Moviefone Unscripted Bonus Clips

AWKWAAAARD with the cat comment...Rob, let me introduce you to filter, filter meet Rob or don't! We love the unfiltered Rob :-))))


Dani said...

Okay I am off to bed but that cat moment was too funny. K Stew is all like "my cat is my life, he is my world" Rob is like "yeah well they die, yours is probably dead right now so suck it up" it pretty much went down like that for me but not in those words.

P.S i am a dog person, I don't get the cat thing.

Gozde said...

Dani, we are made for each other :-)) I actually hate cats. I am scared to death of them. My guess is I was a mouse in my previous life.

Dogs on the other hand, are like people to me :-)

Gozde said...

I should go to bed too. It's 2:30 AM here.

Nite nite people...

La Stella said...

I didn't like how SM told Rob, "well Cedric is dead". It's a fictional character just like Edward.

Dani said...

Night babe, I didn't want to say it but I loath cats they are terrible creatures and mean too. And they have smelly pee.

Rusharthi said...

omg the cat comment was hilarious!! I just loved the look Kristen gave when he went on haha. Thank you for the video!

Lynn said...

Good night, Goz and Dani!

Well, Rob has noted that his best friend is his dog, Patty. I imagine that he really does not like cats.

Lynn said...

Goz---great stuff tonight! I am off to getting my shit done for tomorrow. Good night, all!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight all!

Jewels64 said... way. Allergic to them. Make me sicker than a dog (no pun intended).

Nite everyone! I must finish doing some writing and I'm off as well. Big kisses and sweet dreams to all!

Vanessa Austin said...

Kristen was, IMO, slightly rude with going on about "iconic role" while stephanie is right there..... I just wish she would show that much enthusiasm about her twilight role or at least fake it

Anonymous said...

okay so i just got home, and man, you ladies were hott tonight with all the comments and rob LOVE! THANK YOU for all the new going to go read them now!


Kate said...

Ha ha another dog person here. My cuz has a cat and I'm ok with it byt generally I'm NOT comfortable with cats at all!!! Thanks for posting hte vids though they're great!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I just wanted to share this, I read it from the twilightmoms board, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this but it's an incredibly adorable story. A 10 year old girl was there for the signing in Boston and Rob talked to her in..... errr... I'll let you guys read it for yourself. It's too cute to not be passed on in case anyone haven't read it yet.
The post by Mina14,
again I'm really sorry, I don't know if I'm allowed to post this or not!!

Jenny said...

Hey I gotta stick up for the cats. I live in the wild, and the rule with cats is to never fully domesticate them. Ahem. Please. Litter boxes? How disgusting. My cats do not know what those horrible litter boxes are. My cats walk with me in the night when we go out prowling, we pick up a whole pride of felines who have the entire human race on toast and who laugh in the face of drooling dogs. CATS DIE? Rob, CATS have 9 lives.

Jewels64 said...

I read the post anonymous. We all kinda fear the Twilight Moms around here. Anyhoo, the encounter that Rob had with the little girl is very sweet. The rest of the gushing about being an "actual" Twilight Mom made me throw up in my mouth just a little.

Sorry, bitter much? Too little sleep. Stayed up too late on this blog last night and my little monsters woke me up early demanding breakfast.

Jewels64 said...

Difference between cats and dogs:

A dog will run into a sliding glass door, act all goofy and say "Ha Ha, I'm so stupid!".

A cat will run into a sliding glass door, look around quickly and say "Did anyone see me do that?"

Kristen - cat, Constantly on guard, ready to swipe if needed.

Rob - Dog! Adorable, loveable and goofy! I'd take that puppy home anyday!

Lynn said...

Jewels---good morning to you! I hope that your writing has been renewed and INSPIRED. I read the TwiMoms story and it was cute. I guess deep down all the whole TwiMom just kind of rubs me the wrong way---it makes THEM seem old. I'd rather be a Robkat any day!

Rob is a total dog lover, I see him as someone that probably has allergies.

Lynn said...

Jewels---I saw your avatar and had to revisit the Hackett Campaign. When, Rob goes back to London, I propose that he do another Hackett Campaign with the sex hair, unbelievably hot!

Jewels64 said...

Good morning Lynn! We're both up early. Aah the joy of children!

I've got coffee in hand, the twilight soundtrack on and YES! The writing is inspired! I had to take a break from it. I was getting outta hand. Whew!

Lynn said...

I am naturally up before 7 and only one is up, if, you can believe it. I catch on my celeb gossip, drink some tea and chill. Saturdays are generally not mine and today is no exception...Chuck E. Cheese b-day party (not ours...yay), baseball game and Audrey working at another field.

