Twilight Premiere Info

They will be handing out wristbands that get fans into the fanwatch
area for the premiere on Monday, 11.17. It will begin at 12pm PT near the
Village and Bruin theater at 961 Broxton Ave. (which means people are actually lining up NOW, I kid I kid, you can start lining up tomorrow. don't forget your ear plugs:))


Lynn said...

Do I spy TomStu in the background? Too funny!

DirtyD said...

See the look he's giving them. I bet he's pissed that Kristen is taking away from his Bromance time.

Sabrizzle said...

I was going to go to this but my friend couldn't go with me and I don't think I want to take the train to LA by myself and risk a Port Angeles like near rape. Plus being around that many Twilighters scares me, I think I'll wait and go to a premiere of one of his other movies if I get a chance.

Gozde said...

Lol, yep that's TomStu :-)

Jewels64 said...

Who put Tom Stu in the background...Crap...I'm not that drunk yet...

It's TTTTTommm, HEEEE's CCCCCComing to KKILLLL Me!

Lynn said...

Jewels....spill, mami! Details about said boy toy?

Jewels64 said...

YS turned the tables on me tonight. He got even.

Lynn said...

Sabrizzle---I have been considering going myself, but, I drove to HelLA on Tuesday to see Ellen and can't justify a might see of Rob. Forget the fangurlz and wait...opportunity will knock eventually.

Kat said...

OMG, I think I just pee'd myself a little when I saw TomStu.

Lynn said...

Damnnnn, was it another Diane Lane (a la Unfaithful) bathroom scene?

Gozde said...

Isn't it a little delight Kathryn? I was waiting to put that up in a completely random post :-))

Holly said...

Holy wow. So, I never knew who TomStu was until four days ago. But that picture put me into stitches! I think I need another drink! brb!

Jewels64 said...

Nope, it was horizontal this time!

Anonymous said...

Had to go back to check the picture to find TomStu~~LMAO
He's trying to look threatening, but just doesn't cut it...
I'm going with the jealous angle, too.

babbles said...

HA HA HA - TOMSTU, In his Robe - LMAO - HA HA HA...

Lynn said...

Jewels----LOLLOLOLOL Tears streaming down my face...proper crassness and a golden zipper to you, my dahling!

Jewels64 said...

Hello's me Jules...I need a martini...I'll be right back. Looks like I'm settling in for the rest of night.

I need to catch up to these crazy whacked out, hormonal, Robsessed women. BRB!

Sabrizzle said...

My thoughts exactly Lynn. If I'm going to spend all day waiting to see him I want to at least have a good chance of seeing him and I don't want to spend all day with a bunch of screaming fangirls. If I went I would have to skip my drawing class and try to find time to make up the work for it, which would be difficult because I only have a week before I go home for Thanksgiving and a week of school when I get back before finals. I'm sure a perfect opportunity will arise eventually.

Lynn said...

Mr. Sturridge looks like he's either going to flash someone or pop a cap on Bella...either way, he looks FINE (and I hate using that word).

Anonymous said...

HelLA,lol Lynn.
Would we ever want to pick up after a grown man? NO
But with Rob I would be like "Sure honey you can leave your hot pocket wrappers all over and your dirty socks and "underpants" and your two pairs of dirty trousers. And if I'm tripping over your Nike shoes and your Doc Martins, what the hell is wrong with me?
Also, you can even smoke in our place,lovew, it's you smoking, honey, you're a sexy smoker, just so you're smoking here with me."
Never in a million years would I put up with that sh*t, from anyone else. But he's a self confessed slob, lazy and sexy, what are ya gonna do?

Kat said...

OK... I must bow out for the night. I have my megaphone, beanie, suspenders, zipper and cigarettes supplies and I'm off to find my husband.

Once again, it has been a pleasure ladies. Love you all.

Lynn said...

Sabrizzle--exactly! Westwood is a much swankier area then Hollywood, but, the hassle of waiting with tons o' screaming gurlz would be unnerving. I spent twelve hours in Hollywood and Burbank and I reached my LA quota for the year.

Jewels64 said...

Wonder if we'll see Tom at the LA premiere? Maybe Rob will need his best bud to talk him down during the movie because "he hates to watch his own stuff".

Sabrizzle said...

I haven't ever been in LA even though I've been to California multiple times before going to school down here but I don't think I want my first experience to involve going deaf from a bunch of rabid screaming girls.

Gozde said...

nite nite Kathryn :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd teach his hotness the benefits of doing laundry; we'd both be sitting/lying down/carying on on top of the washer while it's running...

Lynn said...

Jov---my own dh is not a far stretch---he is exactly like Rob in many, many ways. I guess you can look past A LOT of stuff after you've been married for over 15 years.

Rob doesn't seem like he would be willing to change...accomodations would have to be made.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the people who will read this later and it won't be in the evening.

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams,Kathryn

Lynn said...

Ellie---in the nude of course! Don't forget the fabric softner!

Jewels64 said...

Jov, you are so right. I hate going to work in the morning. I can catch the blog on my phone, but it won't let me comment. I have to wait a tortuous amount of time before I can get home and VENT!

Lynn said...

G'night, Kathryn. It's still early in PST.

Anonymous said...

Hope I didn't offend Lynn. I've had a couple of drinks. That's a bit for me.

Jewels64 said...


Holly said...

