First of all I want to say that the Apple Store did not anticipate there would be so many fans there today. There apparently were people waiting in front from 9AM. I got there just in time to get one of the hundred bracelets they gave out. Those who didn't have a bracelet did not get in. There were only 65 seats in the whole place, the rest was standing room only.
About 8:30PM Catherine Hardwicke came out and was asked many questions. She told everyone there that she actually just finished the final cut of the film about 8 days ago. She was very nice to all that attended even though she knew all in attendance were there for Rob. Robert came out about fifteen minutes later to the roar of hundreds of screaming fans. He had on a black cap which even when asked by many fans to take off wouldn't. Too bad! He seemed very shy and still in awe about the fuss of his part in the whole Twilight phenomenon. He actually said he was still in shock over everyone's reaction to him being Edward since in the beginning he was getting hate mail and bad buzz. He said he still thought that he would go out one day and someone might want to shoot him. The poor guy has no idea what he is in for when the movie
opens and he becomes an instant megastar... I only hope he will stay so humble.... Fans asked what Catherine's and his hobbies were and she said she liked to surf but Rob said he didn't do much of anything and that he was quite boring..As if!
First picture from Manhattan and it is craptastic but you can see the beanie or as Betsy put it sex hair in a condom :P
i heard someone asked rob what similarities he has with edward and his response was: i get carried away when it comes to kissing
Gozde: Umm, yeah he is just playing with us now! Bad Rob!
germandolls on imdb posted this:
catherine hardwicke arrived first on the side door, she waved, took a sec and walked in
there were false alarms for rob... girls SCREAMED and just RAN across the street... i felt like a hanson fan back in 1997 again! IT WAS HYSTERICAL
then when rob got there... he was literally outside for .2 seconds. not kidding!
the car stopped, door opened, everyone came RUNNING, and he was inside
it was like.... 1,2,3 ::apples door shuts::
they were like, shutting the door.. as he was walking in, and then security all blocked the door so no one can try and sneak in.
Thanks Amy!
Another update:
rosegrave on imdb said:
Seriously, a great night! Catherine was so drawing out the time since Rob was probably late. I was in the back of the room, but I was one of the few that got a wristband and got inside. I got several videos from tonight, mostly for his voice, because it was so dark and all my photos came out black. He looked so hot though! I hated he wouldn't take off the beanie, calling us shallow because we asked, but he's cool! The people basically asked the same questions as before, he talked about his song 'Stray Dog' a bit, but nothing I haven't really heard before. Deleted scenes are going to be good! Can't wait til tomorrow and Planet Hollywood. I'm there like 10, no playing around! Going straight from z100 when I find it to Planet Hollywood!

I bet he gets asked about his hair all the time. No wonder he wants to cut it, no doubt he was joking calling the girls shallow for poking fun at the infamous skull cap. I'd like to take a wiff of that cap myself. It probably smells Heavenly.
Thanks for the updates! On a side note the twilight soundtrack is downloading from itunes as I speak. Now I can listen to Rob's sweet voice all night long.
Yes! I downloaded the album too! Yay!
And Dani, I have to go to bed :-( I am too hyped up and have to step away or I won't sleep all night. Can you take over?
More pics posted on
W-O-W Just listened to the bonus song Let Me Sign and all I can say is that his voice is abolutely amazing. He's got so much soul. Buying this soundtrack was money well spent.
GOD. this blog is bad for my health and my social life (off line.. no offense ladies) His quote about kissing is doing some amazing things with my imagination.
3 minute video downloaded on rpattzdaily - sigh - I'm in love
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