Rob @ Q102 Radio in Philly

Pics aren't the greatest quality but scroll down and you can see him looking at a copy of that unauthorized biography about him SO FUNNY!

Thanks to AJ for finding the pics-smooches to you!
Source lionandlamblivejournal


Emily said...

He's probably like, "Eternally Yours? Could they have picked a lamer title?" I wonder if he read any of it and, if so, how much of it was crap and how much of it was total crap? Sorry, I don't know why I'm being so rude. I just get the feeling the last thing Rob wants is an "unauthorized biography" written of him. Wouldn't that be the strangest thing to have someone who doesn't know you at all write your biography? It probably reads like his IMDb trivia page where it says he's an avid sportsman who enjoys snowboarding, football, etc. Yeah, we know that's not true! At least they chose a sexy picture for the cover.

We should definitely see more of Rob in that white t-shirt, however. He looks so good in that shirt, the black pants, and those shoes. His arm in the 4th one down is lovely.

Jewels64 said...

Rob looks so fascinated about his own life. You know, I was checking books in at work the other day, and the un-official Twilight companion came in.

Whoever this author was, who the hell was her editor and her proof reading team?

She claimed that Rob has soft brown eyes...WTF! Any one of us knows that beautiful blue/grey stare of his!!!

Then she had the gall to comment on "Breaking Dawn". She claims that during the honeymoon, Edward has to control himself because it has been so long since he has made love to a woman. GEEZ...last time I read "Breaking Dawn" for the 5th time...He was a VIRGIN!!!!!

That book was complete crap. Designed with quizzes to get 15 year old hearts all excited about taking the "EDWARD" quiz to see if you were a perfect match for him!!!

Shut up all of you on Facebook who took the Who is your Twilight Guy quiz...we know who we are. (P.S. my answer was Edward Cullen. SQUEE!)

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
babbles said...

OMG! Rob is everywhere... I can't even take it all in there are so many articles and interviews and photo's - Holy Hell!!!

Did anyone else actually watch the hour long footage of the VF shoot, Because I did *blushes* and when Kristen was pressed up against his back she takes a fist full of hair and it made my face go hot, I actually flushed red -lol- I loved the chemistry of the cast...

So much Rob goodness, Oh so little time *sighs*

Dani said...

Can I just say welcome back B! Where the Hell ya been? It seems at this point in the day is when Rob love is released into the atmosphere.

BTW that book is a load of crap. All has in it is things from the Internet, the person who wrote that should be slapped for her nonsense and lack of originality.

La Stella said...

Isn't it kind of weird to have a biography written of a 22 year old guy? I mean, yes, he is the closest we have to Greek Gods, but still

Sabrizzle said...

I like the 5th pic because you can see his lovely long fingers so well.

Umenohana123 said...

I have that book, actually. It's really crap. Everyone laughed at me for getting that book. What can I say, I'm a sucker for anything to do with Rob.

Dani said...

Well is it any wonder why that piece of written diarrhea costs only five bucks? Still not even curious enough to waste the money.

Denisse you are right he is like a golden God in the looks department but really he is 22 years old! He has barely lived.

Anonymous said...

LOL Jewels. Brooke - it's a Robgasm in cyberspace these days.

I swear if I hear one more interviewer ask "Did you read the books before you took the part" I'll throw all 7000 pages of Breaking Dawn at them.

And that's gotta hurt ya know! Like just the chapters that have Nessie in them will be excutiatingly painful.

Emily said...

Does he get money from the sale of that book? Anyone know? If someone is milking the Rob hype like I would hope he'd be getting something out of it, at least. The whole thing with that book irritates me to no end.

babbles said...

I sorda have an issue that someone, anyone really can write a book like that and call it a "biography" - blasphemy I say!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops - excrutiatingly. There's an 'r' in there just like there's an 'r' in obsessed.

Dani said...

Oh hell AJ that part of the interview always kills me. Be original already. Do your homework!

Amy said...

Anyway, Dani did you see the Fairfax Hot Topic pics of KStew and Nikki from Virginia? You must check those out, they are hilarious. Mostly due to Kristen's facial expressions.

