Teen Music Hollywood Article.

Robert Pattinson-King of the Night

Let's get to the dish! Perhaps even something you haven't read before. We met Robert, we chatted with him, we learned that, before he was cast as troubled painter Salvador Dali in the indie-film Little Ashes, Rob was disillusioned and ready to give up acting for a possible music career.

TeenHollywood: Your "Cullen" cast members said that you weren't too swift on playing baseball either but you picked it up?

Rob: (chuckles) Everybody's been saying that! I'm terrible. I'm completely malcoordinated. I'm terrible at all sports. Also, I don't see the point as well. I even had a baseball coach. Catherine was so determined to make me look like a professional baseball player, and literally I couldn't take it seriously. They were like, 'you've got to have a ready position'. So for the rest of shoot, every single time, there's like confusion with the blocking or anything, I'd say, 'look, I'll do it in my 'ready position', no matter what the scene was. Like the sex scene or whatever. I'll come out in my 'ready position'. (we both chuckle)

TeenHollywood: Hilarious. How much of the stunt work did you do?

Rob: My hand-eye coordination is bad but I did quite a few of them. But I had a good stunt double as well. He's a professional free runner. I can do something and get injured and look like crap playing it or he can do it and make it look really good and no one notices the difference. After a while, I tried to do the Tom Cruise thing (his own stunts) but I eventually gave up. But I did a whole bunch of it. I managed to pick up so many injuries whenever I tried the simplest of stunts. I went to pick up Kris and I almost ripped my hamstring. It's not even a stunt.

TeenHollywood: So you're saying that Kristen Stewart is heavy?

Rob: (laughs) No. She weighs like 50 pounds. I literally did one squat. And this was after three months of training. I don't know what it takes.

TeenHollywood: When you were a teen or kid, was there a movie you couldn't wait to see just like many fans can't wait for this one?

Rob: I'm sure there was. Can't remember but right now I can't wait till The Wrestler (starring Mickey Rourke, Evan Rachel Wood and Marisa Tomei) comes out.

TeenHollywood: That's a bummer. You play the artist Salvador Dali in a film. Very, very different from this one. How was that experience?

Rob: I did that before Twilight and I was going to give up acting before that. I did the casting about two years before to play Lorca and they said 'we found a Spanish guy who looks just like Lorca to play Lorca'. Do you want to play Dali? Which is like the opposite part to Lorca. They told me four days before shooting. I was just so disinterested in acting at the time. I just thought 'oh, a three-month vacation in Spain, okay'. I went there and it was so intense the whole time and everybody was speaking Spanish and I don't speak a word of Spanish. The whole crew was Spanish. I was the only English person there for the majority of the time. It gave me a reason to really focus on the script and the research to a ridiculous degree. It was the only thing I did for the entire time.

TeenHollywood: So you got swept up in preparing for the role?

Rob: Yeah. I had this whole series of photos. And figuring out the way he would move his body. There's a picture of him pointing. I spent days trying to figure out 'how did he get his arm like that?' It was probably unnecessary but it was the one time I felt like slightly satisfied. But I wanted to bring that intensity to every job. And even though this was essentially a teen movie when they were talking about it, I thought 'it doesn't have to be a teen movie. Nothing has to be what it's predefined as'. So I fought with people a lot on it. I kind of relented after a while because I didn't know what I was doing (he laughs). But I was determined for it not to be a cheesy, cash-in movie. I hope it isn't. I haven't seen it yet.

TeenHollywood: Why were you so disillusioned?

Rob: Just mainly because when most films are being made now they're designing it to make money even before it's started shooting. Prejudging an audience is completely impossible to do. 'Audiences bought this so they're going to like this'. It's impossible to do. But you're going to make the same movie again and again. No one's going to break out of it. I just thought, 'I don't want to be adding shit to the pile so I might as well complain about it and not be part of it'.

TeenHollywood: Was music your Plan B?

Rob: Well, I was doing music but my sisters were saying 'you can't make money out of music' so I thought 'why not just see what happens with acting and don't really bow down to anybody?' If you get fired, you get fired. I got fired before a few years ago. I was like 'whatever. Maybe something might come along'. You can't not do it. I really love films. So I'd like it if there was another golden age (of films) like the '70s. I don't think that will be for a while.

TeenHollywood: Is there a moment you're looking forward to in the next Twilight movies?

Rob: Definitely the second one. The second one's my favorite book and I think you can really change the character at the end. He's distraught and every ounce of confidence he has in the first one is gone by the end of the second one by his reappearance at the end when he's essentially committing suicide. He can really completely change his image, like, nothing in the rest of the books. I can create something quite special with it, I think... if they let me. (laughs.)

TeenHollywood: Would you want to be immortal?

