I have kept the previous post for the comments.

"Twilight is a metaphor for the virtues of chastity, but it's had the opposite effect," a chagrined Robert Pattinson told us shortly before the goth blockbuster slayed audiences in late November. "I get letters that say, 'I'm going to kill myself if you don't watch High School Musical 2 with me.' " It was a little nuts: girls rampaging through malls for a glimpse of a relatively unknown 22-year-old British actor who played a brooding bloodsucker named Edward. But so far, the London-raised Pattinson (whose breakout was a memorable part in the Harry Potter series) has stayed humble. In his next film, Little Ashes, he will play a young Salvador Dali, as his advisers mull a trusted plan for plucking an actor from the tweenscape: Get him a role that puts a gun in his hand. But, Edward-mania will be hard to forget. Says Pattinson, "A mother recently gave me her baby and asked, 'Can you please bite his head?'
Gozde: Okay this is unconventional and I am quite "tipsy" right now but these photos... Seriously??? Gaaaaaaah! Drunk blogging... Gaaaaah! How am I supposed to like "real man"? Gaaaah!
Gaaaaaaaaaaah OMG soooooo gorgeous.
I know he even has lovely hairy armpits. Is that weird that I just said that. I feel weird for saying it but like usual I am just going to roll with it.
The bags under his eyes are killing me. I feel the need to put cucumber slices on them.
Sorry ladies, for the previous thread sometimes I like to say things for shock value.
kinda like the "twelve year old virgins licking his hair" thing.
Sometimes one can't resist.
No, you are not alone in your adoration for said boy's lovely body hair. Rob just looks incredibly, greaser hot! I want to do so many unmentionable things to his wonderfully furry body, it's just sinful....completely thinking out loud.
Dani----I want a Marlboro Light now, sigh.......
I just want to crawl up his body ;) Oh wow, so many naughty thoughts running through my mind from seeing these scans...
I want to connect the dots on his shoulder. I think I could make out the constellation of Orion.
Looks like I'm in the minority, but I think these pics make him look dirty and smelly. Not attractive to me. At all.
Jov it is lucky for me dirty and smelly Rob is how best I like him.
Alright my lovelies I am off for a bit I won't be on until later for posting and such so if you have any goodies just post the link in the comments.
You all rock my world in strange and mysterious and sometimes filthy ways and I love you for it.
That wasn't me.
on the last anon comment.
I just thought someone could easily try to make it seem like me. Yikes. I might have to actually reg.
No, he defintely looks amazing to me in this photo. Not smelly at all. Except for the cig smoke.
His skin is very appealing to me. I could get his natural smells from it and can imagine how good "he" smells. Especially right out of the shower...
Oh sorry Jov!
Anon to you I say I like Rob filthy as he can get, nothing better. I want to throw my face in that arm pit right this minute.
But to each their own desires. Thanks for coming by anyways.
I really don't need photos of Rob, my imagination is sufficient.
Luv ya Dani and thinking of Rob's comment "I feel dirty." NO ONE has ever said that sexier!
So I get Jules' e-mail before I visit the blog... I hurry over here as fast as I possibly can.
WOW. That. just. took. my. breath. away.
Thank you for posting and thank you Jules for the warning.
Bye sassy Dani, have a good night and if I don't talk to you later, Happy Thanksgiving, girlie who rocks this blog. You and Goz have given us a lot of fun.
Oh, for the love of all that is holy, how can someone be so freaking HOT in a stupid mesh like that?
I haven't read any post or comments in two days and this is the picture that greets me? Sweet Lord, I'm going to need a cold shower..
Mich, Happy Belated Birthday. I forgot to wish you BDAY. I only did for Lynn. Hope your day was great.
Oh, by the way.. I really missed you girls :)
Now I'm going to read TWO DAYS of posts and comments.. if I can put myself together after this HOT HOT HOT pic!
