The writer also compliments the two leads of the film, saying, “Together, Stewart and Pattinson seem to be sharing the same opium reverie… with Stewart receiving the more powerful high, her eyes dimming out when she gets too close. There’s wit in their tentative exchanges."
Thanks to Amy for the tip :-)
The Banner Kicks "A"!!!
When was this SM Quote from?
Oh I love the banner Gozde!!!!!! See, we need these photos in HQ badly.
Brook - JJ had that quote on his latest Twilight post about VF.
Nevermind, I put the pipe down...
I re-read and noticed it wasn't a SM thing - sorry! *blushes*
Yeah but JJ was wrong I found the original quote and it's not from SM, it's a part of the VF article.
And I'm glad you like the new banner :-))
I've gotta sign up so that I have an identity. Thanks for that quote, I just tried dissecting it and failed miserably, even using a thesaurus. Darn VF writers! I give up!
LOVE the new banner....
I must confess, I was watched the gif of her jumping up on him a zillion times now, I even take note as to how his knee's bend on impact and his hands re-position... Classic Greatness!!!
How long has Kristen been with her BF?
Dating actors must stink big time. Her bf has to watch her get all cozy with such hotness. I think they met on Speak? So a couple of years of dating. She did say in the VF interview that her significant other was Michael and also that he's her crush, so I believe they're still together.
I need to see Rob cozing up with some other actress so that I can get these two out of my mind. That gif doesn't help!
I know right, Those pics are only fueling the imagination...
I knew she was still with her BF, I was thinking like 2 yrs now?? I could be wrong though...
The banner is awesome! It just keeps getting hotter in here!
Rob is now fully responsible for Global Warming!
Yeah, I would say about 2yrs, both very young. If Rob agrees to become my husband #2 then this won't be a problem any more.
Rob on TRL in like 2 minutes for those of you on the East Coast!!!! I hope someone get's this on Youtube.
Hearing things like that about their interaction is just swoon worthy. I love their chemistry. This is such a good match on screen, we are going to hear big things from these two in the future.
Goz---the banner is rockin', my lovely! I love, love, love the shot of Kristen and Rob (said boob shot)!
I will have to buy this copy of VF, the pics are just incredible. And, the ET vid just goes to show what a class act, the whole cast is!
Yes.. Kristen has been drinking the koolaid !
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