This comes from the How to Be promo blitz site:
Well, How To Be has wrapped up a busy year of film festivals and premieres, but the director and producer of the movie are still hard at work. This update from producer Justin Kelly was posted at the Support How To Be Facebook page:
Thank you very much for your support for this film! We are working on securing distribution partners around the world. Further news will be released asap via the news letter at www.howtobemovie.com. Thanks Justin (Producer)
In addition, this update was posted on the Official How To Be Facebook Fan page:
Hi guys, sorry we haven't posted for a while. As you can imagine, the Twilight release has made us very busy! Hope you all enjoyed their movie! We humbly submit that ours has fewer action sequences but a better soundtrack : )
How To Be will certainly be available both to download and buy on DVD. We're still figuring out the details, but we hope to make an announcement soon.
We also have some festival screenings to announce and we'll post back here when we have locations and dates.So sorry we have nothing concrete to report, but we do read your posts and are very grateful for all your support and enthusiasm!
Go HERE to learn how you can support Rob and his movie by joining the official facebook/myspace groups and get on the official site e-mailing list for updates.
Thanks to tracygee on Rob's IMDb page for the news and links.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»Thanks for including this. I thinks it's great how you guys support All of Rob.
This blog is so all inclusive. Aside from the wonderful people, this is why we keep coming back day after day.
I want to see this one, but I'm really salivating to see Little Ashes.
Hi Tess - very well said, I couldn't agree more.
Hi Mona!
Trix- LOVE the new avatar... It's the next best thing to having the real deal ;)
Yay!! I am so looking forward to this movie.
Heeeellleeewww my lovelies. I am glad you like the Rob promo...I am jazzed to see both films. I think I am more excited for LA, but HTB comes in a close second on my excite-o-meter.
Tess - Sadly, I must admit that I do like having it/him around :) I'm hopeless...
Okay, so did you know that Hot Topic is now selling Twilight Bandages? Oh, and Edward body sparkle?
Hey Dani! Thanks for all the rob-love today :)
Ok I'm am going this time but just wanted to say i'm really excited to see this movie too and delighted to hear it will be available to download etc and Tess well said. Right I'm gone. See ye tomorrow! Take care!
I'm looking forward to LA and HTB (yes, I have a thing for Art... I love quirky guys)
I'm so jealous of the LA/Robkat pow wow that's going to happen with in Austin next March.. so not fair!
Twilight Bandages? Baahahaaa
typo's galore... must be the excitement. you can figure out what I meant...
Oh Trixie you did it!
I am soooo happy!
And your bra is gorgeous!
You made my day, no, my month to see your lingerie on Rob!
He looks fabulous!
"How To Be will certainly be available both to download and buy on DVD."
I just squeeled like a little kid on Christmas morning. Damn, does this make me happy or what??
Hello, Tess!
I went on FB and signed on the HTB fan base. I really want to see this film and LA!
Honey, your hits are going to skyrocket.
Hi everyone!
I am really jazzed about hearing that HTB will be soon released on DVD.
Me too Stella-D I was super excited to see that they are putting that bad boy on DVD and download. Might have to get that action on my pod so I can watch some Art at work and get me a Rob fix from time to time.
Dani, I will buy an Ipod just so I can have that movie with me all the time.
I don't really know which movie I'm more excited for. If LA or HTB. I have been obsessing about Dali and Lorca for a while now, but Art is just so much like me I can't wait to see how his story folds out.
Stella and Dani---I am so excited too...I may have to steal my kids' personal DVD player...lol.
How are you both?
Lynn, I'm dying of excitement. I'm going back home TOMORROW! YEEAH! :D
Jovie! I TOLD you I was going to do it - LOL! How was your day?
Can I join you all in saying that I, too, can't wait to see HTB and LA?
Tess - how was your 2nd screeing of Twilight? I really enjoyed it much better the 2nd time.
Stellaluna---I am so excited for you...I know how much you've looked forward to going back! Cheers to you, mija!
Hey Lynn babe, I am good, been a busy day at work and I can't load vids or anything due to the firewall so that is a bit of a bummer but yeah it has been a good day, snowed a few times today and a big storm is suppose to hit on Sat. But weather people for Portland notoriously suck ass at their jobs so we really have no idea what is in store.
How are you my love?
Stella-D babe I almost forgot you are going home tomorrow! YAY! I am excited for you, but get the damn internet hooked up with the quickness or else I will miss you too damn much and that is just not acceptable.
Sorry Trixie,I stepped away to answer the door.