He's probably done filming Leno. Thank gawd Heidi Klum is so in love with Seal. He does love supermodels. Also, the 200 firefighters there is a good thing maybe it toned down the crazies.
Thank you Jovie, you're so sweet! Yep, my bday was great with friends and another 2 hours of Rob, what else could I ask for? ;)
Good to hear Mich. Sounds like fun, almost two hours of watching Rob is a good bday thing.
OK... I'm loosing it... what video without his top on... where, where..... where.....
These are the days I wish I was a Marlboro cigarrette.... heck I would settle to be the little fist pendant for all I know.. :)
I just want him to go home and be with his family in his family home and reground himself. Reflect and take care of himself.
I hope going home will feed his soul.
I'm thinking of ya Rob.
Taking deep breaths for you.
Playing Edwin McCain's "I'll BE."
Ellie - catching up from when I left earlier. "The dogs bollocks" would be a way to describe something that you think is awesome... for example;
Rob Pattinson is the dogs bollocks.
Don't ask me why... it is what it is!
Seriously, I printed the first pic y'all posted. Now I have more?
F*&%#ing Happy F*&%#ing B-day to me! Even though its not my b-day. Any day with Rob looking that hot is a F*&%#ing happy day!
Seriously there is no a good word to describe Rob in all his glory and hotness.
Off topic- I just finish the article on EW site, CH mom is rocking but here is my fav part about the twimoms:
"...She saw the movie three times by the end of the weekend, including a Thursday midnight screening where she and 24 fellow club members dressed up in prom gowns and ate mushroom ravioli for dinner as homages to Bella and Edward's romance..."
Prom dresses and mashroom ravioli probably in Olive Garden(hate that place). REALLY?!
Eva I never want to read this phrase from you again "my favorite part about the Twimoms"
That is simply a contradiction. And it scares me frankly.
Ooooooohhhhhh I can see Rob's nipples in the pics they look pretty good. I am easily destracted.
My hub even googled Rob today. He tried to scoop me on Rob facts. Bwuahhhahahahaha! As if that is a posibility.
Dani---I bow to you in your brilliance....because these pics are by far the most raw and vunerable of Rob.
I just love seeing him "unplugged" and in the real. Frankly, the cigarettes, lighter, insanely sexy mesh wife beater just exude Rob's sexuality. Love it, love it, love it!
If it was a normal wifebeater I think I would have had a heart attack. The mesh helped me keep alive. LOL.
Dani, your husband rocks.
Dani, ops sorry, didn't read it before posting:)
never again, I promiss
My husband makes fun of me because of Rob and every time when I'm on the computer he asks "How is your boy(aka Rob)?" LOL
Ooooih ladies. Seriously these are my fave pics of Rob. Simply the most honest I have ever seen him look. Its just Rob in those photos. Not Edward or Art, or Daniel or Dali or some figure of the photographer's imagination. That's just Rob, and Rob is super sexy.
Stella---Rob is keeping my rockabilly/punk fantasy alive by posing the mesh wife beater. Now, show me more straight legged black jeans, suspenders, and unlaced Docs.....then it will be perfection!
Dani---Ben is so funny!
I bet he really fell asleep while the photographer took pictures of him lying down. LMAO.
Eva---the article actually mentioned that the woman is the president of the Salt Lake City Chapter of Twlighters Anonymous...no association to the Twimoms.
Good evening, lovelies!
Just got back from viewing #2--all of you were right, the 2nd time is so much better!
While fixating on Rob the whole movie (duh!), the image of Rob in the mesh shirt kept flashing before my eyes. There's nothing better than Rob flashing-- ;).
And I caught the "What are you doing?" comment from Rob to Kellan in the baseball scene, this time.
"Olive juice", girls!
And Kathryn, thanks for the "dog's bollocks" explanation!
Stella---I bet Rob snores something lovely and I am sure that he either nodded off or came real close to nap time.
