Entertainment Weekly listed the biggest ShowBiz Events of 2008 and of course Twilight Premiere is there.
Nov. 17
Newly minted movie star Robert Pattinson signed autographs for the teeming crowd of teen vampire fans who showed up to see Stephenie Meyer's best-selling book hit the big screen. The film had earned $175 million by mid-December.
Source: EW.com
175 million.. in like a month right?
Stellaluna---hola, mija! I love the banner.....Rob is breathtaking in his skinny suits!
Ooh that banner is...............I'm lost for words and that doesn't happen very often, Love it, you rock Stella!!!
Stella-D lovely lady you made our new banner? WOWZA my Mexican Princess you are a talent in more ways than I once knew. So proud...so very proud I am!
Hi Lynn, Kate.. *blushes about banner*
Lynn, I still owe you the Masters of the Universe manip. Tom was She-Ra right?
Hi Girls!! :)
LOVE the banner, so sexy.
Hi Amy, Stella, Dani, Lynn {{Waves}}
Hi Ladies!
Yep our Stella-D made the new sexy banner :))
Hello, Kate! {{WAVES}}
I'm saying goodnight already Ladies, took my Aunt back home today and I'm tired from driving so I'm gonna head off. Hopefully I'll be back on top form by the end of the week. I can imagine the amount of comments that will be here when I logon in the morning;-) LOL
Bye for now!!
Good night, Kare! I hope that you feel better....I know that I am sick of being sick!
Love the new banner <3
Katie xxx
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