Long article is HERE. I have skipped the parts that are repetition of what we already know :-)
"Once you're becoming the 'hot thing' or whatever, magazines say 'Oh we want to do a feature' and I've just started to say 'No', because as soon as you start putting yourself out there -- especially if you've only really done one American job -- people want to tear you down," he says.
"And I don't want to tempt anybody to want to tear me down."
In trademark self-deprecating fashion, Pattinson can't even cope with praise from his family.
"My parents are always saying 'Oh we're so proud of you' and I'm always like 'Why? It's just luck -- I haven't done anything'," he says.
For Pattinson, who used to sleep on his agent's couch when travelling to LA for auditions, fame does have its benefits.
"It's good for work," he says.
"I've been coming to LA for a few years and when you go to auditions where you know you have done the best audition, but you're not famous enough, you know you're not going to get it, just because of that.
"It's nice when something is commercially viable -- you are on more of a level playing field with other people."
Not so good is being part of the big movie marketing machine, particularly when it comes to studio requests about his trademark hair.
Pattinson, who you get the feeling doesn't like to play by anyone else's rules, nods when asked about rumours the studio demanded he keep his golden-hued quiff out of sight while on the promotional trail.
"And I cut it yesterday," he says.
"It wasn't in the contract, it was just one of those silly things where they said 'Oh people aren't going to like you looking messy', and then as soon as fans start saying 'Oh we like him looking messy', they're like 'You have to look messy all the time'.
"It's annoying. It's all dictated by what they think the fans want, but no one knows what anybody wants."
P ATTINSON says his concerns about being tied to a studio franchise made him consider not signing on for the career-making role, which will likely span three films, with the novel's sequels New Moon and Eclipse.
"I did hesitate, but there were two things that made me go ahead," he says. "I (in character) had to be 17 the whole time so they can't suddenly decide when I'm 28, 'Let's do another one', so the time period was limited.
"Also, I liked what happened to the character in the second one where he's not really in it, but he's this ominous presence and has this dramatic comeback at the end. It's like you wait the whole book for his reappearance.
"I'm barely in the second one and not in the third that much either. Plus I wanted to have a box-set as well."
Gozde: Way to play it down Rob, you are barely in Eclipse? Sure sure....
Twilight the Puppet Saga
I love tha he is turning down magazines and such. Although I love new pics of him I understand that he doesnt want the overexposure and it invites people to make judgements. He does so well in Interviews but central pieces can help and hurt sometimes.
I adore how frank he is with his words about the industry. He knows wharf going on, he isn't fooled by the glitter and glam of Hollywood. Makes me happy to know that he understands a lot more at 22 in the industry than his peers. He has quite a career ahead of him.
Barely in Eclipse? Dont we get the famous dry humping bed scene in that one?
LoL @ wanting the box set
Katie xxx
AJ - that was hilarious! How did you find it?
Ahhhh - felt good to laugh so hard...
My favorite part in Eclipse is the tent scene.. they HAVE to do that part, it's essential to the storyline between Edward and Jacob.
He's so showing his vulnerable side in this one. And his wisdom at only 22.
Oh, and great lower lip in that pic... I want to nibble on it.
I'm hoping that the writer (probably Rosenberg?) writes scenes verbatim to the book, for the tent and said dry-humping scenes...And the same moves... gaahhhh!
LOL Ellie, I'll block fangirls while you nibble a while but you have to be willing to trade out! hahahaha
I agree, the camping was where they agreed to disagree as long as it was for Bella's sake. And they finally saw they other's point of view and realized that they both loved her.
Mona--Of COURSE, I'll trade out. We girls gotta stick together, where our babe's concerned!
Re-posted from last thread.
Ellie- Ha ha, I had to check mapquest to see where White Pigeon is :P It's about 3.5 hours from where I am at.
Barely in Eclipse. Pshhh...
They better include the scene where Bella is trying to do the nasty with Edward. Or at the end where Edward wants to do it.
Kewl Ellie! We can wear our t-shirts that say..
"Vampire Fan-Guards Stay back or get bit!" lol
Dana--Wow, I forgot that Michigan was such a long state. My step sister lives in WI, it's SO cold where you ladies live!!
We're cold here, too, but don't get as much snow as you. You've got the lake effect going for you.
Dana--I want ALL of those scenes. It's going to have to be a 3 hour movie... :)
Im i the only one who hated the whole camping scene then? In fact the whole book was for me was just - meh!
I only remember the bed scenes because i totally picture Rob in them. My mind has expanded them beyond Meyers little abstinence world into full on gutter material.
Katie xxx
And Mona--We'll have to talk to Kat when she gets home, about those tees! hahaha
Ellie- Yes it's so cold here, especially today. As my husband would say "It's ball-shrinking cold". It's 25F right now and snowing like a mother f*cker. Gonna have to get out the snowblower :[
Katie- Eclipse was my fav book I think, or BD but I hated the kiss part with Jacob and Bella in the woods, but I understand why SM wrote it.
I dunno Katie, I just liked it because the 2 boys were finally able to talk it out without interuptions and tell each other how they felt about her, it opened up their eyes.
Dana--It's about 28 here, no snow, but it's coming tomorrow, probably from you guys . We usually get it after you.
