Black on Black on Black
This men’s formal style, started by John Cusack and perfected by Robert Pattinson makes us go a little weak in the knees.
We would like to remind our readers that, in the words of Tim Gunn, "We need clothes, do we need fashion? No. And fashion, when it's good, comes out of a context that's societal and cultural and historic and economic and political -- so it's of a time and a place." In other words, fashion is like every other art -- if it's good, it describes the sociopolitical and economic hodgepodge from whence it came.
But also, it lets us post pictures of Twilight's freakish yet fetching actor Robert Pattinson, so really it's a win/win for us.
But also, it lets us post pictures of Twilight's freakish yet fetching actor Robert Pattinson, so really it's a win/win for us.
He did look his best gorgeous self that night. *sigh*. Why must he be so hot???
John Cusack makes me smile. I adore that man.
I still think Rob's hair looks like the Doc from Back to the Future in those pictures. I really, really prefer the UK premier. He looked hotter there (IMHO).
I completely agree Stella-D :) He looked so hot at the UK premiere.
Oh and I love me some John Cusack!
Yeap total agreement here too, hoter at the UK Prem and love John Cusack too ;-)
I loved the beans hugging pants he was wearing although they looked incredibly uncomfortable and he kept adjusting them cause damn they were tight.
But I do have to agree the UK premier suit fit a lot better and he looked more comfortable and just dayum sexy.
Blasted Hell I just went on Box Office Mojo to check the Twilight totals and it has grossed:
Worldwide: $237,027,235
grossing 200mil over its original budget. That is just wowza insanity!
Dayum! I hope Rob's contract states that he'll get some of that dough!
I am always down for Tim Gunn....he makes fashion more fun and accessible.
Dani----don't you want to kiss Marc Jacobs for Rob's microsuit?
Lynn, I always want to kiss Marc Jacobs. I loooveeee his clothes!
Btw, DAAAAYUMM that's a lot of money. New Moon should be better made. They have plenty of resources now.
I'm gonna be sooo mad if they screw up New Moon. Twilight was excusable but they have no excuse now.
You'd think wouldn't you Stella-D!
But unfortunatly I think that Summit feels either way the movie will make big bucks so they don't want to shell out more money and risk not taking home as much due to their budget. They figure that hell Twilight was made for nothing, and it wasn't that good of a movie. The script was shit, and the editing kinda sucked it was entertaining as all Hell but why pour more money into something when it will gross the same either way.
At least that is what I imagine they think about it. Its logical, and lame as shit but hey that is the big boys talking and thinking only about money for ya.
Lynn I do want to kiss Marc Jacobs senseless for making that suit so snugly eye popping. Ahhh Rob suffered for my appreciation of his man berries.
Love you Marc...and thank you Rob.
Dani, I don't think they'll do that. They are an up and coming studio. They know Twilight was excusable(almost!) but they NEED Eclipse and Breaking Dawn made. And if they screw up New Moon like they did with Twilight I doubt people will go see Eclipse. And I am SURE Rob and Kristen will not sign BD. They will become a joke if New Moon and Eclipse sucks :(
I mean Summit made Michael Clayton so I give them some credit. (although Disaster Movie took away a lot of their credit :)
Goz---I hope that your wishes are redeemed abour NM. But, I think that Dani's right about Summit and their tight assed budgeting...it could effect the overall product!
I'm a long-time fan of John Cusack...I still remember that John Cusack for President website, ha ha
Rob looks smashing in slim suits, and yes, I so agree that he looked gorgeous during the LA and London premieres. Whatever weather there was, his hair helped him look sexy.
BTW Twilight has made $237M worldwide since its November release. Yay!
I'd like to kiss Marc Jacobs' suit with Rob in it thank you very much.
Um.. can I get in line behind AJ please? lol
I'll even be a good girl and wait till she takes his suit off to begin my kissing.. hahahaha
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