KRISTIN: You look kinda...
KRISTIN: Did you make it home last night?
ROBERT: Uh. Yeah. Of course. Sure, I did.
KRISTIN: Really? You made it home and got some sleep and took a shower, like we talked about?
ROBERT: Uh. I made it home, let's just leave it at that.
KRISTIN: I knew it. Damn it, Pattinson, the shower is the most important part of the equation!
ROBERT: You never told me THAT. Next time, I promise.
Thanks to Tess for sending this in.
No one has ever looked so sexy without a wash for a few days. That hair needs its time away from soap and water, its like natural pomade, the oil and dirt kind.
I'd rather he showered :-) That day is one of the only days he gave bad pictures por moi :)
Showered or not, you gotta give the guy credit, he's at least wearing a new sweater! Baby steps...
Still looks fine in my opinion.
You know what I just realized I am going to cry like a bitch in this movie. I mean I can just tell already once I hear that lullaby that was on that 8min footage, ahhhhh this movie is going to make me not shower and then cry. And New Moon- Oh hell I will cry again, and again when he leaves her. Maybe I am being overly emotional at the moment but just thinking about it, yeah I could cry.
Oh so fine :-) No question about that and LMAO at baby steps.
We love the HOBO in him :)
I didn't watch that footage and have no idea what the lullaby is like but I KNOW I'll cry and squeek like a little girl in the movie. And new moon, I'm not sure my poor heart can take that one...
Dani- I'll share my box of kleenex. I'm really gonna have to try to contain myself though. My husband is taking me to the movie. He already thinks I'm crazy with this obsession. Poor guys doesn't know what's coming.
I'll be doing the same thing Dani don't worry! :$
I had so many moments of being overly teary eyed while reading the books, so I'm thinking it will be the same way watching the film.
Haha, i'm gonna cry and pee by pants! I'll be like YAY! on min and then WHYYY! the next.
*packs Depends and Kleenex*
totally forgot how to spell for a sec.
Oh yeah I am totally going to loose it, I cannot remember the last time when I was so excited to see a movie before. I mean honestly this has crept up and bit my ass for some reason. I just am jazzed out of my seat to see it.
Crying is so easy for me to do, my mother cries at the drop of a hat. But I will tell you what I heard of the lullaby is wonderful, the strings and the piano and Rob sitting there in that scene playing Edward, Bella next to him on the bench just looking at him like she is seeing God for the first time.
Just reminds me of what falling in love for the first time felt like. As if you would come unglued if they were too far from you, holding their hand was like magic. Young love is the best kind of all.
Okay I am out of here for the evening. Much Love to you all see ya in the AM.
Raise your hand (or both hands) if you want to bury your face in his neck and take a good long wiff!!
(pick me pick me)
Night night D..
Where is forevereb?
She actually met him in person and may be she can give us some hints about the hair and the way he smell:)
that is a funny post:)
BTW- Tess, on your old picture you reminded me of Heidi Klum and everytime I read your comments I think-german accent :) not very creative and probably no need to know...
eva- VERY generous. thank you...
Dani--I am feeling ya, babe! I have to buy 8 tickets to the midnight showing and a box of tissues for myself....sniff.
Tasper----I was just noting on another thread about Rob's delectable neck....a strong wiff would be cathartic. I can see Rob dive bombing in to one of those giant fountains somewhere in Rome.
Thanks for the laughs.
Eva - I've said it before, and it sounds odd, but he smelt neither bad nor good. What I mean by that is that I didn't getted grossed out by BO and I didn't get overpowered by cologne. He just smelt good - normal good (and clean)!! I was so preoccupied looking at him I didn't take a good sniff... wish I had though!
Kathryn----we were braced for the verdict! I would imagine Rob emits the most intense pheromones ever, hence, he must just convey a decent, yummy smell and a good ole fashioned shower never hurt.
Thank you again for your personal and envious insight.
"I would imagine Rob emits the most intense pheromones ever, hence, he must just convey a decent, yummy smell and a good ole fashioned shower never hurt."
Exactly! :-) And if he needs help in the shower... I can provide that.
Kathryn---yes, I'm sure that he would get more then a few volunteers! Well, if a 10 year old girl was drawn to his pheromones, then it's definitely trouble for him and for legions of women like us.
Perhaps, Rob could offer up some for bottling and sale and make some other chaps lucky!
Ohhh, I'll also volunteer to help him bottle it :-)
forevereb, thanks for the insides. I probably missed your post about it.
Tess, you are welcome, can't get that german accent out of my head:)
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