Update-Repost MovieFone Interview

Now you don't have to navigate to their site 
someone awesome put it on YouTube


Lynn said...

Sensational interview, love the unscripted stuff!

Rob's velvety voice was just a bit more softer and even easier to listen to. I love how Rob manages to cram his whole body in to the chair...vunerable and sweet.

SM looks great, she looks like she's lost a little weight.

Kristen is so hardcore and kickass, I found it cool how she described how she felt about getting the part of a lifetime. Hmmm....now you wonder who she will play.

"You made me feel like a gorilla"--yes, Rob...it will pay to bulk for New Moon. And, no, groin pulls don't funny at all!

Lynn said...

don't sound funny at all---whoops!

babbles said...

12 year old virgins licking his hair, proposals to Kristen and one fine video montoge of Rob/Kris - My My have I missed alot - Where does the time go...

I will be catching up all night... And I am grinning from ear to ear at all the video's...

Too much fun...

Did I mention the 12 year old virgin's licking Rob's hair and and why should they be so lucky...

Hi Lynn xoxoxoxo

Eva said...

What a crazy week, so busy, I'm so glad that is over.

I try to read in the evening everything, have so much to catch up, which is great after long week and so much stress.

I love this interview. Ros is as usual hot and honest:)

Kristen is so beautiful, I hope they will find money for her dream role.

I can't remember SM, I was staring at her turquoise shoes, so cute.

I'm going to read all the comments from today, see ya later.

Thanks for the great blog!

Gozde said...

are we on this thread now?

Lynn said...

Brooke---you've been on the down low, eh?

Yes, the twelve year old virgins comment was just lovely British snark at it's best. Now, Rob will probably be watched by Chris Hanson and the FBI---J/K!

Lynn said...

Yeah, I think so, I was getting dizzy from having to scroll so much. And, I'm not even drinking!

babbles said...

SM did look really great in this interview and I love how sassy she get's... She used to be so smitten around Rob and now she holds her own... It was cute to see them together like that...

I love when KStew said Rob made her feel like a Gorilla when he couldn't lift her and Rob was like Thanks alot... Cute Stuff

Anonymous said...

We were talking about the wicked, demonic laugh and feeling for him.
I just wanted to go to the Van Morrison concert with him.

Gozde said...

Man I love appletinis!

Sabrizzle said...

I thought it was totally cute how Rob was playing "host" on this.

Kat said...

You lovely ladies have been very busy tonight... gonna go catch up.

Anonymous said...

He also did say in the radio interview Goz, that he would date older women, remember, it was right away also. He didn't hesitate his yes. LOL
Goz you're only 31, I'm just freaking because I won't tell anyone.

Lynn said...

Goz---lol, I want a dirty martini with extra olives.

babbles said...

Mmmm Appletini's... Amoretto Sour's Mmmmm.... Grape pucker straight from the bottle... Have a drink for me Ya'all...

Anonymous said...

I love appletinis too Goz. sigh.

Gozde said...

Good to have you back Kathryn :-)) By the way I just realized I left 35-40 off the poll :P

I hate being over 30 by the way! Argh!

Sabrizzle said...

I wonder if he would date someone who will be 19 in a month...?

Holly said...

haha sorry, late to catching up on the thread change. But yeah, Jov... the whole 22 thing is a catch-22 in a way; My nerdy dream is to someday meet Rob, grab a couple of beers, and talk about music. Way nerdy and lame, I know.

Anonymous said...

You know he wouldn't hesitate at a 31 year old.

Lynn said...

Jov---all that heart and soul could only be appreciated by an older woman....Rob was well trained! Thank you, Clare Pattinson for a job well done.

babbles said...

I am tetering on the over 30 mark this year... I never really cared about my age untill 30... But I hear for a woman her 30's are the highlight... We'll see I guess...

Gozde said...

Okay the vodka might be getting to me, I just read Jovi's post about his demonic laugh and feeling for him as: we were talking about feeling him (like feeling him up :P). Himm, I'll just fantasize :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry 19, way too young. If you know ,me I rag on Kristen being too young for him, But in a few years like 21.
Okay, all of you can jump on me for this.

Lynn said...

