Updated Vid posting

Goz posted the link earlier but here is the actual vid of the girl with the tattoo of a lamb on her neck and Rob's reaction around the 1:20 mark.


Anonymous said...

Dani or Goz - not sure if you saw this in an earlier posting. Ropes of Silicon has has a story that says New Moon and Eclipse have been given the green light . I guess we'll know in a few day.

Anyhoo - post or not, up to you. Love ya both for all your hard work!

Dani said...

I saw that. I think they know that it will be filmed for sure the are being cautious but they will do it. With the merch sales and all the promo they can tell Twilight will be Summit's biggest hit to date by a LARGE margin.

Thanks AJ you are always on top of the news.

Dani said...

I heard that Melissa Rosenberg who wrote the script is already working on the script for Eclipse. So looks like lucky me they will be filming in my city for the next few years and I will have to start going downtown more often.

Too bad I don't know any TWIMOMs they would be useful in this case cause they seem to have the stalker tip on where everything is filmed and when.

Ah never mind they scare the Hell out of me.

Lynn said...

Dani---I will have to come to Portland some how, my husband is going to freak! Seriously, I have been wanting to take the kids to the Redwood Forest and the Pacific Northwest for years. This is where opportunity knocks!

The vid was cute and Rob looked completely in it (as far as the job at hand). But, the tatoo thing was a little over the top. I love body art, but, that one just seemed impersonal and odd to show it off. And, it seemed a little creeperish for Rob.

Dani said...

Lynn I would adore a visit from the Lynn clan! That would be awesome. It is beautiful up here that is for sure. With this cast here it is over the top gorgeous.

I agree with the tattoo thing, Rob isn't all about it. I dont have any myself but I'm not against it or anything just nothing that I want permanently on my body. I dont think I will ever get one either just not my bag. But notice in more than one vid Rob mentions not to get tattoos. I think its cute that he's not for them, but his reaction to the tattoo on that girls neck is so great. Classic Rob.

Amy said...

Hi Girls,

Dani and Goz, thanks so much for adding all the videos/ interviews - I didn't get a chance to watch/read all of them last night and now I'm caught up. I love the Cosmo girl behind the scenes video, they are so funny those boyz ;) The Premiere article is great as well even though it's mostly the same questions. I did like that he confirmed once again about going back to London...

Premiere: Is the audience completely different too now, when you do those? All teenage girls in Twilight T-shirts?

Robert: "I haven't done one in a while actually, so I don't know. I used to just turn up at places and just do it, I'd never announce it. But then, I don't know how, word just got out so I stopped for a while. But I'm going back to London in December, so maybe I'll do some then."

He will be home for the holidays!!! Let's hope the paparazzi don't stalk the London pubs looking for him, lol. Awe, he will finally get a break from all the craziness.

The UK premiere is sometime at the beginning of December, possibly on the 3rd? I think I read that somewhere.

Kat said...

Amy, it is on the 3rd, which I thought was really early seen as it's not out until the 19th over there. I won't be in the UK until the 6th - I would've taken a trip down to London for it. Grrrrr.

Dani, Can the Kathryn Clan come visit too :-)

Dani said...

K I would die if you all visited! Ahhhhhhh that would be awesome! Yes please. Holy moly, I hope that since Rob still has some anonymity here that he would hopefully do some open mic nights and I could go get some research done for the blog. And oh boy my crush on Jackson has grown since he too has admitted to doing a little singing here as well. Bless this cast for their talent and looks. It is a dangerous combo.

Kathryn clan consider yourselves officially welcomed.

Typos galore I'm sure but I'm on my itouch and it has a mind of its own.

kristen said...

Dani and Goz - here is a link to some photos from the signing in Philly. There are some cute ones of him laughing and messing with his hair and stuff. They're from "Robert Pattinson Source"


Amy said...

This video is super cute! The person managed to snag all the adorable moments of Rob and Kristen in that VF hour long video and added some other clips from interviews and stuff...I'm sure some of you have seen it, but oh well here it is again.


Anonymous said...

Mexico Q&A


By the time I type this it will already be up You guys are so fast!!

kristen said...

OH MY GOSH! Amy - that video made my heart flutter!! Those were some of the sweetest moments between Rob and Kristen - they look REALLY into each other. Thanks so much for sharing that link.

Amy said...

I know Lyla, my heart melted watching that too. Their chemistry is off the charts <3

Emily said...

Thanks for those pictures, Lyla! The hair was in fine form that night. I've never seen anyone who can make a plain white t-shirt look that sexy. It's probably not even a t-shirt. It's probably a fruit of the loom undershirt that he bought in a 3 pack. 3 shirts for $10? Nice!
The "aspiring actress" in the pink trench coat who showed up with roses for Rob made me laugh. Not in a good way either. I felt sort of embarassed for her. She was very complimentary but something about the whole exchange was very uncomfortable and awkward. Who knows? Maybe I'm just jealous.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what a sweet video of Rob and Kristen. Their connection is so evident.

kristen said...

Emily - I know! The girl in the pink trench was a little weird. While I think Rob probably enjoyed the fact that she could actually talk in his presence (rather than burst into tears or be completely speechless), I thought the roses were a bit weird. I mean, Rob is a 22 year old dude - I think he would much prefer a six pack of good beer any day... Seriously, WTH is he going to do with flowers? He would have to throw them away when he left for the next city anyway. I'm sure the beer would have been much appreciated (and useful!) before he had another one of the painful Q&A's.

Emily said...

Amy and Lyla - I just finished watching that video. So sweet! I loved the footage of their hands. Especially 3:01-3:10. I've never been so jealous yet so mushy in love with the two of them. Her boyfriend must be incredibly confident and trusting to not be insanely jealous. I loved the interview at the beginning.
"What about her boyfriend?"
"Pfft. Who cares?"

Emily said...

I have a feeling you're right about the six pack of beer, Lyla. I think that would have gone over much better. Too bad 99% of his admirers are too young to buy it for him.
I was looking at the poster behind him in those pictures with all the tour cities listed on it. Does he really have like 7 more to go still? Oh Rob, I'm so sorry. You tell us what we can do to make it all better. Anything. Seriously....anything.

Dani said...

Hey sorry guys I will post stuff when I get back on my computer in an hour. Got some things to do so sorry for the delay but thank you for getting all the links. I'm on my pod right now but expect more goodies shortly.

Goz is busy this weekend she has more stuff to take care of with school and her doctorate. So I'm on my own. I'm gonna try to get stuff up periodically but its tough on the weekends without the dream team rockin' together.

You guys rock by the way. I pretty much heart all of you.

Kat said...

Wow, Amy - that video is amazing. I hope no-one sends the link to Kristen's boyfriend! They have some serious chemistry and I LOVE IT.

Kat said...

Dani - I'm booking my tickets, expect the Kathryn Clan tomorrow! :-)

Rose said...

That video is so sweet. Just like Rob and Kristen. Amazing connection that they have.

Regarding New Moon and Eclipse, I had read that they were planning on shooting those back to back...because of the non-aging thing. That would be cool!

Gozde said...

Hey I'm here :-)) At the library trying to upload my thesis.

Dani you are awesome as usual! Love y'all!

Dani said...

Hey Goz dont worry I will be on soon got a few things to post. Some new pics are out too on Robert pattinson.org zipper shot is awesome.

Dani said...

much love to you too babe.

Jewels64 said...

Hey Dani, I told the boys I was taking them on vacation to Portland. We're gonna have to take over an entire hotel!

What a vacation that will be...all you great and wonderful crazy ladies, kids running everywhere and us doing our best TwiMoms impersonations to find out where they are!

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