Looks like he made some sort of hot list.
#11??? I don't think so Poland, #1 fits so much better.
(okay so someone who actually can read what this says below tells me this is a table of contents and not some list of most popular anything. But I like my version much better.)

Katie says:
"Oh well at least he beat the little green thing =D"
I had to add her comment cause it made me giggle...
Thanks SpunkRansom.com for sharing the scans.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Oh well at least he beat the little green thing =D
Katie xxx
Did they photoshop his shirt to be red?? Because if i'm not mistaken isnt that the same shirt he wore to the "Sex Drive" premiere??? Looks like it to me, they probaly wanted it to look like a new/exclusive pic so they made it red, lol.
They did indeed Brenda, that pic is from the Sex Drive premier and the shirt was gray.
Katie I hope you don't mind girl your comment made me giggle so much I posted it below the pic.
I can't translate at ALL what it says, but I'm pretty sure it is in the general direction of...
"This is the SEXIEST effing man to ever grace the pages of our printing! So stare at his gorgeous face and drool if you like, you will be in damned good company by doing so."
Haha Dani of course not
Katie xxx
Mona I think that is exactly what it says. Your Polish is quite good.
Im glad you don't mind Katie hun.
Where in the blue blazes is everyone? Seems the holidays has wiped everyone out.
Yeah its the holiday spirit, everyone poured to much of it down their throats.
In fact thats why i'm still awake at 4am, i'm still buzzing from a party i went to earlier. I cant sleep at all.
Oh i didn't notice the shirt thing. Do magazines often photoshop clothing colours like that? it seems kind of ridiculous
Katie xxx
I imagine since they couldn't get an actual photoshoot w/ Rob and the pictures that have been taken of him are pretty recognizable that they wanted it to look like a new pic and so they photoshopped the change in shirt color.
I don't know if mags do it a lot but probably. Anything with Rob's mug on it is bound to sell out. He is just scrumptious.
Yeah that makes sense.
its just ...ugh...changing the colour of a shirt? its so random, so pointless
The photoshoppers must have had a slow day. They didn't even do a very good job. They made that sexy sexy shirt look merely passable on the hotness scale
Katie xxx
lol. Its not a hot list :p
Spic Tresci means table of contents... his story is on page 11! Hope I helped :D
Good evening, lovelies!
I love how the SD pics were photoshopped....red is definitely one of Rob's colors.
Dani---I miss you, mija! How are you and the boys? MUAHHHHH!
I know where in the blue blazes is everyone?
Off to check out FB!
Oh no! are you serious? A contents page?
Thats hilarious!!! :D
I thought he was in competition with the green thing, Kanye West and Katy Perry
Oh no Dani just how much Christmas spirit have you had? ;)
Katie xxx
Natalie---thanks for the heads up! LOL It would make sense by the way the page is laid out. Rob still ranks higher then the green thing, Katie!
Not a problem. Glad I could be of some use :)
Couldn't agree more about Rob looking absolutely scrumptious in red. He needs to add more to his wardrobe. And the hair at the Sex Drive premiere....definitely a good night for the sex hair. It was in fine form that night.
Thanks for clearing the #11 thing up, Natalie! At least his picture is the biggest one on the page, right?
Well dammit I am leaving it as is because I like Katie's comment and I think its adorable.
My version of the story is so much better than Poland's table of contents.
How are you Lynn my love?
Speaking of Rob in red, it always reminds me of what he wore to the UK premiere of GOF. The red velvet jacket was cool but I only had eyes for those leather pants. Talk about tight in all the right places. Wonder if he still owns those...
Hey, I can dream right? I also never thought I'd see him out and about in regular blue jeans either.
LOL @ katie.
Are you katie leung?
Ros xxx
Shit DAMN Hell Fire! The boy rocks the red! Okay he would also seriously rock naked in my book, but I'm still working on that....
Ha! i wish i was Katie Leung. I would have grabbed hold of Rob in GOF and never let go!
I like your version too Dani. In our little Robsessed world there will always be a special polish list which pitted Rob against the little green thing.