Goz---I am feeling you and I was wonder where my age group went?

I will be 36 in 9 days and I am on the downward slope to 40...egads, Batman...I have never felt old until this birthday.

Kat said...

Thanks Goz.... I may have to slip away to get some alcohol to join in the fun though! I'm a beer girl myself, must go raid the fridge.

Gozde said...

awww sabrizzle, you are a baby! My mom says the 30s are the best. I am just very superficial I guess :P I wanted to stay at 25, that was a good year :)

Anonymous said...

You have to ignore me tonight, I'm sympathy PMSing for Dani.

Lynn said...

Ahem....seriously, you guys are all younger then me....argh!

Jewels---kindred soul, where in the blue blazes are you?

Gozde said...

She is on a date with her boy toy lynn :-)

Kat said...

Lynn... you're only as old as the man you would like to feel... so you're 22 my dear, just like the rest of us.

And may I add, you look damn fine for 22.

Lynn said...

Damnnn...I hope she's tapping that!

Sabrizzle said...

I really wish I was at least 22, I don't really relate to teenagers at all and never have. I have really good friends who are 25, 37, and 41 and I relate to them so much better than people my age, it sucks.

Anonymous said...

Amen to what you said Lynn and

I almost choked on my drink!

Anonymous said...

I almost sprayed it took a lot of self control.

Holly said...

I'd encourage Rob to go for the older women, especially after this fangirl mania! He just doesn't strike me as 22, I mean he is definitely spunky (ransomy, even too... sorry, that was really lame at my expense), but like, he is so damn intellectual! He's just too freaking adorable!

Gozde said...

Sabrizzle, enjoy it honey, don't grow up too fast :-)) I am still not grown up.

Lynn said...

Jov---Jewels would attest to that and then some...in fact, she would give details that would make Rob blush.

Glad, to be good for a laugh and a spray.

Gozde said...

Holly, I like you. You should write him a letter of encouragement and attach my picture :))

Gozde said...

seriously she gives details :-)) LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Now, in past reveals of mine, the reason why I say this sabrizzle is because he is an old soul and he also like to enjoy he alcohol from time to time and many states in our country do not allow drinking until 21. He's british he's probably been drinking for awhile and also I don't want him to be a bad influence on you. But then he obviously disagrees with me, because he was interested in Kristen when she wasn't even LEGAL!

babbles said...

I am too grown up, I am no fun anymore - Stay in your twenties as long as you can, And do anything that you may not be willing to do later in life... And I think 26 is the perfect forever age, My teens I was obnixious, My twenties where just plain fun!!!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm trying to enjoy it but it gets really frustrating. My mom has always said I was born a 30 year old, so I really related to the line in Twilight when Bella said something to that effect.

Lynn said...

Holly---my bet is that Rob will steer clear of anything remotely young after this tour (sorry Sabrizzle). Rob needs someone with substance, gumptions and brains.

Holly said...

Aw Sabrizzle! I know how you feel. I could never relate to anyone when I was 18/19. They all acted so immature, and constantly acted like they are 5. I have many friends in college who are in their 20's, who still act like they are 5, 24/7 almost. So, I definitely hear you there. But, in all reality, age doesn't always matter, if that makes sense. I always get asked if I'm 25, so I'm not sure how to take that yet, haha!

Kat said...

Yeah, 25 was a good age... but I'm digging 32 - it's been a fun year.

Gozde said...

Okay I might have to post something just so we can have a new thread to go to :-) I think I'll grow up in a year. I plan on getting married (tho I don't have a bf) and getting knocked up before 35. so I should grow up :-) How do you think rob would approach to being a sperm donor?

babbles said...

I think Rob's crush on Kristen is exclusive, He doesnt seem to flock to the teen girls, I imagine him with someone close to his own age - Kristen is an Old Soul and a very Strong Character and I think he is drawn to her, her BF is a road block otherwise I think they prob would have hooked up, Prob not lasted since she seems such a diff temerment than him... Would have been fun to watch them though

Anonymous said...

