This is just too cute!

Look at his adorable little feet! Just thought this was the cutest photo! He has little legs. Gosh even his feet are fantastic. I think I have a problem.

And this too:


Gozde said...

Oh honey we all have issues. I am actually about to go out and get some vodka and apple schnapps to make appletinis. I might need them tonight if the election doesn't go my way and last night I SO needed a drink. Today I am prepared.

His feet and the way he sits on the chair with his legs under him might just be the cutest thing. And how a tall man like him manages to do that is beyond me. It's because he is skinny as a bean pole :-)

Emily said...

Great picture, Dani! What is it with this guy? I turn to mush at the sight of his feet. Very Daniel Gale and very, very sweet. Love it!

kristen said...

Oh my gosh, thank you Dani for posting this!! I saw it on the Vanity Fair website, and it made me laugh hysterically. His mannerisms and nervous energy is just adorable... you are right - even his feet are cute!!

Dani said...

Is it not the most adorable little boy fidgiting in his chair kinda photo. Gosh he is cute!

CeeS said...

^ ^

kristen said...

Yes, that is exactly what it is - little boy fidgeting in his seat. This photo sort of makes you want to pinch his cheeks and comfort him and jump his bones all at the same time, am I right?

babbles said...

If you notice, All Rob's shoes are worn on top for this very reason, this is how he sits all the time, He is figety and Yes, He is literally perfect from head to toe... Good one Dani, And Goz - Have a drink for me, Its been almost 4 years and I am jealous!

Dani said...

You are right, I have a strange urge to sit him on my lap, read him a story, then say "Alright Rob, off with your pants lets get down to business." "Oh no its okay, you can leave your shoes on, I might make you run around later, saftey first"

babbles said...

Lucky Mic!

Emily said...

He does have lovely feet. Remember that Twilight Tuesday where a fan asked him, "What size feet do you have? They're huge!" I wanted to find that girl and smack her upside the head. Then he got all insecure and mumbled something about "I'm quite tall though" and "I guess that's another thing I can add to my list of inadequacies, or over-adequacies." There is nothing we would change about him.

And yes, Lyla. That's exactly what this picture is saying to me! Good safety tip, Dani. We wouldn't want him to stub a toe or anything.

Amy said...

I posted this on the other post...

Did anyone else catch him say in that Duran interview that he overheard his sister tell one of his friends the other day 'Why do you like my brother?' 'Do you like him because he is in movies?'. Hmmm wonder who she was talking to...

Also for VF ...this is on there site...

Plus: Want more Twilight? Come back to on Thursday for exclusive interviews with 12 of the movie’s cast members, and James Wolcott’s article from the December 2008 issue of Vanity Fair with photographs by Peggy Sirota.

kristen said...

Dani - HAHA LMAO!! I am dying laughing right now. Your visuals just never cease to crack me up.

Dani said...

Sweet lovin! You know a size 10 is not that big, although Rob is tall. About as tall as my hub, and my hub wears a 10.5. I bet Rob is packing enough heat though, he doesn't look like a chump to me.

babbles said...

this comment regarding rob was made by a IMDb commenter...

"he's really just a little boy in a beautiful man's body, isn't he? too adorable."

Loved it... so true!

kristen said...

Emily - I know, I love that interview... I think my favorite part is his initial reaction to the question though, when he gets sort of a confused, embarrassed look on his face and goes "Really?!?... Christ, I dunno... I didn't realize I had big feet..."

Can we say adorable much?

Rusharthi said...

Awwwwwww this is adorable!! I looveee it!
Thanks for the picture! He's such a cutie/hottie.

Rusharthi said...

I found it totally adorable when he put his feet up. He seemed so comfortable! hehe. Can't wait for the Plantet Hollywood pictures. I wonder if the Beanie will stay...

Dani said...

I love how comfortable he is in interviews, especially as of late. Last night it was like he was at his favorite coffee house just hanging out being himself. Awkward and fidgity and just plain cute.

Eva said...

Love the pictures of his feet.

amy, I did hear that part and didn't he said something that his sister is talking to this girl that is a friend of his? I wonder who he will take to the premiere?

dani, LMAO!

brooke, I can fell your pain, need a drink, can't have it...