My day was GREAT!
How was yours?
Stella, I'm really happy for you that you get to go home!
Dani---today was much better...SoCal folks don't do rain! I look like a drowned rat yesterday...today was chilly yet sunny. You are doing a stupendous above and beyond what your work abilities are! Tomorrow is my last day of freedom before the kiddos invade for the holiday season.
I really need some HTB or LA or may be some Twilight to refresh me!
Jov - good day. Busy. My son's holiday party was cute. Got some more Christmas shopping done.
Funny thing - the school wouldn't allow the party to be called a "holiday" party... it had to be called a "winter solstice" party. Come on! Isn't "holiday" party generic/non-offensive enough"?
Thanks guys! I'm seriously jumping up and down right now. I will try to convince my family to hook up the internet as fast as possible.
I'm seriously going to die without hearing from my lovely Robkats or Rob news.
I hadn't seen this photo before. Daaaamn, loves it!
That is just ridiculous, Trixie. A winter solistice party, wtf?!
Stella- Oh no... no internet?
I'm leaving tonight until after the New Year. I'm not sure If I want to bring my laptop, but I know I'll be going through robkat/blog/fb withdrawals as well. and I can't borrow my MIL or dh's to blog ;)
Oh.. good news I had yesterday... They're submitting HTB to the Singapore Film Festival !!!
Stella---great pic...the sideburns are outta control and so is my fascination with Rob!
wow, Trixie, they are starting to get a little carried away aren't they?
Trix- referring to it as the Winter solstice party is a pagan as you can get!! if they only knew!!! ha ha ha
Once at our city hall someone objected to a beautiful creche out there on the front lawn that had been there for sixty years and then they next year they had everything represented, and it was so gaudy and hilarious at the same time.
Tess, that is great news. :)
I would die if they brought the movie to Ficco (a festival here in Mexico City) after I left for my hometown. But my less selfish side wants them to show it.
I want people to see what a talented actor he is.
Lynn, I know. The fact that is a B&W pic makes it so much attractive IMO.
Winter solstice party wouldn't fly here in SoCal...the Latino families wouldn't understand it! C'mon, enough with the political correctness!
I finally caught up on some reading of postings and read where Rob said he said food poisoning during GOF time period and passed out on a bus.
I went ahh!!poor darling. I wanted to take care of him.
He said someone helped him up.
I know how you feel Stella. The SIFF here is in April.. now that I've sent the info to the HTB team, and they're on it... we might be planning a trip to the states the first two weeks of april!!! WHY WHY WHY..
Lynn- did you read my last note..?
B&W is very hot! I love the smoke image in the back. My only gripe is his chin looking a wee off!
Jov, Lynn, Tess - I KNOW, isn't it ridiculous?
Tess, I thought the same thing about Winter Solstice being as pagan as you can possibly get.
I mean, who would be offended by calling it a holiday party? Seriously!
And, back to Rob... I was thinking most of the afternoon about what I would do if Rob was seated at the table next to me at a restaurant. I think I would have to leave because I wouldn't be able to act cool. I'd just be too giddy.
goz posted this picture last night several threads down..
I agree Lynn, he's sporting a turtle chin here (and another some place else.. ha hahaa)
His breathe caught on film, makes the pic look otherworldy.
Hey Sabrina! Sorry, didn't see your comment before.
No problem, Trix!
Oh my sweet Jesus...Tess...I just laughed so hard that I started coughing.
Yes, turtle galore in more places then one!
dh comes home last night. Asks how my day was. I told him I went to see Twilight again with a friend and he looks at me and says "I had an adrenaline rush, you can google it" My mouth was agape...and I just stared.
Lynn - and I'm laughing at "turle galore"!!! Not sure why that is stiking me so funny.
A bit OT here, but can I just say that my appetite has been out of control lately? I've put on like 5 lbs in the last 2 months.
Tess, really? I didn't see it, lol. I have been trying to stay a bit away so I can handle my no internet time.
That breath thing is great. I hope I can take pictures like that someday.
Trix, yes I was thinking how accomodating he is when he comes out of the restaurant with all the paps and fans waiting. Especially when you smoke you sometimes just want to have a cigarette when you get outside. In California you can not smoke indoors and even some outdoor places are off limits.
I think he now knows when he goes out he must just put on his game face.
Long gone are the anoymity days.
Raphael is such the charmer...his humor is much better then my dh. He still seethes about Rob! C'mon, he's an image on the computer!