Lynn said...

Dani---post them, I know that they are just technically Rob related, but, it would sweet to have the other Twilight lovelies on here.

Anonymous said...

Amy - are those the pics from the interview where she called Twilight fans 'retarded'? I will admit to 'insane' but 'retarded' ...?

Amy said...

Here Lynn...

Lynn said...

Amy---you are golden! My brain would not even know where to go!

Dani said...

I can't I'm not on my computer. Sorry. But did she really call twifans retarded? That's kinda fucked up, pardon my French but that's not cool.

babbles said...

I thought she looked pretty Hot in those, both of them... Beautiful and always so flirty with eachother...

Anonymous said...

Dani - it was in her MSN interview. I'll find the link.

Lynn said...

Kristen and Nikki both looked gorgeus. But, they both looked like they were thinking, "how the fuck do we get outta here"? I don't the validity of Kristen's comments, but, biting the hand that will potentially pay your salary is not a cool thing to do 7 days before your movie premiere.

BTW, the girl's hand that had "I love Robert" was hilarious and Kristen looked like she was flipping off the camera a few times.

La Stella said...

Kristen looks like she regrets doing twilight. She should be more careful, Bella could easily be played by almost any other actress.. it doesn't take much to play an average girl.

Amy said...

Her and Nikki both look gorgeous. They always do!

I have no idea AJ. I don't think there is video yet from the girl's Fairfax appearance other then what is on that site. Unless there are some on YouTube now? I'm not sure, and I haven't looked yet.

If she did happen to say that, I think sometimes Kristen just get's majorly overwhelmed and kinda just says whatever she feels without thinking. Obviously she get's VERY nervous very easily and she's not used to censoring herself in interviews and appearances because she is not used to having to deal with this type of spotlight. In all her indie roles the promo/press she did was never really this insane, neither were the fans reactions. That's my take on it anyway. Media and her do not mix at all!

Good thing Nikki is on the tour with her, it would be way to much if she was by herself at these HT events.

kristen said...

Ugh - AJ, I hear ya on the repeated questions. I swear, if I were Rob and I heard one more time: "So, for those of us who don't know, can you tell us what Twilight is about?", I think I would bang my head against the wall. Repeatedly. I mean, God, it is annoying for us to listen to it over and over again, so it must be WAY worse to be the one answering it over and over again. I'm so impressed Rob continues to answer the questions politely. I would probably snap and tell the reporter, "Why don't you do your research and look at the 637 other interviews I've done where I answer that same exact question?" But of course Rob is wonderful and never shows any annoyance with the situation. The man is a saint!

Dani said...

Lynn that is very well put. Kristen can come off a little condescending sometimes, she is very blunt and honest but these twifans who see the movie 20 times each are the ones helping to propell the next two movies into being made so she should watch her mouth.

Is of strange that Nikki and K Stew are best friends or what? Its nice but before this movie I had no idea they knew eachother.

I still want K Stew and Rob to get together someday but I'm a little miffed.

Emily said...

Those pictures of Nikki and Kristen are pretty funny. Kristen looks absolutely gorgeous in some and then in others, she looks like she wants to throw up. I probably would too if I was surrounded by that many people. Do you think she and Nikki planned their outfits?

I'm glad to see some of the rest of the cast helping out with the promoting. It's got to be a bit easier on Rob to have other people there as a buffer between him and the hysteria. You're right, Lynn. They did look like they just wanted it all to end but I'm sorry, they have NOTHING to complain about compared to what Rob has put up with.

Anonymous said...

Here's the quote, regarding the fans (Twilmoms?) that stopped by the Oregon set.

I just didn't pay attention," Stewart recalls. "I was like, 'You guys are celebrating something that has not come true yet. So, you are really retarded and have nothing to do with this creative process and I really don't want to hear you celebrate in front of me. Get out of here! It's my responsibility!'"

Amy said...

Well if that's what was said then yeah that is a bit rude. That sounds like an Actress taking her job WAY to seriously.

Is that on video? Or just a second hand account from a TwiMom?

Dani said...