Hey, did you read how Rob's gal pal, Camilla Belle is dating Joe wonder if Rob is totally making fun of her.

Anonymous said...

'Morning, ladies!
Just checking in to say hi and tell everyone to have a great day (it's raining like (ahem) cats and dogs here right now...
That was so much fun last night with all the Rob-lovin'.
Hope to a part of it tonight...
Time to get the teen up and get her going (that could take hours...).
p.s. loved the "sexy-face" moment on the moviefone thing. He's so smooth. lovely laugh

Jewels64 said...

No..where did you read that? Too funny! Well that will put the rumors to rest that Rob is dating her.

Jewels64 said...

Good morning Ellie! It was fun last night! Good to see you here bright and early!

Jewels64 said...

Ahh...Never Think just came on, time to peruse some photos...BRB!

Lynn said...

Yeah, Camilla is now the #1 overall search on Yahoo!, thanks to the JoBros. Hmm...I know they're friends...but Rob/TomStu versus the JoBros. No, no contest at all!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the twimoms sometimes scares me too, but they usually have very funny and insightful encounters with Rob haha...
One actually said that the security team were 'gushing' about how nice Rob was, all he asked for was a starbucks, he even offered to go get it himself if it were too much trouble. Dang, I can't find the post anymore.

Lynn said...

Ellie--top o' the morning to you! Yes, we haven't had a such a Rob love fest chat in a couple of weeks. It was fun and it will probably get more intense by Thursday night.

Have you bought your midnight showing tixs or do you dare?

Dani said...

Lynn, Jewels morning, my lovelies. And Lynn you are right Tom Stu kicks the pampers off the Jonas bros...those children and their eye brows and their racket they call singing kills my soul daily.

Im off to take a nap w/ the babe. Goz no doubt will be on it this morning. I was up too late last night. Im so tired. You peeps are just too fun.

Jewels64 said...

Oh damn, life is intruding again. I gotta dash. See ya'll later.

Lynn said...

Ellie---now the pressing question is what coffee does Rob drink? I am a latte girl myself, but, I see him drinking something sweet.

Jewels64 said...

Good morning Dani! We were up late last night! I think I drank 3 martinis while blogging! How I'm even able to peel open my eyes much less type is astounding.

Problem resolved. I swear my kids can't cross a room without punching one another!

Dani said...

Before I go TWIMOMs ARE CRAZY! Seriously, those women and their t-shirts and obsessing over SM and SM is probably scared of them too or at least she should be those women idolize her. And before Twilight these bitches had no idea who Rob was im sure and now they have jumped on the crazy train to Robtown and refused to get the hell off.

And Rob is sweet but TWIMOMs would gush over the fact that he tosses his gum in the garbage rather than sticking it under the table. He must be some kind of saint.

On that note, nap time.

Jewels64 said...

Grande Non Fat Latte for me. Now I have to go get another cup of coffee...keep it warm ladies...I need some proper crassness to start my day.

Dani, blowing the pampers off? LOL!

Lynn said...

Good morning, lovely! I hope that you're feeling better. I get the same way when the crimson wave comes in for a ride.

Yes, Camilla is going to have it worse with Joe Jonas....she and Rob will be kindred in the world of the fangurlz. Only, she may need a bullet proof vest and riot gear.

Sweet dreams with Mr. Hayden!

Lynn said...

Jewels---kindred again, I drink grande, skinny hazel nut lattes.

The TwiMoms are just a bit over the top for me. I guess I pride myself on not being such a SM syncophant. I mean she's a great author and wrote a fabulous series. But, I would never stoop to that kind of fandom.

Pinky in the air!

Jewels64 said...

I'm not sure if it's the absolute adoration that they follow her with or the fact that they just seem so caught up in all their own clique like crap.

Of course anyone who reads this blog may think the same of us. But personally I'd rather hang out with all these cool, intelligent bitches who aren't afraid to express a different opinion.

Pinky in the air!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I don't have the midnight tickets (gotta teach the kiddies the next day) but I am going to the 7:00 show Friday night with -brace yourselves- my daughter and 6 of her friends (all honors students, so the're very articulate and not the screaming type-God, I hope not!)! Couldn't get any adults to go with me, so I thought WTF and became the "designated driver" - I don't care,; GOT TO SEE IT!
So it's me, 6 girls, and one guy who also "loves Edward".
Wish me luck! Katie (my girl) doesn't care that I go with them, she says they all think I'm cool (like I said, they're not the usual type kids'; I'm cool amongst the cool honors geeks!)

