The Today Show

P.S. I f you can't play the video here is the youtube link just incase :)


Ellie said...

I just saw the Today Show replay. Kristen appeared somewhat uptight and fidgety; Rob was so much more relaxed. He's such a delicious thing to wake up to...I thought it was really cute when they stood up to go outside to meet the crowd and he started humming a little :)
Same old questions, though; ask something we don't already know!
(It was nice that the girls behaved themselves and gave them a chance to be speak.)
No beanie!!!

(I copied from the previous thread)

babbles said...

I've Got It!!!! Finally!!!!
His laugh is very similair to Kevin Costner (another completely gorgeous goof)...
This has been burning my ass for weeks...

When he admit's to still having a crush on Kristen he gives that perfect laugh of his afterwords while Kristen blushes her "A" off...

This was way cute...

Hi Everyone!!!!!

Lata... off to work =(

pssst - I get to see Twilight tonight... whoop whoop

Ellie said...

Brooke, enjoy you day.
And you night even better! ;)

Kate said...

Thanks for putting this up Ladies, I wouldn't get to see it otherwise!

I thought they both looked nervous, Rob had his hands between his legs (which is something I do to stop me fidgeting) and Kristen's leg was going all the time but I was also delighted to see very well behaved fans !!!

It was a great interview even though like ye said same old same old with the questions they must be SO sick of them by now!!!

Brooke so jealous of you tonight!! ;-p

Anonymous said...

Just a quick comment.
I would of much preferred that they stayed in the studio.

k said...

the humming!!!!! i kept rewinding it to hear that. it's weird how my husband humming annoys me but on rob it's cute. that's sad.
i liked when meredith asked if rob needs security & he pointed and said "my friend dean." so we know for sure it's not his dad! lol
i would have liked more intelligent questions from meredith and the fans outside. i think rob & kristen would have appreciated it too.

k said...

>>Just a quick comment.
I would of much preferred that they stayed in the studio.<<

ITA! kristen looked so uncomfortable to be in the cold (very bella of her!) and rob was in a scream-free zone inside the warm studio. he cringed so much when they started screaming outside for him. i liked his laugh when he saw that girl's sign that said something like "i'll be your lamb."

bella's mom said...

I had my dvr set to tape it while I took my son to school so I didn't miss it. I have to say I thought it was a cop out to take them outside to answer questions, I think she should have been able to come up with enough questions herself. They get enough scream sessions, I would have liked to have heard different questions asked just once. All in all I thought it was ok, Rob was adorkable as always, Kristen was fresh and pretty, and they both were nice about getting dragged outside in the cold. I guess I was just hoping for a little more content.

DirtyD said...

I was a little disappointed with this interview. I wish they would have come up with some new questions. And going outside?!?!? You could tell that Kristen did not want to do that and well Rob being Rob handled it with grace as always. And whoever did his hair for the premiere did it for the Today show. Same back combed mess but don't get me wrong he still lookd delectable. Kristen is on Letterman tonight- I wonder what he's gonna ask her! And Rob on Ellen tomorrow- that should be funny. Then off to the movies for me- what a week of ROB!

Anonymous said...

I'm feelin the pain. Wish the press would ask them different questions.

Lynn said...

Dana---agreed, Meredith Vieira could have mixed it up a little and made it slightly more original. Then, she was quite the sadist by making them go outside (for the love of God, Kristen was in a sleeveless minidress and tights!).

Ah well, that is life! I will be braving five hours of waiting tonight with my daughter and her friends...we are going full board with the fangurl thrill and lots of Starbucks!

Anonymous said...

Rob is so great though. How the hell does he do that! I cracked up when he introduced his bodyguard.

Unknown said...

Matching leather jackets! wow that's cute!

and I just need to sleep because it's 2:28 am here in the Philippines and I have a class later! I mean later at 11:30 am! I envy you guys that can watch the movie in exact date! It's been moved here! it's on the 26th now!

Tess said...

I honestly think if someone answered the question he asked to his satisfaction... he'd ask that girl/women out right on the spot.

poor Rob and kstew. they were freezzzzing out there. She gave him the look of death when he admitted to still obviously having a crush on her. you know MA gave her hell when she got back to the hotel room ;)

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