Robert Pattinson in New York Times!

NY Times has a piece about Rob very seductively named "A Night Out with Robert Pattinson"! 2 weeks ago it was just us and now NY Times has an interview with him. How 'bout that?

WHAT does a newly minted British movie star do when he hits New York?

He heads straight to Brooklyn to visit Bedford-Stuyvesant, apparently.

“I visited the Marcy projects this afternoon,” said Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward Cullen, the handsome vegetarian vampire in the film “Twilight,” which opens Nov. 21. “It was great. Nobody noticed me at all.”

Mr. Pattinson, 22, said that visiting the old stamping ground of one of his musical idols, Jay-Z, brought back memories of his own earlier artistic endeavors.

“When I was 14, I fronted a rap trio,” he said late Sunday night at the Stanton Social, a dim, bustling tapas bar on the Lower East Side. Mr. Pattinson said the band was “pretty hard-core for three private school kids from suburban London.” He added, “And my mum’s, like, cramping our style, popping her head in to ask, ‘You boys want a sandwich?’ ” (Gozde's note: I swear he is making this sh*t up, it just can't be for real! :-))

Lying low in a hoodie and his ubiquitous black ski cap, Mr. Pattinson might have gone undetected in Brooklyn, but that may not be the case for long.

“In Rome there were absolute mobbings,” said the film’s director, Catherine Hardwicke, who, along with Jamie Marshall — her boyfriend and a producer of “Twilight” — had joined Mr. Pattinson for dinner. Ms. Hardwicke and Mr. Pattinson had just returned from an Italian press tour for the film adaptation of the novel for teenagers, the first in a series that has sold over 10 million copies and counting.

“I don’t know how many girls with braces tried to kiss Rob,” Ms. Hardwicke said.

“They’d ask, and if you said ‘no,’ they’d kiss you anyway,” said Mr. Pattinson, who is probably best known for his role as ill-fated Cedric Diggory in two Harry Potter films.

After macaroni and cheese and fish tacos, the group ambled over to the low-key Death & Co., a lounge on the Lower East Side, where Ms. Hardwicke sipped a raspberry and soda concoction and sketched Mr. Pattinson and her other tablemates on a napkin.

“One of my favorite parts of making the movie,” she said, “was watching Rob play the music he wrote. He just lets it out, and it breaks your heart.”

Mr. Pattinson, who sings and plays guitar, has two earthy ballads, “Never Think” and “Let Me Sign,” featured in “Twilight.” But criticism brought forth by a Web clip of an unannounced acoustic set at the Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles last month has turned Mr. Pattinson off making music.

“I was so not ready for the scrutiny,” he said. “I haven’t touched a guitar since. When you know you have to be good every time, you never want to do it again.”

Ms. Hardwicke, who had pushed Mr. Pattinson to include the tracks in the film, said, “Now I feel guilty.” Then she pored over a set of “Twilight” trading cards. “There’s no director card,” she said, without a trace of regret.

Mr. Pattinson, nursing a whiskey and soda, examined his card. “I don’t think it looks like me at all,” he said, tossing it aside. “There’s just no connection.”

“It’s crazy,” Ms. Hardwicke said. “There are T-shirts, trading cards, a board game. They even sent samples of underwear with Rob’s head on them.”

After a moment of reflection, she added, “I hope they nix those.”


Dani said...

I was just about to post this! Ha!

Dani said...

Okay he cannot be for real about the rap group. There is no way he is serious...yes Rob Pattinson was in a hard core rap group. SURE!

Gozde said...

Yep, it's one of those things he'll go "I don't know where that came from!" :-))

Gozde said...

Ladies, we couldn't ditch Dani this time :-)) She is here before all of us :P

Lynn said...

I gotta switch computers, this one's killing me!

Gozde said...

Okay I posted this before I saw Amy's link, am I on it like red in rice or what? :PP Last time I use that...or not :-))

Jewels64 said...

Big Daddy Pimpin Rob Style!

Seriously? He is so British...yeah Rob, pull the other leg. It plays Jingle Bells!!!!

Hoodie? Check. Beanie? Check. Alcoholic beverage of choice? Check!

All systems are GO! We have another Rob entry into the blogosphere!

Dani said...

Hey Hey!!!! I AM RIGHT HERE!!! RUDE!

Sabrizzle said...

I agree with CH and hope they nix the undies with Rob's face on them. That's just kinda creepy.

Lynn said...

Goz--it's white on rice....lush much? wink, wink.

I would kill for a cocktail right about now!

Dani said...

She always says red on rice. Is this thing on?

Jewels64 said...

Crickets Dani...I think you may be hearing crickets....

I hear ya! Just as loud as the rainbow crowd at Starbucks!

Gozde said...

That's the point Lynn :-)) I know it's white on rice :-)

Lynn said...

