So it's a NO on the media training then?

Watch what he says at 5:58 mark :-) The rest is craptastic.

Thanks to Lisa for the find!


Anonymous said...

I wish I was one of those 12-year old virgins! :D
(He's so naughty; he's overwhelmed by the screaming but at the same time has fun with it by encouraging them with his outrageous comments).

Rose said...

Hahahahahahaha. LOVE his sense of humor!

I agree, ellie...he does seem to enjoy it in a strange way. Talking to them when they are shouting at him only encourages more of them to start shouting!!

Personally, it gives me a headache.
I would like to know if the other cast members stops turn out this way...I haven't really kept track.
Do they all have 2000+ people turn up to scream?

bella's mom said...

LMAO He is just eating that up! Too frickin funny! Between his dry British humor that half the time the reporters don't get, and the smart remarks he comes up with like this one, he has to be a riot to be around.

He walks out all shy and humble then plays completely off the crowd. This boy has a keen sense of how to work them and it's paying off. He may not want to admit his talents, but he deffinately has many!

Dani said...

He is just a hoot this one, I love how out there he is, Just say what is on your mind Rob we won't stop loving you for anything, oh did you say you hate puppies. No big deal, oh you slapped your mother last week? Well did she deserve it? Ahhhh that ice cream cone you were noshing on was stolen from a kid in a wheel chair....well I thought he was diabetic what was he thinking, you saved his life.

Yeah a little exaggeration there but still this man can do no wrong.

Anonymous said...

Glad you found it in the prior post Gozde. When I saw it I was like wtf. I hadn't heard THAT before!

Emily said...

Well that's a new one. That was hilarious! Talk about a den of sin. I'm not sure I would care even if it was true.
Those InStyle pictures were just about the best thing I could have woken up to. GORGEOUS! I swear in every photo shoot Rob gets sexier and sexier. The second to last one down with him Kellan - let's just say that right there is proof that God exists. Even though Kellan is looking a little like Col. Sanders, he's still looking amazing. I'm surprised the photographers weren't losing their zippers left and right!
And the new banner?? Speechless. There are no words except perfection.

Rose said...

The INSTYLE pics are incredibly hot. And those are supposed to be outtakes?
And here I thought VF had gorgeous pics...
I can't wait to see future outtakes...they just keep getting better and better!!!!

Kate said...

LOL brilliant. I think he's pushing to see just how far he can go !!
Ya I guess the english sense of humour is a bit different to the american but it makes it all the more funny when the reporters just don't get it!

Anonymous said...

Dani, hilarious comments.:))

Anonymous said...

I think that's what makes Goz and Dani's blog so entertaining; is it's not just the eye candy of Rob and everything else we hear about him on this blog but reading the comments from all of us just add to more laughs.
There is nothing like laughter.
Thanks for the laughs fellow Robettes.

Kate said...

God ye are so lucky that the film is out there on the 21st.The premiere here is not till the 19th Dec and I can't go till the 20th!!!! :-(

Anonymous said...

So sorry Kate.:( I wish we could all have a prescreening together just us fellow robsessed blog fans.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is he even located today? Can't keep track it's so overload. Boston? I thought Boston was on the crap Hot Topic tour, maybe he's already down flying into that city. I'll go look at the site and check.

Anonymous said...

Dani - you are HILARIOUS!

And, the InStyle outtakes... I can't stop looking at them. He keeps saying that it is just the character that is making us love him - he is SO WRONG.

1 week to the movie and 2 full hours of Rob! I feellike a kid counting down to Christmas.

Kat said...

One of the big things I miss about England... the sense of humour. After almost 9 years here, I still get in trouble every once in a while when I forget to "tone it down". Most of my sarcasm goes over peoples head, I'm so HAPPY that most who post here GET IT. Sarcasm and the dry sense of humour is a good mix - only if people get it... if not, sadly I come across as a bitch!

Oh... and I can pretend to be a 12 year old virgin if that's what it takes to be that close on a regular basis!!!

Anonymous said...

I am from Norway, and twilight is not showing here at all...we will have to wait for the dvd. I am feeling kind of desperate...

Anonymous said...

forevereb, you're so right and people need to not take him so literally, that's just his sense of humor.
But how a lot of people hang on to his every word...
And then the whole bizare, craziness of this, I think if it was me I might just say things for shock value, if I was in that situation. I've been known to do that from time to time.:}
This whole promo thing with the screaming and desperation, it's all so bizarre and strange. I'm looking forward to when it settles down.

bella's mom said...

forevereb, I dated an Englishman for a long time and that was the main thing that attracted me to him in the first place was his wonderful sense of humor. I loved it!

Kat said...

Mona - for some reason "Englishman" makes me giggle... I have no idea why. Isn't that strange!

British guy = no giggle
Englishman = huge giggle

I'm odd. I know.

bella's mom said...

well at least I'm good for a giggle then.. lol

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Well at least it gives me a month to persuade my friend to come with me. She's not into movies like this at all. I can't get her to read the book :-0 I played the trailer for her the other day and when she heard the music she nearly freaked and started shouting "I thought you said it wasn't scarey"!! After the hundredth time of telling her it wasn't when It got to the scene "on the bed" and Edward said "I just wanna try one thing" she goes " I bet you do" and then got interested. But if all else fails I'll guilt trip her into coming!!

I know what you mean about sarcasim forevereb, it can come across as being bitchy sometimes if people don't "get it".
My cousin is English and we get on so well because I think english/Irish sense of humour is practically the same but sometimes he'll get my sarcasim and others won't but I must admit that makes it more funny and then once I get the giggles I'm finished!!LOL

Lynn said...

That was priceless! I think that too many Americans are usually so wrapped up in being so PC or proper that they tend to not appreciate British humor or sarcasm. Rob's was just spot on and the fact that the fangurlz didn't even notice was even funnier.

bella's mom said...

I think someone should send his mum a dozen roses for having such a great kid.. lol

Kat said...

Kate - if you don't find anyone to go with you, pop over to Leeds on the 19th and come with us! I sent my sister the books a few weeks ago and she's created a few newborns since... and as I'll be visiting home when the movie comes out... I'll be doing the premiere all over again! Not convinced they'll do any midnight showings like they have here, but we can hope...

Kate said...

Well if my "irish charm" doesn't work on my friend, I may just take you up on that!!! ;-)

Tess said...

Goz- it would take FORERVER but a video montage of all the media resistant things he's said this week is would be an instant classic.

He's quick! too bad I'm not a virgin anymore...

Jewels64 said...

I wonder what other kinds of jobs Rob has available to his fans...I'd just be happy to run the microwave to heat up his pizza pocket and pop the top off a snapple. But he'd have to be naked all the time.

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