Seventeen Magazine w/ the boys from Twilight

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Rob asks the ladies to throw him a bone, cause he doesn't know how to go about asking them out and never gets asked out himself. Yeah Rob, things are about to change in that area.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Classic Rob.

Dani said...

I love the part about desperate women being his bag because it is easy for him, ah Rob we are all a little desperate when it comes to you.

Betsy said...

After seeing the kiss on the bed on Twilight I can't see him being a bad kisser!

Anonymous said...

First of all at least the weather in SF was really nice yesterday, so I had a great time in the city.
Second, him being an old soul, old souls tend to be loners and usually only call a couple of people friends. They usually only have less than a handful of close friends.:) Me too.

Anonymous said...

I think most of what he says, I take as him joking. Some are like freudian slips but there is a bit of truth in all with exageration.
What do you ladies think?

Anonymous said...

Of course things in print you can't believe stupid mags anyway.
So many misprints or previous untruths repeats again and again.

Anonymous said...

But I do have a feeling he isn't loose with his body even though he'd seems like he's an affectionate person.
The more I read I think he respects his body and he has morals. I really don't think he sleeps around, it would be east to say hey, he can really have all the women he wants, but I don't know. I think he thinks about things like disease and stuff.
He has said in a taped interview he's a one woman at a time man.
I think we would have a lot of surprises if we really had the opportunity to get to know him.

Anonymous said...

By that I meant I think he wants a relationship. Not a just a body.

Anonymous said...

I know a lot about old souls.
I'm one, I fought it awhile and now I just go with what I am and try to not change who I am.
My coloring, my inclinations, my views etc.

Kate said...

Dani there are lots of videos from robs planet hollywood appearance here on "You Tube"

Dani said...

Thanks kate I can't post vids cause I am at work, but I will look into it later.

Jewels64 said...

Sometimes I just wonder if he is an evil genius that secretly knows he's the greatest thing since sliced bread and diabolically knows how to whip us all up into a frenzy! He's hot. Definately hot.

Jewels64 said...

Jov...I know what you mean by old souls. You are so right that Rob is one! Me too. A friend of my mother's said I lived all my past lives as a man and now I'm having to repent my mistakes by being a woman. Just have a handful of friends I can really count on. How they put up with me...I don't know!

Suss said...

When I read other actors/musicians say things like this, I usually think they're just faking it to get more girls and just seem like they're.. Special. But when it comes to Rob, I totally believe him. I don't know if this came out right haha but I hope you understand what I mean ;D

Eva said...

I don't believe him LOL
We all saw the picture of him sticked out his tongue to that girls ear:)
That comes with practice (and some alcohol):)

Tess said...

Oh my gosh his comments were hysterical.

You never know if he's just being sarcastic or if he really feels that way..

OK. Who want's to make the pilgrimage with me to LA so we can ask Rob out??

giggling to herself... tells bouncer "See those guys are taking pictures of me, let me in"

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