Lynn-- well if you add the suspenders to the mesh.. Yeah, sexy
Just ran across the room to the TV to see a Twilight commercial ...Damn, will that ever stop? Uh, no.
Okay just for shits and giggles I had to put Muse's Supermassive Blackhole on just to ogle Rob with a soundtrack! Crap now he's just exponentially hotter! The man could fart and I would literally not care! I would probably think it was cute and pat him on the back and ask him if he was okay.
Crap...I am so robsessed!
The hubby has called it a night... I can watch Leno in peace without being teased... yeah....
"The man could fart and I would literally not care! I would probably think it was cute and pat him on the back and ask him if he was okay." ROTFLMAO, Jules!
Yes, me too, Jules. 6 more minutes 'til Leno. Hope we don't have to wait until the end of the show for him to come on. I think with all the Twilight hype, he may be the first guest??
Ellie---well, I still have three more hours...sigh!
Tapping my arm....need a Rob fix very badly!
Girls, you really had fun these days with all the BROmance, Buddhas, "turtlenecks" and thongs.. :)) it makes me feel jealous! But in a good way ;) aww, damn new job, I think I'm going to quit, hahaha..
Lynn- you are right. Still is a little over the top thing and I want to know Robs thoughts on that:)
Sorry, Twimoms, if any of you is reading this.
I'm having an off day and these pictures are messing me up big time.
Ellie, I'm DVR'ing it. So I can watch it in all my own skeevy pleasure. The same way I dvr'd Ellen, MTV spoilers...just so I can watch without any interruption from the kids...Just me and my "friend" BOB!
Mich---you missed the all the cyber munchies!
Hey, I just polished off some barbque chips as an homage to Kristen's smoking faux pas!
Leno's on..... ooooohhhhhhhhh!
Leno's on!!!
I change my mind, Rob will probably be last, the better to make us suffer!
Jules you skeevin on Rob action? Hmmmm I like that idea. I respect that. Really these pics have me undone. I want to take a wiff of all the places that in these pics would apprear to smell formidable.
I muched on some chicken strips tonight for dinner and I poured a little of my chocolate shake out on the floor for my homie K Stew and all our other high as a kite brothers and sisters who are still in bed and cannot enjoy the tasty treats.
Kathryn---paper cut with lemon juice...you guys are killing me!
Olive juice to you!
"Kristen's smoking faux pas!".... I wonder what her PR peeps are calling it....
Leno isnt on here for a few hours. Not fair!
Sorry Lynn....
Dani---I am heading over with the brownies! LOL
I'll talk you through it... stay with me.
Smoking faux pas or Cannibis idious incident are my choices!
Enjoy Leno!
"Leno's on" Kathryn, great minds think alike! :)
Jules~~skeevy pleasure, huh? lol
and Lynn~~ I'll let you know how delicious he is!!! Yumm-o!
Tonight on TMZ the showed the pictures of KStew smoking and also pics of Rob smoking in CM and video of him leaving the sushi place.
Dani - I'm so with you on the armpit hair. Tell you what, you take the right side, I'll take the left. We could snuggle up on the ground with him and get a nice tickle and sniff. Okay, that does sound weird but whatever, I'd do it.
Maybe this wasn't even an official photoshoot. It could just be him on his bed (translation: floor) at TomStu's apartment. Sweet dreams, Rob.
How many of you hope that he got to keep that shirt? I'm not sure we'd see him out and about in just the mesh tank but to see it poking out from under one of his button up shirts would be hot.
Heidi Klum after the break.... no Rob yet :-(
I want some of you girls, to tell what he is wearing.. LMAO.
Maybe he'll wear the mesh shirt on Leno?
Oh are we taking bets on his attire... ???
Kathryn-- I bet you he has on his black jeans, a gray shirt and a black leather jacket. It might include the suspenders.
Dani~~ Formidable smells sound intriguing! ;)
Crap... the underarm hair...do you realize just how much i want to grab it with my teeth, take a big inhale and just munch away? These pix have me all hot and bothered! It is so wrong but feels so right!
