Where in the world is Robert Pattinson?

So here is an update on his appearances:

For those around the San Francisco area, you lucky you! Tomorrow afternoon at 3Pm Rober Pattinson will be on CH7 ABC/KGO. (thanks to Twilicious Amy for the info)

Then comes the HOT TOPIC appearances. Click HERE for more info on how to get into one. And if you get to know we'd love to have your pics and especially videos :-))

November 10: Stonestown Galleria at 3251 20th Ave - San Fransisco, CA

November 11:
Dallas Galleria at 13350 Dallas Parkway - Dallas, TX

November 12: Orland Square Mall at 288 Orland Square Mall - Orland Park, Chicago, IL

November 13:
Plaza at King of Prussia at 160 N. Gulph Rd - King of Prussia, Philadelphia, PA

November 14: Square One Mall 1277 Broadway - Saugus, Boston, MA

November 15: Live at Much Music, Canada 5PM EST

November 17: TWILIGHT PREMIERE Mann Villiage Theatre, Westwood, California


Anonymous said...

Need to repost about NEVER THINK.
Does anyone know the lyrics, the story behind it, etc.?
Also, I'll go to KGO tomorrow.
Maybe he'll be on during Gil Gross's time.

Gozde said...

Jovi here are the lyrics:


And you are SO gonna meet him tomorrow :-)) Don't freak out, take tons of pictures/videos :-))

Dani said...


Here is a thread at IMDB that got the lyrics from metro lyrics and supposedly they are the official ones. It looks to be pretty accurate.

Dani said...

Jov yes don't freak out, no screaming...but lots of pictures please.

Anonymous said...

Goz and Dani, I love you two so much. I knew you would come through for me!

Anonymous said...

I never scream and I've met lot of celebs in Carmel. I'm not a screamer I don't have the voice for it, I'd would just lose my voice.

Anonymous said...

But I've never had a celeb crush before...
The only thing closest to this was James Franco, but I think he's too short for me, but see he was born in Palo Alto, my neck of the woods, and he likes reading and is writing a novel and stays up late writing like I do. The Vanity Fair article with Kate Winslet on, the cover who by the way looked incredible.
But James Franco is the closest I have ever come to a celeb crush plus him going for his English degree and stuff.

Dani said...

Goz is busy today as usual with the quick posts. Breath and read Jovie, the lyrics are really lovely actually. I was thinking about posting them last night but It would have been a long post...but still they are nice and I think that they are the official ones. He mumbles so damn much in that song it is hard to tell.

Gotta get back to the fam I will check up later for updates to post if there is any. Hopefully Rob is taking a day off...he needs a little "Rob Time" to read and relax and have someone do his wash for the next leg of his crazy promo tour. So in a way I am hoping nothing comes out today, that means he might actually be sleeping or getting some rest of any kind.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dani. Hope you have a good day.
I'm going to go prune roses, while listening to my ipod.

Amy said...

OMG!!!! NEW INTERVIEW - I think he is in his hotel room???


Amy said...

He is adorable and so honest!! Omg I love this video, you girls have to watch it :)

L.A. Starz said...

This is crazy. The San Francisco Hot Topic and/or the mall seriously expected only 200 - 500 people? Don't they have promo people reading the internet buzz, lol?

Here is the first news report of what happened this morning. It's from reporter Holly Quan of KCBS, the San Francisco news station.


Does this mean Rob gets a day off since tonight's appearance has been cancelled?

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