Aj! Wow that's a mouthful. But twimoms creep the hell out of me so I sorta forgive the comment.

Emily said...

Lyla - LOL!! Exactly! I'm just waiting for him to flip out the next time he gets asked that. I'm so glad that we haven't heard, "Tell me how playing Cedric Diggory helped prepare you for the role of Edward Cullen" lately. I could almost see his eyes roll whenever he got asked that one.

Dani said...

Kristen needs to lighten up a bit more that's for sure Amy. She takes everything too damn seriously I wonder what makes her laugh. Like out loud snot out the nose pee in your pants laugh.

She needs to do a little of that before promo.

Anonymous said...

Here's the interview . I think Kristen is young and nervous with all the attention. I know I'd put my foot in my mouth a million times if I had to do all that press.

Sabrizzle said...

I can't believe Kristen said that. Sure Twimoms are somewhat creepy but still, don't piss off the people who are the reason you are making the movie. Without the fans, Twilight wouldn't be made into a movie.

Lynn said...

I think that sometimes when actors speak stream of thought and it's caught on print that fans cannot get past any brutal honesty and negativity. Kristen is an actress and she is playing a part. The Twifreak fans need to let the creative process of film making take place without any judgement.

babbles said...

AJ~ OMG *hold hand over mouth in shock* "Oh No She Didn't!"

I cant believe she said that... She is a feisty one...

Kristen does need a little press lesson's... she should always have someone on her left or right as a buffer because she does go off the wall sometimes...

Dani said...

Dont get me wrong I get that the crazy fans are way too obsessed and really should back off from time to time, but bite the hand that feeds you and those hands might strangle you someday.

K Stew is young, certainly mature for her age but still. Being aware of who your words are reaching is important to take into account.

Emily said...

Wow. That was a fairly big oops by Kristen. I get what she was trying to say but that was not a great way to put it. I'm sure she regrets the way that came out and especially now that it's on the internet. I'd imagine she's not the only person on set who was thinking that about the people who stalked them up there but to actually say it...not so good.

Amy said...

I totally agree with you Lynn!

That's why I don't take much of what she says offensively at all really.

Rose said...

Truly Laughing Out Loud.
Reading through all these comments just cracks me the hell up.

Sometimes when you are young and say things that might come out the wrong way...or are misunderstood. Kristens honesty and ability to cut through the bullshit are qualities I admire.

I kinda like that Nikki and Kristen are such good friends. Nikki seems to spend a lot of time with Rob...makes me think that shes looking out for Kristens 'interest'...heh.
Both of those girls are beautiful, and Nikki has a smile that lights up her face...
It's good that they can do the signings together. It's too bad Rob doesn't have someone to help shield him from the lunatics.

Sabrizzle said...

No offense, but I don't really like the excuse that Kristen is young. I'm a few months older than her and I would never say something like that in an interview if I was in her position.

Ellie said...

Okay, being that I teach special ed kids, I kind of wished Kristen didn't use the term retarded (bugs me a bit), but I've got to admit, she's honest, and you don't get that too much from celebrities these days. Most are out to get brownie points from the public and tell them what they want to hear.

Dani said...

I adore that they are friends. Nikki is like fire and K Stew like ice they balance each other very well.

Nikki's smile is infectious. I do wish Rob had done his promo with another cast member. Its got to be tough doing it all alone.

kristen said...

Emily - I know, right? He has the patience and the manners of a saint. And I totally remember when they used to ask that Cedric question in interviews, and you are so right, there was sometimes a slight, barely noticeable eye roll... Which is still very admirable because you know that in his head he was thinking "You are an IDIOT. There are NO similarities. And if I get asked this one more time I'm going to jump off a cliff". Needless to say, I'm impressed he only let a slight eye roll show :)

And, wow, I kind of can't believe that Kristen said that. Not a good thing. I'm all for being un-PC sometimes, but that's really pushing it. Especially since she is saying that about the very people who are contributing to her livelihood. I bet she is seriously regretting that slip of the mouth.

Amy said...

