Videos from MTV event


Dani said...

Oh he is so adorkable at these events. I love it. Goz thanks for bustin a move this morning and rocking the blog as usual.

Rusharthi said...

lol what was he doing with Taylor? he's so cute. Thank you for the videos! I can't wait to see more!

Lynn said...

Hey, Taylor...two for flinching! Rob is just a barrel of monkeys...I imagine that he's a hoot.

Does anyone have a phone that records for longer then 30 seconds? I can record for 20 minutes on my Palm.

babbles said...

Dani ~ Adorkable! that is my new favorite word and couldn't be more Rob~!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the tipsy video?
Loves, where is it?

DirtyD said...

Lynn- you are lucky to get 30 minutes. I can only get 16 seconds on my dinosaur of a phone. It's the newer razor but man 16 sec! That's it! Thank goodness this contract is up soon.

On another note my EW came today! Three days earlier than it normally comes! I got the Rob and Kristen cover.

DirtyD said...

edit...I meant 20 minutes.

Betsy said...

Lynn- the only time I can say I hate my iPhone - no video!

Thanks Dani and Goz for all the postings today! Robalicious!

DirtyD said...

Betsy- you can hack your iphone to take pics and video, my husband did!

Betsy said...

Thanks Dana for the info.

This afternoon I'm going to get my EW magazine and stare at Rob's pic all night.

Emily said...

I've totally missed the active posting but I just caught up with all the new stuff.
I can't wait to see some more pictures of the whole cast at that event. I'm loving Rob's trimmed hair. Still sex hair but just a little more manageable. I bet Rob found us out and wore those black jeans just for us. "This zipper shot goes out to ladies over at Robsessed. You know you love it."
Kristen is gorgeous and definitely has a hot little bod but really, Fred Flintstone called and he wants his outfit back. Not her best fashion moment (in my opinion) but she has plenty of time to redeem herself.
I love when Rob is so relaxed (okay, tipsy) like that. I bet he's a riot to be around. Slurred words in a British accent are still just as sexy. He was looking hot as always.

Jewels64 said...

Bloody Hell...just got my EW and I got the Rob/Kristen cover also. Still it beats the living daylights after the last cover they shared together! Must dash, need serious EW ogle time!

Lynn said...

Dana---I was amazed, I can get up to 30 minutes. It depends on how much data I have stored.

I have yet to get to a bookstore...I must find the mags.

Lynn said...

Betsy---my phone almost scares me on how much it can do, I purposely don't have a data package for that reason. It's cool, but, I have to treat like the Ark of the Convenant to prevent from dropping it.

Lynn said...

Jules---lucky! I have to actually go out and buy my copies. I got the newer paperback of Twilight (Audrey loaned out the original and the bloody kid still isn't done after a month) and it has a poster in it. I feel like I am 13 all over again!

Amy said...

TV SPOT 9 Screencaps in HQ!!!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious Emily on the Fred Flintstone dress. I agree. But I do like that she gets dresses with pockets. I love that also. Her white fringe dress in Rome, I loved.

Suss said...

Jackson and Ashley are so cute in the first video! Adorable.

Anonymous said...

I can only take so much of the screaming. I'm definetly not going to the Hot Topic thing in San Fran. I can't take the teenage girl stuff that much.
His nervous energy

Tess said...

I just need to comment on how much I love Ashley and Jackson.. They look like they together like peanut butter and jelly.

I doubt that Rob cut his hair, he's just still 'resisting media training' by refusing to style it they way 'the man' wants him too ;)

morning all

Amy said...

EXCLUSIVE Twilight Forest Scene!! HQ

His voice is incredible. November 21st can't come soon enough...

Suss said...

tess, i love them too! adorable :D

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