Screen caps-Decode


babbles said...

11th screen cap down - Hell Freakin Yes!!! Now that is Edward... Hot Damn!!!

Love it - Thnx guys, I am way stoked today, feelin very Fangirlish...

p r i s c a said...

*fans self* when edward has bella pinned against that green mossy thing, WOWZA!

YQUE! said...

Umm ok I would like a #2, #3, #4, with a large side of #8 SUPER SIZED.

Lynn said...

The 9th SC is perfection! Bella and Edward up against a mossy rock wall blows my imagination away.

Betz---I know!

kristen said...

Betzabe - That's what I'm talkin about!! If I were Bella in that scene, I would have needed the tree for support to stay on my feet. Oh, who am I kidding, I would have already dissolved in a puddle at his feet.

I don't know how Kristen keeps it together - I would be a hot mess the entire time!

kristen said...

Oh, I guess it's a mossy green rock, not a tree. Whatever it is, I would have needed it to stay on my feet.

Dani said...

Goz you have been busy. I love the caps. Rob in the neck scene leaning in ooooohhhhhwweeeee! And I wanna know of he kisses her up against that rock. Probably, he should be slapped if he didnt.

babbles said...

Dani ~ Slapped if he didn't!!! LOL...
These are all Hot, Love it... I am not concentrating on my work at all... This is going to be a bad week I can tell, What a way to start it off...

Lynn said...

Dani---yes, the caps with Edward going for the vampiric lean in are devilishly delicious---you can picture the venom starting to drip off of those gorgeus eye teeth.

Goz---thank you, m'lady!

Eva said...


I don't know what else to say, I'm having such a hard time to find the right words in english...or any other language for that matter:)

lyla, I know, I don't get it how Kristen is holding up, I'm melting on my chair just looking at the pictures.

Amy said...

OMGAAAHH I love the video!!! This song just totally fits with the movie. It's like the Twilight anthem or something. Loving the screen caps - his eyes are perfect in that one where he get's out of the car. Can he be any more gorgeous?? Wow. I love the shot of Carlisle in there too, he looks amazing. And the whole prom almost neck bite & meadow scene is going to be intense...I CAN'T WAIT :)

Lynn said...

LOL I am picturing a nice ass slap with lots or reverberation off of Rob's sweet back half-----ay, papi!

Dani---get out of my sick and twisted head!

Lynn said...

Amy---agreed, Carlisle Cullen crush is in full throttle with that shot---yummy.

Emily said...

Rob can tamper with my memory any time he wants. WOWZA is right!
I agree Lyla, I'd be in no condition do to anything except lust if Rob was that close to me. My only complaint would be that there was still a bit of daylight in between our bodies which means he could lean just a little closer...

Brooke - good call on the 11th one down. Angry, stalker Edward is hot!

Rose said...

*heavy sigh*

Dani said...

Lynn I am with you Carlisle Cullen with that stare he did in the vid just took my breath away. All I could think was "I have to stop the bleeding if you are going to be taking blood from her hand" And imagining him in doctor mode is really a wonderful image.

Amy said...

Oh and Vanity Fair comes out this week!!! I can't wait to see the photo shoot spread :) VF always does beautiful photos in every issue.

Lynn said...

I know....Peter Facinelli is so perfect....he has the Carlisle statue stare down pat. I wonder if Jennie Garth ever asks him to dress in a lab coat and powder his face....where is my mind?

Anonymous said...

WOW, lol i def. agree
rob pinning her to the
mossy rock was AMAZING:D
i had to watch that part
3 times after the 1st time

Dani said...

Oh Jennie Garth seems like a bit of a prude to me. Don't get me wrong I adore her she is very sweet but don't see her as the adventurous type. But yes Peter in white face and some blond hair in a lab coat. Could there be a tastier doc?

Lynn read your e-mail.

Kat said...

Wow... all I can say is wow. How KStew doesn't dissolve into a puddle, I don't know.

I love the stalker crazed Vampah look, love it. Love it all. Ohh.... is it Nov 21st yet?

Carlisle too, nice.

And Lynn - all I can think about now is venom dripping off of eye teeth!!!

Lynn said...

Oh, I bet Jennie is a tomcat in the Facinelli household! J/K!

Kathryn----does it make you want to just lick on a spoonful of honey? Add drip, drip to the zip, zip and away you go!

Kat said...

Lynn... you're not helping me concentrate on work :-)

Drip, drip... zip, zip.... mmmmmmm.

Dani said...

OH BOY...yes the dripping and the unzipping would happen in an instant should Rob ever have pinned me up against that rock or Dr. Cullen working his magic doctor hands on my loveliness. Yikes the food items that could be used in either scenario are endless.

Kat said...

"Oh Edward, you dripped some venom on your pants, you know how badly that stains - come on now, unzip, off with the pants" - I wonder if that's a line in the movie?

Dani said...

K- I bet it is. "Oh Bella im so sorry, your pants really must come off venom is murder on denim, now that your pants are off lets take this to your bedroom and do a little kissing while they're in the washer"

Jewels64 said...

Hmmm... kissing Bella against the rock. Remind a few of you ladies of a little fan fic I sent to you. OMG! To see an actual picture outside of my head. I am panting like a dog right now.

I'm in full on squeal mode. I hope you know Dani and Gozde that you guys are going to be considered accessories to murder. Rob will be the actual culprit, but you're sure as hell helping me toward an early grave....

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