TV Spot #9

Did we post this? I haven't seen it so here:


Dani said...

Goz I swear we posted this one before I have seen it. Weird....

Dani said...

Well now that I see it again, I know that I have seen it before but don't know if it was part of a behind the scenes thing or what....hmmm if we didn't post it we should have its got the smash into each other baseball scene. Good stuff.

Lynn said...

Dani--you did post, I remember watching and Betz posting something about the baseball scene.

See, brilliance does become you!

Jewels64 said...

I seem to remember this one too ladies! Love the smash in the baseball scene! I swear we've seen so much behind the scenes stuff, I feel like I've already seen the damn movie.

But I can't wait till the lights go down, the previews crawl at a snail's pace while we have to wait for the good stuff. Cue the Summit logo, start the music and you will hear an audible intake of breath throughout the entire theatre! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tess said...

I've never seen this one.. I like the mid-air collision on the baseball field. This is just like he described in one interview from the movie 'Alexander"

very cool affect..

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