What you didn't know about Robert Pattinson

Poor Robbie and his music...

LA Times Countdown to Twilight has a new interview up.

Asked what he misses most about his pre-fame life, Rob said he already misses getting to play his music live: "I used to love playing live at open mic nights. It'd be cathartic. I mean it was really key for me," he explained. Now that a few of his performances have been captured on YouTube, however, he's a lot less keen to take the stage. In fact, he's pretty sad about it. "I think, 'Wow, I just lost a huge chunk of my life.' "

After having been described as an actor with the agility of "a mountain goat," the actor revealed that shooting the baseball scenes didn't go very well: "I'm not athletic. I just thought, 'I don't want to hit a ball with a stick anyway!' "

He's not sure how, after he had refused to write music for "Twilight," director Catherine Hardwicke got ahold of his songs. But he suspects co-star Nikki Reed snuck it off his laptop, where he keeps some of his music. (Hardwicke later told reporters that she was eventually able to convince him to record the songs and it was only after she showed them to him together with footage from the movie that he agreed to let them be used.)

Vampires are supposed to have perfect teeth; apparently producers didn't think Rob's were good enough. He was asked to use Invisaligns, but, you know, chose not to: "I lied to them for about two months. They were like, 'Wow, That's amazing. You can't even see them!' " Also, it took him 20 minutes to get the vampire contacts in. "My eyes are super sensitive. I was always holding things up because it took forever to get them in."

As part of his tortured take on Edward, Rob "never wanted Edward and Bella to touch." That would be too painful for his character, he said. (Luckily, "Twilight" fans, he didn't get his way.)

Come back tomorrow to read my extensive interview with Kristen Stewart, who reveals why she called her "Twilight" dialogue "corny" in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, whether or not she wants to continue playing Bella in the sequels and why she's passionate about acting.

-- Denise Martin


CeeS said...

poor Rob..XD

Dani said...

Okay I love that Kristen and Rob pretty much stuck to their guns about certain things in the movie. Robs teeth are perfect, love his K-9s they are very pointy and his slightly snaggled tooth on one side. He's not fake afterall Rob is a real boy! With flaws and everything who knew?

And Kristen refusing to say corny crap lines. Good for her, she's got some guts to make them rewrite the scripted lines for her.

I feel horrible that Rob has lost the ability to perform ok e without the chaos. I truly hope he gets the opportunity to do another few shows here in Portland because no one up here seems to know a damn thing about Twilight or who Rob is or that the damn movie was filmed here. Weird.

Amy said...

EW Interview Part 3


Anonymous said...

Well said Dani!
I feel for him and I know I've said it before but the price to be a celebrity is too big for me. I like privacy and anoymity too much.
Also, to take away music, that's just too huge.

Dani said...

so funny amy I saw that too and posted it for goz on another thread. You are quick m'lady.

Anonymous said...

I love how he didn't want his character to be able to touch because it would be too painful.
He is deep man, deep. I love him.
Also, he's a maverick, love that.
And that his eyes are sensitive. Mine too, I wear sunglasses a lot outside or else I squint too much and it gives me a headache.
Love him.

Lynn said...

I loved how Rob refused the Invisalign, he has gorgeus teeth and his snaggle eye teeth looked naturally "vampah".

kristen said...

Lynn - Agreed. I'm so glad Rob RESISTED the Invisalign just like he RESISTED the media training. Gotta love a man who knows when to put his foot down. He is perfect as is, thank you very much :)

Haha - it's so funny that the writer said that Rob had "the agility of a mountain goat" when really Nikki Reed just said he LOOKED like a mountain goat when he ran... Totally different ideas being conveyed there.

Tess said...

This interview drops a few bombshells eh?

1. As much as I love listening to the few recordings that our out there, It really is terrible that his music was publicized. He didn't choose to make that public. we see that now. I feel for him.

2. Kristen isn't sure she wants to continue her role as Bella! What?? I think the fan outcry would be deafening.. Would she care?

Gozde said...

I don't think Kristen would care but she is obligated by contract :-)

She said if she knew Twilight was such a big deal she probably wouldn't have done it but then added she was glad she did it.

Gozde said...

Hello there Tess! Gorgeous picture!

Lynn said...

Lyla---it makes you wonder what these film makers are thinking. Invisalign takes a few years to perfect teeth. Rob's teeth would have look almost same through out the filming,

Tess said...

Thank you Goz.

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