Yes, Dani! Red on rice...I guess I don't pay attention enough. Sniff.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, speaking of cocktails...I need another one! Thanx!

DirtyD said...

Yahoo news is saying that not only new moon, and eclipse are in the works but so is breaking dawn!

I hope they make Breaking Dawn!
Feathers anyone?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! When did you move over to this one??
Now I gotta' copy and paste that last epic I just wrote!

Lynn said...

Dani---I was so out of the loop this week that I just learned that my boss at work is leaving in a week and it was announced three weeks ago. I get the feeling that I either tune things out too well or ppl forget to tell me stuff.

Dani said...

Thank God this thing is on, you like me, you really really like me!

I am feeling ignored by life this evening, but im going to go out and buy that "hard core" rap album by a couple of londoner teens and rock out by myself with a pizza pocket and some peach snapple consoling myself with useless knowledge that I find under the caps.

Dani said...

This week is shit Lynn...pure shit.

Anonymous said...

Well my new best friends, time to get some shut-eye and some begin a serious Rob-inspired dreamfest.
Yummy yawns!
Hope to chat again tomorrow night- after an evening filled with BAGPIPE music at my daughter's high school(her BFF's in the band and they're having a military tatoo). Say a prayer that my ears survive the thunderous whininess of said instruments. The things we do for our loved ones...

Jewels64 said...

Will they really show what happens with Edward and Bella in the cottage? The sea.... the whenever they freaking feel like it?

NOT GONNA HAPPEN...that shit has to be left up to all our little perverted minds.

Because, face the facts, if SMeyer can't even see a James McAvoy (her favorite actor) film that has a rating of more than PG13, we'll never see a seen of the creature with two backs.

Lynn said...

LOL I just thought of the scene from High Fidelity with the little skate punks that get a record deal, that reminds of Rob's rap trio.

Gozde said...

Awww, Dani, how could we leave you behind? :-)

And Lynn, I feel ya! And Jules, I have no idea why but I am such a light weight tonight! I am almost drunk on my 2nd appletini.And Ellie, you gotta keep up lol :P

Lynn said...

Dani--you're scaring me! Was it really that bad? I know that I missed your texts...sorry, it was so shitty.

Jewels64 said...

Okay sorry about that spelling error in the last post.

SCENE! and done! Take a bow!

Vodka is responsible for killing last brain cells left. Do not try this at home kids, leave it up to the professionals!

Gozde said...

Night night Ellie, good luck with the bagpipes! Yikes!

MiCh said...

Oh, I must confess that I have recurring dreams about Breaking Dawn, you know, feathers and broken headboards..
- Why am I covered in feathers?
- I bit a pillow.. or two!

Lynn said...


Lynn said...

G'night, Ellie!

DirtyD said...

Nite ladies! It's 2 am here so I better call it a night.

Dani said...

Yeah it was pretty much pure shit at work, I had cramps all of Thursday people called in sick we are short staffed. I was trying to keep up with the blog, not that it was a big deal but ya know it just got out of hand at work. Oh and everyone at work forgot my birthday.

Usually there is a card sent around everyone signs it, my boss gets a cake for everyone on their birthday and everyone enjoys it, I get a plant or something.

BUT NOTHING!!! Crickets just like tonight.

Gozde said...

Aww baby! We threw a big birthday bash for you here :-)) That's why I hate birthdays and new years. You set yourself up for disappointment.

Lynn said...

Okay, Dani this is for you, I hope it makes you feel better and gets a laugh.

Tonight, Audrey told me how some guy at her high school wore a sign saying "free hugs" and he reached out to hug her. Audrey (my sweet ice queen) kind of shrank back and said "do I know you"?

Well, the kid went on to hug an unknowing freshman girl and announced, number 57.

While in Rob mindset, I blurted out, "well, may be you should have hugged him and then pinched his ass" (mentally I am slamming my head in to the steering wheel...why did I say that). Audrey laughed it off...sometimes I forget she's only 15.

Lynn said...

Awww, Dani! That stinks! Chin up, there are no crickets here...just love!

Jewels64 said...

Gotta love the kid who had the cojones to do that! AWESOME!

Yeah, I once had the tag of ice queen in high school. College...not so much.

Dani said...

Oh the birthday love here was in full effect. Im not too upset about the work thing, work sucks ass lately.

Lynn loved the story. So funny "do i know you" I can just imagine the look on her face.

Lynn said...

Jewels---I know right! A true smartass is the best.

Lynn said...

I knew you would appreciate that...out of the mouths of babes comes my ice queen teen who will break many hearts.

Gozde said...

I always wanted to be an ice queen :-)) Kudos to your girl Lynn :-))

k said...

his story about his mom reminds me of marge simpson bringing tang & cookies to lisa & her new cool vacation friends.

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