Mona--No one's asked about the "Zip" tote, yet.No Robsessed girls around, I guess.
LMAOOOO I can just see you wagging that to school and grinning the whole way!!!
Oh Rob, 'barely in Eclipse' ???
He needs to re-read the whole series again! lol
I have to say, Eclipse was probably my favorite out of all of them!
I feel the way you do, Mona. The two guys finally understood where the other was coming from; a real heart to, well, you know...(being it's Edward). and dana, I wasn't too keen on the Jacob and Bella thing, either. I hated him for tricking her like that. Such an ass. but it's Jacob. I guess SM wanted to show how desperate he was.
Okay, I do know it's not real...LOL
yeah book 3 and 4 were my favs. I couldn't wait to finish New Moon and get to the end of it. Everyone kept telling me 'just keep reading it get's better and better', lol so I suffered through the prolonging Jacob parts!
Good afternoon girls!
Love the Rob overload again - love when he does these promos as we get to see the gorgeous photos and videos of him!
Mona--" wagging that to school and grinning the whole way!!!"
(still do, as I sing Let Me Sign to myself...)
Wooo Hoooo girl represent the Robkats!!!
Must be just me about Eclipse then. Jacob and Bella annoy me throughout it. I do see why the camping scene was pretty important for getting all the feelings out there and stuff.
Katie xxx
Mona__We need a new shirt, with silk-screened suspenders and tiny holes in it.
Katie just think of it like, fate was keeping Jacob close, NOT close enough to imprint on Bella but close enough for Resesme. You had to see the lengths he would go to be with someone and how devoted he could be in order to accept the imprint thing.
Dani I agree with your comment (no surprise there) above. You're so right on all the time.
EEEPS!!! Forgive the missprint... *Renesme*
I liked Jacob, but I never see him as a Taylor type of guy, but a super cool huge warm compelling guy....a warm Viggo. Viggo is cool, Jacob is warm....
Kaite--I felt that way about New Moon, at first. The first time I read it, I just skimmed through until each time Edward's name came up.
The second time, I really got into it more, knowing that it really explained Bella's need for Edward and what her mind was doing to cope with the loss.
I dunno.. I love me some Viggo but as Jacob?
Okay, Mona, go back to BD, girl: Renesmee! LOL
Ellie, I guess I loved new Moon because B&E's relationship had to go thru separation...they had to earn that love....
Ellie- I forgot to mention I love your new avatar. Now Rob is staring at me everytime you post :)
lol I corrected :oP
Hi Mona, no Viggo couldnt play Jacob, no way, but, someone that great...as a counterpart to Edward....
Is all Im sayin'...that Jacob is a force too...represents something so important...
Dana--thanks, babe; you know I did that just for you!
Li--I agree with you. Separation really makes you realize just what or who you can or can't live without. I love New Moon for that.
Oh ok I get what you are saying Li.
Someone who can match Rob's charisma on screen.
Yeah....I really appreciated she took the book there.
YES!!! Exactly!!!1 Matches Rob!!! That may be impossible, but you know, someone great could be out there...
I understand what you are saying but I have to give Taylor respect. He did a good job. Better than alot of us were expecting.
I haven't been able to read New Moon for the second time. It's too hard for me (and I hate SM for it).. and BD sucks sooo bad. I just have to think about Demon Child to start rocking myself in a corner. Gaaah!
I agree with you Li, the books wouldn't be the same without Jacob of course. He is the 'other man' which makes for a good love triangle & a good story.
Funny story, I had a friend text me the other day (she is on book 3 right now) and she sent this message "Are they going to get it on sometime soon? I can't take it anymore!" and the message was all in CAPS and then she called me a few minutes later talking about how addictive it is and can't put it down and yada yada the usual series reaction...lol. I didn't spoil it for her either and just said 'Keep reading' haha like everyone has said to me.
LOL Amy the torturer!!!!!
That's funny Amy, my friend who is in the first book said she cant take it if they don't have sex till book 4.
Mona, agreed, Taylor is a terrific kid, but, guess I am guilty of being too idealized about this aspect of the books.
I'll watch whatever they do, even with Taylor, cuz turnin the books into movies is fun stuff.
Vampires and Wolves have a great mythic rivalry...and the survival of the entire human race hangs on the balance of these two powers ...kidding.
"and the survival of the entire human race hangs on the balance of these two powers ..."
LMAO, Li!!
LOL @ Li!
Everyone knows how much I disliked NM,I think I told ye enough of times LOL but I'm looking forward to reading it again. I really liked Eclipse and I'm still reading BD. I'm not gettting through it as quickly as the others, I haven't actually picked it up the last few days (which is not a good sign with me) must get back into again.
And ya I was thinking the same thing when Rob said he wasn't in Eclipse that much. Um, ya you are!!
Also I too loved the tent scene, I thought Jacob was so funny in it, I actually LOL at parts of that!
There's so much going on in this blog, go to another thread, and the comments are raging there and never get to finish a conversation here! Leave it Dani and Goz to have a hopping hot spot. *scratches head.* I must have blacked out the tent scene...uh oh, am I gonna go back and read something that changes my mind about the whole series??? I cant remember the tent scene!
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