Showbiz Shelly Interview-8 min w/Rob


La Stella said...

I enjoyed that interview, but gosh.. she's the stacey sunshine kind of girl that I can't stand. u_U

Amy said...

At least he feels comfortable in the interview. That's all I ever care about :) I like to see him not totally stressed out and just relaxed, and in this he seems to be. The conversation was a bit more laid back then the stuffy journalists who just fire off the same questions over and over. She is a pretty cheery girl, haha but honestly I don't even pay attention to that when he is sitting there...

Anonymous said...

Rob still really has no clue how charismatic, alluring, and sexy he is...and why we all want to jump his bones! SWOON!!!
*fans face with (insert name of any number of magazines with His Hotness' face on it)*

Lynn said...

Denise---you are wicked-lol! I was thinking the same thing. Every time, the interview went back to Shelly, my ears went in high alert like a dog hearing a dog whistle.

That aside, Rob appeared much relaxed being in his own room. Ahh, I think that traveling would be the best part and it's a shame that he can't enjoy it more.

I do love the way Rob said, Giordano's.....silky and yummy.

When, Rob's in a very quiet setting, his voice is velvety that you want to rub on your cheek.

Lynn said...

Ellie--agreed! Rob will probably never know, he would never stoop to being unoriginal and big headed. He's just so very lovely!

La Stella said...

Lynn-- I want to rub his beard on my cheeks, maybe my jaw too.. is that bad?

And yeah, its nice to see him relaxed, also you can actually hear what he is saying.. not like in the WGN interview.

Betsy said...

I think I would probably act all stacey sunshine with him sitting right across from me cause I would be trying to cover all my x-rated thoughts!!

Lynn said...

Denise---geez, his is so smooth, it's putting a lovely creme brulee in your mouth or something.

Yes, I would love to run my cheek across his jawline, too.

A rugburn never sounded better.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the more at ease he is, the more insightful and personal his answers are. We get to see the real Rob shine through.
And yes, Lynn, the velvet voice rubs me the right way...
(did that sound right?).

Lynn said...

Ellie--I'm positive that we have all been rubbed the right way with said British boy's velvety voice. And, that comment would produce about twenty shades of red from Rob.

Melissa said...

He is awesome. Stacy Sunshine-not so much. How did she "not know who he was until 10 days ago"?? She must have been living under a rock. He is hot and I love his voice....

Jewels64 said...

Velvet voice, lovely scruff, sex hair...The whole (dare I say it...) package was in place!

Poor little caught up in her OMIGOD media Mall world that she just didn't get it....

Give it a couple of days and she'll start to feel the effects of the Robsession Virus. Maybe she was just blinded by being so close to him. She had no time to pour over interview after interview, pix after pix like the rest of us....

Sabrizzle said...

I wish you wouldn't have mentioned creme brulee Lynn! The restaurant I used to work at made the best creme brulee and now I am going to be picturing Rob the next time I eat it. I think I might have to sneak out of the restaurant to eat it because I don't think it would be appropriate for me to be eating something so delicious while having such dirty thoughts in public, especially around my former co-workers.

YQUE! said...

I gotta say I enjoyed that a bit. Even if she was all PEPPY KELLY BARBIE it was nice dark and quiet.

Kate said...

Ya I know she was a bit annoying but he was having a good laugh and that's the omportant thing.
It must be really hard to answer the same thing over and over again!

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