
LOL Bye, Ellie...enjoy your dinner!
Emily---pepperoni and sausage Hot Pockets s&s stickers would be a must. I loved Rob's comment about vegetarian Hot Pockets...how he didn't see the point to them! As a vegetarian, I couldn't agree more, Hot Pockets give me the willies.
Dear God if I@m ever over in the US I will have to get a hot pocket LOL I SO have to try one!!
Bye Ellie {{waves}}
Oh, Emily! I am having my perfect day dream as the nun/nurse in THA...don't forget between the toes and the nether regions. GAHHH!
LOL, Emily! Yes, I definitely think Axe needs someone to show Rob how all of the products work... and yes, they most certainly do have a body wash *wink wink*
*raises hand* I volunteer my services!
Kate---you are not missing much...it's like an Italian calzone with about a million preservatives. If you must, chase it with a beer or a gallon of water!
Kate - You are not missing much by not having Hot Pockets over there, I promise. Think of a piece of pizza that is wrapped up in bread, then add more fat and preservatives, and that is essentially a Hot Pocket.
The beer sounds good Lynn ;-)
Oh and now you've put your daydream into my head and I'm just going to bed and all............;-) LOL
Gah! Sorry Lynn, just read your comment, and realized we said the same thing! Oops. I guess great minds think alike :)
Okay, but in this day dream...the bits are working and the uniform is fully zippered! LOL
That part in THA was so uncomfortable to watch. Hopefully they got that in one take. Poor guy. I think in our daydreams, Rob is enjoying everything immensely. :)
I still have a hard time calling them Hot Pockets. Remember a while back I mentioned how that name got ruined for me? Someone referred to their lady parts as that and I can't get past it. I sort of giggle whenever Rob mentions Hot Pockets in an interview.
Mmmm right at this minute the thought of it does not appeal to me at all, i had a chinese earlier and of course they gave me free prawn crackers and I really should say no I don't want them but I'm just a girl who can't say no and now I'm stuffed!!!!
I think his cologne name should be.. Sex Hair Musk. lol
Ok I really don't want a hot pocket now (thanks Emily LOL)
And Lynn What (or whose) bits are working in your daydream??LOL
Hi Mona {{waves}}
Emily---I know it is an uncomfortable scene to watch, but, it plays out the nurse/patient fantasy wonderfully in my wicked mind! LOL I forgot about your aversion to the words, "hot Pockets".
Kate---you are playing in to my salt cravings...I would die for some Chinese food!
Hi ladies! Aww Lynn I'm making stir fry tonight for dinner.
Ooo, I like that name, Mona. Good one! When you scratched his head, you'd get a whiff of Sex Hair Musk.
Sorry if I've forever ruined Hot Pockets for you, Kate. But like Lynn and Lyla said, you're not missing much.
Mona---mmmm...stir fry sounds good, too! I am being lazy and will probably make more breakfast burritos or chicken tacos.
Ha ha I was lazy today and didn't cook dinner (was doing the christmas cake instead) so I decided to get a chinese. I love chinese but I don't like anything too spicy!
Mmmm, stir fry sounds so good right now. Speaking of dinner, I better get going and actually do something productive this evening. Thanks for the fun! This place is the best. Hope to catch up with you all tonight!
lol No lazy was last night after picking up tree limbs outside.. I made sloppy joes and salad and fried apples lol fast and easy
LOL Emily, I had forgotten about your Hot Pocket expression! Yet another reason not to find them appetizing - yuck!
I'm liking the Sex Hair Musk cologne... it goes well with the Eau De Hobo cologne that Emily thought of earlier. Rob could have a whole line of colognes that capture his various scents, I'm sure :)
The two are being lazy together Lynn.
Emily- don't worry, I probably wouldn't even like them anyway was just curious because Rob kept going on about them ;-) How pathetic am I ??LOL
Ooh mona stir fry sounds gorgeous!
Well after the Christmas rush is over I'll get ya to email me your address Kate and I'll FedEx you some hot pockets
Mona---fried apples sound so southern! LOL I should go too and get my daughter back on task.
And, to remain some what on topic, I love the pic on this thread...Rob is so channeling his inner Brando. I am melting at that slight pucker!
Okay, I'm back...did I miss much??
I did see the hot pockets subject. Kate, you're not missing much at all. although, the 4 cheese pizza ones aren't THAT bad...
lol Lynn, I really don't know where the recipe came from, my great grandpa used to make them for us, he was from Ireland but I think he learned it here, you cut apples into slices and take a small piece of onion and chop it and a small spoon of butter and fry it all in the frying pan. My kids love them!
LOL cool Mona, maybe you could give them to Rob when he's coming home from Christmas and he can deliver them to me personally!!LOL
And yes Lynn we're always off topic!
Hey Ellie welcome home!
Bye Emily and Lynn!
I actually must run, too... It is way too fun here, it just sucks you in... You start commenting, and then all of a sudden you realize it's been a couple of hours! Gah!
Bye all, hope to check in here later!
I've never had them Mona, the apples that is, but it could be something that's years old or maybe specific to a certain part of the country. FOr example they have stuff down in Cork (where my Mum is from)that they don't have up here .
Mona--I do feel at home, here...how did you know? :)
Fried apples are delish; I made them with my class last year, but without the onion. Had cinnamon in it. Kind of like the apples at boston market, but much better. I made homemade McIntosh applesauce tonight. Like my mom's... Yummy!
well Ellie, cause you are one of us silly
Bye Lyla, Emily and Lynn. I must be heading soon too I ionly popped in while I was having a cuppa and I finished that AGES ago LOL
Kate his family was originaly from Galway, I'm not sure where that's at, I would love to come for a vacation there in Ireland to do some research.
Bye, Lyla--hope to talk with you later!
Okay, gotta get off for awhile;the kid's on here, now. See you all very soon...again. LOL
(hope you're here , though...) :)
And Mona, yes, I'm one of you's...LOL and I am silly. Seriously.
Have a great evening everyone!! I'm off to stir my fry.. lol
Galway's over in the west of Ireland Mona I'm more in the midlands.
Actually I'm meeting up with a friend of mine on Saturday and she's from Galway. They tend to speak Irish over in Galway more so than here. My grandmother on my Dad's side was from Galway (I never met her she died before I was born) but my Dad was a fluet Irish speaker, I don't know where he got me from because I never took to it at all.
Well I'm going to bed seeing as everyone is going Night night catch up with ye in the morning {{waves}}
I have an very good suggestion for what I'd like him to do for free ;)
Now I feel really naughty... the devil made me type it.
did anyone see the new photo with his new haircut. i love the gray plaid jacket he's wearing. Does anyone know where could i find that for my boyfriend?
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