
Okay HERE is a piece from Fox. It has really become quite the hysteria hasn't it?

I don't want to preach... So I'm not going to...

Just be cool people :)


Dani said...

I honestly am invisible this evening I was just about to post this too. I am having an off night.

Dani said...

And that girl at the end, WOW I can't believe that was the best night in her very short and seemingly uneventful life.

Gozde said...

Yep, hence the scarrrrrry. People are completely going bonkers over him.

Gozde said...

Honey, you are NEVER invisible :-)

Dani said...

Its just an off night. I think its the PMS and the hemorrhaging.

Jewels64 said...

OMG! It's the best thing that has ever happened to me...!!!

Hi. Welcome to Earth. You are going to experience more things in your lifetime that are more important than meeting Rob Pattinson. Sure I didn't get to do it. But get a GRIP!

Has anyone noticed that the decibel level of screaming is something that only dolphins can understand? I'm so tired of the vids of girls saying "OMIGOD", crying and smacking their gum. Shit, I am getting old.

Anonymous said...

Quick note~~
Thanls for making me feel so at home!
Dani, you and Goz are the most visible people here. I haven't met either one of you, but I get a warm vibe from you both. Invisible you're NOT!
Sweet Dreams to all!
(and I hope your week's not shit;
my shit week is during parent-teacher conferences~how do you tell a parent that their kid's on another planet?? lol)
'night, again!

Gozde said...

Dani, I want to cradle you :-) You've been so awesome on the blog this week, I've been a shitty partner and you kept everything up! Love ya!

Rusharthi said...

I can't belive that girl was crying. People have seriously gone crazy! Poor guy, he's dealing with all this so well, I would be scared as hell if someone was crying over me.

Thanks Gozde you guys are awesome!!

Jewels64 said...

Dani - this is the biggest hug I can send you right now. Please take your arms, wrap them around yourself and squeeze tight.

You gave me the same hug when I needed one desperately! Whatever, whenever, I got your back baby girl!

Lynn said...

I might like spaz...cute! The fangurl with the runny mascara was really scawwwry...I could imagine Rob cringing just a little bit at that mug.

Lynn said...

Dani---here's another humorous Rob caveat, could you imagine him just randomly going off the stage and crowd surfing? Would the fangurlz catch him or not?

Random...I know!

Sabrizzle said...

I think if he were to try crowdsurfing they would pull him down and all pig-pile on top of him. Poor guy would get flattened like a pancake.

Lynn said...

Sabrizzle---I know, the fangurlz crave zee blood, eh? Just something to cheer up, Miss Dani.

Sabrizzle said...

They sure do, it is a rather humorous (and scary) mental image.

MiCh said...

Dani, you're not invisible. You're such a clever and funny girl who makes me laugh in almost every comment you write on here. And both you and Gozde are doing an amazing job with the blog!
Big hugs to you! And some tender licks from my dog n_n

Dani said...

Thanks ladies and you all make me feel very special.
I want to see Rob jump into the crowd but I fear for his life.

Lynn said...

Sabrizzle---way, way scary!

Lynn said...

Dani---okay, a personal crowd with just the Robkats and a few gay guys to even out the anty.

Dani said...

Lynn I love ya! And yes that would help, I gotta get to bed, I will see you ladies in the am. Hopefully more Rob goodies to come then.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm pretty sure he would end up in the ER. I'm glad he hasn't tried it!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Dani!

Lynn said...

Good night, Dani! Chin up, believe me....things can always seem worse then they are and then you get a big smile from Hayden or Ben does something special and then it's all good.

Dani said...

Thanks babe, it always gets better...just a little time needed. Much love to you all, hugs to you are a tender heart.

Lynn said...

Sabrizzle---even if safety was a certainty--that would be so not Rob's style.

I am listening to "My Immortal" and I am getting teary. Dani, I am feeling you!

Lynn said...

Dani--Thank you! ((((YOU)))))

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I can't really see him doing that either, thankfully.

L.A. Starz said...

I think it's funny how he went from "Rob who" in Monday's CBS-5 tv report (San Francisco) to Friday's "International Superstar Rob Pattinson" per this report from Boston on Friday.

k said...

my favorite part of that video (besides seeing how cute rob is even when he's doing something totally mortal like sipping a drink through a straw) was the ad after it with "dr. dave david" hahahahaha!

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