I saw a quick commercial before the show. I think grey is involved...
I want him naked. It won't happen, but a girl can dream. I want to follow those early pubes down to his lovely treasure trail...
Alright ladies, now i gotta go watch.... BRB!
Jules... it's not wrong... it's all RIGHT.
Stella - I'm thinking the suspenders will make an appearance too, or is that just hoping?
Jules---I'm eating....need I say more?
Grey shirt,no beanie...
Button down...Sex Drive shirt?
em I am with you on the double Rob pit sniff snuggle.
Kathryn I'm guessing suit jacket, black jeans and either a black t shirt underneath the jacket or a button down shirt untucked. And his nike tennis shoes and possibly the beanie. Whoever is watching must describe the duds.
Suspenders? Details....dying here!
ok, so I have half right.. how about some pants? jajaja, and is he wearing a jacket?
God, I'm so obsessed it's not even funny anymore. :|
Oh crap, her royal teutonic hotness is on firs.
FIRST. The word is first. Too much wine! The holidays have begun!
And, now on Project Runway...dammit, I will her screechy voice all night!
We have officially been "auffed"!
Stella--I vow for the suspenders!
And the beanie!
I'm assuming that Rob's wearing what he had in the preview clip: no beanie, grey shirt (if memory serves me correctly, but don't quote me on it, as I was stuck on his hair and eyes, and the sheepish grin. I think I saw sneakers,could be wrong...
They're making us wait.... so not fair. I feel like having a tantrum.
I'm in the process of watching Leno as I type this. Rob isn't on yet...Heidi Klum is 'next'
Can I just say one thing? Thank you all for letting me share my Robsession with you lovely ladies. It really REALLY helps to know that the things I feel...aren't unique.
Thank you!!!
Rose we heart you big time.
Wait Lynn! Sex Drive Shirt...
"Get in the car Mr. Pattinson!"
You know i had to say it...
they just mentioned his name and there were squee's in the audience. then someone said he reminded them of a "young Jay Leno" Dream on, baby...
Heidi's on~~
She does look gorgeous... but her voice is going RIGHT THROUGH ME like fingernails on a chalkboard...
Also wanted to say that the audience is made up of a lot of firefighters...a LOT of firefighters. I'm thinking the reaction to Rob might not be quite as screeching. But even a small amount of girls can scream pretty loud, I guess.
Seriously? That is my favorite...I am picturing him with the former hair and the sparkling eyes.
It's not fair. Stupid mexican television :(
I want to see this so bad.
Geez I'm so nervous about seeing Robert. This is unbearable.
Rose, me too... I'm sat here wondering why I'm so nervous. It's that protective thing again.
Definitely agree about the protecting...
I just want Jay to be nice to him. I want Rob to enjoy himself and laugh.
I can't wait to hear Rob's nervous laughter, see him rake his fingers through his hair...I'm gonna be so done for...
Oh God, Jewels, I hear ya...how many times do you think he will pull his fingers through his hair?
I've got butterflies in my stomach right now...and the jitters. Should I be shivering? I know my furnace is working...
Off-topic.. well, not at all.. I'm just reading that "CrepĂşsculo" aka "Twilight" raised 11/12 millions in Mexico this weekend.. lol
On the preview, I definitely saw a hint of SEX HAIR...
Actually, more than a hint.
He's glorious.
Mich-- pesos or dlls?
Heidi Klum is probably going to kiss Rob when he comes out.
I think I hate her guts.
Damn SuperModel.
Be right back with Robert Pattinson..... oh the anticipation!
yummy...here we go... put your seat belts on...it's gonna be a wonderful ride!
*shaking* Rob is NEXT.