Rob: No way! I just want to get to 32. That's the age I'm looking forward to.

TeenHollywood: Do you wish they'd let you cut your hair?

Rob: (running his fingers through it) Hey, I did cut it. (with a pouty look) No one's even noticed. (laughs)


I condensed the article and took out the stuff that we have already heard about.

SOURCE-Go here to read the full article.


Lynn said...

I love the "ready position" quote...how could you not smile when Rob says that!

Dani said...

I wouldn't be able to stay in character with this dude around.

Dani said...

"Nothing has to be what it's predefined as'. So I fought with people a lot on it. I kind of relented after a while because I didn't know what I was doing (he laughs). But I was determined for it not to be a cheesy, cash-in movie. I hope it isn't. I haven't seen it yet."

Okay on that note I am out like a light- He is made of win. Just adore him more everyday what an insightful and witty little son of a fabulous woman no doubt.

k said...

ready position is my new favorite phrase.
and what a good question the "what movie did you look forward to like we're looking forward to twilight" is. FINALLY! not the same old "so, tell us what twilight is about." snooze.
i too am looking forward to "the wrestler." everyone's saying oscar for mickey rourke. well i never!

La Stella said...

I bet he laughed when people didn't notice he had cut his hair after all the big deal they made about it.

La Stella said...

Dani-- that quote about the cheesy cash-in movie, made me feel glad they chose him as Edward. I love how he keeps saying how he'll play the character if they let him.

I hope they do. I want to see a really suicidal Edward Cullen in New Moon.

Lynn said...

I don't want to put Rob on a pedestal or anything, but, his humility, charm and grace under fire reminds me a lot of Princess Diana (who's brother called her "a very British girl"). And, that is what I mean when I say that Rob is a "very British boy".

Lynn said...

Stella---agreed, teen angst, on the verge of suicide Edward will be necessary for New Moon.

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, can you even imagine Rob at 32? Perhaps, a little more filled out and furrier...ay, papi!

Well, I should get to bed...it's been fun and entertaining as always. I cannot wait to see the red carpet manana...it's like the Oscars!

Good night, lovelies!

La Stella said...

If I have to go thru a hour and a half of HAPPY JACOB, I'm going to need butt loads of angst coming from Edward.

32? That sounds like such a random age. LOL.

Tess said...

Wow! This is was really good! Or maybe it wasn't all that good but just seemed like it because I was hungry for something I hadn't already read a hundred times before.. sort of like that sandwich you eat when you're starving...

Tess said...

is anyone still up?

bella's mom said...

OK that did it! Now I won't be able to help myself when watching the movie, I'll be looking for the "ready position" before the sexy scene and everything.. lol

Lynn said...

Mona---Rob will be in the ready position the whole film...but, the kissing scenes will be the test.

Good morning all!

kristen said...

Haha - "The ready position"... Hilarious! He is seriously one funny dude.

But oh my Jesus... so much happened over the weekend! I spent the better part of last night catching up on everything in Rob world! You girls were busy bees. And I hate to say it, considering how annoyed he looked, but Rob looked SMOKIN' in the airport pics. I mean seriously, NO ONE looks that good after getting off a plane. The gray/blue v-neck shirt he's wearing is a new favorite of mine. He looked delicious in it

Ellie said...

Good morning, ladies!
Just checking quickly while my guys are writing their daily schedules out...
How is everybody?
Hi Mona and Lynn!!!
and hi, Lyla, I'm Ellie (kind of new here...) =)

Ellie said...

Mona, thanks for your notes!

I agree, Lyla, he looks heavenly in those pics.

kristen said...

Hi Ellie! Welcome to the Rob fest! Isn't it fun here? Best Rob blog out there, hands down... not only the best info and updates, but also because of the wonderful, witty women who come here.

Can't wait for all the premiere day goodness. I really hope he brings his Mom as his date... that would just be the sweetest thing!

Lynn said...

Lyla---Dani made a conscious decision with Gozde to not post the airport vid. We looked at it last night and it was far too invasive.

Nikki looked spectacular and Kristen was kickin' it in some mismatched socks. Rob looked yummy and ready to drop (ready position!). But, he just needed to be left alone!

Lynn said...

Ellie--I got Mona's email with your addy. Now, you will get to experience Jewels' wicked mind, her fan fic is by far the best ever.

Lynn said...

I meant conscience decision...can't spell while badgering said child to get dressed.

kristen said...

Lynn - That was probably a good decision... makes me love and respect Dani and Goz even more! All pap videos that I have seen just make me cringe, so I'm glad I didn't see that one. I don't want to see Rob totally annoyed and hating life. I bet the whole cast is unfortunately going to be getting a lot of that now, but especially Rob :(

Ellie said...