I so agree. Normally, well if some lame college student guy came up to me and confessed he was a slob, and all that jazz like Rob has said, I'd probably send the guy away. But with Rob, exceptions can be made, simply because he makes "being a slob" sexy. I can't believe I just said that... but as for his day-to-day clothing, it's so refreshing not seeing him paraded around in designer labels and such. It's just Rob in his raw, unedited state. Simply "adorkable". I heard that word used yesterday and today, and credit to whoever made it up, but it's definitely made for Rob!

Lynn said...

Jov---it takes a lot to offend me! Proper Crassness always and lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you're right~
After 19 (aagghh!) years, you learn to put up with a lot of crap, although I guess my husband does, too! (don't get me wrong, I LOVE my honey, but things get relaxed and too comfortable after a I smell gas?? lol).
Rob, I'm sure, does the same stuff, only it's so much more endearing and adorkable...

Anonymous said...

I just like to picture living with him, what it would be like, co-habitating with him. I get carried away.

Jewels64 said...

Omigosh, Jov, don't you think we all had those fantasies? Every interview, every picture makes me daydream of him more and more....

Anonymous said...

Love the fabric softener addition!
(Rob, could you fluff me up a bit? Right here, and here, and here ......

Anonymous said...

I've always said that's also something that is appealing about fictional Edward as a guy:
He doesn't fart, burp or poop. He never has bad breath or b.o.
Where the hell is Goz?

Anonymous said...

I hear you Jewels that's why I'm here, because I'm with my gal pals who UNDERSTAND! :)

Lynn said...

Ellie--I hear ya! I married young and spoiled the hell out of my dh. Sometimes it can backfire (in more ways then one), but, I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Unless, it was a few days on Fantasy Island with Rob and then dh could experiment with his celebrity list. LOL

Anonymous said...

Dani created Adorkable.

Gozde said...

I'm here, the vodka hit me hard :-) Just reading I think I'll pass out in a minute tho :P

Holly said...

Well, ladies, I am off to catch some z's, even though it is only 10:14pm here. I'm just wiped out from this week, and I rented 'Get Smart', so perhaps I'll pop that in. But, it has been such fun chatting with you all, and I'll be back on tomorrow! Thanks for lifting my spirits, and have a lovely night!

Lynn said...

Ellie---you wrote fluff and I imagine being a maid and walking in to Rob's room.

Rob...ahem, Mr. Pattison, would you like me to come in and fluff your pillows?

Anonymous said...

Boston...It's 1:15a.m. for him, he's probably sleeping. Hopefully. Toronto tomorrow. I think I'll go to bed, ladies.
I love ya girls.

Jewels64 said...

Goz, I'll save your drink for you if you save mine. Jov...we may need your help! WE love you! You are such a Rob fan! I love how much you care about him.

I so want to read your manuscript! Me, I dabble in writing Edward and Bella fan fiction. Face it, I write porn for women!

Those pix on blog today got me so stoked! I'm sure you can relate!

Anonymous said...

Night, Holly~ so nice to "meet" you!

Holly said...

Hats off to Dani, then for creaing Adorkable! It's perfect! Jov, I hope you have a fabulous night! I'll try and plot/ponder more ways of figuring out how we can get you to meet up with Rob! :-)

Lynn said...

G'night, Holly!

Jewels64 said...

Crap Lynn...that's not all I would fluff...

The hair...the zipper...

Anonymous said...

Sleep well, Jov~ and nice to "meet" you, also!

Gozde said...

Nite nite to everyone going to bed. Oh and I posted a new interview with Rob :-)

Dani said...

Okay I leave to shower and there are fifty comments on another thread. I'm calling left behind with kurt cameron right now. Because that's what I am left behind.

babbles said...

Laughing with you all as usuall!

I am off to bed, Will chat it up tomorrow...

Sweet dreams Ladies... Or good morning, Happy afternoon, Whatever, Where ever you may be I wish you smiles...


Lynn, Dani, Jules, Goz, Kathryn and all you other crazy ladies are all worthy and Rob should be so lucky... Too bad he's mine, or rather he will be in about 15 minutes, that's about how long it will take for dream land to take over... It may be edward, It may be Rob who know's - either way it will be delightfull....


Anonymous said...

I keep thinking I should go to sleep, it's 1:20 or so in Jersey, and I've beenup since about 5:45, but you ladies are so entertaining and uplifting that it's hard to push the off button on this damn computer!
Last night I was up reading your naughty Rob notes threads and I kept yawning during my group lesson (body parts!) today and the boys -7 of them- and my assistants-3 of them, we're 2 to one in the class, kept yawning right along with me. I'm such a bad influence on these kids :-) I'm such an irresponsible teacher, but when I've got this to look forward to, who gives a...

Anonymous said...

I went to leave and say Goz's new post, it's a nice night cap, Goz.
You are such a lovely, lovely person. All all of your sweet comments thank you.
And Jewels the manuscript is 300 and something pages. I'm editing now and it's a bitch.
Also, I wish I could have a dream about Rob but I haven't yet. I keep hoping for one when I'm unconscious, but so far no luck.
Thanks for the laughs ladies.
You are all so wonderful.
Good night.
and Goz I know I said thank you, but thank you.

Amy said...

NEW NY TIMES ARTICLE & interview of Rob and Catherine from when they were in NYC...& new pic

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