Sleep Like a Child

It's not a video, it's just a picture with Joss Stone singing.

Good night Robsessors!


Tess said...

Good night Goz! I hope you're having a good time.

I wish I could sing like Joss Stone. That woman has soul (and killer hair)

Eva said...


Rusharthi said...

Aww he looks so tired. Poor guy. Will listen to the song now I have never heard her songs before.
Good night! :)

Lynn said...

Goz---I almost cried when I saw those pics...each one told a story as Rob struggles to slump down in his seat. You want to wrap your arms around and stroke his lovely hair.

el said...
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Lynn said...

You will find them under Los Angeles Premiere. Be prepared, there are thousands of pics. The one of Rob in the car is a series of pics where he's trying to pull his beanie on. It will break your heart at his expressions!

Tess said...

This picture calls out to our mothering instinct.

Where are they off to next? Australia?

el said...

ugh i can't get it to show the video. where are the pics from? the first one looks like from last night after the premier.

La Stella said...

his hand is in his pants.. how Al Bundy of him. LOL

Lynn said...

Stellaluna---guys always have to ensure that "it" is must be just relaxing.

Dani said...

Goz is the best partner in the world! Thank you my lady!

el said...

thanks for the link to the pictures.

Dani said...

I am so excited that today he got to sleep in. That must have felt really nice. Good on Rob for being such a trooper.

Ellie said...

Ah, Rob looks so sweet. And
exhausted. I hope he was able to get well-deserved sleep into the next day...

Kate said...

Aah the poor guy loks wrecked!!! Hope he's had a good rest by now!!

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