Rob signing autographs @ Twilight afterparty


DirtyD said...

He looks like he had some happy juice before this. How can one guy be so nice to fans ALL the time. I'd be biting off heads at this point.

Ellie said...

I was thinking the same thing, Dana.
Eyes are a little loopy.But on him, it looks cute!

Kate said...

Ha ha I was thinking exactly the same. SOmepeoples eyes just go completely after a couple of drinks. If I have 2 beers my eyes are shot!!
Anyway how nice is he, GOD he must have been seing stars half the nice with all the flashes!
It's stuff like this that makes him SO ADORABLE!!

Ellie said...

Amen, Kate!

bella's mom said...

I know they were all on an adrenaline high last night, it was the culmination of alot of hard work and promotions, but for them all to remain so accessable to everyone is unheard of in Hollywood!

And as far as Rob, I'm just so astonished at all the crap he puts up with and keeps on smiling the whole time. Such a breath of fresh air in the "acting world".

Ellie said...

I hope the whole Hollywood thing (people kissing up to him, the artificial nightlife, etc.) doesn't make him too jaded...But I don't think it will, though. Rob seems to have his priorities straight and close friends to support him. Unfortunately, those friends seem to be a whole continent and ocean away.

Lynn said...

Good morning, ladies! Agreed, Rob looked like he threw back a few in the limo, he seemed much more relaxed. Last night, he looked exceptionally handsome, I'm sure that Clare and Richard were very proud.

Lynn said...

Ellie---Rob is definitely the exception to the rule, he realizes what a cesspool HelLA and that London is where he belongs. Of course, Rob will be here plenty with the next few films.

Ellie said...

Wow, I missed so much talk that went on after I went to bed last night.
Did anyone actually see Ashley arrive ?
I was a little disappointed that she wasn't next to Jackson in the group photo; seems like they were joined at the hip the last month or so, in posted videos. lol

Ellie said...

Hey, Lynn! What's shaking? (and don't ever ask ME that... ) :)

DirtyD said...

Ashely did walk the carpet but it seemed like nobody really interviewed her. She looked cute in her black dress and I think she came with her brother.

Ellie said...

Hi Mona--
In case you're wondering why I'm not teaching, the boys are in Music and I'm naturally having prep time
(read that as prep for Twilight on Friday)!

bella's mom said...

I loved that all the guys were color coordinated. Slight variation to the black suits. Their wardrobe people must have whispered among themselves.. hehehe

Jackson's white tie on black looked quite handsome, but I think Rob looked the most debonair and he carries that look very well if I say so myself.

bella's mom said...

lol morning ellie and lynn, and ellie,, shhhhhhh I'll never tell! hahaha

Ellie said...

Thanks for keeping my secret safe, Mona! =D

Ellie said...

Mona, I tried emailing you something and I got it back as mail failure :(

I think I fixed it. Did you get the window washer one??

bella's mom said...

yep I got that one too cute!

Kimberlesk said...

Morning Ladies, thanks for all the lovely photos!! What a way to start the day -- I have to wait to tonight to check the vids, can't do it at work :(
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that a Rob/Kristen photo made the NY Post's Page Six today. It was from the Much Music show, but still, means somebody's famous ....
Also, apparently South Park will be parodying Twilight this week (Wed. 10 pm Comedy Central).
And, somebody, anybody, find a photo of Clare & Richard -- must check out the pair the produced such perfection!
Have a fun Rob-filled Day!

Ellie said...

Thanks for the South Park specifics, Kim!
Okay, the boys are back, gotta get some knowledge and stuff in those heads of theirs...
Enjoy your day,ladies--
And yes, we need to see some pics of the couple who created such a beautiful specimen of manliness!

Ellie said...

p.s.-I'll check in at playtime :)

bella's mom said...

Ya know that suit he has on looks alot like the one he wore for the photo shoot in the banner, and he said it looked like something he would wear.. with a different shirt of course. hmmmmm

Rose said...

I'm exhausted. How in the world does Rob do it? And all with a smile and such grace.
At least the majority of fans in this video were polite, too...
Honestly, this whole Twilight thing has turned into such a frenzy. It makes me dizzy.
I'm also VERY interested in seeing pictures of his parents and/or family...they must be just bursting with pride over their beautiful, talented son.

Lynn said...

Ellie---I still ask myself the same question, I think that I will need a tummy tuck before that!

I love, love, love Rob's suit...he looked kinda ultra mod, he looked like he could be playing in a ska band.

Rose said... eyes hurt from staring at all the video and pictures.
Did ya ever notice that Rob doesn't seem to like to tie his shoes? The laces are always flopping around.

Yes, I need a life.

Dani said...

Morning babes! Yes I noticed that too...shoe laces are never tied. This guy is going to trip and make me very unhappy if he screws up that beautiful mug. ROB TIE YOUR DAMN SHOES! NURSES ORDERS!

Lynn said...

Rose---LOL I noticed Rob's shoes, too. Well, they were tied when he exited the limo. He's just a guy and I have yet to meet one that cares about tying their shoes.

I love it when Rob wears his 12 eye Docs unlaced....HOTTTTTTTT!

Amy said...

Hey Girls,

Don't you just LOVE waking up to all these stunning photos! Last night was so fun thanks to this blog & and all you wonderful people :) Dani & Goz, excellent job as always <3 - I'm so excited to read the film reviews from last night. One of our Toronto papers had one this morning which was great! Apparently the LA Times has one out as well??? I'll have to look for that.

This movie is going to be so insane on Friday. I have like a nervous feeling right now because of all the hype going on!

On another note, Rob is a doll. That boy signed more autographs/and took more quick pictures last night then I have seen any other stars do lately!! He is amazing. Even though his handlers were pulling him all over and shuffling him off to do press interviews, he still made time to do that for all those people waiting. Just another reason I <3 him more and more everyday!

Amy said...

Is anyone else having problems with the Lion and Lamb site? Are they doing maintenance or something?

Lynn said...

Morning, precious Dani! Rob's suit is inspiring to listen to some ska. I wish he could know how muc his fashion is influencing my music.

Kate said...

Please tell me I'm not the only one who did noticed the shoes :-0 well I wasn't exactly looking at his feet IYKWIM ;-) LOL

Lynn said...

Kate---ahem, WE were all scrolling those pics for the more obvious and it was the shoes, right???

Holy, holy, holy, Rob's inseam was just mind bottling---is that bad?

Kate said...

Oh yeah..emmmm....the shoes......of course....that's what I was looking at ;-).... LOL

k said...

he looks so hot at 1:22. such a supermodel pose. would kill to see that girl's photo. and at 1:40 he really looked at that girl intensely. and she didn't faint! what is wrong with her?

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