Rotten Tomatoes 5 Favorite Movies w/ Rob

Below are Rob's 5 favorite movies and his explanations why.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's NesThe films that I like aren't necessarily because they're good films in themselves -- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a good film -- but that one specifically meant a lot to me. Not because I was in a mental home or anything, but that character influenced me so much when I was 15 or 16, and bits of it stuck with me. A lot of that kind of "putting your middle finger up to the world" attitude -- not that I really have that, but...I used to be so timid, and that was one of those films that [helped me break out], by pretending to be [Jack Nicholson's character] Randle.

 The ExorcistThe Exorcist, because I love Linda Blair. [Laughs] She's my ideal woman.

Prenom Carmen (First Name: Carmen) What else do I like? A Godard film called Prenom Carmen, which sounds like I'm just saying that to be cool, but it's actually one of my favorite films. I think it's the best Godard film. It's like his version of Carmen the opera, one of his films from the eighties. In terms of just pure filmmaking and manipulating an audience, it kind of starts out as a farce, as a complete, stupid farce, with this bank robbery; but it's really, really...Godardian, with kind of a stupid humor that's so random. Only he could make it, mixed up with these kinds of philosophical elements.

It starts out with one of these bank robbers, these students, and she starts to sleep with one of the guards; she's having sex with him in the bank, and he pretends to arrest her and they run away together. And he wants to be part of her gang. It's all so completely ridiculous. And then suddenly, halfway through, it turns into the most heartbreaking, serious thing that you've ever seen -- out of nowhere! -- and you're suddenly so attached to these characters, which you weren't before, because it seemed like a stupid student film. They have this secondary story where they have a string quartet playing the soundtrack which runs in the other story, but they film them during rehearsal, just doing really close up things with them playing cello and stuff, and it's about the relationship with the conductor and this girl, the cellist -- and it's completely random to the film, but it's incredible.

Continuing on the subject of Godard...

I love the last line of Breathless -- it's literally one of the best [representations] of the relationship between women and men. He was also very aware of how people viewed his films, and that film in particular. Everyone was thinking, oh, I'm cool, because I like this, and it's like, "What does 'bitch' mean?" [Laughs] That's kind of the conflict. I love that.

Breathless is definitely what got me into Godard. You can't really be influenced by Jean-Paul Belmondo though, because he's too cool -- so there's no point in me trying to be like him! Randle McMurphy, you can kind of wear his clothes. [Laughs] It's quite easy to find them. But if you wore Belmondo's clothes, you'd look like an idiot.

But even he's trying to be someone else -- he's trying to be Bogart.

He's not really -- he's cooler than Bogart! [Pattinson imitates Belmondo's signature move, brushing his thumb over his lips.] That's like the coolest thing! Another film, Pierrot le Fou -- I did everything from those movies. These stupid, random things, like when he says, "Can I get two beers?" And she's like, "Why?" "I want to have one when I finish the other one." I was like, that's so cool! I have to do that all the time! There's this stupid thing from Arizona Dream, with Vincent Gallo and Johnny Depp, where Vincent Gallo does this thing, [in Gallo's American accent] "Two shots, two beers." So every time I buy drinks, I go "Two shots, two beers!" I love that film so much.

Corky Romano Corky Romano. I love that film. Literally, that's one of the only films I've pissed my pants at. Like, I actually pissed my pants. The first time I was in L.A. I was watching it on TV. The scene where he's on coke...was literally the only thing that they advertised, it was like the only point of the whole movie! I love that character. I love how Chris Kattan just stripped his whole career in one movie. The only guy off Saturday Night Live who just messed it up! It's like, what happened? The only guy. That's why I think it's so great. I also love the behind-the-scenes stuff on the DVD where none of the crew are laughing; the director's [hiding] and he's telling Chris Kattan, "Just do something funny, just make Chris Penn laugh," and none of the crew think it's funny at all. And you can tell Chris Kattan is just freaking out. Also, he had that vein, which I have [Pattinson points to his forehead] which pops out of his head. I can really relate to him.

ivan's xtc. A film called ivan's xtc. It's a Danny Huston film. That's what I've been watching obsessively recently. It's amazing; Danny Huston should have gotten nominated for an Oscar for it. It's about an agent in Hollywood, and it's kind of a dumb movie before Huston comes in, and then literally is the best example of one performance elevating a movie. It was shot on digital video; it's all improvised. Just having him there, he's literally this -- I don't know, I can't even describe it. I've never seen a performance like it. He's flawless. And if you've ever met an agent, ever...


Thanks to Jules for the link you are one foxy lady.


La Stella said...

And suddenly, Corky Romano dissapears from shelves everywhere.

Tess said...

*scratches head*

OK. I'm reading this list of movies... and I feel really unenlightened. I've never heard of any of these except 2, and I've only seen 1. WTF!

He must've really been a loner. Don't you find that a lot of people who are not comfortable around other people immerse themselves in other things (art, literature, movies) I'm analyzing him here. ha ha

La Stella said...

Tess-- Yes, that is why I read so much and watch movies some people haven't heard of. Also, that is why I relate better with people thru message boards or blogs.

Ellie said...

I'm also at a total loss with most of Rob's list.
He's so deep; I suddenly feel very shallow.
Good evening, ladies!

Dani said...

Hello again Ellie welcome back.

Tess said...

Stella D- I was exactly the same until a few years ago. needless to say, I was not popular in school... I don't watch too many movies, but I'll read almost anything.

it's all about escape.. and that's where this blog comes in ;)

Ellie said...

Thanks, Dani!
I would have posted sooner, but I've been spending my evening reading Jules' creations (and what creations they are! *fans face repeatedly*) and catching up on all the videos you've so graciously put up here. You're amazing!

MiCh said...

Whoa, this is and odd list: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Corky Romano? Such boy, his mind is very intricate.

Anonymous said...

Happy Evening Ladies, it's Jovie.
I've watched Over, Breathless, Corky Romano, Arizona Dream but not the other two Prenom Carmen or Pierrot le Fou. I haven't seen these films through his eyes. I would rewatch them to try to understand why they make him tick like he does, though.
I would even watch the Exorcist again for him, after watching the quips and quotes vid Dani posted, and keep him around just because he makes me laugh so much. Maybe we could trade one of your movies for one of mine...
He makes me laugh almost everyday.
agree on the loner thing tess:}

Amy said...

EXTRA video...

I love this one!

Kat said...

Evening ladies..

I agree Tess - I really think he is quite a lonely guy with just a handful of really good friends, instead of a mountain of not very good friends. Most people don't get there until their 30's when they realize who their real friends are. He's a good guy... I like him even more each day.

Oh... and he knows about his forehead vein... which one of you ladies pointed it out to him????

Lynn said...

Wow, what a totally eclectic list! I love his insight and he can even make a total loser film like Corky Romano seem Oscar worthy.

Tess, I agree that often the lonely ones are those who tend to overanalyze things and take note to detail.

I'm kind of the same way...I watch mostly indie and foreign films and I have a passion for documentaries. I love studying the human condition and I am forever immersed to the specifics of films.

Well, I would love to hear other ppl's top five and why. I guess we will have to email that one out.

k said...

let's see how many of these are on "very long wait" on netflix now huh?!
i actually own breathless, because i loooove jean seberg, but i've never watched it. will try & remedy that tonight.
lynn-i totally wanna do everyone's top 5. what a great idea!
thanks for letting me crash this rob party so late. i'm just so glad i found you all. i've been in my rob bubble for quite awhile now and couldn't really release my passion for him. now i'm releasing!!!!

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