Thanks, Lyla. It is so much fun here...
I missed the video last night (went to bed before that, you ladies go on much longer than I can; east coast, here--). Oooh, Rob would like it that you all can go on long time! lol

It sounds like it was painful to watch it..just want to cuddle him, ya' know?

Lynn said...

Lyla---we all agreed that it's all about the love.

Poor Rob left 20 degree weather to land in mid-80's weather in HelLA. It was blazing hot yesterday, but, the fires being contained slowly. The air quality must be killer up there!

Ellie said...

Lynn, have you kids missed any school this time because of it?

kristen said...

Wow, Rob sure is experiencing some extreme weather changes with all this traveling! I hope he is taking care of himself and staying healthy.

Lynn - yeah, it's been unseasonably warm the past couple of days up here in Northern California, but no where near the 80's! That is crazy for mid November! And I'm sorry to hear about the fires and air quality... that really sucks. We had really bad fires during the summer here, and the air quality was deplorable, so I totally sympathize. It's really not okay when the sky is a constant gray, and the sun is a strange hazy orange color. Not fun at all, not to mention not healthy. Hopefully Rob and company are able to enjoy the premiere despite the heat!

Lynn said...

Ellie---no, the kids haven't had a smoke day (Cali version of snow day) in about a year...which is excellent.

Lyla---my co-workers and I have been up in arms with the kids at the school and our endless summer. I really hate global warming...hot weather at Thanksgiving is not my jam! It looks like we'll be getting a reprieve by the end of the week. It's hazy outside, but, that is life!

bella's mom said...

Well its in the 40's here this morning but was colder this past weekend, I'm hoping for a chilly Thanksgiving and Christmas, sometimes int he past it was so hot we literally were in shorts for Christmas and I just don't like that. But then I'm sure there are lots of places other than Texas that are like that too.

Ellie said...

I like having a white Christmas, but not having a blizzard on the day of.
It's perfect football weather here, right now, but the temp's been dropping to below freezing at night.HATE scraping the windshield in the morning!

Ellie said...

Will the premiere be on TV anywhere tonight?? MTV??

Ellie said...

oops, meant the red carpet stuff--

Lynn said...

LOL My kids found an ice scraper from we (when we were a family of 3) lived in Northern Nevada and they had no idea what it was. Nicholas thought it was some kind of squeegee.

Lynn said...

Someone posted a link last night. But, Dani will probably have something more concrete after she wakes up.

Ellie said...

Lynn--LMAO!!! =)

Ellie said...

Thanks, Lynn.
Break's over,
Got to get the kiddies out of the pool (small one, but just enough for class lessons; 4 feet deep). Then lunch, math, weekend reports, blah, blah, blah...
I'll try to check in later ~~TTFN

Lynn said...

Ellie---I watched a Little Ashes Q&A with Paul Morrison (director) and Javier Beltran. And, Javier Beltran is so hot, his Spanish just rolls out in the sexiest way (I only hear Mexican Spanish, Spaniards are very different).

Now, I really cannot wait to see Rob with Javier Beltran on the big screen.....es muy caliente!

Ellie said...

Lynn--Yes, I can't wait for that one, too. Another guilty pleasure!
More for when the DVD comes out =)
Okay, I REALLY gotta go, now lol

bella's mom said...

ooooooo wish I could have seen that Q & A bet it was good

DirtyD said...

You always want the opposite of what you have with weather! I wish we had a warm thanksgiving. It's 32 degrees here and thanks to yesterdays mini storm we have snow everywhere.

Lynn said...

Dana---so true! Both of my neighbors are from Michigan and they always say that they would never move back. My inlaws live in Ohio, so, we go back to the Midwest every couple of years...it's different and too cold in the winter.

DirtyD said...

lynn- yes it is too cold! It's nice to have snow for a day or two, then it gets really old. But i used to live in Canada and when I go back and visit after Christmas every year I wish for Michigan weather. Cold doesn't describe the winter up there.

Lynn said...

Mona---The Q&A was really interesting. Paul Morrison is super intelligent and soft spoken and his insight was great. Javier Beltran spoke only in Spanish, so, it was delightful to hear such a different dialect. Spaniards speak almost without any breaks in their speech pattern...very sexy!

Lynn said...

Dana---it's funny...but, my inlaws always complain about the weather being too cold here. The ocean cold is bone chilling...they are used to dry cold. I just cannot do four to six months of being shut in. I would be a basket case!

Well, I have to go for right now, I forgot to pack up the school bookfair....volunteering, you gotta love it!

p r i s c a said...

"Ready position".

*closes eyes*


MiCh said...

Morning girls!
Just checking quickly while my roommate makes some breakfast.. today is a holiday here in Mexico!
How is everybody? Hope you have a Rob-alicious day!

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