Robert Pattinson at Planet Hollywood! :)

It's craptastic and lots of screaming but still :-)


Dani said...

Yay Goz! Im never going to get to sleep tonight with all the damn vids I have yet to watch.

Lynn said...

Goz---you're a rockstar like dear Rob. Wow, the screaming is out of control---love it.

p r i s c a said...

Ladies! I have missed you all. I have been checking but just haven't had a sec to fully MELT on comment over these photos. MY GOODNESS! I LOVE HIM!

I also love that he's fighting back with the hair. "Oh really, you love my hair...and if i got this right, i'm not allowed to cut it. Well...FINE!...I'll just cover it up!"

DirtyD said...

I'm a little irritated after watching this video. All that screaming...ughhh...those girls need to take it down a couple notches. I'm feeling a little protective of our Rob right now. I'm weirded out by it all just watching it, yet he stands there and handles it all with grace as always. I'd run away.

Gozde said...

I thought the exact same thing! I would run away if people were screaming my name like that. He seems to be handling it well tho.

Rusharthi said...

Wow the screaming lol
Thank you for the video!!
He was really pressing on his handprints hehehhee..

kristen said...

Holy Crap. I finally just watched this video, and I totally agree with you, Dana and Gozde. If I were Rob, as soon as I heard those screams, I would have run as fast as I could in the opposite direction. And it wasn't just the screaming... the flashes from all the photographers was INSANE. It looked like he was probably going to be seeing stars the rest of the night - it was CONSTANT camera flashes for the entire 6 min video! Poor guy is leading quite the crazy life these days.

bella's mom said...

Oh my God! Not one second without constant flashes! Poor guy is lucky he's not blinded. I felt so sorry for him, I bet he gets so tired of the same questions over and over. And when he tried to make a joke about the clothes he brought, they didn't get it, she just looked at him like he was crazy. Poor thing, I just felt like mothering him and whisking him out of there.

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