Tyra Banks + 'Twilight' = Classy (Almost)

Cute little article on Tyra. Thanks to the fabulous Betsy for the link :)

Tyra Banks + 'Twilight' = Classy (Almost)

Nov 21, 2008, 11:33 AM | by Mandi Bierly

Categories: Film, Inappropriate Crushes, Ridiculata, Television, Twilight

Tune in alert, folks: On the Nov. 28 episode of Tyra Banks' talk show, she gives away the Volvo that Robert Pattinson's Edward drives in Twilight to one of the fans turned away at his canceled, out-of-control autograph session in San Francisco earlier this month. The bad news: The girl had to win it in a pie-eating contest.

AP reports that Pattinson and his costar Taylor Lautner (Jacob) cheered on the three contestants during Thursday's taping of Tyra's Twilight hour: "I still can't believe they are making you guys do this," Pattinson reportedly said. "Oh, geez!" (Try to forget that he just used the phrase "Oh, geez!" and focus on the positive: he's apparently never seen The Tyra Banks Show before.) Two of the girls tied in the pie-eating contest, so Tyra determined the winner by having them guess Pattinson's and Lautner's combined weight (320 pounds). In my mind, that's when Pattinson made a mental note to call his Harry Potter buddy Daniel Radcliffe and ask him if he ever had to do this kinda crap. (In Tyra's defense, the victor, 18-year-old Tiffany Kuhne, told AP, "This is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life," so she's not exactly scarred.)

What piece of the Twilight pie would you want to take home (bodies precluded), and what would you be willing to do for that particular piece of movie memorabilia?


Dani said...

Goz I just got an e-mail from Betsy about this and I was about to post it. Quick girl you are. Hung over today?

Gozde said...

Oh my God, I am sick as a dog! Alcohol is the root of all evil! I feel like I had a lobotomy. My brain hurts :-)

Dani said...

Oh baby Im so sorry....but still your drunk/hung over posting is impeccable.

Gozde said...

Haha, drunk blogging :) I should go back and check my posts from last night. I actually passed out on the floor, LMAO. When I woke up I still had a full glass of martini next to me. My poor friend had to go to work, at least I'm at home :)

Dani said...

You are awesome, I loved the drunk blogging it made my night. I am off to see the movie, got butterflies in my stomach im so jazzed. I think a bit later we should post a Twilight only comments post that way people can discuss the movie and Rob without spoiling it for everyone else ya know?

Lynn said...

Dani and Gozde---a thread for just Twilight spoilers would be great and satifying.

BTW, I CANNOT stand Tyra Banks (I told Dani this already), but, damn she's lucky that Rob obliged and is so accomodating.

Gozde said...

I already did post that Danilicous :-))

have fun at the movie babe1

Love ya1

Betsy said...

Drunk blogging - how fun!!!

Lucky to everyone that has seen it or will be seeing it soon. I'm not seeing until Sunday so I will avoid the spoilers post like the plague!

La Stella said...

Our boy wasn't kidding when he said he loved Tyra wasn't he?

kristen said...

Haha, I love that he said "Oh geez"... I have been known to bust out the must ridiculous expressions from my childhood as well. Another great one is "Oopsie Daisies" a la Hugh Grant in Notting Hill.

Goz - that is so funny that you were drunk blogging last night! Sorry about the hangover, though - they are the WORST. I'm impressed you are still posting stuff this morning, though. Every time I have been drunk enough to pass out on the floor (oh, my wonderful college days) I have been DEAD TO THE WORLD the whole following day. Way to hang in there! You guys are rockin this place as usual!

Gozde said...

Haha, thanks lyla. I am barely surviving today :-)

But replaying that Tyra video helped me sober up a little :-))

bella's mom said...

oh my damn!!! She looked like she was enjoying that just a bit too much.. hahahahahaha

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