I think its a sexiest list because the more i stare at the green thing the hotter it becomes ;)
Katie xxx
Hi Katie, Emily and Dani! *WAVES*
Hi Jewels *waves back*
I'm never normally up this late to join in these conversations. This is fun!
Katie xxx
Yeah,katie i also wish you are katie leung too.
Thank you for the reply.
Ros xxx
All right ladies...get ready...here we come! It's gonna be a bumpy Saturday night, so put your seat belts on and enjoy the ride!
Hi everyone!
Sorry to disappoint you Ros :(
i feel i've let you down for not being more awesome like Katie Leung
Katie (not Leung) xxx
Jules, mija! Bumpy rides sound sensational!
Hey, Jovie! Good to see you back!
Dani---where are you?
HI MACARONI!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lynn!
I'm so sorry I haven't e-mailed or anything I've had kids hanging off my neck.
Okay, I'm here, let's have some fun!!!
Good evening, ladies!!
I apologize in advance for any and all typos I may/will have this evenign...my typing sucks..LOL
Lynn...only if you are on Rob's lap and strapped in for the ride...
Wow that sounds so hot!!!!
Jov...how was your Christmas? Man have I missed talking to you! Many many updates...we must discuss!
I've missed you also.
I got in today. I'm a bit jet lagged so sorry.
Please fill me in first on what Rob has been up to. I haven't checked anything on him since last Saturday.
Jovie---no worries...we have all been very busy! I have barely been able to keep up with my email!
I know Jewels, we could talk for hours I have so much to tell.
I am on Rob's lap...how did you know?
We're just glad you're back Jovie! Catch up later...
He cut his hair...we think he's hot...what else is new?
Lynn! Sit and spin baby...sit and spin!
How was your Christmas?
I had my niece waking up at 5:30 a.m. calling out my name crying because I went to read to her in her top bunk and told her I'd sleep there with her and left and she wasn't happy.
Jovie, love, welcome back, we've miseed you so!
Rob is still somewhere in London, relaxing and not having the glare of LA on him!
LOL Jules.
Where did he spend Christmas and what day did he leave?
Im right here Lynn just chatting on another site as well.
Katie we got that little green thing on lockdown. There is no way that bastard is beating our boy in Poland or anywhere else in the friggin world!
Jules---LOL I haven't heard that one in years....sit and spin! AHHHH!
Missed you also Ellie!
He's in London?!!
Thanks Lynn!!
I am SO happy he's in London. What day did he leave?
Jovie...I'm still adjusting to not having my boys during Christmas. They get home tomorrow from their Dad's and then we get to do our "Christmas". I miss the little buggers sumpin awful....
And what the hell IS that green little thing, anyway??
Dani---I need the link to the glitter site...I must see your psychic abiliities at work!
Seriously...WTF is that?
I think that Rob landed in Heathrow on Monday...he managed to ditch the LA paps. Lucky guy!
Jovie...Kathryn will be so glad to see you back. We were talking last night about how much we missed you!
there you go love!
And Jov, he brought his guitar with him...
damn straight. The little green thing may be regarded as 38th sexiest thing in Poland but Rob is so hot he came first twice (Oh...*blushes*) 11
Katie xxx
The Polish scan was what thought to some kind of Top 50 and Rob ranked higher then this green creature.
No Worries Cheese! It's the family thing...I knew you couldn't stay away....;)
Dammit I had a conflicting comment.
I had typed out a nice thing for you Jules basically that I love you and I'm feeling for ya.
What day was Monday, going to check my calendar, I am so screwed up right now.
Gracias, mija! I love the Wide Awake fan fic...good stuff! I love bad boy human Edward!
Monday was the 22nd.
LUVS YA TOO! Man I have missed you...
But...I'm glad I had Ellie to keep me company and everyone else too! You were sorely missed!
I left Sunday, he left Monday, okay now I can get my bearings.
Jules I just read your comment about K, I missed her so much also.
I have been so freaking busy with kids hanging off my neck and piggy back rides, I 'm still adjusting.
Lynn, that shit caused me to take a huge hit to my ego...I just about tossed in the towel...then I went "Fuck It!" and the doors to my mind flew wide open...