HE'S NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Showed a quick peek of him dressed as Edward in the pea coat (during an interview)
My computer isn't in the same line as the TV, don't know if I can look away quick enouggh to type_--or if my fingers will be steady enough to hit any of the right keys! WOO HOO1
Waiting with the crickets!
I apologize in advance for any lapse in play-by-play action...
Please forgive me, girls...
THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pff, what happen with my math skills? Hahaha.. Stella, it were 34 millions of pesos, so 3 millions of dollars.. my mistake :(
Well, if you consider that movie tickets in Mexico costs 5 dlls and in USA costs 8-10dlls.. ;)
DAMN I only got the pants right. LMAO.
Mich a como esta el peso ahorita una entrada al cine son como menos de 4 dlls. Pero ala bestia, que muchoo 34 millones. Para lo pobres que estamos se me hace mucho jajajajaja.
Ellie---seriously, two hours to go and I am in the midst of heart burn...is the interview worthy?
Stella, lo sé, 34 millones de pesos es una buena lana.. a lo mejor en dólares no es la gran cosa, pero aquà estamos POBRES! Y somos 3 veces menos gente que en USA! Jajaja..
That was great!
Ok, I really enjoyed that. He was incredibly uncomfortable...but I think that was because of Heidi.
Seriously. I laughed a lot. He's so cute. He's so honest.
okay,how many of us were repeating the damn dialogue during that clip that they showed from "Twilight"?
He was super yummy Rob hot, deliciousnes, sexy, finger raking, boisterous laugh, self deprecating all out non stop breathtaking dirty haired crazy lovely super hot!
He has a few days worth of scruff, nice. Sexy DIRTY hair... many buttons open.
He seemed a little scared of Heidi... did I hear her tell him he was pretty????
He looked relaxed and just went with the flow... liked it.
Okay, here goes--
talked about his car, lack of personal hygiene (Heidi moved away from him-lol), plot of the movie, the HAIR.
So, so, so adorkable.
Lots of chest hair showing through the open shirt
Clip was the forest scene:You're incredibly strong...
WHEW! Rob was just magnificent.
Lynn, please send me your proof reader. Damn, I can't type when I get excited.
Rob was soooooooo damn hot!!!!!
Yeah..same questions, same clip.
but same beautiful, loveable Rob.
I thought he would maybe hug or kiss Heidi...but he was so shy, he barely looked at her.
She was actually quite amusing, asking about his hair.
hes still there
Rose really? I didn't think he looked uncomfortable at all, apart from each time Heidi spoke to him...
Lynn~~ SO worth it.
Jules----tossing you the fire extinguisher and the spell check!
You are priceless, lovely!
Oh, and no hint of suspenders.
Well, I think he looked great. I counted 8 actual hair pulls...and maybe 3 or 4 semi pulls.
I love this man.
Help me.
Lynn... yes worth it just to see his sexiness in all his loveliness. His smile, his laugh... his plain old yumminess. His teeth - something about his teeth got me going.
See, part of me thinks that Rob has decided that it is easier to just be himself instead of the "media training".
His interviews are always fresh, exciting and full of personal stuff that just leaks out making him seem just that more accessible!
So glad I DVR'd this! Many viewings tonight!.....
Guys, I'm green with envy 'cause you have all these Rob-a-licius TV Shows and we the mexicans only have stupid soap operas and reality shows!
Yeah, I thought he looked...well, if not uncomfortable...a bit nervous. He had his head down, and he was kinda slouched in the chair.
I do think it was Heidi that made him act that way, though.
It was a great interview...I also DVR'd it...WOOHOO.
Thanks, I am convinced to stay up and watch...like I could wait until tommorrow!
Seals on, Rob moved to the couch with Heidi and he's sat as far away from her as he possibly could...
oh yummy..hes on the couch still.
I thought he looked relaxed, too, despite the hair raking...smiled easily, but I agree with Kathryn, he's a bit uncomfortable with Heidi.
OOO, still on the couch (switched places, to the other side of Heidi.
Seal took his place.
