NEW! Rob interview

Variety has an interview on their site w/ Rob .15min interview! And he is wearing a new shirt! And looks incredibly sexy. Yeah pretty much the usual.

Amy is the queen :-)

Twilight: What's Next for Rob Pattinson? Brit actor Robert Pattinson's life changed the instant Catherine Hardwicke cast him as Edward Cullen, the vampire lover in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.
Pattinson has seen the way women react to him as Edward at Comic-Con and festivals. (They tend to scream.) In this flip-cam interview, he talks about how tricky playing it was to play this kind of swoony leading man, figuring out the makeup, his music, his upcoming films Little Ashes and How to Be, and the new movie he starts in January, playing Dennis Hopper's grandson in writer-director Brian Horiuchi's L.A.-set multi-generational marriage drama Parts Per Billion, also starring Olivia Thrilby and Rosario Dawson. Hollywood is sending him scripts, but everyone it seems, is waiting to see how Twilight fares when it opens November 21:Pattinson, who hasn't seen the movie, says he's prepared to play Cullen in two more Twilight films in the original trilogy. (There's a fourth, more controversial and adult Twilight novel.) Pattinson's next movie, Little Ashes, a gay romance between Salvador Dali and Gabriel Garcia Lorca, is due in March. And the bare-bones, quirky Brit coming-of-age movie How to Be debuted at Slamdance in January, where it won an honorable mention, failed to pick up a distrib at Berlin in February, and still has no home in the U.K. or the U.S. Pattinson plays a sad-sack acoustic guitar player trying to pull himself out of depression. This pic might benefit from an online release--there are countless Pattinson fans who would want to sample it. But only a micro distrib would ever release it theatrically.
Sourcehttp: //


Dani said...

Thank you GOZ! How do you do that? I couldn't get it up. You are fabulous, you will have to teach me your Jedi blog skills.

Dani said...

AH I didn't see the GET THE CODE button staring me in the face!

Gozde said...

It's magic Dani :P

Below the video there is a "get code" button, click that, copy-paste :-)

Amy said...

I love it!!! Thanks Gozde, I didn't think you would see my link. Isn't this one the best - I like seeing him do interviews in a chill environment where he can just relax.

Gozde said...

Seeing Rob talk for 15 minutes makes us blind :-)

Amy said...

Is it just me or does he look even MORE sexy in this one??? Is that even possible!? haha ;)

Gozde said...

Now I have Rob blow up doll in my head. Now THAT would sell, LMAO.

Dani said...

Im an idiot...but you are a Jedi Blog Master and this interview is genius. I love how she asked interesting questions, and he was at ease and not nervous or giggly. It was such a nice change of pace to see him so incredibly at ease. And I would like to think that is his hotel room...good times indeed.

Thanks Goz for schooling me. Im working on getting faster and better at this everyday...but you are the Dr. and I am the nurse.

Gozde said...

Aww, he actually thought about why SM said he wouldn't be a good bf. This interview is amazing! And it's not censored.

Amy said...

So it did bother him that SM said she didn't think he would be a good boyfriend. He mentions that he was thinking about why she would say that...Hmmmm. I have to admit, it was a bit off for her to make that comment in the first place. He was probably like WTF?

Gozde said...

I so agree about the months in New Moon. When I was turning the pages and it was just the name of the month in the middle of the page, it broke my heart so much. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. Stephenie Meyer is just amazing.

Gozde said...

Aww Dani, so not true. I'm just obsessed right now and should not even be watching this stuff. After my defense I'll hopefully be traveling a lot and you'll be the Jedi of Robsessed :P

Gozde said...

I can understand why SM would say he wouldn't be a good bf :-) I think he tends to get a little too intense and depressed. You can hear the undertones in everything he says. And during the filming apparently he was so intense and depressed. Even Kristen, when asked how it was shooting scenes with Taylor said "It's so different. Taylor is so relaxed and fun and Rob is SO intense".

Okay I am disconnecting my internet now.

Dani said...

WTF? In what context did SM say Rob wouldnt be a good bf? I'm missing something here. Rob is so honest in this interview. Because he us so natural and comfortable. Its my new fave.

Goz its student and teacher but I will always do my best. I'm totally Robsessed too and dammit I could just kiss Rob and this interviewer. For being awesome.

Oh no one answered me when I asked who SMS was on imdb? Anyone know. They have our blog as their signature.

Dani said...

Goz I can totally see what you mean about Rob and his intensity. He was here in Portland hanging about for two months by himself getting prepared for playing Edward. He is very focused and in total work mode right now. Got to be tough being with someone who is so passionate about the characters they play.

Still he is wonderful. Most def someone who would be great to know and get to know. He is incredibly interesting. I've taken on like a strange urge to protect. I hate to see the stalking fan girls and the negative attention picking on his clothes and what not. I adore his I don't give a hoot attitude and how uncensored he is. Resist the media norm Rob!

Gozde said...

Oh I totally agree, he is fascinating. I love that he answers everything the way he feels about the issue at that minute. Kristen is like him too. One of the reasons I didn't like Taylor Lautner (tho he is so young I feel bad) is his answers are a little too polished.

Emily said...

Thank you for posting this! What an awesome interview. He looks incredible and is so well spoken. I was going to remember all my favorite parts so I could reference them in a comment but there are too many. He's so genuine, humble, witty, honest, I could go on and on.
I loved his response when the lady brought up Little Ashes. I sort of cringed when she was like, "A very different kind of romance, a GAY romance." I thought he handled it so well. He really explained the relationship in such a way that made me feel their pain and their sadness. He's just lovely to listen to and look at.
His hair was also looking especially fabulous. Everytime he ran his hand through it I found myself following the movement and waiting to see where it would all settle again.

