And I wanted to add this funny exchange from the imdb board:
luckycharmer7115 : I have a feeling that if we found out that he was an axe murderer we would all go, awww isn't that precious?
Trouble08 :We would probably offer to carry his ax for him or step in as his next victim! Take one for the team, you know?
Yeah, slow news day :-) If you haven't read The Fountain of Unconditional Love has been FOUND thread on imdb, go and read it, it's pure gold!
Oh my goodness that is hillarious. I just about spit my coffee out.
"yeah take one for the team ya know?"
I want to be the first one to say, I adore Rob, I would gladly lay down and be his slave in certain measures. But killing sprees are not my bag. I would not hold his axe for him.
Although if he was all bloody afterwards I wouldn't mind helping him wash the evidence off.
LMAO! Some comments are just my fill of comedy for the day, hahaha thanks Dani :)
Oh boy someone on the IMDB board just brought up his "downstairs" area. Yikes I have commented that hello every bit of him is probably lovely. But bringing that up on such a widely popular board as a front running topic seems awfully intrusive. YIKES!
Oh wow they are, lol omgosh
TRL was tapped earlier this week right? I'm not watching right now but apparently he has his beanie on and the outfit he was seen leaving the MTV studios, so yeah I'm guessing it was taped and just airing today.
Yes they are commenting in detail. its actually a pretty tame thread, mostly funny. Not as bad as it could have gotten. I said a little snip but keeping it clean. That topic can get out of hand quickly.
All this madness of killing and helping to kill reminds me of the movie Natural Born Killers- you supposed to hate them but you actually love the killers:)
The movie have a great soundtrack!
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