She is smitten as a kitten!


Big thanks to for the pics.


bella's mom said...

lmao too funny, standing in front of the studio sign it looks like it says MTV Stud!!!

kristen said...

Haha - Bella's Mom - I was just going to say the same thing about him being an MTV STUD! Stud is so appropriate.

He looks as delectable as ever, and she really does seem smitten as a kitten... As does every other female in the room.

kristen said...

Or I guess I should open it up to every PERSON, not just female, in the room, as the dude in the back row center looks quite smitten, too :)

Betsy said...

Never get tired of looking at him!

Ok - how many gossip rags will notice the grease stain on his shirt?

Dani said...

He probably had a burger before the taping, he loves that fast food. And hey it's messy. Rob admits the "washer machine" is beyond his abilties...poor guy is just too cute for his own good.

Rose said...

I taped TRL today, but I watched it at the same son came into the room and said "That's who you think is beautiful???".
It seems so strange to hear someone NOT think Rob is gorgeous. But I guess maybe guys don't see things the same

Gozde said...

None of my friends think he is cute, they keep making fun of me for running this site. They are all "Is THIS him? Seriously? He is not even cute"

Baffles me...

Amy said...

OMFG!!!!!! ROB ON EW COVER,,20238689,00.html

Amy said...

OMFG!!!!!! ROB ON EW COVER,,20238689,00.html

kristen said...

I love the 2nd pic down - his expression is totally channeling Joey from Friends - "How yoooou doin'?"

And the 4th one down - he looks so flustered and cute, and I LOVE it when he puffs out his skinny little chest like that so that it looks like it's too big for his shirt (yeah right). God, he's so adorable.

I sort of can't comprehend that some people don't find him attractive. I don't get it, but I guess it's a good thing that not EVERYONE is Robsessed - if that were the case then I would REALLY worry for his health.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless! That EW cover is beautiful, I feeling like crying, 'he's so beautiful it hurts'. I'm going to have to blow it up to lifesize proportions and place it over my mantel.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Robsessed! My first time posting, but I followed you from RPL! Ya'll [and Rob!] just make my day. I watched TRL and just had to post about when he says his best asset was his ankles and then she said - they look good. i've got x-ray vision through your jeans.

ummmmmm....don't I wish!!! :]

much love to this blog and all you great ladies!


Gozde said...

Welcome to the lovefest Sarah :))

Dani said...

Hey Sarah thanks for posting, we're happy to have you Goz and I welcome you big time. Enjoy yourself, we are.

Emily said...

I just finished watching it off TiVo. He looked completely terrified as he was walking down the stairs but he recovered quickly and was nothing but charming throughout the whole thing. I laughed at how he holds the microphone like a cigarette the whole time.

I'm not sure how well you can hear it on the youtube vid but during the little Q&A they asked him what his favorite cover song to play on the piano was and he said Van Morrison's "Linden Arden Stole the Highlights". I wasn't familiar with it at all but I just finished listening to it and, WOW! Hearing him play and sing that song would be beyond brilliant.
The host was actually pretty good. Cute Austrailian accent. Plus, she ended up being completely smitten by Rob.
"Why does it sound so sexy when you say that?" Oh honey, we've been asking ourselves that question for months now!
Lyla - it's a good thing everyone isn't Robsessed because I am not good at sharing!

Eva said...

I can't see any stains, just microphone shadows, but the stains may explain the tie at Planet Hollywood thing:)

I hated my DVR this morning because for some reason didn't taped ET last night, but it did good job today and I watched TRL like n-times...

his ankles LOL!
Now we have to see them, Rob:)

BTW my friends think that I'm going through Midlife crisis because I like Rob:)

Rusharthi said...

He's not allowed to give such intense sexy glares!!! Does he not care about our heart conditions at all?? hehehehe..

He looks AMAZINGLY gorgeous as always. I've notcied that all the interviewers who are women, can't stop giggling when around him. Poor girls!

bella's mom said...

lol Rusharthi can you blame them?

I'd probably be frozen solid just standing and staring like a dunce

Tess said...

OK. morning... I have not read any of the comments, so forgive me if I repeat.

But his Eyes really look so GREEN up against the background..

Rusharthi said...

If I was in front of him, I think I would have a lot of trouble getting a word out. Or I might just babble nonsense and confuse the heck out of him hehe. It is not possible to avoid being smitten around this guy.

La Stella said...

I miss that they used to take silly photos on that photobooth.. I would love to see Rob's one.

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