Amy said...

Alright I watched it again, and I think this is my new favorite. It's so candid and she asks good questions and the conversation just flows so well. I'm really excited to hear more about Parts Per Billion! It sounds like it will be quite good.

Emily said...

I agree Amy. Definitely one of my new favorites. Oh, who am I kidding? I think I say that about every new interview I see or hear. But fifteen minutes of Rob talking is hard to beat.
I thought the beginning looked like he was looking in a mirror while he was talking. I liked it. It makes it seem like he's looking right at us. Loved the new shirt and slight scruff. He just gets better and better. And, I've never been jealous of a bottle of Coke (or whatever it was) until now.

Suss said...

He is so well spoken and he takes the time to think and elaborate his answers so much.. He is just so fascinating and he's the kind of person that always makes you want to hear more. You never get bored, and I love that. And this interview just makes me dream even more of just getting a chance to sit down in a quiet place, and talk/discuss with him for hours and hours.. Thank you gozde!

Amy said...


"And, I've never been jealous of a bottle of Coke (or whatever it was) until now."

LMAO Emily!! :D

DirtyD said...

Best interview yet! I love these ones where it's just one on one. He seems so much more comfortable. I'll be watching this one over and over again. And I'm loving the hair cut. I wanted to reach through the screen and just run my hands through that gorgeous mane.

Dani said...

You guys are a riot. And yes I noticed the coke bottle and was wishing I was made of that glass that very moment he drank that Carmel colored liquid out of my neck. Okay I'm waxing poetic about being a coke bottle. I'm insane now for sure.

What is it this man has over us? It is hypnotic.

Suss said...

I agree with you dani, it is hypnotic. If i would sit closer to the screen and look him in the eyes i would probably.. Well i dont know what i wouldve done..

DirtyD said...

Oh and the shirt. Damn the shirt. He should wear white or cream or whatever color it was more often. And the v-neck (insert dirty thoughts here). As much as I didn't want to take my eyes away from his face i kept trailing down to the V.

Amy said...

The way he talked about New Moon has me all in a tizzy now. I think I might cry during that whole Italy reunion in the next one - actually I WILL...what am I saying, haha

If the lady interviewing him said that she can't wait for the next one, you know the ending of Twilight is definitely going to leave fans wanting more.

All his recent interviews have been going great. Like I mentioned before, it takes time getting used to doing these press junkets and all the promotional interviews. Hopefully it becomes even easier for him the more he does them - which it seems to be.

K, On a side note - he needs to invest in some more white v-neck long sleeved shirts ;)

Emily said...

Amy, did you say this was in his hotel room? I was trying to figure out where they were. It probably was a hotel room. The nice generic picture above the couch gives it away.

"Rob, that couch looks a little stiff, uh I mean, uncomfortable. We could always move this over to the bed."
"Uh, okay. Let me just move my beanies and my friend Tom out of the way."
"Much better. Now, where were we?"

Yes, Dani. Hypnotic is a perfect word to describe Rob. And yes Dana! The shirt! I know he loves black but he looks amazing in that cream color. Let's keep our eyes open for a repeat of that shirt.

Gozde said...

LMAO @ Emily "Let me just move the beanies and my friend Tom out of the way" Hahaha :-)

Dani said...

Sweet Lord thank you to whatever second hand store or close friend of Robs bedroom floor or some wonderful agent or PR person produced that amazing shirt for Rob. It is lovely. V necks are most def the best cut of shirt for him. I loved it when he talked about taking his shirt off for the audition. And you could tell he was thinking " Ah blasted Hell I'm skinny as shit and they want me to do what? Work out. Whats that?"

Still so looking forward to Dali standing in front if the mirror naked and Edward with his shirt open. Rob is skinny but Haunted Airman proves he gas nothing to be ashamed of.

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love this interview!!! It was soooo intimate.... and he does so much better when there aren't a lot of screaming fangirls around to make him lose his train of thought. And I get what he's referring to about SM saying he would be a bad BF. This isn't the first interview where he calls himself a dick I don't think he has a very strong sense of self or he doesn't see himself as being worthy or whatever

Sabrizzle said...

I love how the interviews keep getting better and better. I like the one on one interviews because I can actually hear what he's saying without a bunch of girls screaming. I love how he is so honest and thoughtful.

I liked how he was talking about New Moon, I just started rereading it yesterday and I left off right when it got to the months. I think the way Stephenie wrote that part was brilliant and I don't think anybody else could have pulled it off. I hope that when the movie is made that there are a few scenes that show what Edward is doing but I agree with Rob that if they do too much of that it will ruin the intensity of the plot.

I really hope that shirt becomes a staple in his wardrobe because he looked smokin' hot in it, especially with the sleeves all bunched up. "V-neck" should definitley be added to the list of sexy Rob related terms because it is right up there with the zipper if you ask me. =D

kristen said...

This interview is fantastic. He is just ridiculously good looking in it, and he answers the questions with truly thoughtful and heartfelt responses. He's amazing. Every new interview I see just makes my respect (and lust LOL) for him grow even more.

Ahhh! I've missed so much this weekend... Gosh, while going out of town for the weekend is fun, it seriously cuts into my Rob-love time.

Tess said...

Dani & Amy- That was fantastic.

Rob is my new Best Friend, he just doesn't know it yet.

I could barely hear parts of it (picture me laying my left ear over the speaker of my laptop to hear the audio... then trying to contort my eye up to see him speak) all I kept hearing in my head was my mother's voice saying... "your face is going to freeze that way"

I don't think he's a DICK at all. I find him quite principled..

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