One last hair rake.
Mich----what about Cristina? Isn't she on anymore? I love the novellas, I wish I understood more Spanish in order to watch them/ They look like fun!
I can breathe again.
Rose - I hear you... I think it was all Heidi... she's kind of overpowering and a little "me, me, me" like Tyra. Or that's how she came across.
He does the Princess Di thing so well, head down then looking up through his eyebrows...
Maybe Rob's ears have the sensitivity of a dog and are reacting to that voice!
I feel like we're his type of girls... Rob:"I like nuts girls"
At one point he shifted himself in the chair and I totally thought he was going to cram his legs underneath himself and curl up... I love it when he does that.
Mich-- I hear ya. Mexican tv sucks.
Lynn-- our novelas are worse than the ones you guys have in United States. Honestly.
Kathryn---Rob is a "very British boy"...love the Princess Diana analogy.
Rob's smiles were just lighting up his face. Genuine.He'd offer nothing less...
I know he seems to have a "thing" for the supermodels... but I think a lot of supermodels are all wrapped up in themselves and he'd do better with a down to earth, beer drinking, fun loving nutty kind of girl.
Of course, I hope she's hot as hell as he deserves a bit of hotness.
We're almost to Thanksgiving!
Ladies, you are truly in my hearts during this holiday! I have found a place where I am welcome. So many of you have found a place in my heart, and I am truly blessed and thankful.
Goz, Dani....Blessings on this holiday to you and your families. You guys go above and beyond to feed my Robsession (wait...some people might not think that is a good thing!)
To the rest of you wonderful Rob friends out there...Happy Thanksgiving! This blog is such a happy place because of you!
I'm feeling the endorphins from Rob's interview! I'm in the euphoric zone right now....
Love and Blessings to all!
Man...I really enjoyed that. I'm so glad that Leno is in HD.
I'm also glad that my husband is in bed right now so that he can't see me making a total fool of myself.
Kathryn, I thought the same thing about the shift.
Stella---from an American's perspective, Mexican television is wacky....the novelas are cheestastic---mucho queso! Yes, it could be much better.
Thank you, Jules. I <3 you, too!
Rose... my hubby is in bed too so couldn't laugh at my Robsession. But after that interview with Rob I'm afraid he's going to be awoken by a horny wife...
On that note... I'll sign out.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you wonderful ladies. I'm off to SeaWorld tomorrow with the family... hoping Rob does the same! (eh? what?)
And yes, Rob gets the adrenaline flowing, among other things...
*wicked smile and raised eyebrow*
Lynn--have you ever seen "Ugly Betty"? Betty and her family are fans on a mexican novela which is a piece of crap.. Well, our novelas are WORSE than that!
Good night, Kathryn. Enjoy Shamu!
And enjoy your Thanksgiving.
After your rendevous(spelled wrong?), sleep-tite.
Yes, thank you Jules! I find myself loving each and every one of you. Thank you all.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and I hope you all have many things in life to be thankful for.
(besides Robert! :)
ps. I just heard Conan say that Nikki Reed is on his show tonite.
Um, Uh! ahhh, Um, I ya, Um, Oh Um uh - *stope to swipe drool of chin* Um, ah!
Iya Iya...
Uh, Gaaaah...
Conan's on now...Nikki's a guest.
Mich---there's a really funny skit on SNL where they spoof the Mexican novela...yes, they are quite bad!
Nikki's on next.
Lynn--of course there are some good novelas, my mom has always been a fan of them and I remember two or three that were really good. In fact, Ugly Betty is the american version of a colombian novela, Yo Soy Betty La Fea, and was really good, witty and funny!
Hey lovelies. I'm going to try to stay up for Leno but im beat tired. God or I will post the Leno vid tomorrow when we see it and there won't be many updates from me as I have a busy day ahead with family affairs.
I wish you all a very good Thanksgiving, and for those who don't celebrate Turkey day a la Rob's out there, well you just have a good day period.
