Videos from NYC

Amy the Twilicious, thanks :-)

Okay so the beanie is new, that's good news :-) It's blue. I can't take any more Rob today, my brain hurts. I am signing off. See you guys tomorrow with the Z100 interview :-)) Gozde

And here is what sgiancola has shared with us. Thanks so much :-))

Well, like I said, I was way in the back so I was literally standing on my tippy-tippy toes to see him. But, it was worth it! He looked amazing - he is even more striking in person (if that is possible). He didn't do as much "ummm-ing" as usual - seemed to be pretty comfortable.

He talked about writing Stray Dog and said something about waking up from a dream crying which inspired a few lines from the song (it was hard to hear from where I was standing).

Everyone was begging him to take off his beanie (which was quite annoying, btw) but he didn't. Another younger girl asked for a hug and got one (jealous).

Oh, he was asked about what he has in common with Edward and he said that he does get very passionate when it comes to kissing. Think he was really trying to get us all to pass out with that comment!

I wish I had a better view, but it was great to just be in the same room with him! The screaming was just insane! All the Apple employees were plugging their ears.


Rose said...



Gozde said...

Yeah me too1 I think I am signing off or I won't be able to sleep! I am so hyper right now!

Tess said...

Can't keep my eyes off his leg!! His Tibia & Fibula are killing me (sucks air between her teeth).. Sweet little baby Jesus (sorry Lord)

and i can't help noticing we have a repeat of the T he wore in Rome during the Halloween shoot...

Gozde said...

Tess, did you get an email from me?

Unknown said...

I was THERE! I can't believe it. I got one of the SRO bracelets - but at least I got in. I didn't have the best view but got a few great glimpses of him!

Amy said...

He was on fire tonight with his answers!! And OMG he looked soooooo hot. Lucky ladies who had the chance to be there tonight and see him.

Nov 15th RP - I'll see you in Toronto :)

Gozde said...

sgiancola! Eeeek! share! :-))

Amy said...

another video!!!! Better quality...

Unknown said...

Well, like I said, I was way in the back so I was literally standing on my tippy-tippy toes to see him. But, it was worth it! He looked amazing - he is even more striking in person (if that is possible). He didn't do as much "ummm-ing" as usual - seemed to be pretty comfortable.

He talked about writing Stray Dog and said something about waking up from a dream crying which inspired a few lines from the song (it was hard to hear from where I was standing).

Everyone was begging him to take off his beanie (which was quite annoying, btw) but he didn't. Another younger girl asked for a hug and got one (jealous).

Oh, he was asked about what he has in common with Edward and he said that he does get very passionate when it comes to kissing. Think he was really trying to get us all to pass out with that comment!

I wish I had a better view, but it was great to just be in the same room with him! The screaming was just insane! All the Apple employees were plugging their ears.

Dani said...

Dammit I miss everything while away feeding the baby and getting him to sleep ya are seeing Rob pics and vids! I'm almost able to get back on my computer to enjoy the show. Damn hub! Get off the computer please!

Amy said...

OMFG I FINALLY JUST HEARD 'LET ME SIGN'!! That song is incredible. Wow wow wow. This man needs to make a record like NOW.

I'm kinda speechless.

Tess said...

I need a cigarette and I quit smoking years ago. Today has been robalicious.

Thanks to everyone (Goz, Dani and Amy) for making my heart beat a bit faster.

If I become any more demented, I'm sending you my therapy bills ;)

Gozde said...

OMFG is right. I feel like I need a drink right now. TOO MUCH ROB!

Gozde said...

Haha Tess, me with the drink and you with the ciggy. I think I'll pour myself a drink, turn off the computer and light up a cigarette. I also feel like I need therapy right now.

Amy said...

Yeah I need a drink after listening to that voice!!!! I'm not even kidding. He is perfection. I mean I liked literally gasped hearing his voice rip through that WAY TO SHORT song...

Amy said...

The opening of 'Let me sign' is quite possibly the most sexiest thing ever!!!!!!!

Gozde said...

I am official Robsessed right now. That song is haunting me!

Dani said...

OH SWEET HELL!! Thank you for that those vids. He is fantastic. I think everyone here has taken up smoking to calm the incredible nerves that he just sparked up in all of us. I can barely type.

Lynn said...

I love how Rob holds the mike, he holds it like a beer bottle. Over analyze much? Heck, yes!

Rob looks heavenly! I find it funny that he dresses for the Artic Tundra in HelLA and then he's barely covered in NYC---the Linus syndrome in effect.

Dani---I get the first whiff off of the beanie!

Amy said...

He probably just LOVES being in New York. I mean to get out of the fishbowl that is LA for awhile and be in a city that is so lively and so much fun and there is so much to do all the time must feel like a little bit of an escape for him. Even though he is very busy all week working and stuff, I bet you he is pumped to be there for a few days.

Tess said...

I'm still trying to decipher all the words... he moans through his words (oh god.. i just created a visual that is going to be the death of me)

Can I just say how lucky who ever he's dating is!!!! (again) why oh why can't it be me!

I don't even have an old pack of B&Hs laying around and I realllly want to smoke right now,

Dani said...

Lynn can I just SAY WOW! I mean he is so fidgity it is the cutest. And he does hold that mic strangely. He is such a dish. So cute and skinny. His little legs were adorable.

Dani said...

Way to mumble Rob, I can't understand a damn thing he says in most of his songs, but the soulful moaning is lovely. Man I feel like a bad blog runner here since Goz did all the work this evening.

Lynn said...

Tas---Benson and Hedges? LOL Can you tell how long I worked in retail?

Oh hell, Rob makes me want to smoke, too! I want a clove or a Camel Light---oh, the days of youth.

Lynn said...

Yes, he did mumble quite a bit. I'm sure the mood would be so much more laxed if they gave Rob a stiff drink and a smoke. He would probably be less fidgety and more of a smart ass. Screw being PC, give the guy a break!

Tess said...

Lynn- On the spot. a clove would surely kill me right now.

You all can make fun of me now... since it was only a few short days ago that I was blogging about how my infatuation had matured into something more protective..

I was wrong!

Lynn said...

Tas---my lungs would bleed and I would be coughing for weeks. But, it might just be worth one puff---chased by a really dirty, martini.

Hey, we all have the protective vibe going on, but, hormones are always take prescedence.

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