You make good company, Jules! xoxo
I still love your so much better, Jules...more personal and passionate, I think.
Before I find out what the hell this green thing is from all of you I have to say you mothers:
Right now I feel such freedom of now worrying about kids, I got back to my house and didn't have to worry where I put down something for the first time in six days, I love y ou women for all you do.
Jules---do not be discouraged...that fan fic is way different. I just like the focus of the author.
Ells, you know that we are twins who were separated from birth... And I have a scathingly brilliant idea if you are interested....
Oh,No,no katie.i'm not feel
Disappoint at all of you because i believe you're more awesome in the real life than katie leung.
It's just a curious question that pop in my head.
I hope you don't angry at me.and i meant no offence.
Ros xxx
I mean the fanfic...
No Lynn, I'm not...it knocked me down at first, got over it, got inspired and omigod! I'm on fire!
I missed some fan fic, didn't I?
And a sit and spin it looks like.
Jovie---it's the best job ever but it can be wearing!
Lynn I am addicted to Wide Awake...it is my jam in the best sense. GAhhhhh cannot get enough. Waiting for an update is torture.
Do tell, , Jules!
Dani---jumping up for a hug!
Jovie...couple of threads back, Dani gave us a link to some fan fic which is really inovative and intoxicating and pretty fucking good.... I took a personal hit from it...but I'm over it and my writing style is different...
You of all people understand....
ooo! Hi, Dani! I just realized you're here! Lots of commentscoming in at once...
I read 15 chapters last night! I would be dying if I had to wait...AngstGoddess is very good!
lol i was only joking Ros :)
I'm sure i no more or less awesome then Katie Leung. I'll be happy just to be on par with her.
Though she'll forever be my superior on the basis that she got to touch and talk to Rob and i haven't!
Katie xxx
*Pouting* Dani, you used to like my fan fiction...:(
Jules---post BD Eddie and Bella rock my world....they inspire me with the headboards and lack of!
Jules I love your fanfic...don't cry love you are always in my fave list!
*runs to hug Jules senseless*
Lynn...I don't think I'm going to ever be a mother after the last six days. I love the cute nieces and nephews but wholly magolly that is sacrifice.
Jules, if someone writes good fan fic just say power to them and bless the universe with more creativity and know only you can write what you write.
My favorite fan fic other than yours Jules was the K Mart one.
That one I LMAO.
It struck my sense of humor.
See Jovie..I needed your voice of reason to snap me back! Man, but I got over all of the broodiness!
Dani...thanks for the hug...and "Wide Awake" does rock!
Jov---I think that being an auntie can be tiring, too! My own niece is weary of me right now...she finally figured out that I am a lot like my sister! Yeah, mommyhood isn't for everyone!
Lynn, I'm so missing mommyhood right now.....
one more day, Jules...hang in there! :)
Ells....where did you go? :(
Lynn I know. I love them also. When I left she was crying at the door and I was also.
I only get to see her about three times a year.
On top of that she is my dead mother's namesake.
We are CRAZY about each other. He father said last night she is in love with me like nobody he has ever seen before and I told him the feeling is mutual.
AHH! Jules, I didn't know that they weren't back...I'm sorry! I bet that you're missing them like crazy?
Okay, I am ruining sexy talk.
But first,
if he got pass paps and snuck out of LAX how do the fans know where he is?
I'm here, lurking...LOL
Alright kids I am off the computer for a bit need to relax and read something other than Wide Awake or other delicious fanfic.
Muuuuahhhhh to all.
If you haven't checked out the Womanizer vid a few posts below please do it is a good one.
I'll stop taling mommyhood Jules.
I promise.
Omigosh Jovie...you sound like me when I first got to be an Aunt to my neice Allison. I was single, no plans to ever settle down or have kids....She rocked my world.
Life is a very funny, changing thing....
Jov---my oldest was like that with my sister until my sister had her own. I think that now mine are older that times are easier and I am relaxing more!
there' pics of him arriving at Heathrow, Jov.
Dani, see you later!xoxo
Lynn, my babies get back tomorrow at 5 p.m. my time... man, I feel like there is a huge hole in my heart that just keeps bleeding and i can't stop it....