Apparently, the FT ran a review of the film (where else would he hear about it- tee hee) so he starts asking me about the plot of all the books, then he asks to see the trailer (which he'd seen already but couldn't recall) I went through 45 minutes of intense grilling.. when I mention the part where they can't consummate their relationship because of Edwards fear of killing Bella, he suggested Bella just give him ( fill in the blank) I laughed OUT LOUD
I don't think surfer dude could ever handle Rob anything on my stuff, he would probably look at me like I lost my mind.
Jov - Sometimes I wonder how long he will continue to be accomodating.
Tess - I love your husband for saying that!
I thought of that Tess, but he might rip her head off.
Tess - LOL! Men are so solution oriented!!
Jov - have you seen surfer dude lately?
I think he will continue to be accomodating for awhile, he is sometimes too nice for his own good.
Which is one of the many reasons I like him.
LOL I just pictured firey popsicles...Bella would have put the blocks to Edward at any given moment!
lol... He also suggested that Bella could Handcuff Edward to something and have her way with him.. It was hysterical! because he was miming everything he was suggesting.. I was in tears!
Yes, I have, Trixie
He couldn't wait to show me he bought James Morrison tickets for me for a concert in January in SF.
He gave them to me early for Christmas.
I think he was excited about an extended out thing.
He is very sweet.
I think he was worried I wasn't free to go after he bought the tickets.
I said not free for James Morrison?!
No way, I would always be free.
He always tours in Europe and hardly ever here.
Jov - "too nice for his own good", you are so right about that.
Edward would just rip the handcuffs off.
LMAO Tess.
This Saturday I'm going to see it with my best friend. I wonder what will he say about it.
Leave it to a guy to put a BJ in to the equation! LOL I would have loved to see the miming!
Jov- That's exactly what I said...
I am too nice sometimes also, so I so understand.
He has many wonderful qualities, doesn't he Trixie?
Jov - very sweet gift from surfer dude! I'm excited for you to go to the concert :)
Tess - your husband sounds like a riot.
Lynn-I know.. Now I'm laughing all over again.. But now I'm free to obsess in public about Rob. I told him he was divine..
Tess, about what ripping the handcuffs off or ripping her head off?
Jov-The handcuffs...
Thanks Trixie, I am looking forward to the concert also.
I am going to have to wrap gifts. I'll check back later.
It was good to chat with you.
Jov - YES, many many wonderful qualities *sigh*.
I have to remind myself that he is a real person and undoubtedly has qualities/habits that would be annoying.
got it Tess.
I asked him to bring home the review. It was in yesterday's Financial Times. Maybe Goz/Dani can find a scan of it. I think it's hilarious that it would even be in that paper!
I see so many things about him that would be annoying.
And so many wonderful qualities also.
See you later Jov!
Tess - how did he react to the divine comment? I have yet to reveal any such comments to my husband.
Jov - Okay, you can't leave on that note!!! Examples of annoying qualities needed please :)
Trix- He was completely OK. He has a great sense of humor, so I will expect much ribbing about this. He asked me if any of my friends husbands have seen it, so perhaps he's interested in seeing it (more than likely he just wants to goof on me watching it)
He figures that it's harmless...
Tess - Oh, I'm glad that he is now "in" on your secret. Sounds like you guys can have some fun with it.
Trix-It was fun...
I have to get going. We're leaving for the holidays this evening, and there are a few things I still need to pick up for people. I'll pop in later this afternoon to say 'hello'
bye all. kisses
Good evening, lovely ladies!!
How is everyone?
I'm loving Tess' "turtle" talk! LOL
Trixie-I hope you don't mind, but I made a flair out of bra-slinging Santa-Rob... :) It's so out there, it fits in right here.
Hi Ellie! I loved that flair of Trixie's Santa Rob!
DAMMIT!!!!! I missed Tess! I'm so mad I love me some Tess and miss her bunches.
How are all the lovely ladies doing this evening or morning or afternoon depending where in the world you are ?
Hi, Sabrina! I couldn't resist... It's too cute! How are things out by you??
We're bracing for a snow storm tomorrow starting about 4 am. I'll probably have only 2 or 3 students, out of 7, if we have school. It'll be a movie day... :)
Hey Ellie - no problem! Please use bra-slinging, santa-hat-wearing robward at will :)
Is this flair for FB? I'm thinking of setting up a FB account so I can join in all that fun...
Are you ready for the storm that is heading our way?