Love you people to bits! Thanks for supporting this site with your sweetness. I'm out for the night.
Goz not God. I don't think God is going to support our Robsession. Stupid itouch peice of crap!
This thing just types whatever it wants.
Good night, Dani. Sweet Rob dreams. And enjoy your day tomorrow with your family...treasure them! xoxo
Rob was so great on Leno. Now can't sleep. sigh.
Good night girls, enjoy your Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones!
Cya tomorrow!
Mich, I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you...I was so wrapped up in that interview with Rob, I just had blinders on!
sleep well and enjoy your day tomorrow! :)
Night all you lovely ladies! Pull up those covers, get cozy (and if you are not alone tonight, spread some good ol' Rob loving! Your significant other will be Thankful tomorrow!)and have yourself some well deserved Rob dreams!
Peace Out!
Jules---I am still holding out for Leno! Happy Thanksgiving and many Rob dreams to you, lovely.
Peace out! MUAHHHHHH!
Oh my fucking god!!! I just came home, no idea what y'all commented! but oh my fucking god! this is the hottest thing ever!!!
I loved the play by play commentary ladies!
It made me feel like I was watching it.
I love his shy awkwardness.. It's my undoing! so very sexy.
anyone still up?
Goz- I know how you feel, and I'm stone cold sober.
He's just perfectly, beautifully raw in these.. (and quite furry)
The more I look and listen the farther I step away from reality. I really need to stop, but can't!! :)
Have a happy thanksgiving!
My FAVORITE line of his:
Rob: "Yeah,no, yeah, I let it get wet sometimes."
Heidi Klum:
"You'll never hear the end of that one."
Smart, smart woman that Heidi Klum...
Classic, classic Rob. He never fails to just be out there. Love ya Rob!
I'm still laughing...
I want him for my bf just so I can laugh all the time.
Hi there ROBesses! I just came had to come out of lurkdom to say that I adore this blog and have been appreciating all the piccies and fun comments since you started. These photos are just mouth watering. I just have to fluff some feathers and coo!
Oh man, no sleep, the turkey is a mess (it's still frozen and my dad tried to use pliers to get the innards out) so it's sitting there in the oven, baking, with all the giblets in it, and here I am back at the feet of Robsessed. This is no good. No good at all. These last pictures really did me in, god, he is so uniquely Brando can't really stand it.
Heidi Klum had to hide her Robsession, she loved his hair. He is IN. Seal was cool though, nice little Brit to Brit greeting there.
Goz, how are women supposed to like real men after "Edward?" lmao
Ruined single women forever. Never like the appeal of a cold man though. Someone once read me a line from Twilight and how she loved his cold marble lips part. I was like, wtf, that was always the part that I'm like, how does that feel good to kiss cold lips and cuddle up to a very cold body?
The bar was raised my lady.
As far as Rob goes, neuoses and all, he's still beyond adorable.
It would be highly interesting to see what he is really like. I've had boyfriends in very good looking packages (their whole package, not what you're thinking, you naughty girl,) and if they don't have it in the brain dept. it gets old after awhile. For me for him it's not so much the looks as it is he loves to read and his singing just really got to me. His sense of humor seals the intrigue. Really good looks really only carry so far. He's not perfect. Not by far. His nerouses were in full force on Leno.
Hi Jov, I know what you mean, about the cold man thing.... (in Twilight ooooo, this is why i wish, in New Moon, Jacob morphs into a hot blooded sexy beast, not a boy. ; () but as for Rob neuroses on Leno, ahhhhh, he puts the shiny happy people games to shame. His honesty is so instinctual.
Agree Li, He was so adorable because he is so unpretensious and honest. I love how he showed he was intimidated by Heidi and how he just isn't so full of himself. That's such a good sign that he is open to learning and growing.
Luv him.
Hi Jov, love yr comment. tha's all. ; )
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