See you later, Dani! Have you started on some Dali? I am about to invest in 2666...I need more reading material myself!
Olive juice, mija!
I so love my Rob ladies, I haven't looked a photo of him or anything, not one Rob photo. I did listen to my IPOD with him singing but that's it and I can't tell you how I couldn't get him out of my freaking mind. I felt so addicted.
I've never been addicted to anything before.
Where are the Heathrow photos? LOL
Night Dani...Thanks for the love and the support! Olive Juice Baby!
Jules---I feel for you! I have only been away from mine for 4 days at the most and it's been when I left for fun. I can only imagine how hard it is on the other end!
You gotta go back a couple days worth of threads...but they are there in all his glorious short haired freaking hotness....
Lynn, I read "The Shack" by Wm Paul Young recently and it was so freaking good.
Mind blowing.
2666 is fascinating.
Huge read thou.
Yeah. Katie i hope you can talk and touch with rob someday.:-)
*cross my finger for you*
Ros xxx
Mine might be going to "Governor's School" this summer on a college campus, if she gets accepted...5 weeks away . Good for her, terrible for me! :(
Really Jules, okay tonight since I can't sleep I'll read the blog and catch up.
Right now I won't read so I can chat with you all.
Oh Ellie, I feel for you.
It's so hard after keeping them safe for so long and then letting them go, isn't it?
Yeah, and the worst part Lynn, is that even though their Dad and the paternal grandparents only see them maybe twice a year...
They have the nerve to ask me not to call the kids "because it upsets the kids after they get off the phone with me...and causes the boys to cry." WTF!?!
I deal with those boys emotions 24/7 on a regular basis...time to call my "EX and his family" every 5 fucking minutes while my kids are there....
Oh Lynn, I think you just won my heart.
Jovie....The Shack was a fantastic book! Loved it!
Ellie---ahhh, I think it's harder with just one....but it gets you more prepared for later!
Hell, yeah, Jov. She's going to be a senior next year...only one more year before the empty nest...feeling so sorry for myself, but life marches on...oh, wait, it's time marches...
Jov---I love the expression on Rob's face...he looks satiated to be HOME!
BRB...craving a martini with lots of olive juice...hmmmmm wonder why?
sorry I meant AN intense alcholic.
I'll also erase the last post.
I won't correct my typos.
Jules---your ex and the outlaws are way nervy! But, I'm sure that the boys are having fun and they miss their mama!
But you know, Jov, you've got a good heart and a lot of passion. You won'tvlet what your past was become your future...always keep those doors open...you have loads of love to share!
Elli, remember when she leaves how much she loves you.
I so loved my mother even thou she wasn't there for me and when she finally stopped drinking I was so there for her taking care of her when she had lung cancer.
She smoked and drank heavily.
At the end of it all mothers hold up the earth.
Jovie---that's sweet! It makes me miss my mom!
Jov, you were a wonderful daughter to her. I heart you so much right now! Well, even before this...
Thanks Ellie for you so kind words.
I luv ya.
But I worry about screwing my kids up.
One thing I would be sure about is that I would read to them a lot.
I was raised so unconventionally by my bachelor dad that was also a drinker.
I don't think I have an addictive personality. That's why I only allow myself to have two drinks. I've NEVER gone over two drinks.
I think that's why I have so much guilt over Rob, he is very additive to me.
Thanks Ellie, thanks Lynn.
I just so honor mothers so much.
I didn't want to change the sex talk.
Jovie...whether you realize it or not...we have addictions of all kinds...
You have an addiction to words which helps you to exorcise your demons from your past.
Everybody has baggage. Period. Some may seem less extreme than others... Some may be over the top (why the fuck did Amy Winehouse just pop into my head?)
Anyway, you have a beautiful soul. An old soul. My son Josh has an old soul. To some degree with all my past shenanigans...I feel like that child is raising me....
Jules, you said it all. Period.
Now...mother talk over...
Who wants to do Rob seven different ways to Sunday?
me,me, me, me, ..............
Okay...Ellie, just make sure you run interference when Mama P. comes after me with a rolling pin!
LMAO JULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha, absolutely!