Hi, Dani! doing okay...it was a looooong day, here. I'm really needing the upcoming vacation from my class...they've been so hyper, with lots of stimming behaviors...and TOTAL disregard for their teacher! LOL
Hey Dani! We actually got some snow in Tacoma today, which I'm not too happy about because it's threatening my birthday plans. I would rather have it dump snow in the mountains than around my house so I can go snowboarding.
Dani---hello, lovely girl! And, olive juice to all!
Tess is getting the fam ready for holiday...she will try to pop back if she has time. She made another turtle neck analogy that would make Rob blush!
Good Evening Ladies...Whew just catching up on a busy day! Man, Dani, you and Goz were on it!
Ellie---the brood at school is in rare form...I am so glad that my day is Friday. I though that I was going to lose it today! I feel ya, mamas!
Hey Jules!
Trixie-Yes, I made the flair this evening and sent it to some of the girls. Gotta share the love! :) and we do love...him. You can love Rob "in person" hahaha
I just recently set up a FB account; still learning the ins and outs of it. Still haven't found a pic I like of me to put on there...
Jules---hello, m'dear! Yes, the girls were on like wild fire! I bet Target is a hot mess right now!
Oh, congrats on Josh's spelling bee win...what a smart guy!
Hey, Lynn and Jules...how's my girls today?
Lynn-can you believe we have to go back on Monday, for one day? Sheesh!
But they're talking snow storm tonight and another one sunday night, so we'll see...
I'm prepared for anything Trixie. But those damn weather men can't get the freaking story strait regarding this storm that's suppose to hit.
Sabi babe so weird that you are so close to me. I just wanna run up to Wash State and give you a big Oregon hug.
Lynn my dear I have missed you too. I will most def call you tomorrow. I will have to scan the comments for the Rob peep turtleneck comment. Gotta love Tessamd her knowledge of Euro peen.
WHAT! (in my best Rob imitation) Is this to make up for a snow day? I don't see the point of coming in on Monday...I am assuming that your numbers will be low!
Yep... We're pretty proud of him. All the teachers were thrilled that a 3rd grader won! They can't recollect the last time that has ever even happened...
Big Washington hugs to you Dani!
Hey Jules, Lynn, Sabrina, Dani!
Ellie - LOL, I can "love him in person". I think he will be updating his look as the holidays/seasons come and go...
Dani---Euro peen-love it! I cannot wait to hear from you!
Lynn-No, it's just part of our school calendar...idiots!
Jules-That is such an accomplishment, for a 3rd grader...very cool.
hey they're talking snow and sleet here again on Sunday! Right now it's in the 70's, tomorrow will be in the 80's and then Saturday evening the temps plummet 50 degrees!
Trixie...where did you get the cardboard cut-out? I want one!
He can stand next to my Mom's cardboard cut-out of James Dean! They can have a smoulder contest!
Hello, Trixie! I love your avatar!
Jules---sounds like flu/cold weather...you guys get that freakish weather like us!
Trixie-It can be like Where's Waldo!
("what's Rob wearing today?")
Wow Jules, congrats on your son's spelling bee win.
Dani - yeah, sometimes I feel like the weather people get bored when there isn't much activity so they hype up any sign of a storm. We're not supposed to see any snow until 8:00am tomorrow so I guess we'll see then.
Ellie---well, we get jacked with our modified traditional schedule. The kids don't get out until mid-June...10 weeks of summer and that's it!
I have a confession to make. I have been hoping Rob would buy a new car soon with air bags and get out of his "joke, death trap car"
it APPEARS he has.
Don't know for sure of course, but it appears he has a new Audi convertible with side and knee airbags!
An Audi T coupe. POSSIBLY.
Jules I love the smolder contest. So funny. I dressed up as a sailor one year complete with mustash. I will find the pics, I make an adorable man. Make a cardboard cut out of me and I will smolder to kick Dean and Cullen's asses!
Hi everyone haven't takent the time to read or see how is on.
I'll do that now.
Trixie-I was thinking maybe Santa-Rob needed some suspenders with cranberries strung on them for garland around his neck. :)
I was channeling Rob's layering style today...tee shirt, sweater and a hoodie zip up. I have never been cold in my entire life...today I was an ice cube.
Where do you live Trixie?
Ahhhh beebees gotta give the babe a bath. I'll be back in a bit.
Jules - my friend sent him to me :) She got him from hollywoodmegastore.com. But, someone else said you can get it at an FYE store and on amazon.
Lynn - I'm just glad I finally have an avatar! But, glad you like it.