I could write a scene with Rob where you would have to take a cold shower, after you read it. I've written several. I let one of my friends read my manuscript and she called at 11p.m. and said she was going to take a cold shower and it was just the scene of their first kiss.
Although she has NO idea Rob was my inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Shoot, when did you move on to this post? I've got to catch up!!!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I just think a lot of people my age are really stupid. I'm pretty much an old soul and I don't really let other people influence me too much, I do my own thing.

Holly said...

Haha, I will totally write letters of encouragement to Rob for you ladies! You all are so sincere, and just amazing in my opinion! He'd be damn lucky even to just be in the vicinity of y'all (yep, the hick in me is starting to come out!) If there could just be some way I could make it into the "Rob circle of 2-3 friends" or whatever small amount of friends he mentioned before, that would help! I'll just keep dreamin'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sabrizzle you sound like a cool 19 year old.

Lynn said...

Sabrizzle---most guys in their first couple of years of college are genuinely retarded (for lack of a better word) or focused on drinking. You are just too mature for most of them. Go for the older ones, more education, life experience and less retarded.

Anonymous said...

Brooke I think Rob and Kristen would be fighting like hell in three months.

Anonymous said...

Lynn that one I did spray on.

babbles said...

Holly, I dont know ya but I love ya!!! xoxoxoxo

Gozde said...

Hahaha, Jov :-))

Kat said...

Sabrizzle - I met my husband when he was 25 and I was 18... 14 years later and we're like a giddy young couple. Seven years your senior = great age gap.

Teenage boys aren't very bright for the majority!

Gozde said...

Okay I am seriously searching for something to post so we can move on.

Lynn said...

Goz---move or not?

If Rob was doling out the swimmers, I would offer up my womb! Warning, I bake up some larger then life children.

Anonymous said...

That's why we love Rob, he's not average. He's unique, lovely, genuine, hilarious, quirky, unpretensious and I want to get to know him better.
Sorry, I want to get to know him. I don't know him. I know I'm delusional.

babbles said...

Jov ~ I agree, there temperments are on different planets, there is a attractional pull between them, straight chemistry but I dont think past that they are compatable, Plus I would like to see him with someone more laxed and fun - more humor to compliment his own... And she better be Smokin Hot...

Dani said...

Holy goodness this place blew up! Miss me anyone? Gosh Goz post something this is getting scrooooollalicious.

Anonymous said...

This one I might make you spray your drink and I say it with a serious face.
I don't want to have sex with Rob.
I want to get to know him, and have a relationship with him.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes delusional is a lovely place to be!

Gozde said...

I think I am just going to post something completely random :-)

Sabrizzle said...

All of you guys are great! I find guys who are completely immature a turn-off. I don't have a problem with having fun but I don't like it when people are completely irresponsible and just expect people to take care of everything for them. Sorry, I'm kinda ranting, I've been at college in SoCal since August and I'm really missing Washington and all of my friends up there who actually get me.

Kat said...

Not that I want him to hook up with all his leading ladies, but the person who will play his partner in Parts per Billion is HOT... they'd make a cute couple.

Anonymous said...


Lynn said...

move to MTV spoilers thread, eh?

Anonymous said...

Okay, got a question:
Hugs or kisses from Rob???

Holly said...

Yeah, Jov... my drink just went flying!
I honestly think Rob would be too much, if that is even possible! ANd that isn't meant in a dirty sense AT ALL... but like, he's so just everything, but that is also so intimidating. I think I'd have to and only could be his friend. He's very much a man... if that wasn't obvious already.

Dani said...

Good idea.

Dani said...

Always kisses then hugs during.

Gozde said...

How about a long kiss? Hugs are for friends :-) I'm a hugger so that's not sexy at all for me :P

Anonymous said...

Are we going to join Lynn?

Gozde said...

all right gang, down to MTV spoilers thread :-)

Kat said...

Kisses... all over.

babbles said...

Ellie ~ I will start will a Appetizer of Hugs, On to the Main course of Kisses and then for dessert, Well Um Ala Rob is a good place to start I think...
I think I could handle Rob just fine, I aint Skeered... Bring it On!

Kate said...

Guys I miss all the fun, I'm in bed when ye are chatting away :-(
Loved this vid and just for the record I'm a very young 34!! LOL
but I still feel about 24!

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