TomStu love/reaction


Lynn said...

Very cute! Rob's reaction was priceless.

I am assuming that this was not the Kristina that we thought it was.

Goz---great post! I hope that today is a better day for you.

Anonymous said...

Read her accont yesterday was eagerly awaiting the vid-It did not dissapoint! :)

Anonymous said...

Lynn - yeah it is the Kristina from RPL. I first saw this on that site

Anonymous said...

I swear I replayed this about a dozen times, and every time, I laughed harder than I did before.

Anonymous said...

I like how he isn't a fan of tatoos.
That was fun, fun, fun. But I thought from the description that I read the other day, that he might be more the more harder cracking up then he actually did.
He is so interesting to watch. His reaction was from the amused to the bemused.

Anonymous said...

Ok this vid is so cute but forgive me...who's TOM STU??? and whats the joke?

Dani said...

I think it is the Kristina we thought it was. That live journal with the story is attatched to the new RPL. Im pretty sure it was her, but either way awesome times cannot wait to see this when I get home, can't right now I am at work but super fun and glad someone made him chuckle on this tour.

Amy said...

Great interview!!! & some quotes below :) Awe, you can tell the boy misses London...

Question: Going back to the probably enormous girl fan base that you will gain after this movie – I mean, you’ve really exploded on the scene lately. You’re on Perez probably at least once a week. How are you dealing with dating in Hollywood? Do you avoid it? Are you seeing anyone for those teenybopper girls out there to know?

Pattinson: I’m not dating anyone. I mean, I theoretically don’t avoid it. But it’s weird. There’s like – you have to issue – I mean, it’s strange. I’ve been going to the same places every time I go to LA, because they’re the only places I know. And now everybody kind of knows me in those places. So it’s like – I don’t know. Just knowing that people will talk about stuff, and – you know. It’s very uncomfortable. And also, if you try and chat people up, everyone’s like, “Oh, he’s such an – you’re just an actor. You probably go around sleeping with everybody.” So it kind of has the converse effect of what you would have thought.

Question: Are you not moving to LA? Are you interested in making that leap?

Pattinson: I think there’s no reason to. I mean – and also, London’s in my heart. I need it. And I haven’t been there for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Amy, I think I just gained so much respect for him. I have hoped he wasn't a loose guy. That he had integrity and morals. From the books he has stated, I was questioning that, but comments he says it seems he is polite, kind, and deep, caring individual with morals and integrity.

La Stella said...

I'm glad he laughed about it. Anything that takes his mind of the screaming fangirls is a good thing in my book.

Loved that piece of interview you posted Amy. Looks like Mama P raised him well. =)

Dani said...

Hey Denisse...lovely to see you again.

La Stella said...

Oh Dani, you wouldn't be able to keep me away even if you tried. =)

Suss said...

Haha i love tattoos :( what did the girls say they were going to get tattoed? if they did say anything like that, i couldnt hear. but rob is adorable as always.

Anonymous said...

Now that is a creative girl! Pants off to you Kristina. Much more original than saying "bite me".

Linda - TomStu is Rob's shadow-bromance-bff. He lurks in the background at Rob's promo events as a pseudo bodyguard (a 12 year old girl could take him out with her pink cell phone though).

Anonymous said...

Oh yah I forgot something. Tom is stealthily disguised in a beard and sunglasses as 'Sturridge Man' so we don't recognize him.

TomStu needs to be on this Hot Topic tour with Rob now so he can yell very politely in his lovely English accent "Please back away from Rob's trousahs or I shant pout for you."

Lynn said...

Anon--thanks, i will have to check Kristina's RPL...I knew that I recognized her username.

Amy--the Darkhorizons Q&A is heartwarming and sincere. Rob belongs in London and he should go back. I spent Tuesday in Hollywood and Burbank and needless to say 12 hours there was plenty for me.

If, I was ever alone again, I would move to London in a heartbeat!

Tess said...

This was very clever.. Love how she camouflaged the camera.

Aj- laughing hard @ your Tomstu reference *a 12 year old girl could take him out with her pink cell phone though*

anyone else see the resemblance to Tom and James blunt with his beard.. I sometimes imagine Tom singing "Your Beautiful" to Rob.. just for a good laugh.

Amy- Thanks for the interview recap. Now I think I still might have a chance! ;)

Jewels64 said...

Thank you fans for making our boy laugh after the gates of hell opened up on him!

Tattoos...Me personally, i've got four of 'em! Guess Rob won't care for me now...LOL!

Jewels64 said...
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Jae Lu said...


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