Ellie - it will be interesting to see how creative I can get. Creativity isn't really one of my strengths, I must admit.
Congratulations on your good speller son, Jules!!!!!!
I was hoping he would buy a safer car too, Jov! He needs airbag protection, especially since he admits to being a horrible driver. I hope that's his car.
Jovie I doubt the car is his. I'm thinking rented. Probably the death mobile is in the shop. The car had out of state plates on it. But he looked smoking hot driving.
Trixie-You KNOW we'll help you along the way with it! :)
Hello, Jovie! I am betting that the Audi might belong to that kid, Markus Molinari, who was in the backseat. I hope it's his...that's a phat car!
An Audi will be my next car!
Dani - I'm in southern CT. We're supposed to be getting 12 inches starting tomorrow morning.
Jov - yeah, looks like he DID get a new car. Was wondering if it is really his, a loner, a friends?
Ellie - maybe add some mistletoe above his head???
Ellie, I love that. I have been smiling all day about Trixie's Rob.
I have so many scenarios of things on him today, of dressing him up.
I am so jazzed if Rob bought a new car.
I'm sure his black bmw was cute but I so want him to have a safe car with his lack of driving skills and LA driving.
I remember driving in SF with a stick shift when I was sixteen and giving everyone a heart attack, now I understand how they felt.
I'm like don't worry I go to the city all the time and drive, you just don't know it.
Rob must give his mum a fright.
Dani, even if it's rented he is in a safer car.
Dani---quit stealing my brain! I wuv you precious!
I don't think they would let Rob drive, if it was theirs.LMAO
Hey Jovie! Glad to see ya babes!
Dani...Get that pic online stat! I'd love to see it!
"Trixie's Rob"
I love it. I have a "rob"!
I will need help from everyone on dressing ideas, for sure.
True that Jovie and we can all be thankful the death mobile got a night off.
Lynn your brain is mine!!!!!!!!!
Alright its naked time! Baby is squeeling and running a naked muk about my house.
It was an Audi TT Roadster.
silver, convertible.
I hope it's what he is now driving.
Jules--I think that Rob was the only one that wasn't intoxicated. Apparently, the Markus kid is 18...so how he got that way is anyone's guess!
Dani---quick, split it with the kids before they hide in the house!
Hi Macaroni.
I just want him to be in a safer car. Is that too much to ask?
I like that he's in a sportscar for a quick getaway from the paps.
Dani--In our house, after a bath, Katester did the "nudie-nudie dance"! LOL
Trixie--Southern Conneticut sounds very posh...!
I want Rob in my car.
"Get in the car Mr. Pattinson!" LOL!
No, Jov, that is not too much to ask. I don't care if he drives a fancy sports car, I just want him to have a vehicle with airbags and a dash that doesn't catch on fire while he's driving down the freeway.
Well, I think I should head up to bed.
Sweet dreams to all!
Like I said before if I was his wife or gf, I would ask him three things,
Get a safer car,
be a musician not an actor so you don't kiss other women
and trust me on advice.
Ellie, when the boys were younger and would come out of the tub,I always used to tell them that they were as naked as a Safeway Chicken!
Oh Trixie I know it's late where you are but I hate to see you go!
Goodnight Trixie!
Trixie it was good seeing ya! Loving the Avatar! YUMMY!
lol, Jules!
Amen Sabrina.
Trixie-Sweet Rob dreams to you...Nite-nite! Give Santa-rob a juicy wet one, for me (a KISS, you naughty girl). Okay I'LL go in the naughty room for that; you go to sleep.
Jovie, everytime I look at your Avatar...I just think of Rob's juicy butt!
Isn't Trixie avatar hilarious!
Good night, Trixie!
Jules---"GET IN THE CAR, MR. PATTINSON"...indeed! Me needs some Hackett Campaign pics!
I really don't want to go :(
But, my husband just went up and I feel like I've been ignoring him a little bit.
Hope to see you all tomorrow!
sorry for the typos
I like that Jules.
When I look at it I think he's reading to me and we are in the bookshop together.
Remember my bookshop scenario about him shoving me against books in the bookshop after leading me down an aisle and then it gets a bit much and he takes my hand and leads me out of the bookshop for...
we I'm talking to the master you can fill in the blanks.
Lynn, I just love the way he pouts in that Hackett picture getting into the car....Too beautiful!
Have fun cuddling and snuggling husband Trixie.
I'll miss you.
Oh man Jovie, I think today I may have been going to the lack of using the censorship button classes with Rob! I so blurted something out today that should not have been said!
me too Jules.