So, since last night Rob did the Apple store interview, ED show this morning, taped TRL and is going to Planet Hollywood thing tonight?

Amy said...

He is definitely more comfortable and that is nice to see. I love that he wrapped his legs up in the chair, that was so cute!

Kimberlesk said...

Love the photos!! He's just too hot and adorable at the same time ... my fave part of the Duran interview was when he did his signature aaaahhhhhhh ... and the whole crew joined in. He has to be aware of this trate by now ... but I love it every time I hear it! Another day I didn't get anything done, and it looks like tonight will be shot as well -- well what was I going to do ... watch the Election? I'll take Rob over John/Barack any day!!

Dani said...

He is one busy dude! He is going to need a vacation after all this but he is working while doing all this promo too.

Any time he is back in LA I think he is working on PPB or something else. He said he has some indie projects in the works for next year and said in an interview when he called into the NOFF that he was driving home from work.

Ahhhh Rob has an Oregon driver's licence too. Yeah thats right he got that beotch in my town.

babbles said...

You know, I think the beanie is a necessity at this point, I think his hair is beyond his control at this point, It was a losing battle in Rome and we have all witnessed how fast it grows...

Emily said...

I agree about the beanie, Brooke. The hair is getting out of hand. I wish people would stop bugging him about it and asking him to take it off. I love the beanie! Not a lot of people can look good in one. It's probably to prevent him from running his hands through his hair because if it's true that his hair hasn't been washed in 6 weeks, I'm not sure his fingers could make it through without getting stuck. They'd probably have to cut it just to get his fingers untangled.

Lynn said...

Gozde---thank you so much...those pics put a smile on face as I have go and endure the polls.

I was thinking how cute Rob looked all curled up on the chair( in other pics)....he looked way more comfortable and the position of his feet are adorable.

Rob definitely has his comofort zones with his body language, the beanie and his various jackets (cue the Linus).

I was talking about Rob to one of the substitutes at the school (she's a huge Twilighter) and she smiled and said, "yeah, someone's got a crush". Is it that obvious?

Dani said...

LYNN!!!! Can I say I missed ya? Because I do!...and the crush is obvious. My husband just called me and is all like "you log into itunes last night, downloading something with the name SUPERMASIVE BLACKHOLE???" Oh and then he made fun of me. Not cool. My crush is out of sight!

babbles said...

Dani/Lynn ~ LOL! Your crushes are understood here, And appreciated!

Rob does really shine when in a comfort zone, I have really enjoyed seeing him do the last 48 hours of promo, He is on a roll - Glad Mexico and Rome are done and in the past... Can't wait for the next round, And watching this all unfold with you all is the best!


Amy said...

I just love listening to his voice in interviews. I could listen to him talk ALL DAY :)

Oh Gozde, Youtube vids are now working for me. I have no idea why they were screwing up before - kinda weird, but they seem to be working now.

Kimberlesk said...

Hey, maybe the beanie is his way of "sticking it" to the marketing team that wouldn't let him cut his hair -- way to go Rob! Like Depp, doesn't matter what you do, you can't hide your great looks!

Dani said...

The jackets and the beanie are his Lionel complex coming out. He needs them, like air, or water, or models. Just predisposed into his DNA to want to wear beanies, jackets, and date hot ladies. It happens.

kristen said...

I loved how he said that his beanie was his "safety blanket" when people were asking him to take it off in the interview this morning. It seems like he gets attached to certain pieces of his clothing, and just can't stand to be separated from them. He is too cute.

Tess said...

Good Morning Ladies.... Just began taking a quick look around and it's Christmas in November.

LOVE love love the pictures of him curled up in his seat (makes him seem more like Art, and I'm seriously crushing on Art) look at those uncertain toes... scrumptious!

taking a browse through all the rest of the gifts today.


Lynn said...

Dani---Linus complex noted with the beanie and the jackets, Rob's all in to the comfort zones.

YQUE! said...

I want his shoes .....with HIM IN THEM of course.

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