This one is my fave! WOW!

I love you chick thanks for finding the outtakes!


Amy said...

OMG. I'm kinda speechless right now. These are absolutely beautiful. He looks gorgeous and she looks stunning!!! Ahhhhh you know there are more of these at VF.

Dani, your missing one...the one with her wrapped around him :$

Amy said...

Well nevermind, you got it!! hahaha

kristen said...

DEAR LORD, these photos are beautiful.

Dani - there is also one other really good one of Rob and Kristen (it's the close-up of the famous ass-grab pose) that didn't make it on the blog:

Rose said...

YES!!!!!! Thank You!!!

kristen said...

Oops, never mind, Dani! You are on top of things (as always!) and rockin' this place as per usual.

Betsy said...

Look at that sex stare in the first photo! Lord - take my breathe away!

Dani said...

I think I got them all now. Sorry! Wooo I was a little flustered they are all so amazing. How in the name of all things holy did they not choose the one with him holding her up by her bum? Just a sin not to put that in the mag.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Usually my eye goes right to Robert b/c he's the most stunning thing in the picture but Kristen holds her own in these. She's lovely and they are gorgeous together.

Dani said...

Amy I could just kiss your face you are fabulous. Please know that when I get home tonight I will clean up all the posts that have vids and put them up I just can't do it cause of my firewall at work but thank you to everyone being patient cause Im running the show by myself today cause Dr. Goz is busy.

I heart you all!

Dani said...

Hey did you make a clickable link on here. I can make them on imdb but it doesn't work on here for some reason.

kristen said...

Rob's face in the first and last ones literally reduces me to whimpers. No words, just sounds. He is BEAUTIFUL.

Amy said...

If that photographer got a picture of him kissing her cheek or whatever from that video, she needs to release it ASAP! I have a feeling that fans are emailing again as we speak to get more of these...haha oh poor VF. They are probably laughing at the thousands of emails that are coming in daily...

But seriously, this has to be said...


Amy said...

Awe Dani!!!! Much love <3 & thank you for posting them up so quickly :)

Rose said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL pictures!!
They both look gorgeous.
Robert takes my breath away.
Good God.

Anonymous said...

Dani - I just inserted the HTML tag for a link. I'll email you an example.

Dani said...

Aj you it!

Eva said...

They are both stunning!

I hope VF will release more pictures in an upcomming issue or something. I bet will be their best sell ever.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photographer, great subjects to work with and Kristen looks beautiful.
Rob is just breathtaking. #2 when she leaning on his back is my favorite.

Eva said...

Kristen in "Teen Vogue" via JJ:

Sabrizzle said...

Wow, all of these are gorgeous. I think the one where he is on the swing is super cute, that was my favorite part of the hour long video from the shoot because they looked like they were having so much fun.

Tess said...

Sweet Holy Hotness! these are lovely..

Our wishes have definitely come true.

They are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful together.

I remember thinking when I was watching the video, "why is his head against her tummy? that's just weird!"

Now I look at it.. and they've made an "H" for HOT!!

Oh.. Dani!!!! May I be the first to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY across the international date line..

I'm off for the rest of the day, so I'll have to catch up later. xo

Anonymous said...

Dallas Interview with Rob:


Crazy hair alert!

La Stella said...

YAY! I'm so happy =)

Love love love them =)

My favorite is the one at the swing.. they look really childish.. lol.

I wished they had given us the one where he is kissing her cheek.. it looked very pretty in the video.

Tess said...

Thanks for the link aj: great interview.. The girls were really well spoken.. no scream mimi's.

favorite fan part: " I'm not crazy ok, I'm just In LOVE"

Yup.. that's what I tell myself almost everyday when I log on to this blog..

And.. how unbelievably kind he still is to feel bad about not being able to give more time to his fans.

Anonymous said...

Tess - You may have to click on the RAW INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson "Twilight" Star video on the right to get the actual long interview with Robert.

Hope it works!

Dani said...

Hey AJ I will send the link to my home e-mail and post when i get home. I have a lot of work to do when I get home on this blog. MY GOODNESS! And thanks a bunch babe!

MiCh said...

Hi girls!

Well, I had a LONG and TIRED day of psychometric tests (for a new and better job :) but thanks to the Lord, these beautiful, gorgeous and steamy pictures give me welcome to this happy place :D

I can't understand why did they not choose the first picture for a cover! It makes me swoon!

Dani said...

Oh thanks for the birthday wishes...awe heart is warmed! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the 7 minute Dallas interview with Rob:

or just click here

Anonymous said...

Dani - Sorry to bombard you on your B-day. Have a great evening with your family and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Dani ;)

DirtyD said...

There's something about his eyes in the first picture that makes me weak in the knees. They are so captivating.

Dani said...

Thanks ladies! My birthday is tomorrow but since Tess is 13 hours ahead in Singapore it is my birthday already on the other side of the world.

Aj- don't worry I love the links and I have sent myself so many e-mails today it is not even funny with links for when I get home. So I will get on my computer and clean this place up post vids and updates and then take a break from this place for a while!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link aj...

Rob is a beautiful soul.


kristen said...

Thanks for the link, AJ. What a great interview.

He is such a kind person - it seems like he genuinely feels bad that he can't do more for his fans. But man, he looks so exhausted in the video. I hope he can get more sleep in the next few days.

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