I bet Rob's mother LOVESSSSSSSSSSS
this site.
I bet she comes here OFTEN.
Do you think Mama P. bought her son some new clothes, that we'll get to critique soon??? LOL
That's me...your neighborhood Lucy Ricardo....
Hello, Claire! Welcome to Robsessed...glad to have you here!
I think that Clare would love us!
Oh, and Claire, we have a few questions for you, such as...
(new game, ladies!)
Oh dear God! Hopefully she bought him something "new". I love second hand...but that man is becoming a star...
AWWW! CRAP! I swore I wouldn't bitch about is clothes....dammmit....Sorry Rob...you are just trying to be "one of the people" and here I am trying to push you into the arms of a stylist...
Claire, what's it like giving birth to the hottest thing on the planet? and he get spanked as a child??
Dearest Clare...did you realize that your son was going to cause such an outbreak of estrogen that men all over the world are jealous and scared?
okay, forget that second question...
Clare, do you mind that we drool incessantly while staring at your son's impossibly glorious face day in and day out?
Dearest Clare, admit it...Rob loves older women who write hot fan fiction about him and their name happens to be "Julia"....
(Yeah, watched "Haunted Airman" again tonight...how'd ya guess?)
Jules---Melrose recycled clothes are not what you would see in say a Good Will....Rob should stick to what he likes and get the designer digs as comps.
Oh, and Clare, have you had Hot Pockets shipped from the U.S. to have as a side dish during Christmas dinner?
Hello. Lynn,jewels,ellie, jovie.
Sorry to interrupt your conversation with my silly comment.
Ros xxx
Jovie---something's are best unsaid...I don't want to know the status of said package.
Hello, Ros!
Lynn...fully agree.
But I have this deep rooted fantasy of being a fabulously wealthy cougar who takes him shopping to dress him... like I said just a fantasy.
Still loving the t-shirts, plaid jackets (you are so right about the plaid ;)), skinny jeans and nikes! Rob is just Rob....
Jules, last night I thought of all the things I would dress him in.
I would have him looking so good.
But his outfits that he wears now are famous around the world at this point.
He would be one of those guys I'm sure that would have a heart attack about asking him to get rid of his stained shirt.
"Babe, c'mon, i't holey and stained, babe."
"No!, not that one it's my favorite."
I could just see it...
Jov...LMAO! We are so on the same page!....
I love that Rob wears plaid, but I'm sure it's the scottish in me that says that, I LOVE plaid.
Aberdeen is my scottish plaid, it's an ugly one thou.
Hi Ros! Welcome...join in on the madness!
Hi, Ros!!! Interrupt away! LOL
The plaid is one of his "signature" looks...He'd be lost without it! hahaha
Actually what he wears on the bottom I'm cool with.
It's the top situation I'd change if I was his woman.
Damn straight Ellie!!!!!!!!
Hi Ros!
I'm Jov.
Hi, and bye girls! I wish I could chat tonight but its already super late and I have to get up in a little over 3 hours to go to the airport. I'm gonna be tired tomorrow. I'll try to get on my mom's computer tomorrow.
Olive Juice!
Yes, Jov, his bottom is just fine! lol (and I do mean FINE...)
Dana, WTF??? just kidding, sweetie...Holidays are hard, here...always getting in the way of the Robsession. Glad you popped in. Olive juice!
Jovie...did I ever tell you I got to go to a Scottish Rite party celebrating the engagement of the Lady Diana Spencer to His Royal Highness Prince Charles?? My great uncle used to play bagpipes, wear a kilt and all that....
It was a blast!
Jules, blast and bagpipes in the same sentence is funny!
I would NOT change his sunglasses, his shade choices, I love.
Even his beanie.
Just the top stuff.
I don't like Stella's bubble jacket that he obviously loves, but I love his black leather jacket and his Doc Martens and Nikes, I like.
The Germany shoes you all know how I like those.
But the outfit for Paris I was having a canipsion.
I was saying, "Rob, babe, it's Paris, step it up babe!"
Omigod..Ellie! You are right..that is funny!
Get out!!!!!!!!
I loved Princes Diana. I so related to her. She was just as messed up as I am.
