Catherine Hardwick talks Twilight DVD-updated

CH recently sat down with MTV and discussed what will be featured on the Twilight DVD. More Rob???
yes I think so...more bet your ass!

"We just did the commentary," Hardwicke grinned when she came to visit our studio right after "Twilight" opened, revealing that she had spent time in an audio booth with stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart that very morning. "We were like, 'Is this the lamest commentary ever?' We were just laughing! I was thinking, 'Should we do something really serious with myself and the stunt guy and special-effects people and show aspiring filmmakers how we did those special effects?' But nope. We did the giggle version. [Rob and Kristen were] remembering the funny stuff that happened and the crazy stuff. They make fun of how they look in the movie."

Asked when the disc will arrive in stores, Hardwicke said, "I think spring. Maybe right after Valentine's Day." She then added even more information to the details she gave us about the DVD last month. "We have 10 deleted or extended scenes. There's some juicy stuff in there," she said, adding that one would correct an omission spotted by many Meyer fans. "I think in one of them, [Edward and Bella] do say, 'I love you.' (Dani's note-YAY!!! Finally the one thing I have been missing!)

"There's a few crazy montages we made of every time someone gets bitten by a vampire that we didn't show in the movie. There's a lot more vampire biting," she said of the more violent material held back to get "Twilight" its PG-13 rating.

A second montage will focus on the movie's undead moments. "There is the very sexy vampire biting — that is not in the movie," Hardwicke said of the bonus feature. "There's [Rob biting Kristen in the dream sequence], and then there's the nomadic vampires attacking. We have that in there too."

As for other notable moments, Hardwicke said: "There's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff. We had a great guy, Jeff, who was [filming us] every day. He did some very creative interviews, so you can see us making almost every scene in the movie, which is kind of fun. I actually learned a few things I didn't even know, listening to other people's interviews!

As for the other deleted scenes, "There are some scenes that are longer, and some scenes that we don't have in the movie," Hardwicke explained. "There's one scene that's not in the film where Rob and Kristen are walking alone, and he trips her and they fall back into these leaves, and then he takes a bite of her finger. ... It's Kristen's favorite scene." (Dani's note: K Stew mentioned this scene at Comicon where she improvised with Rob...asking him if he "wanted a taste"...I am so looking forward to this scene.)

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