I have question, surfer dude said to me today,
"You are very womanly. And very kissable. And very fuckable."
I paused and looked at him.
Be back in a few...gotta let the hubby use the computer...Hope I don't miss too much!
I love that pic, too! Rob looks so British pensive...he needs to wear more tweed and houndstooth!
Hurry back Ellie!
Wow, can't let him use the computer yet, this is getting good, Jov...
Rob in tweed and houndstooth, I am LMAO Lynn!
He went to an upscale rest. last night and wore his tshirt with paint splats on it.
Well you guys know me, I look at him and wonder how should I respond to this.
He's super adorable and now almost has a paniced look on his face.
I bit more lower lip looking at him trying not to smile and then I just cracked up.
He laughed to in relief. Then hugged me.
It was to one of the vendors that I've known for a couple of years now. Joey is so damn cute and so damn married. Anyway, we always have these really flirty, double entendre filled conversations, just lightly bantering, joking. He said something that REALLY made me laugh and before I knew it....this popped out of my mouth:
"I have such a dangerous crush on you."
That is why the dreams lie within the Hackett Campaign...Rob would never wear those clothes voluntarily!
I love the paint/bleach stains...classy!
Jules, Wow. and you said...
Rob still rocks Mark Jacobs!
Jules...thinking out loud...shaking head...ay, dios mio, mami! Tu es muy loca!
Okay, I'll be back...And Jules, I want the rest of the conversation!!! *wide smiles!
Well, I just clapped my hand over my mouth and went "Oops! That wasn't out loud was it?"
Joey laughed turned a little red and I asked him if he was blushing... He said "No, I'm just glad my shirt is untucked right now!"
I bet that made his day Jules.
Or, Marc Jacobs wanted to rock in a reciprocating way...thank you, Marc for measuring smaller!
Oh, I read it...good comeback from Joey! brb!
Jules----SHUT UP, I wonder if his wife suspects his antics...danger boy!
Then before he leaves, he says it's his birthday on Christmas day and asks for a birthday hug...I'm freaking out over here! I did not mean to start anything...
I hope that you didn't feel any of his happiness! LOL Joey is officially, Danger Boy!
Oh awkward, Jules!
Joey likes to tease me about my Robsession. He saw the picture I have of Rob as my wallpaper on my phone and asked me who he was....
Jules actors kiss married people all the time.
I think yours is acceptable.
Flirting is harmless.
The crush thing~ a little iffy but no harm done.
You won't act on it.
Lynn...I swear I am a total danger magnet. Wait...didn't I read that in some book somewhere....? LMAO!
I hug guys all the time. I'm a hugger, I am sure you are too.
No Jovie, you're right. I won't. I didn't even date when I was separated from my husband, because technically we were still married. Just seemed to skeezy. I absolutely REFUSE to sleep with married men. Hell, I didn't even sleep with my husband when we married....LOL!
When we're single we flirt. That's one of the fun things about being single, dammit.
Jules---I know how it in retail---vendors are always flirty (magnets...yes!) and the cuter they are...the worse! I used to see an ice cream vendor weekly that would leaving me shivering each time!
LOL, Jules.
{{{{{HUGS}}}} Yep, you're right.
I was talking "Twilight" to our bread guy the other day. He had taken his wife to go see it and he said he really enjoyed the film.
Yep, talking "Twilight" to guy named Edward.....
Remember the I Never night and all the women were talking desigers and I was getting Rob out of his desinger suit and told everyone they were typical women?
I just like talking to men period they are always so nice.
That's true Lynn. I remember when I was a bar manager...talk about flirty cute...the liquor vendors. They are hot, hot, hot!
Ahhh, what a sweetie! Bread vendors are generally safe ones.
Rob just needs to be in a t-shirt, jeans, and scruff and better yet, in my arms!
I would flirt for free booze any day...j/k! Seriously, liquor giftpacks are always the best...great glasses and fun sizes!
I'm a big flirt, and I am affectionate.
I try not to touch people but I do, I usually use pet names also.
Even to men, they seem to like it.
I was so excited to read what the writer of "Little Ashes" had to say about Rob! I'm dying to see this movie!
Fun sizes...don't read in to that one! Proper crassness! LOL
Every time some guy calls me "Honey" I just turn around and say "Yes, Lambchop?"
Yeah...I skipped over that one Lynn...too obvious!
LOL, Jules.
I am so jazzed to see LA, also.
I have read so many wonderful reviews.
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