Oh, I thnk Rob drinks maybe the iced coffees, maybe one with caramel and whipped cream? (Wow, that just gave me a thought...)

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Dani and Jewels!

Jewels64 said...

Ellie, don't even get me started with Rob and whipped cream! YUM! :)

I'm glad that I'm going with four friends my age. Of course all of us will probably be just as bad as the Twitwits as Mindy would say.

I'm fully prepared to rip my armrest out of the floor!

Lynn said...

Jewels---I know that you are so the cliquey kind of girl and won't admit to it...wink, wink.

We're rebels without a clue and we march to the beat of admiring Rob and not just Edward.

Enough Twimom talk!

Hey, I read some of your other fan fic last night and I was relaxed afterwards...talent, m'dear...pure talent!

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Lynn! This next one I'm working on got me really hot and bothered there for a second. I seriously had to take a break. Wonder why? HMMMMMM?

Lynn said...

Ellie--lol I am taking 7 teenagers to the midnight showing on Thursday night. I am by far the most psyched to see Rob...ahem, Twilight then the rest of them. My saving grace is that I don't have to work the next and I am dropping the girls off at 7:00 to school!

Lynn said...

next day...damn typo!

Lynn said...

Jewels---I can see why you would need a break....your brain must just go amok. I try not to envision Rob and Kristen...but, it's a toughy!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I feel like I have a kidred spitit, now! lol
I don't how I'm going to teach on Friday, my head will be elsewhere. Can't wait to load up the car and head on out to the Rob-Zone--I'll be drowning out the teen voices with the soundtrack or I can always tell them to (in Rob's words) "SHUT-UP!!!"

Anonymous said...

oops, *kindred

Jewels64 said...

After watching that Rob-Kristen montage, I just about lost it. I can fully see them in my head as I'm writing. I feel almost kinda creepy that I'm writing from Edward's POV and picturing Rob. His hair, his eyes, his jawline...his zipper.

Anonymous said...

oops again, *spirit
I guess thinking about him makes my fingers twitch and hit the wrong keys...

Jewels64 said...

Remember how everyone was saying he was intoxicated during that taping? I thought he was fine. It was hilarious when he told them all to shut up. How many times do you think he told them that in SF, Dallas, Chicago....etc and no one could hear him?

I thought Rob was intoxicaTING!

Jewels64 said...

Gotta go ladies. I'll catch up later. Just needed my morning Rob fix! Kisses to all!

Anonymous said...

I'm out, too..
Love you all-hope to be here tonight... after the BAGPIPES!

babbles said...

Rob looked beautiful in Philly!

These where funny vid's, I love the insulted look on Kristen's face after Rob said she only have a few years left and then Rob unashamed face had to make me laugh... He is so unruly!

Crying Twihard Squeeeeeing Fangirls on the other vid gave me chills, I couldn't face that shit one on one and hold a straight face, OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning Ladies, Jules I was totally dreaming along side your fanfic last night, your totally improving my R.E.M. and I am eternally gratefull - lol

LOL I just said totally twice in one statement - Somebody stop me!

Lynn said...

Jewels---I still think that Rob was at least a bit tipsy, but, he held it together...he just wanted to have a good time!

Brooke---I live in and totally are fixures in our daily language. If, I ever had to count like how many times I said like, it would totally blow my mind.

Do you totally like see what I mean!

babbles said...

Like Totally!!!

Rose said...

Good Morning! Looks like I missed a lot of action last night.
You girls crack me up!

I'm hating the screaming banshees that want to suck the ever living life out of Rob. Give me a break.
I hope he is done with these 'planned mobbings' for a while. Gives me a headache just watching a couple of minutes...can't imagine how horrific it would be to actually be there.

babbles said...

P'Ok ~ It's been forever!!!

Anyway I agree, I was watching that one with the crying whimpering fangirls and I was thinking how exhausting that must be to hold form the whole time and not just start rubbing your temples and running like hell...

Rose said...

Morning Brooke! Missed you! :)

What I don't understand about the they don't get to hear his glorious voice...he looks frightened...and he covers his ears. Yet, they KEEP SCREAMING!
So then after 5 minutes of what was supposed to be a Q&A...he leaves. How is the screaming making anything better?

babbles said...

P'Ok ~ I know, I have never understood it, I am all for cheering along at a sports game or yelling at a concert (at appropriate times, NOT WHILE THEY ARE SINGING- that drives me crazy) But I have never ben a screamer when it comes to celebrities and I wont pretend to understand it, even from a 14 year old sobbing fangirl...

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