I LOVED her. I cried when she died in Paris.
Okay. OT, sorlry.
To me after seeing the pix from the "Hackett" campaign...(and I know that Lynn will agree with me...)
THAT! THAT is how I want to see Rob! Oh so Veddy British with just a little scrunge and naughty british school boy mixed in!
LOL, Ellie!
Jules, what's the "Hackett" campaign? something I should know, as in, duh??
Jovie...I watched her wedding to Charles at 4 p.m. in Surfer's Paradise (are you liking that?), Australia.....
I didn't sleep for almost three days when she died. She is one of my idols...she WAS the people's princess! A true Princess!
I want to put him in a thin v neck sweater that is really soft, feels good and the colors would be like one in a green color and one is like a charcoal color, I don't know I haven't given the colors much thought, mostly the tactile experience is what I've thought about.
Also, a scarf where I take both end of it and pull him towards me when I kiss him.
Ellie, Hackett is a clothing store in London that Rob modeled for in 2007, I think. Maybe sooner.
Jov, can I steal the scarf scenario for when I go to sleep tonight?? :)
Ellie...go to RobPattinsonOnline.com and check out the photos titled "Hackett Catalog".
Rob did some modeling for them about almost 2 years ago that is completely hot! Selling veddy british togs...
Thanks, Jules, I'll have to google those pics...
Jovie...all I have to say is I watched "Haunted Airman" tonight again for the umpteenth time! Just to hear my man say "My dearest Julia..."
Me too Jules, I cried a lot also, she was just so unique.
I love the photo of her on the yacht diving board when she is all pensive and just sitting there and thinking.
And when she is wearing the black turtleneck looking up with her hands under her chin.
brb, I'm going to check them out...hopefully my computer doesn't crap out and take me long to get back here...
Yes, Ellie, def and if you need more, I have LOTS of them. But I keep a lot for my writing. Some I release here.
Ellie---the Hackett Campaign will absolutely blow your mind...Rob looks lusciously Londoner in those pics...lots of Rob in houndstooth and tweed. Plus, it's in black and white...ay, dios mio!
I used to cut my hair Diana fashion...It really suited me... but I can't do it any longer. I just loved her....
Oh, Jules.
I love that, that's right he does say Julia.
I'll watch that tonight and think of you.
It's been a long time since I have watched THA
If...if I ever get a personally signed autograph from him...I so want it to say "My dearest Julia..."
I bet you looked great Jules.
My hair is her color now.
That would be great, Jules.
Lynn, I loved the Hackett campaign also.
I wore my pea coat and it's wool and it started to bother me on my neck and I thought I know that Rob goes for comfort.
My hair color is still hers too. It's that ashy blonde with super light california surfy sun inflected hightlights.
Now my hair is a different style..but a lot (maybe they were drunk...) of guys said they thought I looked like her...yeah! right? Drink it down big man...like those goggles you're wearing?......
Thank you for the welcome.
Your are such an awesome ladies at here.
My wonderwoman!lol
sorry i'm like a retard in replay the comment.
Ross xxx
Jules---I love Princess Diana...she is still one of the most beautiful women ever. I think that all of us wanted to look like her at some point!
Awww...crap...I hate to say this...but I'm buggered.
I had to be at work at 5 a.m. this past morning...and I need rest before my babies get home.
Jovie, Lynn, Ellie!...You all know you are in my heart....Olive juice gals! Lurve You!
I loved your description of the hair color Jules, never doubt that you can not write.
Thanks Ros.
And we're all pretty friendly here, never hesitate.
My first time I commented was when Goz put up a Evening Star photo and didn't know the article attached and I just jumped in because I read every freakin thing written about Rob and then she was so sweet and thanked me even thou I posted annon.
I thought oh my gosh, how sweet.
It's like that here.
Jules, say it ain't so!!!
Olive juice, babydoll!
I probably won't be on tomorrow...going to stay in Bethlehem (PA, of course...) tomorrow night, by the in-laws). Til Monday, then...mmmuuuaaahhh, little sister!
Lynn, those hackett pics are just, ...well, just too much for words. He's beautiful!
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