PrettyOk, I admire her as well for being the way she is. She doesn't take any BS at all from anyone it seems and that is a good thing to have in the entertainment industry. I actually wish more young stars were like her!

I think as she get's older and if she's still acting, all of this dealing with media/ dealing with the press and fan craziness will hopefully become easier for her...

They (meaning the whole cast) will eventually have to figure out ways to deal because it's not going away I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Oh - I finally found the pics. KStew and NReed both look gorgeous!

On a happier note - Philly interview . He only comes in half way through for a short clip.

Rose said...

I'm not a fan of the word 'retarded' either.
Who knows under what circumstances she said that...maybe someone was creeping her out and she got upset. Maybe she just said the first thing that came to mind and regrets it. Maybe she was deep into her "Bella" role and just snapped. Everyone says things without happens.


Emily said...

On the comments to those pictures someone said that Nikki sort of seems like Kristen's security blanket. I thought that was a good way to describe it. She seems a little more relaxed with Nikki around.
For some reason, I thought Nikki and Kristen were doing this signing with Rob but I guess I was wrong. Poor guy, I can't believe he's still on his own! When does this Hot Topic tour from hell end for him?
Lyla - The other question I can't stand anymore is, "So how are you adjusting to your new found fame?" Like, what's he supposed to say? "Oh, it's lovely. Nothing better than being stalked by the paparazzi, screamed at by 13 year olds, and judged on everything thing I say, do, or wear. It's fantastic!" But he just smiles and says, "I dunno. It's really surreal and bizarre for me." Patience of a saint, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Here's the longer interview from Philly - MyFox Philadelphia

Dani said...

Agreed that K Stew had a bad choice of words during an interview and she is clearly uncomfortable with the media and hey everyone has a slip from time to time. People make mistakes. I still adore her.

She has some growing up to do and no doubt she will get more comfortable with the media, she has done very low budget indie films up til now. This is a media storm for her with this movie.

Anonymous said...

The last link I gave it probably 7 minutes long. He talks about his dog (who knew?) and denies having a gf again. Cute interview.

Dani - I still think he and KStew are a good balance for each other.

Dani said...

Okay my lovlies! I'm off to bed I will try to get some more action posted tomorrow. I'm sorry if I dont credit you sometimes I had like a half hour to bust up some posts this evening.

Much love and night night.


Anonymous said...

G'nite Dani. Thanks for all your hard work.

G'nite all you lovely ladies1

Rose said...

Thanks for the link, aj...I loved that interview.
Rob is so damn charming...Kristen could really take a lesson or two from him.

Amy said...

Awwwwww another great interview!!

Thanks AJ.

I can't wait to see him Saturday in Toronto :)

Anonymous said...

Wait! Wot? Are you going Amy?

Amy said...

INSTYLE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

INSTYLE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose said...

I was just looking at those pics at


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Those are gorgeous. Here is the link

Rose said...

Sweet Jesus.
I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Holly said...

Holy mother of... Hot Pockets!!! Major squee-factor for those InStyle pics!! Could Rob get any hotter?! There should be a law against that, but I'm glad there isn't one. And KStew is gorgeous!! The whole shoot is amazing!

Well, I'm headed off to lala land, ladies! Sleep well!

Amy said...

AMAZING. These are just amazing!

kristen said...

WOW those photos are beautiful. Everyone looks gorgeous and the colours are so vibrant. Love them!

Amy said...

I can't wait for outtakes from this!!!! Ahhhhhh hotness overload.

Sabrizzle said...

Those pics are really hot, I love all of them! On a side note, I was just watching Grey's Anatomy and Meredith was totally reading New Moon in bed at the end.

Aussierobfan said...

Even though I'm not offended by what Kristen said, I imagine a lot of people would be.
The reason the movie got made in the first place is because so many people loved the books (including the TwiMoms). The reason Kristen can now make the movies she wants to is because of Twilight's success.
She is only beginning her career and if she becomes box office 'poison' she won't be able to make the movies she wants.
She needs to be careful with what she says to the media no matter what she thinks privately.

I still love her though - I just don't want her to cop any serious backlash (which I think she might with this comment).

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